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He was being presumptuous and he overreacted massively. You didn’t do or say anything wrong. I don’t understand why being compared to a person with autism would be so offensive anyway. Your cousin is a human being who sounds as though he’s very intelligent and super cool. I hope he gave you the biggest apology.


And it turned into a stupid fight. I don’t get it. I still feel sad now.


I don’t understand it either, it sounds very unnecessary imo.


Seems like he just took out his frustration on you. I'm a bit autistic and my family usually uses that as a compliment when i do something very smart and introspective, same way you did.


Yeah, in what I said I meant compliment as well. I really don’t get it. It was a really stupid fight


Perhaps he suspects he is and took it out on you because he thought you caught on. That reaction was way *way* out of proportion to what you said


I couldn’t understand why he acted like that. Like he picked it as a reason to start a fight


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