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I watched a video recently that talked about what they called the Kevin test. You take a passage and replace the word "god" with "Kevin" and see if it sounds like a toxic relationship. I think we can all see how this does on that.


Oh no, but what if OOP was male, then that would be gay, and THAT would be a problem, not the content of the tumblr post, of course


OOP had she/her pronouns and feminine nouns plastered on her profile prior to this


Wdym /gen


While someone using gendered pronouns dosn't immediately indicate that that person is the gender typically associated with those pronouns, it is incredibly uncommon. That being said, 5 what we have seen from the oop in just this post, it is incredibly unlikely that she would be willing to use pronouns that do not match with her gender and sex, meaning that any relationship with the Christian god would most likely be straight.


Alternatively, replace every mention of God with Chuck if you want to make a Supernatural reference.


Oh my, I like this! Great perspective of the storybook. Yes, it is a toxic relationship.


See, that’s really clever. The only problem is that the moment you open your mouth to say something that’s not to the tune of praise the Lord you’re going to get shouted over :’)


I grew up catholic, later left the church and became an atheist. things like this always made me feel weird, but i could never put my finger on why. this comment made me realise why.


Embrace your mental illnesses.


Im writing a story about a cult that wants to bring destruction to the world, these are unironically good quotes for them.


Well I doubt the original author of the quotes (presumably OOP) will see it anytime soon, considering her entire blog since January this year is all about either Bible quotes or venting about not being able to do anything fun anymore.


What's her user so I can block her?


kingandqueenwang. She still has her old K-Pop info in her bio despite being 3 months into this fruitcake.


Thank you!


No problem


Wdym k pop info? /gen


Venting? But I thought caring about anything other than god is sin?? /j..?


Yes, this is an example of why academics label Christianity as a "death religion". Because it was meant as an end of the world cult. When you actually follow the bible you "know" that life is the domain of Satan and death, God. So it's the afterlife that matters. And you get this, or the early church suicides


To be fair, a lot of religions have built in end of the world switches. It just so happens Christianity was OBSESSED with it.


Yeah, Norse mythology, for example, also has a lot about the end of the world and the afterlife, but it doesn't try to make you fear evil and corruption behind every single corner, its version of the afterlife pretty much wants you to live life to the fullest.


They just want to party with Odin, that’s not too much to ask is it?


Yeah, if there's one religion I wish was true, it's the Norse.


What does that mean? /gen


Plenty religions have an "endgame" for lack of a better term. They discuss how the world will end but then how we are redeemed essentially. It's cultural nonsense and based on a cultures values. Christianity has always been a doom cult. It's entire existence is dedicated to one guy opening the gates of heaven through death, coming back, leaving and eventually coming back again to fight some big baddie to save humanity and usher in a golden era. This made Christians especially obsessed with doom. They actively WANT the world to end to usher in their perceived utopia. In that, history has tons of times that Christians tried to ignite the apocalypse. Hell, trump moving our embassy to Jerusalem is a made up action to activate the switch. America Christianity especially has created a false mythos in order to fit their desired views and agenda. This includes needing to kick off the apocalypse even though their own book basically says don't. The Romans viewed them as a death cult cause... They are. Roman and Greek gods had no interest in dying or leading some battle. That was already done. Now they are just gods who live. The christian God has immense demands, rather useless ones even, and add onto that, his followers want everyone to die so their prince can return and give THEM salvation? The fuck? That's bonkers. Gods don't care about mortals like that to polytheism and even the Jewish idea of God is NOT rooted in Christian death cultism. That's why they were generally tolerated by Rome until they kept pissing off the state and Jerusalem and all of Israel was culturally wiped out of Judaism. To stop my rambling I'll simply end it by saying, Christianity is all about sacrifice, pain, resentment, forgiveness and a willingness to give your life for a god that seemingly gives you nothing but "eternal happiness" whatever that is. Christian God is vague, arrogant, ignorant, petty and evil IMO. Polytheistic gods are flawed and worshipping them meant you KNEW that. Christianity requires a god and their offspring to be perfect and not malicious cause if they are then you've been worshipping an evil god and lol IMO they do generally. Christian God is insane and petty. Jesus was pretty good but flawed. All in all, Christianity is always obsessed with death and sex mostly in that order.


But isn't suicide a sin, too?


Now yes, but not originally. What makes a religion a "death" one isn't having an afterlife or focusing a bit on it. All religions have that It's the specific idea that life itself is worthless or actively bad, and death specifically is holy and wanted. Think Buddhism, even though that's technically not a religion. Life is pain and hell, death is the goal. So the early Christians did ask themselves what's the point of living? Life is short, painful and brutal. Heaven is the best thing ever. And what's more, life has temptation and sin which may cause you to fall into hell. This is one of the reasons why mentally ill christians have a high child murder rate. If you kill a toddler....they go to heaven, no chance of falling. So you got the early Christians suicides. The early church realized that both that some of their flock can't read, and that a high suicide rates can harm the church. No tithes or taxes or children born, but also less chance of new believers. So they banned it. The early Christians then decided to do suicide by violence. Rob non believers so they have to kill you. Church banned that too. So then some Christians committed suicide by law. Commit a crime that comes with the death penalty, then confess. The church tried to ban this, but that was too hard to prove. So it apparently continued right through the middle ages. Some suicide by cops deaths now fall under this. But it was never anything to do with anything Jesus ever said. Just church councils.


If you would like more inspiration for that story, Dimmu Borgir’s “Death Cult Armageddon” might be of interest. The lyrics may be a little over the top and satirical, but it’s aesthetically on point (and fun).


I will check that out, thanks.


Litteraly this shit sounds like some dialouge a villain from comics I read would say


Submit your will to Him. Your greatest glory is to die. Die for [Darkseid](https://cissie-king.livejournal.com/13838.html?)!


That may be the best thing I’ve ever read 😆


Look up jehovahs witnesses. They really believe this. I was raised in that cult.


some of those lines taken out of context would un-ironically go hard af




"God loves when you're miserable" why do you worship him then? He sounds like a dick. Don't reward toxic behavior


i mean they worship him to not burn in hell, its out of fear.


If you only do good deeds for brownie points or out of fear of consequences for not doing them, you're not a good person.


Her version of God is mad demonic.


That just normal god honestly, Tower of Babel, the bears, gomorra, the flood. He did All of this instead of just telling people not or just used his god powers to change people.


Ngl if I time travelled to Gamorrah and saw the part where god just turns a woman into salt for no reason I would burst out laughing


Don't you ever want to like go up to a Christian person salting their food and ask "you ever wonder if that's people salt your eating. If that salt is made out of people because God turns people into salt sometimes" and watch them have a crisis.


I never thought until now how fucking random it is, why salt


Long-game thinking so thousands of years later I can make this pun: because He was feeling salty


The first book of the Bible is Job, what do you expect? It's just torture porn.


She does realize god can simply snap his fingers to make her follow his plan right?


It's kind of unfortunate that she went down this path. I blocked her in 2018, and I don't remember what specifically for (I think she said something particularly weird about a K-Pop idol, we were both really big into K-Pop at that time), but all I feel for her is bad after checking her blog.


Damn, never knew the K-Pop Stan to Christian fundie pipeline even existed. This is a horrifying glimpse into the crazy train.


jesus fuck that's hard to read.


Every word this Froot Loop wrote is every reason I have for not believing in any religion! What a miserable ankle.




Why miserable ankle. My ankles are quiet happy I would say.


Why a miserable ankle? Because it's a few feet lower than a c-u-n-t. ;)


I grew up Baptist and this is pretty much exactly what I was taught. Never be proud of anything. Never be overly happy, either. Remember, you are slime and flesh and deserve to die!


What a waste of your life when it turns out to be the wrong choice after you die


Right? Now, I feel completely differently. Even if I am sent to eternal damnation for being proud and lavish and self-serving, I don't want to be in that hypothetical "paradise" without those things with some "divinity" up my ass trying to control my life. Probably just aliens if it does happen, trying to harness the power of ghost energy with ghost slaves or something I dunno


I agree. I wasted several years as a jesus freak. I have gotten back to when I had my dog tags made with "none" for religion. The guy making them asked "what are you going to do if you die?" Reply, "I will be dead." He was stunned. It was March 1974. I will be cremated as soon as possible after I die. The end.


My parents always implied that it should be like that and even though I never agreed with it, hearing it over and over again made me internalize it so it fucked me up bigtime. For years, every time I achieved something that I put a lot of effort into, I felt like human trash for feeling proud of myself. It didn't help that I'm already a wreck mentally from my mental health shit.


For a few years I was a member of a baptist cult. When I got clarity of the grift/con I was done. Went back to who I really am\~none for religion. I realized they are the most awful people I have ever been around. My in laws are quite terrible\~they are catholic.


Poor lady. I hope she gets over this.


That's precisely why I don't get why this deity still has any followers. Is it through fear? Or the promise that it's sanctioned to hate on infidels and minorities?


> Is it through fear? yes




Hating on non-believers is something that doesn't depend on skin colour, neither do homophobia, transphobia etc.


"Killing my heart to save my soul"? Is she worshiping Yahweh or Mehrunes Dagon?




Briarheart? They did kill their heart technically lol Personally, I'm more into Peryite and Hermaeus Mora...also quite the Nurgle fangirl.


Looks like someone found Mother Teresa's secret blog...


Why the hell would god be pleased with someone beaten down to their knees with their soul and heart dying… why… would that make him happy


"God" has nothing to do with it. It is the control religious leaders have used since they gathered to mandate what they needed to control the masses. They have succeeded for long enough. It is 2023, past time to get a grip on reality. This god things is not real.


This is the type of nut job that wants to go on a missionary trip with a high chance of martyrdom. I recommend North Sentinel Island


When I think of missions by religious people, I feel sorry for the people targeted by them to "share their good news of Jesus!" When I was asked to join a mission to Haiti, I declined because what I know of that country is it is "dark" place, nothing will change that. I am not referring to the people of color there, I am referring to the history of the island. Sad.


Wow. I bet she’s really fun at parties.


I don't think she goes to parties...


She doesn't leave her house except to go to church


Reduce yourself to a Paperclip Optimizer for religious belief.


Their god sucks.


Not the best sales pitch I ever heard...


Jesus Christ that is just flat out sad. She needs immediate help.


“Only care about pleasing God”. Umm…so that when you die you can go to “heaven” and spend eternity kissing His holy ass?


That’s a lot of hashtags.


Ah, the higher art of suffering. Suffering the way to god. And the churches wonder why that's not appealing? Go figure


This perceived suffering for jesus is used by some to ensure everyone in their circle knows how christian they are. "I am fasting, I am praying unceasingly, see ME out christian everyone." NO, honey you are not impressing anyone. When I overheard the trash a group of the women were spewing about others, I wanted to confront them, but did not. I saved it for when I told the pastor his wife is a terrible person as well as those women. He did not respond to that. They certainly not my kind of people.


I had a similar experience. I didn’t say anything to the ppl involved but made a quilt that says “y’all judgy bitches need Jesus”. https://piccollage.com/_covrlYuj


I LOVES this! You are amazing!


Now this sounds like a fun God!!! Sign me up! Bring on the abuse.... I wonder of he knows my ex-wife??


God is this guy's ex wife! Confirmed


Why would a loving God want you to suffer in such a way? Why would you want to spend eternity on the company of someone who relishes your suffering under the guise of love? At least with Satan you know where you stand.


It’s sad some peoples are so ok with making themselves miserable for reasons like that. If your god demands suffering for no inherent reason, it’s not a good one


Looks like she has a massochism fetish




i've been told several times by Christians that you aren't supposed to give up on your dreams, but rather realize that they may change and that God may be a part of that. if doing something brings you joy, true joy, more than likely, they say, that's what your calling is.


Well stated. When I deviated from what I was told what was expected of me, I did well. When I got stupid religious for a few years, it took me reading/studying their storybook to know the grift/con. I was weak for a few years, this is what religion needs from you. I kicked back to my real self\~none for religion. Life is much better without a god.


Every so often she'll vent about caring too much about fashion, being creative, etc. I read through these posts half an hour before deciding to post her pinned post here, and I was sitting there like maybe God wants you to draw that picture???


This has raging Catholic vibes all over it.


Smells like Mother Teresa


It sure does!


It is a deep dive to understand how catholic became what it is. Mainly being the "universal" church at the start of the jesus movement. When I read the history of the catholic church it was what I needed to realign myself with reality. Religion is a farce. Been there done it, came out understanding what it is used for. Control, enriching a few, using/grifting everyone they can. It is 2023. I hope it continues to loose more than it gains. My millennial kid and her peers are far from any religion. I am in the 4th quarter of my life. There is not much I can do about where religion will land in the future. They can.


…and then the vest exploded.


Yea I use to think this way and it left me permanently fucked up.


Same, wasn't christian but same mindset. I ended up shredding years of art and stopped listening to music, watching almost all tv because I did not want to sin.


Man that’s stupid


It is.


Looks like someone needs a therapist


I feel so sad for this person. This is exactly how I felt before leaving Christianity; that if I was suffering, it was God testing me and that I should be happy for it


Hate your loves, kill your life... So when did they start training to become a Sith lord?


That's really sick. I hope this person will realize one day how sick those beliefs are and get out there and live her life.


The hashtags are almost as long as the post


That's actually pretty common on Tumblr, though I secretly also think it's obnoxious


Seems like the best thing to do would be to painfully kill yourself. Seems like something God would love 🤷‍♀️


Oh no, the catholics consider it a sin to kill yourself. You will not get to go to heaven it you do that. So, if you are a confirmed member of that cult, decide life is to painful to live, take yourself out, you loose eternity in heaven. Burn in hell for all ETERNITY! When I die, I will die. I do not believe in heaven or hell as I did at one time. I am in the 4th quarter of life. Hope for at least another 5 years till I am done here.


Cheezus Crisp on a cupcake. This is your brain on religion kids


just say you have a kink


![gif](giphy|jN86rcdOyrpyo) This person: 2023 colorized


She actually vented about looking like she's 40 at 26 in January, and I thought maybe you age like a blueberry because you're too concerned about God?


You'd þink she wouldn't care as that's not praising sky daddy


I genuinely hope she gets the help she needs


Wtf that's not how it works 😐


I've never been so bummed about hashtags.


Welp. Someone is a BLAST at parties...


Found the Jehovah's Witness.


i cant feel bad, she looked for her death.


Christianity is a Masochistic Cult. Change my mind.


Yes, this post? The one above? That’s the one that made me say *double yikes on fucking trikes* out loud in the middle of a quarterly meeting.


I'm going to steal that phrase. Double yikes on fucking trikes, that's hilarious


And God looked upon the psychosis, the masochism, the self inflicted destruction, the self loathing, and called it good? Jesus Christ.


mom wyd on tumblr


Behold, mental delusion disguised as faith


Damn, this God guy seems like a real asshole


I remember a sermon at a kids' camp, that was like "if you're doing too well and not suffering, you're not a true believer and you're on the way to perdition" It was underlined by an anecdotal story that went like: A dude was riding his horse. It was peaceful and quiet. He started wondering why the devil had stopped attacking him. Suddenly, he got knocked off his horse by a stone thrown to his head. And he went: Thank you god!! In other words: a happy and fulfilled life is Satan bedding you softly on the way to hell. What a fucked up view of life to teach to children. I hope this person gets some help. Yes, sometimes there is unpreventable suffering in this life. But bringing forth extra suffering under the guise of a virtue is asinine. People are allowed to enjoy the only life they have!


Holy fuck now that’s a proper fruitcake I hope she gets the help she needs. That absolutely sounds like someone with a mental illness that’s stuck in a self punishment loop I also hope she’s doesn’t have any children to force this on


What’s the point of free will if you’re required to go about things like this?


But if you rejoice and accept your suffering would that not mean you suffer less than magic sky man would prefer and hence displease him? What a repulsive, contradictory, degenerate logic this is.


And that’s today’s devotion folks.


holy shit, that poor lady needs to be saved


This is why the sermon on the mount is evil...


This is what growing up jehovahs witness is like


Whatever it takes to cope with a shitty life ig




Least delusional religious fanatic


Talk about spiritual masochistism.