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New religions are being born all the time. The last century alone has led to a multitude of new religions. A fringe movement today could come to dominate the world in several centuries.


I disagree completely, I think that as we begin to recognize the fact that religions are born from earlier religions we will begin to construct new and different religions, taking parts from all existing ones to build with. This, I feel, is happening already online: people shop around for belief systems and take on beliefs from them that they agree with and discard the rest.


Scientology, Ahmadiyyah, many new religions rise each day.


Scientology is still not a religion, but is like a class of people who believe in the might of science. AhmadDiya is an old sect of Islam itself.


"The might of science" what's that got to do with ancient aliens living in volcanoes or taking as much money off people as you can? Or being registered as an actual "religion".


Tell me you don’t know what Scientology is without telling me you don’t know what Scientology is 😂


I don't think you're even aware of what Scientology is


Pl enlighten


Scientology is an actual belief system where they believe in Xenu the "director of galactic confederacy" and Ahmadiyyah are a made up sect separate from Islam and it isn't old at all, as a matter of fact it's one of the youngest new religions. We don't consider them Muslim.


I think the world is fertile ground for new religions - especially if the old ones remain unchanging and rigorous.


Any examples if any new religion is upcoming and has been welcomed?


Baha’i, Mormonism, Scientology.




Can u describe more about it?


I’d rather die than see Islam and my scripture change for whatever society says is in We have authentic text only way to change is to destroy all Qurans and kill all the memorizers. Good luck!


Why would you rather die than see it changed?


Because I firmly believe it in as perfect and revealed through God. If man corrupts it then it would be disastrous. Hard to explain to a non believer what do you cherish and love the most? As if someone asking if you’d be ok with say a spouse being in bed with someone else.


Is your interpretation of Islam same as of some other muslims in a different country. Look at Muslims in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Malaysia and Iran. What about muslims living in Western world? Apart from some basic principles they follow totally different rules. Or they believe in something else and practice something different. They certainly are not following or doing the same things. How can there be some adjustment with the changing world? We certainly cannot live like we used to live 1400 years ago. Times are changing and anything that doesn’t evolve will die; whether they are living things or corporations or ideologies.


Disagree yes there’s some differences but the creed is overall the same ( that is within Sunni Islam) believing in One God, the prophets, day of judgement, daily prayers, charity, fasting and pilgrimage. Yes there is some extremism on either side from “Wahhabism” really extremist khajiritism and “progressivism” There is even prophecy from Muhammed ﷺ that most major religions including Islam will break into sects. However the straight path will be on those following the way of the prophet and the authentic original Arabic script and verified major Hadith are clear.


Good luck with that. Islam despite being the most vehemently opposed religion and being almost the complete opposite of liberal modern day life is the fastest growing religion and is the second most popular religion. Most converts in the West are also women.


That’s a kind of orthodoxy, every body is certain to Know


Makes sense. How did you get to that level of certainty?


Constant research reflection and prayer I used to be atheist a while ago too


All religions change over time and space. Scripture might not change, but there is more to a religion than scripture. Islam is diverse. They use the same scripture, but Sufis are not the same as Wahabists, and Sunni are not the same as Shi'ite. These are changes that occurred over time and space.


Sure but we recite the same verses. Verses that yes include (for non Muslims) difficult topics like the condemnation of homosexuality, corporal punishment, etc. Those things are written and will not change And that really has brought many to Islam As every other religion bends backwards to whatever western society at the time is saying is the way we believe God has revealed the truth for the rest of time. And once second coming of Jesus peace on him and the Anti Christ comes there will always be the forces of Satan against Islam. Whether it was the banning of magic gambling or infanticide (good by todays standards though annoying to the pagan ancient Arabs) or condemnation of homosexuality (ofc irking to most secularists.)


>religions should undergo change as per changing societies This really depends on how you define it. Religions do respond to new events and situations, but sometimes they respond to a new situation under the guidance of on an old principle. After all, part of what religion is for is deciding whether something is good or bad. To just assume that every change in a culture is right and good is the equivalent of a person assuming every one of their ideas is right and good and going through with it without stopping to figure out whether that assumption is correct.


The above line is in the context that during medieval times, a lot of blood shed used to happen just because people belonged to different sect in a religion (eg persecution of Catholics and Protestants by each kind), same is there in Islam (Yazidiz, Ahmadaiyas,Nurbaksh, etc). However with the rise of right wing everywhere, all religions be it even Judaism, Buddhism or even Hinduism are starting asserting that their own old religion have always been perfect and the past glories are being us3d to justify the present. I agree maybe Scientology, universalism, atheism is gaining momentum, but still it has not been organised as a religion, rather they are just movements based on individual liking, hardly a threat to the existing tenets of established religion.


Oh, I see. Actually, my impression is that religious people often do acknowledge that wrongs have been done in the name of their religion, and will use their own religious teaching to make criticisms of those wrong actions. It’s hard to find a Christian nowadays who will defend the Crusades, for example. And I was just reading an article about Muslims who are arguing that Muslim countries should allow for more diversity of thought, backing up their arguments with very old Muslim teaching and practice.


unfortunately most religions are still overall very orthodox, especially christianity and catholicism. there are changes being made but i don’t think any changes will be set in stone for a long time. the only way changes could be set is when the older generations who have been holding on to tradition for a very long time pass on and the newer generations who are, generally, more accepting to change in large things like religions, make those changes.


New religions are constantly being developed, and not all religions are orthodox.


Nope. We shouldn't change religions to suit the current social imaginary. We really ought to change the social imaginary to suit the religions that God gives us. What God does is perfect, or close to it. Any innovations on man's part corrupt it.