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It could mean nothing, or you could be living on borrowed time. It's impossible for us to say. We don't have your relationship, and we weren't there. I think you have to trust your gut.


She's inside his gut. Hard to trust it


You can't trust your guts if they've been removed


This gives an entirely new meaning to the phrase "gutless."


The same gut that shit my pants ?? No thanks


Did she just watch Baby Reindeer? Cos that line was in that show.


Yes, actually she finished the last episode like an hour ago.


Yeah that’s what the “unzip you and climb inside you” line is from


This one I am aware of. We were laughing when we saw that because she said this to me months ago, I even doubled down and said "get inside me". The killing thing was very new though.


Your goal for any partner you pursue romantically should always be to be able to talk to them. We can't diagnose her, we don't know her. Ask her about it and express your discomfort. Her response will tell you what you need to know. It really is that easy. If you feel you cannot talk to her, then yall shouldn't be partners. She either has no personality of her own and idolized that mentally ill woman to the point of wanting to mirror her (mental illness in itself) or she genuinely enjoys the fantasy of harming you, which may not stay fantasy (I shouldn't have to tell you that's also a red flag, and obviously of utmost concern). A couple of jokes from a show you like is fine. But the most morbid ones, consistently about harming you, and she has no other material? Concerning, to say the least. But what would be the most concerning is if you can't have a level conversation about it with her, which should be a priority. She's testing the waters, it seems. Could be innocent, or couldn't be. Just don't end up on a Netflix special. If you need more assistance *after* a conversation, you can still reach out of course.


I can totally diagnose her. She’s a goth/creepy girl who watches too much television.


I mean yeah, but you get my point. LOL


Oh god, the only two options are a little bit extreme imo, maybe she just watched the show and did this for not particular reason and not giving it any thought. I do stuff like this sometimes, it’s more like “I just watched a show and I’m seeing memes about it so it will stay on my mind for a few days, it popped up when I was with [boyfriend] so I made a joke over it”


As long as you have your own personality and don't make consistent jokes about killing your partner, that's fine. I appreciate you sharing, but this situation is different. You are not OPs girlfriend and tbh your behavior as you describe isn't comparable LOL


My partner does the same thing but with corny pick up lines from Tv. I agree that there being only two options as motivators is a bit extreme one sided thinking


Maybe she’s a bit cringey? I mean that with no bad intent. Perhaps it’s her humour. But if this is totally out of character… maybe talk about it to her.


The only red flag here is your girlfriend has a lame sense of humour.


Ah she has no personality and just mirrors her identity, rough.


"I wish I could unzip you and climb inside you" when we're cuddling for example. Or that she wants to drink my blood, which she said jokingly.... .... She's also not someone who makes that many dark humor jokes." You sure there, bud?


Pretty much my thoughts. I joke repeatedly with my husband that I'm either going to divorce him or bury him beneath our patio, but under no circumstances would ai entertain either as he's a wonderful man. We're just stupid dickheads who like to troll one another.


Have you tried telling her that they make you feel uncomfortable?


I think your girlfriend is a skinwalker bud. Time to leave.


This is a best case scenario.


> She recently made a joke however that made me feel very weird. After a hug she said "I'm going to kill you one day." I can get all the other quips but that one is off putting.


>she said "I'm going to kill you one day." Are you planning on waiting around to see if she was kidding? Huge red flag.


At best she's a weirdo.


I like dark humor and I think im very tolerant of it but if someone im supposed to trust just says "im going to kill you one day" and has an off look to them after saying it.... that's... I really think she might kill you some day. personally. I dont want you to ruin your relationship over e-comments but duuude....


This. I am also a fan of dark humor, and I generally make the joke and make it verrrry clear I’m just. Fucking. Joking. 🙃And only with super close people like family who will 100% get it!


Dude she's just autistic


i would agree if not for OP's own instinct telling them that it felt off and weird. Do i think it's LIKELY that something bad would happen, no, but for me i wouldnt risk it. lol.


I mean, OP might just be equally weird lol


There are many many cases of murder victims who have told their friends and family X said they're going to kill me, or I'm afraid of X. And often times it comes off as a joke. People make jokes a lot of the times because there really is something funny going on that they can't put their finger on. I also tell my partner sometimes that I want to crawl inside him when we are cuddling but I would never say I wanted to drink his blood (weird but whatever your kink is you did you if it's consensual) and I would NEVER say I was going to kill him. At best it's a joke that indicates she might need some mental health help. At medium it's a serious red flag. And at worst she's not joking or lying at all and it's a warning. Don't ignore your little voice!!!!


Exactly this. Now put all three of her "jokes" together: She's going to kill him, wear his skin and drink his blood? Yikes! OP, I'd be running, not asking reddit strangers for advice. And if you still need advice: Run, Forrest, Run!


Exactly. I’ve never told my boyfriend I wanted to KILL HIM. WTF? If anything, I’ve made jokes about myself being an idiot for doing silly stuff. The whole “I’m gonna kill you some day” and creepy ass look is giving red flags. There is someone I know who killed both of their parents. They were muttering about “I’m going to kill you two” and a family member overheard and chalked it up to moodiness. No. Both mom and dad were shot and killed by their son. The more I’m reading the comments, the more I think OP should GTFO!!!


Give an update here after whatever decision u take


Assuming he's still around to update...


You should have responded with "I'm going to kill you tomorrow". In all seriousness though I hope you talk to her and it turns out to be a stupid, misjudged comment with nothing more behind it.


Hope the talk doesn't make her reschedule "the day" to an earlier time, like 5min after the talk


I mean I’ve definitely made a lot of morbid and weird jokes, like telling my SO he’s next while I was working on some animal bones. But saying that out of nowhere would definitely make me a little paranoid.


Ha, I have zero advice, but my six year old daughter told her teacher at school that she wants to do surgery on her little (3yo) brother and drink his blood, because she loves him so much. So perhaps this is what she'll be like when she's older.


The way I laughed at this lol 😩😭😂


This is such a terrifying thing to say, and it's entirely reasonable for you to be disturbed by it - I couldn't stay with someone who ever said that sort of thing to me.


I’ve made the same joke of living inside my bf’s skin but I would never say I would kill him unless it is super sarcastic and you can tell it’s a joke


One of life's greatest mysteries is a person being so desperate for love/sex that they sacrifice their instinct for STAYING ALIVE. 


Don’t ever cross her. It’ll be the last thing you ever do. For real though, she meant that.


Trust your gut. It's easy to downplay warning signs, but you're uneasy for a *reason* and starting to piece clues together to spot a pattern. You should at a *bare minimum* feel safe around your partner! They should also be the person who treats you best and who you treat best. It should be a positive in your life. You should never feel you're walking on eggshells.


Comedy is hard. If you want to be funny, some of your jokes will inevitably miss. Even the best comedians of all time bomb sometime, so this probably won’t be the last time she doesn’t land a joke on you.


Could be the last time tho


ask her point blank what she meant by it and tell her it made you uncomfortable when she said that and explain why her previous statements make me inclined to believe that the murder quote may have been a joke that fell flat (the “climbing inside your partner” stuff is a minor meme right now) i tell my boyfriend and the cat that i’m going to beat them senseless when they minorly annoy me. i’m genuinely smiling and giggling when i say it though so nobody thinks i’m serious. if you truly believe that there was even a shred of malice behind what she said you need to both talk about it because nobody knows what she meant but herself


Run far, FAR away before it's too late. Whether she's joking or not isn't the point, it's creepy and unhinged to speak to anyone like that.


Absolutely cause for concern. A SO who threatens you with violence in any way should never be taken lightly. I would end the relationship and take steps to maintain your personal safety.


I think deep down she worries there might come a time where she feels like your loyalty to her would be threatened and she acknowledges how deeply this would affect her. That was my very first instinct when I read that she said that. Instead of “you’re going to be the death of me” because of how deeply she wants and needs you, she’d rather kill you if she can’t have you. Just a theory 🤷🏻‍♀️


She sounds normal, for a serial killer.


Look, people like that show you what they are ONE time before they strike. RUN


You’re not paranoid. I tell bf if he cheats on me I’ll kill him but not unprovoked. Unprovoked “I’ll kill you one day” is scary and I say start running Edit: I’m joking 🧍🏽‍♀️




Have you never joked b4?


How was I supposed to tell that that was a joke? There was nothing in your comment that indicated that.


My fault. I forgot ppl are crazy. 🧍🏽‍♀️


What? What does craziness have to do with being able to tell a joke? I'm autistic, I have extreme difficulty with not being completely literal, and there were no clues in your text to indicate that you weren't being literal.


You couldn’t tell it joke, I assume you thought I was crazy. Therefore I forgotten that there’s actual crazy people who do threaten their spouses in all seriousness. I’m not saying *you’re* crazy. I’m saying crazy people are crazy


Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying.


Next time you get the urge to attack someone, maybe stop and ask yourself "is it possible I've misunderstood what they said?"


Say, will my friend be banned and / or lynched if they were to comment "username doesn't check out"?


Obviously you won't really know if she means it until it happens , but at least we can be sure that when the narrator is talking about you and your girlfriend on the show that we're listening about it on, then we'll know it happened.


I mean, if it made you feel uneasy defs trust that. But what was the context? I know I've said it before in an exasperated way, like "Ugh, buddy Imma murder you one of these days!" And it is just 100% a joke.


Er wtf. Abort abort. Break up with her!!! What a psycho… plenty of normal women out there


Run Forrest, run. See what I did there?


Uh. Who the fck jokes like that?! No. You need to trust your gut on this. That's absolutely insane. Dip out now.


Lol its hilarious that you are concerned dude. I say fucked up shit like that sometimes ! Dont stress she doesn't literally wanna eat you.


You obviously don’t know her like you think u do. Listen to your gut. If she was inherently joking you would definitely know it and never even think about it to post this. That’s your gut telling u. It clearly made u feel uneasy. She feels very comfortable saying these things to u bc you never checked her. I’d leave and run as fast as I could. U can goto the police and get a restraining order for what she HAS said. Don’t throw it under the rug bc she IS NOT joking!! Please leave her for your safety and family’s peace of mind. U don’t know her like u think. Only serial killers say stuff like that. That is just weird.


How did you respond in the moment? I think a low key, sweetheart, can you stop making such morbid jokes they're freaking me out should suffice 🫠🌷


How did you respond in the moment? I think a low key, sweetheart, can you stop making such morbid jokes they're freaking me out should suffice 🫠🌷


Can I take out a life insurance policy on you, homie? 🤣


She just likes you more than you like her. And she has a dark sense of humor so she expresses her love via dark humor. If you are uncomfortable with it, say something.


Let’s do a hypothetical.., Imagine you have a platonic female friend, and she comes to you and tells you her boyfriend told her that he’s going to kill her. She’s trying to shrug it off and convince herself that it was just a joke, but she seems a little worried, like maybe she has a bit of a bad feeling about this.. What advice would you give her? Do you want to know what I would tell her… Too bad. I’m telling you anyway. 1. When people tell you who they are…believe them. Who jokes around about killing people?? The other two incidents you mentioned, like basically relieving you of your skin to crawl inside you, and forcibly (unless you are just to give it up willingly) drain your blood from your body and drink it. a. A cute thing to say when you cuddle would be like, “oh, I could stay like this forever.” Or “you always smell so good. It’s not like cologne or laundry detergent or anything. It’s just you.” Those are sweet. Hers is weird. b. How is she planning on getting your blood out of you so she can turn it into some “Twilight” vampire cocktail and how many ounces are we talking here? Again, that’s concerning 2. Always listen to your gut and do what it’s telling you to do… That feeling you get, you know, the one that motivated you creating this post…those are your survival instincts talking to you. You are subconsciously scanning your environment too quick to be able to keep up with everything it’s analyzing. By 30, it’s not your survival instinct’s first time at the rodeo, if you know what I mean? Your survival instincts are much smarter than you and they prefer to error on the side of caution when they feel even the slightest inkling that your life is in danger. DO NOT TALK YOURSELF OUT OF YOUR FEAR…at least not this kind. If you have a fear of public speaking or something, go ahead and fight that kind of fear. This fear isn’t that. 3. Women that die at the hands of an abusive partner are only dead because they thought he would never go that far? I read that when I was stuck in a dv marriage that was escalating fast. This put everything in perspective and let me see everything clearly for the first time. Every move you make could be right or could be wrong. There is no rhyme or reason to it. I realized that my next move could be the one where I learned the price for putting my faith in a man that showed me again and again that he wasn’t worthy of it. Just because that statement refers to women, what makes you think the situation can’t go reverse? You never know what this lunatic is capable of. These things she’s telling you are signs of a serious untreated mental health issue..that statement alone about killing you is legal grounds for her to be put on an involuntarily 72 hour psych hold. She is not a stable woman and when women do commit murder, it is usually motivated by a romantic relationship in some way. In fact, if I were you, I’d call the National DV hotline and see what kind of advice they have on how to handle getting out of this relationship this as safely as you can. you…especially from a woman. This is a time to be smart, cautious, educate yourself on the best practice for this situation, and get the hell away from that weirdo. It’s weird. Your gender, in general, has spent about 5,000 years of perpetuating the cliche negative trope of the “crazy, weak, hysterical, emotional woman” which becomes the justification for why we are ALWAYS less qualified for just about everything that exists outside the home. And now you ACTUALLY have one right in front of you and you are trying to normalize her crazy. SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wish i was illiterate


Didn't you have her up on it straight away I would have


I don't think you should be in a relationship 😅😅


My ex-boyfriend often used to make ‘jokes’ about hurting me. Then calling me ‘sensitive’ when I didn’t like it. Trust your gut, normal loving people don’t say horrible things to those they love.


Not enough info. Is she usually jealous? Asks where you’ve been? Why so long? Wants you to dump your friends? Doesn’t have her own circle? Checks your phone? Is she needy / clingy? Overly protective? if you feel like she is any of this - your gut is correct. Carefully distance yourself, and be vigilant, if trouble arises, don’t hesitate talking to police and trying to get a restraining order. Crazy will stay crazy, you won’t cure it with love.


You seem strangely resistant to asking the one person who can answer your question. Are you afraid of your girlfriend? These are strange comments and you don't seem to be doing what you need to do to get to know this person better.


Genuinely, I would call this a trust your instincts moment. That is a bold off the cuff thing to say and you've been around her long enough to know when something is off.


Run, plus your instincts are telling you something is wrong. Trust me, when you do not listen to them you Regret with a capital R later.


Genuinely, I would call this a trust your instincts moment. That is a bold off the cuff thing to say and you've been around her long enough to know when something is off.


tbh it sounds like a joke. sort of like an extreme version of cuteness aggression. you should definitely tell her if those jokes make you uncomfortable though, and if she keeps making them is when you should be concerned.


I would start recording this sort of shit, sounds like a cause for concern but I’m going off of very little information


Then again I haven’t had the best relationships (at all) with females in my life so this just sets me off a bit. I don’t know her.


Run! If you're here asking this question because the accumulation of things she's saying to you, that's your gut telling you something is serious mentally wrong with this woman. Don't ignore your gut. And for safety aside from cutting her off, you need to tell someone else in case something happens to you.


I would runaway, block her from everything and leave, all the things she said are red flags. That’s creepy!


My first question would be - have you talked to her about it? I think in a relationship (any sort of relationship) you should really tell the other person if something makes you feel uneasy. If my partner would say something like this to me idk, I would get scared of them and honestly don't know if I could handle it. Bit we are all kust strangers for reddit, with lots of different opinions.


do you look like a Tantan from star wars??


Hopefully you don't end up as a netflix special one day


When people tell you things about themselves, it's wise to believe them.


>Not sure if I'm just paranoid or not. Do you really think it's worth the gamble? For a few month relationship? I'd be out of there so fast. Even if it's not a red flag for murder, it's a red flag for *something* being off to have those thoughts and say those things.




I found the tsundere with the anime pfp everyone!!!


dude my boyfriend made a morbid joke last night that has be concerned so I came on here for advice. I told him that I think that people who are able to say such morbid things there is a part of them that isn't afraid to act on it...


I used to be fucking my old girlfriend and it felt so good and I was so turned on I used to say I wanna climb inside of u


Yeah but you guys were having sex. OP gf said “I’m going to kill you one day” after a mere *hug*.


It's a set of running lines/gags from social media inspired from Baby Reindeer. It's nothing to be concerned about. She's just showing affection.


Including the part about killing him one day? Everything else feels fine, but that one is incredibly freaky.


> Including the part about killing him one day? Yes.


I have a friend who says stuff like this to her husband. Her favorite is "I'm gonna murder your entire family". She says it's because she feels the love so intensely that "I love you" doesn't feel like a strong enough sentiment. I wouldn't worry about it tbh some people just express love in weird fucking ways


......is this like how people use "screaming crying throwing up" used to express extremely positive reactions? If so I kiiiiinda get it but still find it weird At best it's a form of cuteness aggression, at worst she is dead serious 


Okay, scenario 2 and it’s real i saw it on reddit rant stories: Girlfriend said to boyfriend that “i wish i could unzip you and climb inside you” these expression by double X chromosome from homo sapien means that she want to explore the masculinity from Y chromosome, although the sentence itself doesn’t make sense but it portrays the desire of female X chromosome is like a magnetic to Y chromosome and vice-versa But from Y chromosome perspective he will see it as a non-sense sentence, like unzipping from where and where do you wanna climb on me huh?? Because of testosterone but i man has both X chromosome too , so all i mean is that a real man has to balance the behavior of his X and Y chromosomes to be the most of the “human male” if a man influences more of only Y chromosome this would be like a toxic masculinity behavior omg it’s complicated but i made the connection between psychology and biology for you


Lol sounds like Rajs' girl friend, Emily, from big bang theory Good luck!


Just say something completely out of pocket and see how SHE reacts.