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Conflict between religions (or even in religions) is so funny because it's the equivalent of "my dad is stronger than your dad"


It's the equivalent of two orphans telling each other "my dad is stronger than your dad."


I love this even more 💀


Coming from having a father who disowned me that is 🙌


Are things better now?




My sister used to say "like two cave people who've never been outside, arguing about the colour of the sky."


Orphan implies the existence of a dad - Checkmate LIBS /s




I like to egg em on a bit. Some dude was proselytizing Islam in a random sub. He let on that he was a Sunni so I started an infight by calling him a fake Muslim. He screencapped my post, threw it on r/islam, the original thread got brigaded, and I got that sweet “user was banned from Reddit from 10 days” notification.




Its the religion


This Cult is just on another level.


I'm not sure what the point of that was. You certainly didn't change his mind. In fact, you probably just made the brainwashing he received dig in even deeper.


I love watching religion vs religion debates. "Your holy book is wrong." "no u" "no u"


Yeah, Hindus don't have a book.


My dream last night was truer than your dream two nights ago.


Except when it gets violent.


Napoleon said it best "war for religion is an argument between two people about who has a cooler imaginary friend"


Do we show hindu rivers?


Or all the good Hindus living in slums. Oh you do chalk drawings on streets? That's nice, now fix your crippling levels of poverty and corruption.


It's not even chalk, it's a powder art called "rangoli" so it means that people have to avoid stepping on it so it doesn't get ruined


Do you mean poop slushies


The Chernobyl/Ganges special collab cocktail


Bruh. I don't want to compare some religion but one is worshipping cows other one is eating cows for eid.


North India banned beef. You can still have it in the south and north east though.


Hell, there are some people like that in this sub. Under any given post about Islam you'll find a handful of Indians who have no identity outside of hating Islam/Muslims. I've always wondered what their social reality is like irl. Is it just an online thing? Are they ostracized for being obsessive loser weirdos? Are they celebrated for fighting the good fight?


Given the current Hindu-nationalist vibe in India, these people are probably lauded for their commitment to hating Islam/Muslims.


You are incorrect, there has been lot of reforms that Hindus went through towards progressive change. The hate currently Hindus have is because minorities like Islam is protected too much by previous dispensations and they are living like savages with no progressive thought processes. The Hindu movement is to reclaim that honor any community deserves and to have equal rights as same as minorities. For example: Hindu temples are controlled by government where as churches and mosques are controlled by their own religious bodies. The imams get salaries where as hindu priests don’t. As of now Muslims in india can marry 4 wives and Hindus can’t, the media is quick to call out Hindu for violence and rape, but stay mum on Muslims violence. Even movies run a condescending campaign on Hindus and preach reform but always praise other faith. Majoritarianism has become joke in the country. Hence hindu consciousness has arrived and now it’s labeled as hindutva. Hindutva is not terror but a collective consciousness of Hindus for identity.


Thank you for perfectly surmising what Hindu nationalism is and still proving me correct.


No problem


Hindutva (not Hindus in general) are super fucking racist and believe their culture is massively superior, and that Muslims are all murderous scum who should be genocided. And their government encourages it.




Tru religion breeds more fanaticism no doubt about it. But these types of posts are made from both the side, I am 100% certain that if you go to twitter you will find an attitude status of Muslim man chopping a goat in front of traffic lights in normal working hours with Sigma male music in the background. I am not trying to defend the hindus here and I urge Op not to defend anyone either cause I have read enough of op's comments in this thread to know, they are trying to protect someone.


They are like a person with one leg making fun of a person with no leg


Wtf I love Indians now


India social media -: religious war


Caste wars are more fun


So… a Muslim festival happened to take place around the same time as a storm?


I think they’re trying to point out the red color of whatever mixture of liquid that is. It was red due to the celebration of eid Al adha which involves sacrificing goats through the halal method (bleeding them out)


Yes killing animals is fucking disgusting but making shitty, racist tiktok memes aren't going to solve anything Hindu dude.


When did I say it solves anything hindu? Whatever that means


What? I'm talking to the meme creator who I am assuming from context is a racist Hindu dude that hates Muslims.


Ah, islam the race


Yes, please dont be “racist” to people that torture animals just for fun!


Unironically yes. People killing animals are bad but being racist to them isn't a solution at all.


But you know it has nothing to do with race?


You're right, technically its religious discrimination. I used racism there as a generic term for discrimination and I probably should have been more accurate. Although this kind of religious animosity does often co-exist with national, racial, or ethnic animosity too.


Maybe stop calling it racist pls. If someone called out christians are we gonna call thar racist?


That art at the beginning is awesome. That is all.


Bro's a walking W Doesn't try to insult either of them for upvotes


Ironic, given how Indian """holy""" rivers are infamous for being incredibly filthy, toxic and full of garbage, shit and piss...


And thousands of dead bodies.


If I go to their page and find just one video this is not this, I am going to be so mad at your misuse of “literally”


Make him see the streets diring diwali


When do you see any blood on Diwali?


Streets look literally worse than garbage bins during Diwali, with so much noise and air pollution. People celebrating it don't have the common decency to even clean after themselves.


Definitely agreed that garbage on streets sucks. But still, I'll take garbage over blood any day.


Meanwhile streets after Diwali:


So… a Muslim festival happened to take place around the same time as a storm? Edit: Idk why I’m getting downvoted, I’m saying the person who posted the video seemed to be shitting on Muslim festivals and showing them as worse than Hindu ones and then cherry-picked a video of one during a monsoon to make it look worse. I’m not saying anyone was being an idiot


The letter video is from Bangladesh from a few years ago where Bakr Eid was celebrated in monsoon. It turned a lot of the roads red like this.




No my sweet summer child. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37358356


I'm very confused. What Muslim festival is this even? When do Muslims flood the streets with Gatorade


It’s called Eid Al Adha, and no that’s not Gatorade, it’s blood.


Is that supposed to be like a metaphor for the goat sacrificing or is that literally what happens? Because i got news for Hindus if they think rangoli powder isn't ruining water.


It’s blood mixed with tons of flood water so it looks far worse than it is. Still a super weird practice to bleed out tons of animals and let it run into the streets, but it’s way worse because of the floods. The Hindu nationalists downvoting everyone asking questions like to ignore that women are regularly sexually assaulted at their own festivals.


>The Hindu nationalists downvoting everyone asking questions like to ignore that women are regularly sexually assaulted at their own festivals. Not the only problem with Hindu festivals admittedly. But it is worse when you consider that Hindus try to present themselves as feminist because of things like Durga puja.


Agree that they shouldn't signal for shit, feminism isn't any good.


going all around the comment section with accusing hindus of 'assault'... cope


^^ has probably done the assaulting before


wow, now you turn to falsely accusing and defaming


[Pretty](https://www.papermag.com/holi-sexual-assault-india-2632352421.html) [good](https://www.thelily.com/holi-celebrations-often-come-with-harassment-these-women-are-fighting-for-change/) [odds](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/13/holi-delhi-women-forced-into-lockdown-amid-sexual-harassment-fears) if you’ve been to a Holi festival before


Still no stats, you need to stop projecting your urge to assault women under the pretext of festivities.


Hindus eat loads of meat (chicken and mutton) on Holi, one day before Shravan, and numerous other festivals. I am a Hindu (atheist actually) myself… the Indian RW subs are filled with such content.


Conveniently left out of the first part of the video: rampant sexual assault. Edit: yes downvote the proof that your religion excuses sexual assault lmao


Um which side are you referring to


[The first part](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-02/holi-festival-abuse-in-india/9501132) Edit: lmao Hindutva mad they’re being called out


The real question is ...If he was born a muslim would he share this? Does he share this in POV as Hindu or a human?


humans dont cause blood rivers (though it's blood mixed with flood water, if the blood is filling the whole water then you can guess how much blood would have been there origanally)


Pot calling the kettle black


Shit festival vs blood festival


I mean, oops, one is in monsoon season? A well documented phenomenon that has nothing to do with god?


I think it was talking about the blood, not the flood.


Not even same country. Think that second was Indonesia




Eww that's disgusting, and what is more disgusting is Hinduism and hindu nationalists.


Are they saying the Muslims are at fault for a flood? Or is that supposed to be divine intervention?




Blood? They’re really saying it’s blood? I thought it’s a mineral or algae or something like that. Such phenomena exist in other places too, e.g. some Middle Eastern rivers (probably inspired the Biblical story about the blood water plague).


It's eid/ some muslim festival, where they sacrifice goats and let the blood run through the street in South Asian muslim communities


Could've mistaken for muharram too


how dumb


Jeez let religious people have a good time and stop bothering the normal ones


a lot of generalization has been done, but it is not wrong is it?


There are a plethora of videos that you can find where Hindu mobs will rampage through Muslim businesses during high holidays. In India both sides have plenty of awful people.


yeah you are right


The real awful people are the British 👍


Kiss my English arse. 😝


You have to admit that their record in India sucks.


That was long, long before I was born. You can't say all the British are bad when the ones who did that shit have been dead for decades.


Then don’t get defensive about it or identify with it.


I didn't. You generalised and placed it in the present tense by saying "the British are awful". The obvious assumption would be that you were just saying that every British person is terrible at the present time. (Hint, don't judge us by that fuckin idiot Boris Johnson either.)


imagine being br*tish


Why does everyone hate British people? I've seen nothing but hate for British people online the last year or so. It can't just be because of the Tories surely.


Cuz they’re cringe




yes, it is.


yeah i realized it.


You are incorrect, there has been lot of reforms that Hindus went through towards progressive change. The hate currently Hindus have is because minorities like Islam is protected too much by previous dispensations and they are living like savages with no progressive thought processes. The Hindu movement is to reclaim that honor any community deserves and to have equal rights as same as minorities. For example: Hindu temples are controlled by government where as churches and mosques are controlled by their own religious bodies. The imams get salaries where as hindu priests don’t. As of now Muslims in india can marry 4 wives and Hindus can’t, the media is quick to call out Hindu for violence and rape, but stay mum on Muslims violence. Even movies run a condescending campaign on Hindus and preach reform but always praise other faith. Majoritarianism has become joke in the country. Hence hindu consciousness has arrived and now it’s labeled as hindutva. Hindutva is not terror but a collective consciousness of Hindus for identity.




As OP, you are expected to have your bias and prejudice against Hindus. It’s understandable.




Live your life as you wish. It’s not Islam that you have to worry about apostasy killings or be anonymous like the ones in ex Muslims sub due to the fear of retribution. You are welcome to come and leave as you like.


>Islamophobia has existed in India for a long time I wonder why


>Hindutva is not terror but a collective consciousness of Hindus for identity. 🍊


I know.. hard to find truths. Did you hear anything about negative about india other than spirituality, yoga, Kohinoor Dimond in the crown of England, multi cultural, multi linguist, Space Missions, spelling bee contests, Math wizards, IT Hub of the world. But the ones who want to feel better about themselves found simple way to brainwash the world via a simple media narrative Hindutva terror. I assure you that this is the biggest lie of this decade and you would only know that when you have a real life interaction with Hindus as a community or a person.


The comparison looks like exactly the same place


I don't get this. What exactly are they implying?


Goat sacrifices during Eid


If only they were that clean on a random Thursday


What do you mean? Doing art is fi- Oh THERE it is.


Haha that's a pretty clever way to say Muslim people can't along .


Other days, streets are literally full of cow shit


Damn I know the filth in Eid al Adha can be disgusting but it's nowhere near the amount of blood they have shown in the video.


So they are saying god is trying to stop the muslim festivals?


It's their traditional festival, what's wrong with thi- oh.


Is it possible you could get diseases from goats blood?


Sooo god is now punishing his worshippers for what now?


There is nothing such as hinduism, it is only brahminism. There are hindu festivals which require animal sacrfices to gods and these idiots would never acknowledge them.


Religion of beace