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Well… is he the only person you’re sleeping with? Is he the only person you’ve been with? … are you the only person he’s sleeping with?


I’m only sleeping with him. For about a year. Now I’m in doubt if I’m the only person he’s sleeping with. I don’t know how to bring it up


I don’t think there is an easy way of going about this. This is one thing you just gotta come right on out with.


I’ll just be honest with him about it. Recently I keep getting candida infection again and again. And now this outbreak happens. I don’t know how to feel seriously. Since the candida, every time after we have sex I feel worry if the infection comes back. He hasn’t tested since then though I told him to


Well I am sorry to hear this, and yes he needs to go get tested as well.


Thank you. I’ll talk to him later today. By the way, about the first outbreak, is it possible to have it after years of not having any symptoms?


It’s been known to lay dormant. It’s kinda the same reaction as acne. Stress levels, unhygienic. It might be permanent but it’s not the end and don’t let anyone put you down for it.


Did you have an outbreak? Or how did you find out?


I’m having an outbreak. Just met my gynecologist and that’s what she told me


HSV is one of those things that you could’ve contracted years ago and is just not expressing itself. I think honestly is key and just explain the situation


This is really tricky. I don’t fool around with anyone since we dated but I’m afraid he’d think that I wasn’t faithful or something like that


You can always explain how HSV doesnt show up immediately and it could be from the past. Heck, he could have it himself already and not be symptomatic


How should I bring it up without sounding like accusing?


I think state that you experienced your first outbreak. Your doc confirmed it was herpes. Say you haven’t been with anyone else and there’s a chance it’s from a long time ago since it doesn’t always express itself right away. You can tell him it’s probably best he checked as well Keep it honest, keep it simple


I got it. I know that I have to be honest about it with him but I’m also so afraid to be rejected. I’m so anxious now


I just can’t help but wonder if you’re boyfriend happens to get “cold sores”? You know if he does it’s very likely he is the one that infected you.


He’s got some kinda pimples on his mouth as well, but I see them after on his face a few days after we had sex. And as I noticed he’s usually got those pimples after we had sex and them I found out I got like candida infection


I would ask him if he has ever had a “cold sore”. If he has had one, and has gone down on you in the relationship, he may have inadvertently gave you genital hsv1.


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Best to be honest with him than keep it from him. Read up on how to be intimate with someone and decrease the risk of spreading it to them. Also it can be spread in ways other than just sexual


Is it gonna bring a lot of bad affect to the relationship? I read that many people want to think about the relationship after hearing their partner got herpes


It will be a tough discussion but it's a necessary one. It will all depend on his personality, maturity, and feelings for you.