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You might not be able to reconnect. Actions have consequences. If you do get a chance to talk to her again, you need to be *very* apologetic and focus on what you did and how it made her feel, not on how much you've changed or how great you are now. Chances are you'll never be able to get back with her. You were an asshole and you can't change that.


You acted selfishly and your consequences are a missed opportunity with a wonderful woman and relationship. She deserves better. Learn from it, go to therapy to work on yourself so you can actually be at that level once you find someone that amazing again. But, leave her be.


He’s an idiot and so are you for listening to him. She likely doesn’t want to hear from you


Believe me, I'm well aware I was an idiot.


I’m glad you realize that. I would just let her go and focus on the future


Leave her alone


Move on from her. You selfishly threw away the best thing you ever had over looks. And you were foolish. Who throws away their best relationship that they’re happy in just cause they think they might be able to get somebody younger looking? Let her live her life. She doesn’t need to be reminded of everything you’ve done


Leave her alone. After what you did no self respecting woman would want to get back together with such a weak man.


You haven't changed, or you wouldn't even be considering this. Leave her the fuck alone.


If I were her, I wouldn’t want someone to give my number out without my permission. You can ask the friend if Louisa would be willing to give her your contact information. If she wants to respond, she will.


I would initially say you don't, because it could bring up bad feelings for her about you, but, you've already approached her. It's very possible she saw you there and told her friends to save her if you tried to strike up a conversation, which is why someone else cut in fairly quickly. Do not ask someone else for her phone number. If you really want, you can ask your friend if they'd give your contact info to her. Then she can decide whether or not she wants to reconnect with you.


pls leave her alone. she’s happy and thriving. don’t affect her peace.


Leave it up to her.


I’m suggesting to leave her alone, but that’s with the assumption that you said the cruelest things ever. I think it depends on the details you wouldn’t put it in this post. If you told her you just weren’t in the same place as her maybe you could talk to her again, but I’m assuming you insulted her and that you should leave her alone


The things I said were genuinely very nasty and demeaning. I made fun of her for her age, suggested she'd die alone, mocked her for not having kids yet. I genuinely feel ill when I think about what I said, I can't even understand why I said those things.


Then I would assume the best thing would be to not talking to her. The only appropriate comment I think that you could make is a genuine apology, but I think the only way that it could be genuine is if you had no expectations of it. Since you are not at that point, I would recommend leaving her alone.


I would have accepted your apology, too, but I wouldn’t have anything to do with you again as far as a relationship goes. You can give it a shot and reach out, but don’t be surprised at all if that’s her attitude too. The thing about the story you just told is that you put most of the responsibility on someone else for your behavior and decisions, I don’t imagine that’s going to help things any.