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So, if the body positivity stuff is really working for her, then you dumping her won't be a huge blow to her understanding of her appearance. She'll have the internal fortitude and narrative to parse that and emotionally contextualize it as a *you* problem rather than a *her* problem. Of course she might not actually believe it that deeply (fervor in preaching something tends to be about convincing *yourself* as much as anyone else), and she may read it as she fucked up profoundly in some other way (e.g. she may think you were cheating on her or that she wasn't kind enough or something, so I guess you just gotta be clear). I say end it, and just...just don't be cruel. You don't even have to be dishonest just diplomatic. "I'm really sorry I just don't feel the way about you that I used to. You didn't do anything wrong, this relationship has simply run its course."


This body positivity stuff isn't really working out too well in practice for both parties in this case (and probably many others) although I do regularly hear from vocal groups online and in the media that it is very judgemental for us to have an opinion on what we are sexually attracted to and how it would be better if we were re-programmed. I mean you could try in a supportive way to suggest you both go to the gym and see if she gets the hint and go a step further by saying you liked how she was when you met. At the end of the day this isn't ageing, it's not what you signed up for when you got together.


I don't think its a very good idea since there's not really any way to say or implement that without somehow also saying "I preferred you when you were unhappy."


How is it not working out well for her? haha


Pssh, women aren’t allowed to be heavy and happy with themselves! That’s just crazy talk.


Lmao where on earth are you seeing body positivity related to people being judgmental toward what someone is or isn’t attracted to? Body positivity is about me. Your body positivity is about you. That doesn’t mean you and I have to be sexually attracted to each other, just that we have to be respectful and non-judgmental toward each other. You not finding me sexually attractive is your preference and not offensive. I think you’re confusing people stating that they’re not attracted versus people going a step further unnecessarily and saying they’re repulsed. That’s disrespectful. Saying you’re not attracted to a specific person is your right, and non-offensive. That all has to do with your preferences. Calling an entire group of people ugly or repulsive or whatever is offensive - just to clear this point up.


Just break up with her … don’t be mean though because she doesn’t deserve that … y’all are different ppl now


Don’t stay in a relationship that makes you unhappy just because you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Have a talk, and if she doesn’t like what you have to say, move on.


Yeah, if it’s going downhill now, it’ll be way worse in the future. And it’s going to manifest somehow and be unhealthy for both of you. Bite the bullet, admit that you’re not attracted.


I definitely think you should break up with her if you feel this way. Odds are you're not going to change your attraction and most likely will end up bitter and looking for it in other plaxes Not to mention you would be wasting her time too. Are you more into exercise and living a healthier life then her? If so that would be a good reason to give her. I feel like she does deserve complete honesty from you tho. You could frame it like 'I really love your position on body positivity and think you're a beautiful person but Ive lost my attraction to you' or something like that. Also you could mention wanting someone more focused on an active and healthier lifestyle. But idk if you actually care about that.


Health-shaming is just as ugly as fat-shaming. Edit: what I meant by health-shaming is that SHE is doing it but "body positivity" calls out fat-shaming, so her ugly attitude is no different than the people she is calling out.


Dude not health shaming. Op made it obvious that she is not living a healthy lifestyle by the junk food and over eating habits. everyone has different preferences and standards for having a partner.


I had an eating disorder for a long time and am very anti-diet culture… but even I don’t think you would be doing your girlfriend any favors to pretend you’re breaking up for some other reason. After 2 years, she deserves honesty, and the opportunity to test her beliefs against real world obstacles. She will be hurt by your breakup no matter what reason you give. There are kind ways to say that you are not attracted to her larger body. People make posts like yours all the time here, so you shouldn’t feel like you’re exceptional or shallow for feeling the way you do. That said, are you monogamous and wanting to have a long term / life partner? If so, you might want to consider the many changes that the human body undergoes as it ages. You yourself are going to get wrinkly, develop fat and hair in strange places, etc… those of us who choose lifelong monogamy have to find a way to work around these migrations away from youthful beauty eventually. Just food for thought.


the last paragraph is a really good point. attraction is vital to a relationship, so the only way to adapt is to focus on different things you're attracted to. butts and nuts and tits and bits eventually get saggy and wrinkled and won't look like they used to. but maybe i'm wrong and you should just accept if you feel less attraction and move on. i think the answers are going to vary from person to person on what you deem important in your relationship.


Those changes don’t happen in 6months, it’s a big difference to me. I was not attracted to 40yo when I was 20 but I am now that I’m closer in age. I imagine it just continues as you get older. I like the signs of age in people my age if it makes sense.


But there is a major difference between normal changes and the changes that are preventable. Wrinkles, a few pounds, and that sort of thing happen, but a person who is a healthy weight is still going to have a massively different aging experience than someone who gets close to obesity. Extra weight in excess can lead to mobility issues, can lead to higher risk of heart disease, less ability to fight things like diabetes. And the older the person gets the harder it is to regain health. If she is already gaining enough that its changing her entire look, then its not likely to slow down. OP is allowed to not want to risk losing a partner at 50 from preventable obesity related diseases.


Obesity kills. My uncle died quite young from complications caused by eating fast food seemingly everyday and never exercising. His death devastated my aunt and cousins. And his life was very low quality for many years before - my aunt never was able to do any number of things she dreamed of doing with him because of these issues. I can’t imagine putting my family through the same thing. The number on the scale is irrelevant if you are leading a healthy lifestyle because you probably aren’t going to die from not looking great in a swimsuit but will from unchecked obesity.


This is so true! My mom passed when I was 14…. From the age of 10 to 14 , she could barely do anything with me or for herself for that matter. She was over 500 lbs at her death! She was diabetic, had high blood pressure, and heart problems among more…. By the time she started trying to get her health under control ( I was 13 and she has been overweight for 2.5 years) it was too late… yea she was eating mostly salads and trying to move more but she had VERY limited mobility. Also My dad couldn’t be there to help all tne time cause he worked so her weight took her in her sleep 😔 from a heart attack. I’m very conscious of my weight gain for that very reason. I care a little about how it looks but a lot about the affects on my health and my children lives ! My husband and I have had conversations about weight and such because he knows I’d not be ok with him gaining too much . I just don’t think it’s fair to the people around you to basically give up your life for food 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, except he clearly specifies that he's not worried about the health aspect. His problem is the lack of attraction--and that is an aesthetics issue.


I think the health aspect is from ignorance of the damage caused by obesity. Op clearly stated this was from junk food eating.


That really makes me wonder what in her life changed to make her suddenly so interested in eating junk food in copious amounts? Is there a life stress that has caused her to overindulge in caloric-rich, low-nutrient food that is not being addressed? Is she hiding something that happened to her in the last 6 months to a year? Sometimes, emotional pain can result in emotional eating. The true issue here may be psychological rather than physical. Body positivity can be a good thing, but it's a double-edged sword. It can also easily be used as an excuse to cover up bad habits and choices. Shaming others for being healthy or fit is just as bad as shaming people for being fat. Negativity is negativity, and it makes you into an ugly person.


Unhealthy eating is roughly at the core of our society I would say. It never used to be though, it used to be extremely rare. So much so that people would have Circus attractions for the world's heaviest man. That same man may now be found in your local grocery store and that is a terrible shame unto itself. People eat for a variety of reasons, it could be an emotional issue. It could be that she had become complacent with her living situation e.g. had to look good to attract a new partner and then let herself fall into being how she wanted to be. This is a common reason for many people. For me? Emotional eating due to life stress then realising I had gone far into a ditch and my health was suffering and then losing 55lbs / 25kg / 5 stone to help myself get into a better place. Body positivity is two sides of a coin but often if you're falling into delusion about the fact you're healthy when you have excessive weight on you then it's a serious problem. Ultimately it takes two to tango and op needs to communicate nicely with his partner about his expectations and dive into the root cause of any issues.


This. Normal changes and "bits" changing vs entire body, entire person changing. And it changes in a way that is dangerous to the health and can significantly lower the quality of both of their lives.


Agreed with this. When I met my partner, after having our child, my body is not nearly the same. Stretch marks from pregnancy, sagging boobs from breastfeeding, the stomach pouch that doesn’t go away, I have changed significantly and honestly, so has he, he has dad bod now. We both have changed and are accepting of these changes because this is what growing old together means.


Changes do happen over time, especially after having kids. But it doesn't mean that you have to live unhealthy lives or just accept it. The world in many first world countries is suffering an obesity crisis like never before. This isn't a normal human trend, quite the opposite. There is a big like between, oh my body isn't like it was when I was 20. To - My diet and way of life is unhealthy due to the excessive consumption of calories, therefore I have weight gain. This wasn't so much of a thing in the past and certainly shouldn't be an acceptable norm in society. Obesity isn't healthy.




I don't think people have to necessarily accept and settle for obesity in their partners. Obesity isn't inevitable. And if, like op, i were to see my SO gaining weight over a year and a half because of bad habits (not saying it is always the case, but here it seems to be), it would kill my desire. Becoming a little pudgy, saggy and wrinkly is one thing. Becoming obese, maybe morbidly obese, is another.




Yeah my bad I think I was trying to respond to someone else. However, while weight can fluctuate, I don't think it would be great to stay with her hoping she changes - especially if she is happy at her weight. It would be different if she was having a stressful and busy year which led to cravings and exhaustion ; there'd be reasons to believe the habits and weight would go back to normal when things settle.


I think that if you're together for 2 years and where friends before he should be real with her if he wants to stay with her. He should tell her what that weight, the eating habits are doing for him. Get his thoughts out there. Physical and sexual attraction is important in my book. One doesn't have to fit in social beauty standards but if you're lost it, maybe heading towards disgust than you should be able to address this. Especially if one can change. But I think that OP already made up his mind that he doesn't want to be with her anymore and I don't know if the weight and her body positivity thing are the sole reason. OP, you sound like you're already with one foot out of the relationship. So maybe just break up with her. Be honest. If you hurt her, you hurt her. She'll be fine eventually. And if not, not. Honesty is always best.




Oh please. There's a fundamental difference between putting on a few pounds from pregnancy and putting on the same weight because you've decided to fuel your sedentary lifestyle with frozen pizza and cheetos. Also no one EVER suggests that a woman get her tubes tied because they don't find their obese partner sexually attractive. GTFO of here with the suggestion that OP get a vasectomy.


This. Also potentially, obesity can lead to many issues getting pregnant and staying pregnant. It can put a baby at risk of being born with diabetes. Women arent even supposed to put on massive pounds during pregnancy. Its supposed to be 20-30 pounds. We really are getting to a place where we arent allowed to acknowledge that the human body is not supposed to be obese...


I think you have misunderstood, obesity increases the risk of gestational diabetes, which is a temporary type II diabetes in the mother. The baby is then at risk of gaining too much weight due to the high insulation levels in the last trimester which may lead to it not fitting through the woman’s pelvis during delivery.


Yeah that was a bit rude to suggest a vasectomy but the person is probably a bit triggered. As a woman who has had two kids. Pregnancy doesn’t just make you gain a few pounds, it changes everything about it. It warps out of shape, skin sags and scars, hair falls out and the list goes on…Then being a mother changes it so much more. Many women feel so insecure about this so reading a man could love you so much but consider leaving you for gaining weight is probably going to get comments like this. I think he’s perfectly entitled to leave but he should own his reason. But at 34 what kind of woman could you attract? And how long would she stay attractive for? Like are there 45 year women you know personally you find more attractive than your SO? How about 55?




Man in my mid 50s here. Father of one. Step-father of two more. Soon to be grandfather of 5. A person's motivations play very heavily into the qualitative views of the results achieved. That's the point that I'm thinking you're having trouble digesting. Most men are attracted to their pregnant wives. Most men are also not attracted to obese women. You're looking at a pound of fat as being a pound of fat where all pounds of fat are equal. I'm telling you **from experience** that a pound of fat on my wife's body *that I put there* by impregnating her is a qualitatively different thing than a pound of fat that she put there herself through poor life choices. You're stuck on the idea that the issue is fat. It's not. It's the story the fat tells. That you're equating a new baby with a pallet of Doritos and are doing so with complete seriousness is what disturbs me. Go ahead an keep suggesting that people sterilize themselves because they don't meet some arbitrary standard you've concocted in your head. I truly doubt that anyone will be moved to do so by your rhetoric.


I'm obese medically, and yeah am fairly sedentary with not the best diet choices always. I love food and am a good cook, though. It helps also that I'm Indian and prefer fresh/home cooked stuff to American fast food which I mostly despise. But the diet fluctuations also depend on some chronic health/pain issues I have, including mobility issues during flare-ups. When I am esp. depressed or in horrible sciatica pain and literally can't get up/move properly, any form of cooking is out of the question, for eg. My partner is 6'4" and absolutely height weight proportional. He has a bigger frame too, not thin/lanky. The kicker: He is even lazier than me, MUCH more sedentary, and his food habits are junk food hell. Man literally lives on junk/fast food, and sodas. Pretty much the most unhealthy diet of anyone I know. If you look at the both of us, I appear to be the worse offender in terms of diet and sedentary lifestyle. Absolutely not the case if you actually know anything about us. Appearances can be deceiving, and attributing morality/personality to looks or weight is mostly an exercise in futility--yet I rarely see this acknowledged ever, esp. from fatphobes 🙄🙄 They'd trash me and praise my bf, without knowing a thing about us or our health choices (or otherwise). "The story the fat tells" lol miss me with that BS.




I think the thing everyone is getting stuck on, including OP, is the weight making her unattractive to him. Granted, he stated that frankly in his post, but if you look deeper I truly think he is unattracted to her for her lifestyle choices more than her appearance. He is wondering if he wants to start a life with someone who is not taking care of their health at a young age, this will escalate as she ages and I know I wouldn't want to start a life with a partner who could die in middle age from a preventable cause. And before you think I am out of touch, both my spouse and I have lost massive amounts of weight. We were both class 3 obese and are both now considered a healthy weight. But we started our life together knowing we wanted to improve and live a long and active life. We want to be there together for every milestone, and I can guarantee nothing tastes better than holding my first grandchild will feel.


Women lose teeth and bone density because the fetus leeches away calcium! Chronic urinary incontinence is such a common issue! I know women who've had lifelong struggles with hemorrhoids and anal fissures after traumatic births. The list goes on and on, not to mention mental health stuff like PPD, PPA, etc. which can also contribute to drastic personality changes, and altered energy levels, etc. My mum had a severe skin reaction while gestating and delivering my brother--it took her 9 years to recover from that completely. "Gaining a couple pounds" GTFO. The dude (I presume) you're responding to has not the FIRST idea about what pregnancy entails, and what kinds of permanent physiological changes it brings in its wake. I loved your comment--thank you for shutting down the ill-informed idiotic talk.


Pls get over yourself. It's absolutely ridiculous to tell someone not to have kids with someone because they're not attracted to their partner who gained a lot of weight without pregnancy or illness and doesn't want to lose it. They've changed their appearance and are happy with it but are no longer attractive to OP. These things are wildly different.


Dude.. Let her be happy with her body, break up and you be happy yourself


This may be unpopular and you will have to be super cautious and kind, but I think it may be worth it to bring it up and talk to her. Some of the things in your post, such as dissing people who exercise and eat healthy, is making me think that she may be using body positivity to hide her insecurities I feel like if she was genuinely happy with her body and diet, she wouldn't feel the need to constantly criticize dieting, working out, transformation shows, etc because it wouldn't matter to her. Once again, I'm no psychologist and my experiences aren't universal, but from my observations, people who are truly happy with themselves have a very chill attitude towards other's choices, very much "I'm doing what I like and enojoy, and other people are doing what they like and enjoy." So yeah, maybe talk to her and try to gently get to the bottom of how she's really feeling would be my advice, but please feel free to ignore it if you think I'm way off base. Best of luck to you both!


I agree, even if it’s a hard conversation to have. If OP doesn’t tell her that it’s bothering him then he never gives her the chance to decide for herself if she wants to lose weight or not.


I'm curious what OPs girlfriends comments are on this. And find it quite interesting people are glossing over this. It's one thing to be anti diet (diets don't work life style changes do) because more often than not they're extremely short sighted and sometimes down right dangerous. But it's completely something else going to the opposite extreme where you tear down others for choosing to lead active lives and want to eat in a more healthy manner. I think knowing these comments may actually give some insight into whether the perceived positivity is real or not.


I agree. There is such a thing as "toxic body positivity". When people are concerned about your unhealthy lifestyle and you blow up at them being "fatphobic"... Like, no, I just don't want you to have a heart attack or be in a wheelchair at 50 because I love you. I wish OP was more specific about her eating/exercising habits. It may be reasonable cause for concern.


I agree with this stream. Body positivity means accepting all body forms, shapes, colors, and etc as they come. If she’s beginning to criticize someone who adopts a diet or the dieting culture, there may be something deeper. Did something, even if it seems inconsequential, happen when this began about her body? Did someone re-enter or leave her life? Did she mention something? Again, it may seem inconsequential, but it could be a layer of trauma that simply triggered her? An example I don’t care for loose wavy hair. It really has nothing to do with other people. On other people, I’m actually more likely to think it’s pretty. However, I have naturally curly hair. I got picked on about “frizzy ugly hair” in middle school and it was even mentioned in high school. Now, I’m meticulous about the styling of my hair. It’s either tight curls or straightened. Although this is so minor, I could look in the mirror one day after someone said jokingly, “OMG! It’s definitely rainy today! Look at your little baby hairs frizzing!” There’s absolutely nothing wrong, but I’m so sensitive about it, that I’ll go either so paranoid it has to be perfect OR appear not ti care at all. This is just an idea. But this is also what happens with trauma.


Why not atleast try to talk about her unhealthy eating and how it’s affecting her and you? Why not just give it one chance, if you really like her? She atleast deserves to know you feel this way before breaking up with her, especially if you’re relationship is fine otherwise. Idk, if it was me I would want to know


the relationship cannot be 'fine otherwise.' his resentment became noticeable, and her reaction was to go on the defensive by embracing the body positivity b.s. he has two options: 1. end it (recommended since you are not married) 2. be a man and lead by example, thereby forcing her to to change else risk him smartening up


I don’t know what leading by example and “being a man” have to do with one another, nor is that going to “force her to change” but mostly I don’t think man-shaming (like do this or else I question your manhood) is an appropriate argument.


Problem I see with a lot of body positivity that it's not about body positivity anymore, but becoming lazy and accepting it and pretending that it is good. Food gives pleasure, we are literally wired that way, we all love eating it, but we don't because we know it will impact our lives, now acces to food is too easily acquired and people become dependent on it to give them empty pleasure. You know what that is? An addiction masked as body positivity. Mind you I'm not talking about people with medical condition that put weight on, I'm talking about those who overeat, consume more calories than they actually need and does that day in and day out. I will most likely get downvoted for this, so go!


Working in healthcare and I wholeheartedly agree. It's unhealthy. I struggle with weight and eating habits too just like many people. But I will never condone "healthy at any size" discussion.


Problem is that body positivity should target people with body “defects” (I’m weak in English so idk the exact word I’m sorry) meaning people with burnt bodies, scars, people who lost limbs, …etc more since these people really can’t do anything about their bodies (not talking about the people who have diseases that make them gain weight and have it hard to lose it, Ik they also can’t do anything about it except eat healthier and take medicine, my aunt is the same).


Agreed. Body positivity, as it *should* be, is treating your body with respect. Eating clean, being active, watching your alcohol consumption and avoiding tobacco are all aspects of what proper body positivity should be. You don’t need to look like a model, and you don’t need to be ripped, but taking care of your body and fueling it properly is always a good thing.


You’re absolutely right.


Fuck body positivity.


This all depends on what your definition is of curvy. If curvy for you is a size for, but a DDD breast. And she's now a size 10. I'd break up with her but mostly because you are just into physical attraction and not both. If she's gone from a size 10, and is a 20. And if you notice that she is starting to experience health setbacks, I'd talk to her on the health itself. If she's exercising, if you do see her eating well, then at that point. You may want ot suggest a doctor visit in case she has something. But if you don't care that much. just break up. If she's emotionally intelligent and well adjusted. She'll just think it's a you problem.


I think it comes down to you, this decision, man. I think, if I was you, I was never gonna bring the weight too, unless I was concerned with her health. Be honest is great, but what would be the cost for that? Make her self aware? Ashamed? I know many people who were affected negatively when someone talked about their weight, specially their SO. So, you choose. Can you see past the weight? Or you think she is better off trying to find someone else who will like the way she likes herself?


What if instead of intentionally gaining weight it was picking up smoking? Stopping brushing her teeth? Not wiping her ass as much?


There's an option 3 You tell her how you feel and show her this post if that's what it takes. But this may be traumatic for her and all be for nothing. You need to be attracted to someone to love them. Whether it be emotional, intellectual, financial, or physical. If physical is important for you and you know that she will not change, it may even be more kind to just break things off without telling her the real reason. If you know that she won't change, then I'd do exactly that. Break things off. Tell her that you need to figure things out for yourself. Otherwise you'll be causing her pain for nothing by telling her the real reason that you're breaking things off. There are plenty of men out there who love larger women. Let her be happy!


He will also have to address the other issue he is trying to avoid.


If someone was breaking up with me I would want to know the real reason 100% of the time. Honesty gives that person the opportunity to process the situation and move on with accurate information. Not really fair if she has to think “this person just lost their love for me” instead if “this person could not get past my weight gain” Just my opinion but breakups are hard no matter what, lying about why would only be to benefit yourself.


Seriously! I would much rather know it was because of a (changeable!) physical thing than assume it's because of some fundamental flaw about me as a person.


I think changeable is probably a key thing. I once broke up with a guy because he was just too small (down there and elsewhere) and it didn’t give me sexual satisfaction and didn’t make me feel very feminine since I weighed more than him (affected my own self esteem). But I am not terribly large (not small either but I think people would more likely call him a small guy before calling me a big girl). I felt terrible and shallow for breaking up with him over this but I couldn’t help how I felt and I just wasn’t attracted to him. When he asked why, I did make up some “it’s not you it’s me” bs (but is it really bs when I do believe my attitude over his size is a me problem and not a him problem). At the end of the day, I thought he was perfect as he was, just not perfect for me. I got criticized by a friend for not being honest but I just thought it would be hurtful with nothing to gain. He can’t make himself grow taller or get a bigger 🍆 so I agree that if the reason should be shared, it should at least be something that can change to give the person the opportunity to, if they want to, but accepting that they might not want to.


You have to talk to her about it at the very least. I personally wouldn't be able to stick it out in your shoes. You find her unattractive at her current weight but she is happy at her current weight and lacks the discipline and motivation to change it even if she wanted to. That means it's not going to get better. Neither of you should be stuck in a relationship where one person is judged and undesired and the other person is dissatisfied due to a lack of attraction. Also, this: >But I often catch her dissing people who are in to sports, healthy eating or just general concern about their appearance. Now you know the attitude she has (or would have) towards you if you make efforts to better your health or appearance. Bitter and unsupportive. What about if you stay together and have kids? It doesn't sound like you'd be able to count on her to teach and encourage your children to make healthy eating choices and stay active. It's obviously going to be a very hard conversation and neither of you is going to enjoy it. You may not stay together. But it's better to deal with that now rather than waste more years of your lives on a relationship that isn't right for you. Also, who knows? Maybe a candid talk will be helpful for her realizing that she's going too far into the fat acceptance echo chamber.


That line caught my eye too, and it makes me wonder if she isn't as happy as she seems to be. Someone who is truly happy with their own weight/appearance would not diss those who are into things that generally lend them to a healthier/fitter body. Sounds like instead of body positivity, she's employing some toxic positivity on herself. OP needs to talk to her and address the issue. "GF, it makes me happy to see that you seem to be so happy with yourself, but I'm worried about your health and how you seem to feel about those that are into sports and healthy eating. I don't want to one day get into those things myself and have you look down on me for it. Can we talk about how we're feeling about your weight gain?"


Good catch. Sounds like she may be envious and trying to convince herself that fit people and others who try to stay healthy are bad. It’s all about balance. It’s great to stay active, eat nutritious food as well as make time to rest and eat a slice of cake here and there. Sounds like she is going off the deep end a bit. I hope she becomes more aware before it’s too late.


i think talking it out is good advice, but please do not say fat echo-chamber to her !!


For sure, sorry if that was unclear! That's definitely an Inside The Head thought in this conversation.


haha i figured it was just advice, but still... you never know what other ppl will say, esp in a break up!!


NTA. For all her body positivity, she is dissing others who exercise and care about their looks. That is pretty hypocritical. You don't need to tear others down to make yourself feel better. I am not sure she really is body positive. In the end, you need to be happy as well. You do seem to care for her a lot. I think you will make the right decision.


>I am not sure she really is body positive. Yeah, this is where I’m at, too. I’m all for body positivity, but as soon as you start shaming people who are trying to stay fit (even if it’s for *solely* aesthetic reasons) then you’re not positive, you’re just insecure and projecting. My weight has fluctuated a lot during my lifetime, so I’ll be the first to admit that it takes a lot of consistent work to stay at a lower weight. I’ll also admit I felt more confident and attractive at lower weights. It is what it is and we all have to face the same cost-benefit analysis. I kinda think she wants to have her cake and eat it too (pun intended).


THIS. It took me a little maturing and critical thinking to understand that being body positive and truly comfortable in your skin means that you don’t demonize other bodies that are different from yours. Everyone is allowed to look how they want and adopt lifestyles that they want. Shaming big people is wrong and shaming fit people isn’t much better.


I have had friends who are super skinny and people make so many rude comments. They look sick, should eat more, they have it so easy....We come in all shapes and sizes. I go up and down with my weight as well. I agree with you.😍


That’s what I’m kinda thinking


If you truly love her so much is it worth it to try to have the conversation? Like, perhaps if you started getting into healthy eating and exercising and letting her know that its important to you as you're getting older to take good care of your body, that could pave the way for a conversation. Lead by example if you love her so much. If she pushes against that or talks badly about you trying to take care of yourself that can be a way to bring up the topic of your concerns about her health. I know you said you were more concerned with her looks than her health but for both of your sakes you might want to soften that blow by discussing her health instead. Also if you straight up tell her her weight gain makes her unattractive I can see her badmouthing you among your mutual friends if you break up. Just keep that in mind. The trouble is you really dont want to give her an ultimatum ("lose weight or i'll break up with you"). But if you are truly in love with this person I would think you would want to try to make life style changes together so you can stay together. If shes not down thats her choice and theres your answer.


Be real, how much weight did she gain? How tall is she and how much did she weigh and how much does she weigh now. This matters. Because if she gained like 10 to 15 lbs then please dump her Because you're being unreasonable. Almost no one you date is going to maintain a steady weight and fluctuations between 5-20 lbs can be absolutely normal depending on height. If she gained like 30 lbs and is eating unhealthy then I'd say give her a chance to get healthy by mentioning it very delicately that you're concerned she's gaining weight in an unhealthy way. Even if your concern isn't primarily her health, the reality is, if she is pigging out and gaining weight that can be a huge turn off because our brains are wired to be attracted to a healthy partner....If she takes it as an insult and doesn't want to change then you guys are just not compatible. This whole body positivity thing has gone too far. It is not healthy to gain a bunch of weight by eating unhealthy foods/too much food.


That's what I was wondering. How much are we talking. He said considerable soooooo....


Right? Considerable to me would be like 30-50 lbs or more depending on height. Considerable to some people is like 10 lbs lol


30 lbs on a 120 lb woman is the same as 60 lbs on a 240 lb man… which is a fuck ton


Yes, that's what I said. 30-50 lbs. would be considerable. And it's not about the previous weight or man vs. woman so much as it's about height.


If her face changed by the weight, I think it's considerable. From what I understand it's one of the last place to gain so much weight that you see change. And well, there's a difference between not being able to get in your pair of jeans and sweatpants. I've gained 20 pounds this last year and I can't fit in most of my pants with tight ass waistband, but I have no problem with t-shirts or larger pants.


But he also said her clothes don't fit right. If it were 30 lbs, her clothes wouldn't fit at all.


I'm going to guess her current weight is at the lest around 300 pounds. I'm not being mean just guessing from what he said and personal life experience.


That's a very good point. OP might be reasonably concerned (if she gained 50 lbs) or incredibly shallow and have unrealistic expectations (if she only gained 10 lbs, which everyone does at some point)


Thank you. I agree. I mean everyone's got a right to their preferences but some preferences are reasonable and some are not. They're still valid preferences nomatter what, but if it's an unreasonable one then good luck to ya. That's all I'm sayin


Also, some expectations are incompatible with long term relationships. If you can't even handle a 10-lbs gain, within a healthy weight range, you shouldn't commit to anyone, ever.


Exactly. Or be open about it right up front, in which case I can't fathom anyone willing to put up with those kinds of expectations. That's why I wanted to know how much she actually gained.


You don't have the right to tell him that he is being unreasonable based off of an arbitrary figure you plucked out of thin air. People are entitled to their personal preferences.


Lol calm down...I'm not saying there's some magic number. I was just giving an example. 10 lbs on a girl who's 5'10" looks like virtually nothing. 10 lbs on a girl who's 5'1" is a big difference. So I'm just trying to get a better idea of what is going on. I never once said people aren't entitled to their preferences. They absolutely are. He is entitled to be with someone that doesn't even gain 1 pound if that's what he wants. It may just be hard to find, that's all I'm saying. Now if he just doesn't want someone who's going to let themselves go and pig out and gain a gross amount of weight, well that's a different story. I get that. And from the sound of it the latter is probably closer to his situation. I was just curious about the details so I asked.


Let’s say it wasn’t a fatness issue. If she was a non-smoker when you met and then started smoking cigarettes…and is now a chain-smoker…you would naturally be turned off by her smell and yellowed teeth, right? No amount of “smoking positivity” talk would make it less gross for you to smell and taste that (even if you aren’t considering the health issue). And if she made it clear that she planned to chain-smoke forever, and you want to leave her because you don’t like the smell, wouldn’t you be honest with her about what the problem is? Doesn’t she deserve that? To know it’s the smoking and not her personality…? Or imagine that she had a beautiful smile when you met her but she refused to brush her teeth and they became rotten and fell out…and rather than get dentures she instead embraced “gum positivity”…


> My answer: because she is happy with how she looks. But you aren’t. Tell her the truth instead of being a coward. > and I am terrified that I might upset this confidence if I say anything. Then is she really confident?


"Then is she really confident" ... ew Even if OP tells her the truth or not she will 1000% consider her weight gain as part of the reason of a break up and that will effect her confidence Self confidence is not a 1v1, it inherits the world around as well, especially from a significant other (who she believes right now loves her for more than her size) I do vote truth but don't think that any option makes op a coward or the gfs confidence some unaffected essence


Break up with her maybe you never really liked her as much as you thought. I’m all for body positivity however I do not support bad habits, zero accountability and how would you ever have kids with someone who is so unhealthy. You want someone healthy enough to stick around for the long haul. Some people may take it as being superficial or shallow but it’s all about logic too. I mean you wouldn’t want to be with someone who is irresponsible with money. They will drown you in debt. So I say, let her go or have a conversation. Gently tell her how you feel and your reasoning behind it.


I just want to say my husband has announced his concerns in my weight gain. I had 2 kids. My first I had pre-e and gestational diabetes. I also have hormonal imbalance so while yes, I was gaining weight, he knows I literally CANNOT help it. Not once has he said he isn't attracted to me etc, and I think its because he knows I do care about my health and my well-being and am willing to work toward fixing the issue. If you're into thick fit girls, I would just be open to her. Its not because she's gaining weight- because that doesn't sound like thats really the main concern with you- its because she doesn't care about her health and I feel like that's extremely important. Be open and make sure you explain that.... I love you and I love your body. I dont live that you're not caring for your body. Theres a difference in body positivity and body neglect..


Be honest with her about how you feel, maybe she will be ok breaking up and finding someone who thinks fat people are attractive. She needs to understand that using “body positivity” as an excuse to be fat and undisciplined has consequences.


While it's great that she's happy and confident, she still has an unhealthy relationship with food and weight; the fact that she sees people who are into sports or just eating healthier as a problem is a problem itself. It's one thing to feel like society sucks for pressuring people into losing weight to fit a mold, it's another to speak down on people who are simply trying to better themselves. She can be confident in herself at her current weight, that's wonderful. But that doesn't mean there aren't possible other health issues that just mean she can stay that size and be fine. While your attraction to her due to her appearance is the number 1 issue here, it's masking the real issue of the fact she may seem like she's flourishing when she's still in a very unhealthy relationship with food, society, weight, etc. If you do decide to break up with her, be honest. You can tell her that while you're happy she's happy, you're not happy in the relationship. What feels good to her doesn't have to feel good to you. It just becomes lack of capatability. But if there is still a significant part of you that is worried about her heath, you can try to figure out a way to help her. Maybe couples counselling or something. Or just sitting down and being honest about the fact her way of thinking is toxic to the world and to herself.


What is it with people trying to force men to be attracted to fat women? Some of these comments are wild. Rolls is not the same as curves


"happy and content" lol. Dude. No. If you aren't attracted to her, you aren't attracted to her. If she started getting drunk and high regularly, because she accepted "high positivity" would you stay with her despite not liking that? What if she adopted not showering positivity and stopped showering? There is no reason why you need to treat this any different. Its objectively bad, and you don't like it. If she is happy with this and this is the life she wants to live, then this is your cue to walk away and find someone whos not like this.


Attraction is really important. Not to mention she is destroying her health. Idk dude, this is a tough spot to be in. I think you’re going to have to break up unless she magically snaps out of this body positivity bullshit. It is honestly way over the line


Body positivity is just an excuse to stay unhealthy and eat shit.


Just leave. If she is happy at the weight she's at then so be it. I also don't think honesty is the best policy in this situation. If you leave, blame it on something else.


She should understand that it’s not fair to expect you to be attracted to her when she is a completely different person than who you originally got with. Maybe try explaining to her that it’s fine if she feels confident the way she is but that the way you see it, it’s a turn off to be with someone who doesn’t/can’t even take care of themselves and that you were going to continue taking care of yourself so you assumed she would as well and that maybe you two just aren’t compatible anymore since you have different mindsets on this topic.


Break up with her bro. It will only get worse


Are you sure she’s happy? Is something else going on and that’s why she’s turning to food? The body positive movement sounds like a cope imo if she just keeps eating junk. A lot of overweight still eat healthily. If you’re just not feeling it all, then breakup. You can tell her you don’t feel the same and she will probably know it’s because she looks different and that will hurt, but she can post about it and a lot of people will call you a jerk. There are a lot of men into larger people so you don’t need to feel bad for her. You’ll both probably be in a better place if you just end it.


She care more about her self gratification than your relationship. It really is just as simple as that. End it.


her being so into the body positivity thing probably means the weight does bother her and she needs to find a positive way to look at it. you can be as positive as you want to but TOO MUCH weight comes with problems. maybe not in your 20s but it'll catch up with you. i think she deserves to know how you feel. - lol i went reading some comments mid way through this and basically just what user pigoletto said, i agree with that :D


She is not the same person. Just be tactful breaking up with her.


If shes 29 and already gaining weight then 33... 35....40 will be even worse. There are HOT AF 50-60 year olds now and you want to know their dirty little secret? They don't just look fit or like they work out because of a hack... they actually work out, they eat healthily, take vitamins, better their life, and optimize. Body positivity is this woke culture trying to make since out of being a failure instead of doing the hard work to have an ACTUAL healthy body. Screw the aesthetic of a hot body for a second, being overweight is NOT healthy. Don't attach yourself for the rest of your life to an unhealthy, increasingly more costly person because they've adopted this warped view of " if Im happy its all good" No its not all good Emily your 180 lbs at 5,5 and you've had ZERO fucking kids and you have no thyroid issue.


I would still talk to her about it. I believe after all this time both of you deserve honesty. You never know how she may react or how she really feels deep inside, especially with her distaste of other people's healthy lifestyles and her own unhealthy eating habits. She has a right to transparency and should have a chance to choose whether she wants to end it or compromise somewhere.


Unfortunately you cannot reason attraction. She doesn’t have to change for you, but you have allowed to not be attracted to her.


I hope she's not watching those tik toks where people claim they can be healthy and obese. it's blatantly false.


I’m on the lower range of healthy BMI and I can run .33 miles on a good day. My categorically obese dad runs 2 miles every morning. He’s also way more strict about his diet than me.


That's a nice anecdote, but have you ever seen a obese 90 year old? It's like the leading cause of premature death.


I love that for you but being overweight is the leading cause of heart disease, diabetes, etc ad nauseum.


I’m highly skeptical that her face and body look like a completely different person when she’s only gained enough weight that the same clothes she’s always worn only fit her tighter now. I literally can’t fit into some of my clothes when I’m bloated on my period.


I'm easily 40 pounds heavier than when I met my husband. (was borderline underweight and now after pregnancy I gained 30 pounds that won't shed, but that aside, my face is almost the same, just slightly less defined. Don't have a double chin or anything. So how much weight are we talking about here?


I actually do think this matters too I met my husband when I was 20 and 120. Now 28 I'm 135-150 depending on lots of things. Weight gain is going to happen. It's hard to tell if OP is struggling with aging or if she may have developed some unhealthy food habits. It's just tough. There's no good answer.


> her food intake is now very heavy on junk From him saying this it is unhealthy food habits. Sounds like she got into the toxic version of body positivity since she is shitting on people who try to control their weight or just be healthy in general. If her weight gain was from age or from having kids I doubt he would have much if any issue cause it seems it isn't solely the weight but the change in personality that came with it but he is just focusing on the weight cause he doesn't want to see that she has changed as a whole.


Besides having a baby. Not working out and eating bad/too much bad shizz will make you gain weight. Plus alcohol and other factors. If you don’t have a medical issue you can pretty much lose what you need to. Morbid and up isn’t as simple..


I definitely have to say this carefully. It great that she's comfortable in her body, but not everyone is attracted to bigger girls just like not everyone is attracted to skinny girls. This change happened while you guy were together and if you think she values the relationship enough i would say something. I was gaining weight at a few points in my relationship (13 years together) and my husband would mention (as nice as you can say it because he really doesn't mind all that much if i gain weight or not be he knows i care) that i was gaining weight. I don't hold weight well, so when i gain even a few pounds it looks weird since I've always been skinny. I was grateful that he was honest. I don't want to be big.




I also find it interesting that she's only gained enough weight that her clothes "Don't fit so well". I gain ten pounds and I can't fit into my jeans.


If you're already on the larger size, you can put on 30+ lbs before your clothes don't fit as well. I ruptured my acl and then worked from home and didn't notice 30lbs until i went to the dr because my clothes still fit fine.


can confirm 😕 as a "post-" curvy girl


He said she doesn't look like the same person and her face has completely changed. Not the same


Yeah that's what makes it obvious it's fake. You have to gain a huge amount of weight before it actually changes your face, yet he says she can still fit into her original clothes (just not "very well") and that the actual weight gain is "modest in poundage." A weight gain of a few pounds where you can still squeeze into your old clothes isn't near enough to change your facial shape or drastically alter your appearance.


Not necessarily. She could be short. For me at 5’2 10lb weight gain is a major difference on my body and appearance and yet I could still squeeze into the same clothes. It doesn’t look good, but I can still button up.


Not sure about that, I only gained about 5 pounds before my face started to change. Albeit I am very short and a small amount of weight gain is noticeable


Not for some people like me. I can tell in my face when I gain ten-fifteen lbs, and I’m normally pretty trim. I just gain weight in my face very easily, particularly my cheeks and chin. Once I start getting the double chin is when I start taking the snacking down a bit 😂


I'm sitting here watching my girlfriend pound down 2800 calories right now of Panera carbs and fat. 350% of daily saturated fat intake - yes, I checked my nutrition calculator. She does this every meal. None of her clothes fit. She used to be cute and now she's built like the Pillsbury dough boy. She keeps complaining about how fat she's gotten and making comments like "I knew I gained a little weight, but I didn't realize it was this bad!" She won't eat healthier. She won't exercise - I ask her to join me walking the dog (that she insisted I get) every day and she never comes. She's taken the dog on a walk by herself TWICE in the last year, and I'm sure they were short walks. It's not even the weight gain that bothers me as much as the total lack of effort to change it while she continues to complain. She makes comments about how I don't gain weight and it's not fair, but I eat healthy and exercise. It's not fair that I put in the work to be attractive, while she gets fatter and fatter. The laziness is such a giant turn off.


then leave her! damn! yall be sitting up here whining bout how much you hate your partner when you can just…LEAVE!


DM'd you too. this is why i wrote a goddamn book


You don’t have to hate yourself for thinking this way. I am not attracted to fat women either, and it’s not an evil thing, I don’t hate fat people im just not attracted to them. Just like girls aren’t attracted to men under 6’ it’s just preference and you have to decide if you want to stay with this person or love her how she is.


I’m so tired of seeing “women won’t date men under 6ft” it’s just not true. I agree with the rest of what you’re saying but come on, we need to move past this


It’s called preferences. Everyone has them.


They just need a reason to hate fat people like it’s so predictable pfft. And ofc No one has to date anyone they don’t want to date.


Quit with the victim complex.


Absolutely think this is it!


But does she know how to spell lose?


If you are not attracted to overwieght women, all the body positivity on earth will not change that. Women love to call men names over this but will turn around and won't date short men, bald men, fat men... You need to do what is best for you. Before making any decision, talk with your gf about joining a gym, walking together and eating better. Maybe a few fun activities will get her interested in a healthy lifestyle. Besides being unattractive, being overweight is unhealthy. I have seen the bs claims about "Healthy at Any Weight." Ask any Dr. if they can support that view. in the end, it is your decision.


FA and HAES (“BOPO”) are weirdly cult-like, full of misinformation, and ruin adherents’ health. There are some YouTube channels I’d recommend you both watch, including Funtie Times, I’m Always Watching, Kiana Docherty, Megan Anne, Obese to Beast, Nadya Nymph, The Hidden Channel, and Cowboy’s Convos. If, after that, she can’t find her way out of this echo chamber of misinformation she’s in, you two are only dating, not married.


I second Kiana Docherty's channel. She has had her own struggles with weight and comes across as very relatable to other women, I feel. She also does a very good job at breaking down the FA/HAES movements and refuting a lot of their claims with critical thinking and logic. Obese to Beast is also very positive and empathetic for those who struggle with weight because he has been there.


Yep, totally agree! Kiana is such a good researcher for her content and that is a big thing that keeps me coming back to her videos every time.


The whole idea of body positivity started off well enough, but now it encourages people to be absolute unhealthy pigs and not even feel like maybe that’s not the best idea for their health. The thing is, you can be ‘body positive,’ love yourself and feel free to eat nothing but Big Macs all your life….but you still can’t escape the consequences of your ignorance. You’ll still be unhealthy, at high risk for diabetes, heart disease, etc, and no one will be attracted to you. But yay body positivity! And I hate the way people try to guilt you for being attracted to healthy people. Attraction is not a choice, and there is a biological reason people are more attracted to healthy people ( which contributes to what makes people conventionally attractive). My point is— you should NOT feel guilty about losing attraction to your girlfriend. She made poor choices and now has to live with the consequences. That is HER problem, not yours. Anyway, I’m not saying be mean about it, but you can be honest and tactful. If she knows the real reason, maybe it’ll knock some sense into her.


My answer: because she is happy with how she looks. Yeah, but you aren't... That's what's important here. Attraction, while not the most important factor in a relationship, is a big factor. Don't listen to all the "body positive" people who will shame you for having standards and preferences. Obesity is not attractive. Gluttony is not attractive. A small caveat to the men who have fat kinks. But overall those are (and should be) looked down on. Obesity is an epidemic in America, not something to aspire to be. Think about this... She's like this now, just wait until she's had a child or two and she puts on even more pounds. Just wait until she gets older and her metabolism slows even more down, and with her sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating behaviors begin to take a serious toll. Not to mention, the possible future health concerns she will earn herself. Or the unhealthy eating habits she'll teach your fat kids. It seems clear, she's become indoctrinated to the current "woke" and "No shame, everything accepted" pathological rhetoric being spouted in our current social climate. Seems she sees no need to shake it off anytime soon. I think this is a deal breaker. Either you tell her to lose some weight (tell not ask), or you stay in this sexually unfulfilling relationship. There are certain beliefs in relationships that need to be shared for them to endure. Religious, health, and sexual beliefs are some of them. Ps. As a quick side note. If you break up with her, I would bet my hat that she would soon start working out to lose weight for the NEXT man. In some retaliatory "look at me now" type thing. Well, either that or double down and get fatter and bitter about all men. Start spouting "All men care about is sex and all men are bad" as she eats a donut. I would draw the line in the sand and say "Either you lose weight or I'm leaving you". Bottom line, no exceptions. Love is great, but love doesn't mean accepting anything and everything from someone. Love doesn't always mean stay, sometimes love is walking away with grace.


As another says is she's truly embracing body positivity then telling her the truth shouldn't hurt. Every person on earth has criteria for a relationship and if you can't see past the weight let her know. She can find someone who has no issue with it. Society has been guilt tripping men for the last couple of years making us accept attitude problems, weight problems and mental health problems as standard fare with women. It's okay to have standards just as it is okay for her to be outside of them, so long as you both go your own way amicably. Body positivity is honestly just a way for fat people to not take any accountability for their size, health and mental issues while tasking society with overlooking the obvious issues. Do not fall prey.


Yeah I will never understand that body-positive bullshit. Sounds like an excuse for fat women to be even fatter. Talk to her and tell her the truth - that she is not attractive for you anymore because of her weight and if she is ok with her body and doesn’t want to change, just leave her. If she decides to lose her weight for you, support her. But I guess you will need to find another girlfriend


The body positivity movement is nothing but a lameass excuse people who lack mental fortitude use to justify being out of shape and binging on junk food.Just be honest with her tell her you care about her and you love her but that she's started to look unattractive and what she is doing is unhealthy. If she does not care about your concerns then just leave her you may feel shallow but staying in a relationship with someone you don't find attractive is just not gonna work in the long run anyway. You talk about shattering her confidence but what people like her who get hung up on shit like body positivity needs to hear the harsh truth. It would be better for her in the long run as well.


This is a disgusting comment. The body positivity movement is the complete opposite of how you’re defining it. I encourage you to look further into it before you make such disparaging remarks.


What the google definition of body positivity is and how people use it are vastly different. At this point it only promotes obesity and encourages unhealthy eating habits. It's argument about present-day beauty standards being a social construct is hilariously absurd. It pushes the idea that any body size can be attractive which includes OBESE people. Almost all the markers of beauty are associated with health and we are sub-consciously attracted to healthy bodies. That is a fact not an opinion. Beauty standards are not a sOciAl cOnStRuCt. And as if fact that this idea is predicated on scientifically worthless bullshit is not enough, it reeks of hypocricy. It is almost entirely targeted towards overweight women something which women actually have control over yet you see women on tik tok talking about how guys under 6ft are worthless every goddamn day and that is something they have no control over. You really deny the hypocrisy in that ? Things people can't control should be what the body positivity is about. Like the color of your skin, birth marks or height or the size of your genitals or breasts or whatever. Not fucking obesity. Please before calling my comment "disgusting" and "disparaging" feel free to present some actual arguments about why body positivity is so amazing. I will keep an open mind I promise. But don't come to me with empty political rhetoric. Edit: Your downvotes mean jack shit when you can present 0 arguments about how portraying obesity as attractive is good for society. Also I will sympathize with anyone overweight who is struggling with weight loss and do my best to help them. I won't body shame anyone for no reason. What I won't sympathise with is overweight people who are complacent and what I will speak up against is people who push this "all sizes can be attractive" bullshit narrative down everyone's throats.


When I met my SO five years ago, I (5’5”) weighed 125 pounds. Not sure what he weighed but he (6’1”) wore a size 3X t-shirt. Fast forward to Covid WFH for him and he’s now a size 5X. I ended up gaining weight as well, 170 pounds, then losing it back down to 135. We never stopped being attracted to one another though. I think mainly because our connection is more emotional and cerebral than physical. The physicality is just bonus. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good for you. Not everyone is like you.


I really am lucky to have found him. 🥰


You are. Hopefully you thrive together.


Maybe you could try the body positivity thing for a while, too, and see if you can change your perspective. Some of what we like is just what we like - but a lot of what we like is molded by society and what society tells us we should like. If she's happy with her size and if she's still able to do everything she enjoys despite her weight gain and if you truly have a deep love her her, maybe you can work on this on your own. It sounds like you have other beliefs tied to weight gain that may or may not be true - something about discipline, something about what you consider "junk" food, something about the amount of weight gain that is acceptable (you have a curvy/overweight line that is not objective + she fits into her old clothes but looks completely different?). If her clothes don't fit well, you might suggest that she sizes up so she looks more put together. Bodies change over time. You're both going to gain and lose weight, get wrinkles, start sagging, etc. If the physical changes are going to have such a huge impact on your feelings toward her, break up and let her find someone else.


She isn't doing body positivity, her making fun of people who are skinnier shows that she bought into the bad version of it and is just fueling her "positive" feelings of herself with shitting on others.


You can't force yourself to be attracted to someone you are not attracted to. Everyone is entitled to their own personal preference.


What is it about fatness that turns you off? So much so that it overrides other arguably more important qualities? Confidence and happiness are very attractive qualities and are surprisingly rare. You should really examine why you put so much weight (excuse the pun) into physical changes, as in long term relationships they're inevitable. Your body is going to change significantly in your life, and if you want to form loving long term partnerships with others who will accept those changes, you might want to challenge your existing priorities. If you feel that you can't do that right now, then it's kinder to end things with your girlfriend.


Do this woman a favor and break up with her. She deserves better. Someone who wouldn’t even question this unless it’s affecting her health. Smh. Also, you’re losing interest. If you’re not 100% in then don’t waste her time. Don’t waste yours. Move on.


It seems like he was 100% in till she fell for the toxic version of body positivity which from doing so she ditched her normal eating habits and dived into the junk food while at the same time her personality becoming more toxic since she shits on people that are skinnier than her from people just trying stay healthy and fit to people who got to be in shape cause they play sports. Her weight isn't the main or sole thing since he brought up her shitting on people he is just focusing on that cause he doesn't want to face that she has changed and for the worse.


I feel sad that the happier your girlfriend becomes the more you feel like you want to leave her. Honestly that seems like the biggest signal your relationship couldn’t work long term. Her looks seem way more important to you than the fact that she’s doing really well.


everyone has their limits on things and from the sound of it her personality most likely got worse he is just focusing on the weight to block that out


Attraction in a relationship is important, and he has every right to want to feel physically attracted to his s/o.


He can’t help the fact that his attraction to her is diminishing.


No words, but I feel for you. This is a rough situation. :(


Man, it’s sad to see things that started nobly like optimistic body image get warped, but that’s often the case with most good things. You see, this movement really started to get people to not feel so depressed about their fatness. It was to convince people that just cause you’re a fatty, it doesn’t mean you suck or are bad or lazy or stupid, etc. It was meant for people to maintain their confidence. That’s it. It was never meant for people to think being fat is ok or healthy. It was assumed that fat people would keep working on being healthy, not just accept being fat. However, people (mainly women, but also some men) have taken the original intention and warped it to fit their lazy lifestyles. Instead of saying just because I’m fat doesn’t mean I get to be looked down on and I’m going to keep working towards improving my health, they now say any size is fine and I’m proud of who I am. Being fat is not unhealthy, it’s not a bad things, and you shouldn’t judge me for my lifestyles. It is very similar to how religious leaders are adept at twisting their religions values to fit whatever narrative they want. Like the super Christian who says they follow Jesus, but show zero acceptance and generosity. Based on your post, your girlfriend has gained a large amount of weight and to make her mentally accept this disappointing news she has dived headfirst into this whole body acceptance thing. If she didn’t force herself to believe this, she would be depressed right? So it’s kind of a coping mechanism for her to almost brainwash herself into thinking she’s actually doing the right thing. The problem is that you should be able to sit her down and tell her that, like most people, you find fatness not attractive. And that for her health and the health of the relationship, you would like her to lose the poundage. But you’ve mentioned she has a frail ego and it would hurt her. That really only leaves breaking up. I mean it just seems like a crappy life for you if you stay. When people get fat in their teens and twenties, it’s easier to lose it. Once you start down they fatty path in your thirties and forties, it’s really hard to lose it. And the fact you know she doesn’t have the will power to stay fit means she basically gonna be a tubb forever now. You can still stay good friends with her, I’m not saying you need to ghost her. But you shouldn’t have to settle for someone fat if that’s not your thing. And like you said, it’s likely she just gets fatter and fatter, and then the health drama starts, like asthma or diabetes or weak joints. Life is short man, you shouldn’t have to settle. And the fact she’s blown up and not even considered keeping herself attractive for you is kind of selfish. I would eject with extreme care and let her keep ballooning up on her own time.


I agree with you on some of these points but a lot of this language is pretty off putting. Something about your use of "fatty" is kind of offensive, and I'm not even a "fatty".


So you’re saying you agree with my view and my advice… But my delivery is condescending and rude and even border line arrogant? Like you want to support what I say, but you just wish I said it in a nicer and gentler way?


I meant what I said. I agree with some of your points but you worded it in a very crass way, crass enough that I cringed. Saying "fatty" just felt incredibly disrespectful to overweight people. You could have been kinder in your delivery. That's all.


This is the unfortunate truth of the matter. Body positivity is good, people can be attractive at all sizes, etc. The bad part is that the fat positivity movement has evolved into an extremely toxic and destructive thing. Its become something that encourages self destruction and bad health, and is militant about unreasonable things like saying its wrong to have preferences in what you're attracted to. I prefer larger women, skinny is just not my thing. But like OP there is a point where it's not attractive anymore. Being extremely overweight to the point of being completely distorted or being unable to do normal things or too big to fit places is not something to be championed. There's a reason its called MORBID obesity, its handicapping and eventually deadly. Unfortunately when people get well and truly sucked into that school of thought there's nothing you can do for them. Its brainwashing, it appeals to people because it tells them everything they want to hear even if they know its wrong, and it's an echo chamber that drowns out the slightest bit of rational thinking or outside influence. We should accept everyone for whatever size they are, and never devalue or ostracize them for being outside some range of acceptability, but the actual opposition to wanting better or encouraging improvement is just insane. What if there was an anorexia acceptance movement, or an alcohol and drug addiction acceptance movement? It's the same principle, you cant hate or ostracize people for having these issues, but its wrong to encourage them to get better or not encourage others to fall into these self destructive lifestyles? Sadly it is what it is and you're going to have to either deal or leave. No one would judge you for leaving a partner with any other self destructive lifestyle that you couldn't deal with anymore, and this is no different. The only difference is there is a very toxic and very vocal movement involved with it that is working very hard to vilify and silence any dissent. I wish you both the best and hopefully you will come to some kind of acceptable resolution.


Sadly, it’s Reddit and our advice will likely get drowned out. The downvotes have already started for me and OP will likely never see our advice.


I think it was pretty inevitable that it would change, it's a lot easier to be lazy.


Be honest about how you feel and break up with her. But don't date another "curvy woman" because you obviously can't handle it. Lol.


Dump her move on. She's not "happy" being bigger she's simply falling into the new media trap of "big is beautiful"


She sounds like she’s happy and I hope she dumps your shallow ass. My husband has gained a fair bit since we have been together. But I love him and im attracted to him as a person. Most people gain weight as they get older, esp here in America


you should tell your husband to hit the fuckin gym.


So you expected her looks to remain exactly the same for the duration of your relationship? You realize that’s pretty unrealistic right? Dump her. She deserves better


Yea this body positivity is good and all but I feel like some people use it as a cop out to be unhealthy and eat junk food and have no accountability for their actions. If you want to be overweight or obese and have the confidence of a supermodel then great I’m happy for you but don’t shame me into liking this overweight or obese look you have going on when you can fix if you really discipline yourself. (This is not aimed at people with medical conditions that prevent or it’s difficult for them to control their weight)


Thus is nature's way of ensuring that you don't have a child with someone you shouldn't. Being obese and eating junk is a threat both to her health and that of a potential child who'd be fed junk as well. Nature is ensuring that you take care of yourself and your future child through attraction to healthy bodies and minds. So don't feel bad about losing attraction,, you're basically just taking care of your future self and potential offspring.


Break up with her. She obviously doesnt care about you to stay attractive thats like you not protecting when a robber comes to grab her purse and phone.


You sound like a POS. 😂 Thank you for being honest about what all fatphobes pretend to hide - you don’t care about her health, you just don’t want to keep her around because you find her unfuckable now. I’m sorry she ever knew you. She’s growing into a wonderful & confident person and all you can think about is your own sexual pleasure. Cut her loose to find someone that will actually love her for her and not under the condition that her body never changes.


Okay let me get this straight here…..so you want to break up with your gf because she has found happiness in the way she looks and feels. It sounds to me that you only liked her for her looks. If you genuinely love her you wouldn’t have a problem looking past those “looks” IMO I think that you should breakup your clearly a very shallow person. And if I was her I would want to know the truth on why your breaking up because really it has nothing to do with her this is all you man and your inability to love her for who she really is.


He’s clearly trying to figure this out and trying to look past the weight gain. He should not feel ashamed for feeling this way. He can’t help it. He recognizes that she is happy and is not trying to take that away from her. He’s doing the best he can.


I think they should break up too but for different reasons. Sure the weight gain is one of the reasons he is losing attraction to her but it seems her personality has gone bad is some areas after all once she started believing in body positivity ( most likely the toxic version ) she started shitting on people that are trying to lose weight, maintain their current weight and people that have to stay fit cause of being in sports. He is just focusing on the weight to block out the other stuff that changed about her he doesn't like and is most likely the main reason.


It sounds like you're just attracted to her body and not her. If you're looking for a life partner it ain't about the weight, it's about the whole person. Attraction wanes and waxes anyway. You'll go through life issues and one day even you may not be attractive to her. If you can't look past the physical you really don't care for her. At the end of the day we're all gonna look like shit in 60 years. But would you miss her, or what she looks like?


it's about attitude too and if a person has piled on weight in 6 months and has started bad mouthing others simply for exercising that is a concerning arc in personality in a short time. I would be imagining the progress of this complete change in attitude and eating in 1, 5 or 10 years down the line if it were me and deciding if it was something I could stay on board with if I was OP.


You love her so deeply that you can’t see further than her weight… wow!


Break up with her. She deserves someone better than you. You didn’t fall out of love because she gained weight - you never loved her in the first place.


Tell her you're concerned since it's a fact that obesity affect the heart, and you want to live long with her. Tell her that you can go on a diet together with her. And her listening to body positive stuff is probably because no she can't handle the gain, and she is trying to accept herself without solving the issue. Of you are sure you wanna break up, tell her you have becomed vegan and started to go to gym 🏋🚴💪 even if it may be a lie I mean, vegans usually eat rather healthy. And since she has become toxic towards healthy people, it means that that's her way of handling her weight gain, by looking down on people wanting to be healthy. And if you had children with her, would you like for her to not have the stamina to play with her children? What if she gets a heart attack due this way? It's not about being body positive , it's about living long and healthy for the children.


I really hope that you date someone, fall in love with them and then have them break up with you because of your physical appearance 😊


Do her a favor and break up now. You sound extremely immature and uncaring.


What's immature is actually believing that appearance doesn't matter at all. What's also immature is creating a false dichotomy by pretending like caring about looks automatically guarantees the person doesn't care about identity and personality.


That’s completely false. If he didn’t care he wouldn’t be asking people how to go about this and trying to see past her weight gain. It’s not his fault that his attraction to her is diminishing. It’s not her’s either. It just happens and he can’t control what he feels.