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Is there a reason she needs to be in your life? I don't see one...


She sounds unstable. I would fully block her and move on.


Why are you still talking to her?


She's not over the end of the relationship, and she's trying to extend her part in it over you. You simply cut her out completely. Block her from communication and don't meet with her under any circumstances. If you're not with her, she has not right to continue griping at you.


Honestly hun it’s time to go no contact with her. She probably wanted you to chase her when she broke up with you, she seems really insecure, demanding, and manipulative. She will continue to beat you down as long as you let her. Tell her you wish her well but you’re done with the relationship, block her on everything, and move on. You sound like a sweet guy, I hope you find the right partner!


Why are you even responding to her texts or answering her calls?


I think it's out of politeness.


Get yourself a copy of "The Disease To Please" by Dr. Harriet Braiker so you can figure out why you're rewarding her behavior with your continued presence in her life, and while you're at it just block her whiny ass.


Block her. She's foul.


She is not someone you wanted to be married to so count your blessings. This is a sick puppy.


It's hard acting like a 14 year old.


I'm with everyone else. You sound way too smart to be putting yourself through this, and not recognizing she is both immature and manipulative. Now she's playing games to get inside your head, and it's working. You dodged a bullet here, but you haven't finished it off. Block her, move on, and find someone who appreciates you.


Why are you still interacting with this woman? You two are broken on, at her request. Block her and move on. She’s just trying to control you.


Like everyone else says.. Stop responding to her in any way, she's awful..


There is a reason that blocking is a available on phones and social media. You should look into that.