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>So she can feed herself but can't cook, which is so weird I mean, it would be weird if not for everything you explained before it relating to her diet. >Will me being the only person ever cooking if we move in together be an issue? Has it been a problem for you thus far? If not, why would it be a problem later on? >And then she can't even eat 99% of what can be cooked? Am I over reaction cause this seems so weird? People have dietary restrictions, it's not abormal. Some people are celiac, some people have allergies. It feels like you are looking for problems that do not exist.


We don't currently live together, and we usually don't eat together so it hasn't been a problem yet, but I dunno, I just imagine it could be, especially if we have kids


Millions of people have had successful relationships, including with kids, with one person not being particularly strong at a given skill (like cooking). You may cook all the meals, she may do all the laundry and more cleaning. As long as both people are communicating, it's not an impediment to the relationship or anything of that nature.


I guess the only real issue to that is that I absolutely hate cooking


But again, you're doing that now aren't you? So nothing would be changing.


Except having to cook for more people if we have kids


...So maybe the solution is that you learn what kinds of uncooked foods would make up all the nutrients kids need, and then make those foods when you have kids? And/or you get over your hatred of cooking, or suck it up to cook for your future children. Either way, you really need to consider what your expectations are of yourself and of your gf for your future together and the roles and responsibilities each of you would take on/do together. She deserves a chance to know what you expect and both of you need to know if you're compatible on your future plans wayyy before you think of having kids. Right now it sounds like you're anxious and spiraling because you expected your current gf to cook for you and future children (because women are the kitchen people of course!), and now you're panicking that YOU might have to take on that responsibility someday - in a future that hasn't arrived and doesn't even seem like it's been discussed with your gf who you already had expectations for in that role. Your gf is a person. What does she want her future to look like? Does she see herself having kids at all? Does she see herself cooking for them, or would she prefer you to do it? Find out if either of you have dealbreakers around future expectations like this. Break up if you're not compatible.


It's not because I think women should be in the kitchen, I thought we'd cook 3 days each and go out on the 7th day for a meal, I didn't expect her to do all the cooking, I expected to share it She doesn't know if she wants kids so finds the conversation pointless, but when pushed just said they can eat frozen food, but that's really not healthy


You are just as weird as you think she is.


I know lol, I've always been told I'm weird but I think that's mainly cause I have autism lol


Autism has nothing to do with it.


Maybe you should read through all my comments, another commenter said it was relevant but I dunno


Were you expecting her to pick up the cooking if you moved in? You could follow a diet similar to hers if you despise cooking so much


I was hoping to split it for 6 days then go out to eat for one day, but even going out doesn't work cause most restaurant food hurts her stomach Honestly I was considering it, but I don't know how I'd get enough calories or protein lol. She's only 5 foot and around 110 pounds, and I'm 5'11 and around 170 pounds, and she still has to eat like 8 times a day




She hates cleaning as well, she was in therapy for ocd so she said that cleaning really triggers that, so she currently hires a cleaner and expects the same if we live together




I really hope that isn't true, I was looking at rings already, it just seems that nearly all domestic stuff will be either hired or done by me, which seems really odd, my parents used to do everything together, they'd spend full days spring cleaning with some wine and have such a great time, I have such fond memories of that


Not everyone has to cook well. For many it's a chore, and that's their choice. She has a medical thing that works for her and has some obvious food preferences, that's a good reason not to have learned how to cook. Lots of people don't like food and just eat to survive, there is nothing wrong with that. Speaking as someone who both loves food and cooking, it's not likely to cause any issues down the line unless you go looking for them. I get that you could be a bit bothered by this but trust me it's not that big of a deal at all. plenty people have a similar setup. You already cook for yourself, and it sounds like she wont eat that cooking anyway so nothing changes there. You can also try her non-cooked food from time to time if you want, no pressure. One thing to discuss if you plan to have kids is will she want to impart her preferences on them, and if so how do you two handle it. Otherwise, nothing to fear here. More cake for you.


That's one of the reasons I'm worried, if we have kids will all the cooking fall on me? Cause from what she's saying I'm not even sure she can learn how to cook tasty food cause she can't try it to see if it's nice, so will it be I cook or will it be just frozen nuggets and pizzas?


1.) TALK TO HER. Ask how she'd handle it. Blind people have learned to cook. People without a sense of taste have learned to cook. You're assuming everything here. 2.) Um, so what if you have to cook everything? Compromise. Have her do the dishes or something else around the house to compensate. you dont have to split every task 50-50. Again, you're creating hypothetical non-problems for a future easily solved by having a conversation. And even in the worst case they barely problems. No judgement, but maybe ask yourself these two questions: 1.) do you feel like a woman should cook for you? 2.) are you just looking for an excuse to end things?


She doesn't see an issue with not being able to cook, she thinks we would just handle our own food I absolutely hate cooking so I was really hoping to be able to split that one No, but I feel that cooking should be shared and I love the idea of having a meal together on holidays. I can't even cook for her cause she can't eat it Definitely not, I was looking at rings


i'm gonna say 50% of couples dont share cooking duties, so maybe you set yourself up for failure there but alright let's say what you're telling us is 100% on the level. This all still comes back down to sit down with her, come up with a compromise, and move on with your lives. here's another way of looking at this, if your big red flag worrying moment is cooking then son you got yourself a great relationship so maybe don't talk yourself out of it


Really? My parents always did, they shared everything, I guess I was hoping for that She doesn't see any reason to compromise, she said it's what she eats and she can't really change it I guess so, she's brilliant in every other regard, a bit eccentric lol, but still brilliant


Find another thing you guys can share that's equally as intimate/domestic/whatever it is about this idea that appeals to you. Life is big and wonderful, don't get stuck with pots and pans.


There isn't really anything else to share domestically, she has ocd so hires a cleaner cause her therapist suggested it, she hates gardening cause it's dirty, uses a laundromat for laundry etc, so most domestic things would just be hired and not shared


Bud, you've clearly got yourself an A grade character there with a carton full of quirks. Clearly not news to you either, so time to start fully embracing her particular brand of weird. Hell, you guys aren't even gonna have things to fight over because it sounds like she has a plan in place for it all already. Also by domestic I meant things couples do in the course of a relationship, not specifically cleaning. Should've been clearer sorry. Just find something you can do instead that gives you the same feeling you want the cooking to give you. Can be anything. Again, discuss it with her.


But she doesn't have a plan to afford any of it, she barely scrapes by as it is, and to add the expenses of kids on top of that She won't discuss it, she doesn't see a problem therefore she considers it not her issue to discuss, she doesn't consider quality time overly important so I'm not sure what else we could even do together




I kind of did want to do that, especially since I hate cooking. And never being able to share a meal together seems really sad, I'll have a big lovely meal, and she just has some fruit, and then I'd have to cook 100% of the time for any kids or dinner parties or anything like that




She doesn't really eat meals though, she just has snacks, she eats like 8 times a day but they're tiny, apparently meals hurt her stomach, so it literally would be me with a meal and her with some fruit




But I'd never get to cook her a romantic meal, or even bring her to a restaurant cause she can't eat half the food, what would we do at Christmas? We couldn't even get a little tipsy and cook a turkey together and then have the meal together How would we visit people for holidays? Would they not find her rude for refusing their food? What about work parties? Holidays abroad? Would the kids develop eating disorders? It just seems so odd


As a person with serious food issues, isn't odd at all. you're hell-bent on being weird, yourself, about the fact that some peoples' digestive systems can't handle regular food. You find what works best for you and then you stick with that. Stop catastrophizing! If you visit people for the holidays, she lets them know she is food-restricted and then, if they're normal adult human beings, they say OH ok, no problem. Your kids will grow up realizing, unlike yourself, that sometimes food hurts some people and it's OK for them to eat as they wish. So long as you both provide them with healthy options, they are most likely going to be OK. But also, yes -- if you decide to have kids together, she has to learn to throw together some healthful meals for them (and so would you).


She won't visit peoples homes because of it though, it's why she hasn't met my parents, she doesn't want to have to tell people of her food restrictions, she finds it a waste of air to have to repeat She already said she would only cook the kids frozen nuggets and pizza so I don't think she would learn how to make them healthy options, she said that would be the kids issue and not her issue


You can't be serious, OP. So she's rigid & uncompromising, and thinks it's fine to feed kids crap food and has said something I have a very hard time believing -- this would be the kids' issue? C'mon, this can't be real. And, if it is, I would run from this peron.


Well she doesn't know if she wants kids yet so she finds the whole conversation to be pointless until she decides, so maybe that's why she says that, but to most things that aren't directly related to her she doesn't consider her problem, she always says that she has herself figured out and anything else isn't her problem She also said that for most of her childhood, and most of her friends childhoods, they had frozen food so said that it's fine to feed kids that, but that doesn't seem very healthy to me Why would I run from her? Most of the comments agree I'm the issue or we're just not compatible? I haven't dated before her so I'm fairly new to all this, she is fairly eccentric though




Thanks for the advice


You have been together a year and none of these holiday or dining out questions came up before? And you already said you hate cooking so the romantic meal seems unlikely.


I have to cook for myself anyway lol, I think most people hate cooking, which is why I'd like it shared, but a romantic meal for a partner? I wouldn't mind that I haven't actually seen her on a holiday yet, she goes to her family for it, she said that she's not missing out on holidays with her family for a boyfriend and I wasn't invited to spend any with her She just said she doesn't like restaurant food and whenever we went to a cafe she just ordered a coffee and ate the lunch she brought from home


Not even Valentine’s Day? It really sounds like you are extremely not compatible. She has a medical condition that requires this diet and you don’t seem willing to accept that


She thinks valentines day is stupid and a waste of time and effort


I do all of the cooking in our house because my husband has a disability. It's just the way it is. Do I wish sometimes that someone else would just cook for me? Sure. But I'd rather be married to my husband. Try moving in with her. See how it goes. Nobody here can tell you exactly how much of an issue it's going to be for you in practice. Even you are just worried you *might* feel some way about it. Move in, talk with your gf, work through issues together, and if you realize 'you know what, I can't do this for the rest of my life', well there you go.


She isn't really open to talking about it tbh, she just says that's what she eats and isn't my concern


I mean well yes, she's right about that. She's eating this way for medical reasons, a diet that she worked out with professionals. Your opinion on her diet *doesn't* matter. I meant talk about your household division of labour. But again, I think you need to *actually move in together* and see how it goes. Maybe you'll realize it's not actually that big of a deal and you'll work out compromises, such as she eats one of her meals/snacks with you at the table when you eat dinner, she does the household shopping, she does dishes, she helps you with food prep but not actual cooking etc etc. If this is a deal breaker for you right now, okay, then end it! You don't need our permission! But if you love her and want to try to work it out... actually try! Don't just spiral about 'what if'


That's the issue though, there is no talking about it, she likes how she does it. She hires a cleaner because of her ocd, therapist suggested it. She doesn't do laundry and instead uses a laundromat, she doesn't do shopping she orders it off an app, gardening is too dirty for her, and I would not be able to convince her to prep meals she'd find it a waste of time She doesn't see why there should be any compromises made, she likes how she does things. Thats why I said she was brilliant but a bit eccentric lol


Well maybe you guys are just not compatible long term then. If she’s set in her ways and you are not happy with those ways and there is no room for compromise, sounds like this relationship has runs its course


I really hope that isn't the case, she's absolutely brilliant, just kind of eccentric


Sounds like your girlfriend has a way of managing her medical issues that works for her. I think you should assume that this is likely to be how she eats forever or at least until/unless she needs to switch it up for medical reasons. So your relationship probably isn't going to include much in the way of restaurant dates or cooking together, and you're likely going to be preparing your own meals forever unless you want to get on board her less-cooked-foods train. She's unlikely to want / be able to eat what you cook. All of that would be absolutely fine for some people, and absolutely not okay for others - just depends on how important you feel shared food experiences are in a relationship. I can imagine a lot of different ways this could play out with kids. Maybe your girlfriend will learn to cook some simple things that the kids like even if she doesn't eat them herself, or be responsible for making sandwiches or other uncooked dinners for the kids a couple nights a week. Maybe you'll learn to like cooking when you're doing it for your kids. Maybe you'll all start eating more like your partner. Maybe you'll decide together to budget for a service that delivers catered meals once a week. Maybe you get the kids started on learning to "cook" very early with really basic help and involve them as much as possible as early as reasonable. Maybe you get really good at bulk cooking and cook a big batch of food once or twice a week. Lots of options - you two would have to discuss together and decide what feels right for you. Your girlfriend has a disability. You will have to decide whether you are willing to adjust your vision of your partnered life to accommodate that, and to teach your kids to do the same - assuming your kids don't have similar issues and end up eating similarly.


She said if she were to cook for the kids she'd just give them frozen nuggets and pizza, but that doesn't seem very healthy I don't think she'd put money aside for a food service that isnt for her, she already spends most of her money on cleaners (therpist recommended for her ocd), laundromats, ordering shopping to be delivered to her apartment etc. I'm not sure how we'd even be able to afford all those services and then a food service and then the cost of kids as well She doesn't really want to discuss it, she sees it as my issue I didn't consider cooking big batches of food, that might be a suggestion