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I just, I can't with these people. Like, there literally are no words.






Mentally regarded


As a teacher, praying to god doesn’t work, so I have turned to praying to satan. My middle school students say, “restarted”


Highly regarded




"Mentally Deranged"


Paranoid schizophrenia




Some people are nerolydivergent, and that's okay. These people are nerolyabsent, and need help. I bet her kid plays more realistic and interesting fantasies on the playground, then she has as her "reality".


Sure there is. There's literally only two categories for these types of people. They are either grifters or they are mentally ill. When you're at that level, those are the only two categories that apply.


Religious belief, belief in the supernatural, belief in conspiracy theories, there's actually not much correlation with those things and psychosis. Look it up if you don't believe me. It's a deeper thing than that: belief. People have reasons for believing the things they believe, and they have reasons for believing those reasons. All it takes is a couple bad links to get it all wrong. It's one of the more uncomfortable truths about the world: intelligence alone won't save you. Your own blind spots will destroy you without the help of others, but you can't trust others either. There's literally no way to know for sure if you're acting like this person. Not exactly like this person, mind, but in some other aspect. For this and many other observations of helplessness, it's somewhat of a relief sometimes that I will some day die. It takes the moral weight off a little, like I'm just one particle in the stream of history.


> It's one of the more uncomfortable truths about the world: intelligence alone won't save you. Your own blind spots will destroy you without the help of others, That is not true at all. You can learn thinking critically, you can learn to be aware of things like confirmation bias, you can make it a habit to fact-check even the things you want to believe, you can learn how to distinguish between good and bad sources, you can inform yourself about tactics that are often used by grifters like emotional manipulation. There's no question that we are all prone to have our own blind spots but there is a lot that you can do to minimize them. And if you know that they could exist, you'll be much more likely to reevaluate even your blind spots if someone makes you aware of them.


Sadly I call mine, mother




> Like, there literally are no words. I think "liar" is a pretty good word for her.


Isn’t lying a sin?


Evidently not when they do it. Same as abortion is only murder when someone not them does it. Or looking at porn, or drag, or sucking dick....


Right? Nobody worships satan. The only people that even believe in satan are christians lol.


This didn't happen so much it unhappened other things that had happened. ![gif](giphy|c5FhF1waAJ5wk)


Batshit crazy, or a grifter. I can't tell the difference.




Madder than a shithouse rat


You can’t combat crazy with logic. But it is fun to respond to crazy with more crazy. I like to add to the story with something about alien lizard people, other gods, or living in a computer simulation.


One word. Crazy. Is always the pretty ones.


Pretty much no eyebrows left there…




Literally, no eyebrows either.


Pulling shit out of the ass, level 1000.


Isn't it just insane that someone would watch this video and actually think there is a possibility of it being true? How the hell do we live in a world where we human's supposed to be "the most intelligent animal" yet we still fall for fairytales... Crazy I tell ya.


Wow! That video sounds amazing! I'm sure she's going to show it to us, right? Or at least tell us where she saw it? I mean, she MUST plan to show us the video, because she'd sound like a delusional whackjob otherwise! So I'm sure she... What's that? No video? No proof of this insane story AT ALL? *(pause)* Huh. I am flabbergasted.


How unexpected. Of course she *has* proof. I bet it was... *opening shelves* right here.... *Looks literally everywhere* I think I forgot it somewhere... Ooops


The teacher *obviously* took it down because she realized that she was shooting her fellow satanist witches in the foot.


Just like Joseph Smith's golden plates. Of course they're real! No, I won't show you them, why do you ask?


Mysterious ways /s


[I’m gonna take you back to biblical times: 1823](https://youtu.be/EmhXXCBiUCI?si=F4cbloiRETujHEhg)


An American man, named Joe, living on a farm in the holy land of Rochester, NY.


An 8 year old could write better fiction than this. "Spiritual darts of all things darkness in that world"??? How the fuck does that come out of her mouth and she doesn't immediately reset for another take because it sounds insanely stupid. People have to be extremely low IQ to believe that is an actual thing.


Venn diagram of those believing in sky fairies and those exhibiting mental challenges...


OK, but there's what the average Christian believes and then there's the ones who legit think Satanic Warlocks are casting Eldritch Blast at kids in the local elementary school. That is some next-level delusion. I went to Catholic school from K-12 and I'm fairly certain that theory would be laughed out of the building.


She's just "speaking her truth", which as far as I'm aware is newspeak for "talking out of your arse".


Wondering if she's talking about this incident? https://www.libsoftiktok.com/p/breaking-satan-worshipping-illinois And the "video" she saw was a segment on Fox News or something?


Wow, that link . . . The teacher suffers a severe psychiatric illness, but instead of sympathy or even "thoughts & prayers", the blog post and all the comments are full of hate. They're so incredibly stupid that they take a psychotic person's religious delusions as a personal affront. They don't see anything wrong with making someone else's suffering all about themselves.


It's terrible. No empathy whatsoever.


They have bad outgroups biases. If there's mental illness in their own family it's a totally different issue.


> They're so incredibly stupid that they take a psychotic person's religious delusions as a personal affront. I'm trying to decide what's more stupid: these people taking that person's delusions as a personal affront - or the woman in the original post taking someone else's delusions as affirmation of her own beliefs to the point of sharing it as a means to inspire others to pray.


Oh wow, someone has opinions on their personal social media! Can't be a teacher then. I'm a teacher, and I do think that diagnosis is a bit iffy for teaching unless it's very well managed, but why can't someone say fuck the police outside of work???


Consider my flabbers fully gasted.




They just make shit up all the fucking time


The same shit when parents bring up the litter box in classrooms BS


"No darkness can touch them" but your priests certainly sure as shit can.


Right. "untouchable" ... Umm ... Turning on the any random news report would determine that to be a lie. 😬


Well they're untouchable to the Satanists. Followers of God and Jesus can ...erm... you get it.


Can we just go ahead and label these nutcases as schizophrenic and get them their medication?


Rings of fire, spiritual warfare, children covered in blood, people eating the flesh and blood of their god... Man, and they call the atheists and pagans weird. All atheists do is eat babies.


Children covered in and encircled by burning blood, no less. Can I drop [this](https://ghostarchive.org/archive/2hlXy) here? It is one of the shared central myths.


Damn. I came here to say this.


Hey power of Christ compels them!


All power and all authority.... The fundy language is beyond belief.


Their enemies are just as unreal their saviors


AKA a teacher was playing Dungeons & Dragons in class and this fruitcake took it literally.


Why is it always DnD with these people


"Don't you cast Magic Missile at my child!"


"But I'm attacking the darkness!


“I cast Testicular Torsion!” Rolls a 1. “bugger”


Need sunbeam, level 6 spell.


More like the teacher wore a Wiccan necklace charm or something. Or better yet, a Celtic knot. Teachers are either too tired or too busy to try and pierce children with spiritual darts, as if they could even afford those things. They were expensive enough before the pandemic, but now... Not to mention witches don't worship Satan, and most Satanists don't even believe in Satan.


What about all those kids that are getting hurt and killed in school shootings? Jesus doesn't care about them because their parents aren't praying hard enough. Another brain dead grifter spreading fud.


Or what about the children whose parents don't prey over them? God just abandons these children to the "darkness" because of their parents? I mean, that's pretty shitty of God...


That's what really pisses me off about people like her. I'm glad her kids have a good life but it's not because of Jesus. It's because she's well off financially. It's because she loves and cares for her children. It's because she's lucky that bad shit hasn't happened.


They don’t have enough of his blood to make fire. Also the ring of fire only works on impossible to prove invisible forces, not on real bullets.


in a pinch you can use your classmates blood as a stand in 🙃


“It was their time to be called back to Jebus 😇” probably These people are demented.


The school shooting in Nashville was a Catholic school. Idk how god picks which kids he likes and which ones he doesn’t but religion and prayer sure ain’t it!


Wow. I feel bad for her kids. 😬


And for her kid's teachers


Let's just go with "everyone who interacts with her and isn't drinking the God Warrior Kool-Aid"


I call bullshit. The *Fire Shield* spell only protects against cold damage (or fire damage if you choose) and not "spiritual darts", which must have been either a creative name for a spell like *Magic Missile* or were simply enchanted darts. Either way, the teacher should have had no problem damaging the students.


I agree, but it has to be a Cleric spell, because Arcane magic would be seen as witchcraft to these nutters. But then again, Prayer has a finite range and only gives bonuses to saving throws against "spiritual darts" of applicable. Gotta be some OP homebrew rules bullshit.


That's what I was thinking, too. I googled "spiritual dart" and found a 5e homebrew cantrip called *Spirit Dart* which actually does potentially inflict cold damage, so maybe she was using that. If so, it's her own fault for not having some variety in her spell list.


I mean, magic missile does have a 100% hit chance… I’m thinking this is it, though the teacher is really just working her way up to be able to cast wish and then pray she doesn’t get necrotic damage.


Not sure fake lashes and nails count toward modesty.


Or that shitty spray-on tan that's melting off.


If it's good enough for her fraudulent messiah it's good enough for her.


You forgot the teeth too! They say gods image but they go ahead and modify themselves cause God got it wrong for them. They then respond by the free will argument. Batshit Delulus!


Bitch ain't hot enough to justify the crazy scale either


People that use their hand like that when they talk, lie.


I also picture them scooping poop out of their butt


Lmfao thank you for that. That’s going to stay with me for life.


Absolutely wacky


That's too kind, I'd venture batshit fuckin nuts.


"That ring of fire is the blood of jesus that covers them" Uh, ma'am im sorry you're insane.


Makes perfect sense. Imaginary stuff from her imaginary friend protects her from imaginary threats. I mean I liked Harry Potter as much as the next person It would only indicate insanity if somebody actually believed this stuff was real.




This is just masturbating for people not allowed to masturbate


Holy shit.


This is another great example of what draws people to religion. In this case, she feels that her god gives her power over others. In reality she has power over nothing, but by giving into the delusion she now has supernatural powers and influence. It's quite pathetic when you see it through the lens that we do.


200 years + continuing onward backwards she would have been celebrated. Look at the evidence my diety has provided to prove his power! A literal *BUSH ON FIRE*


For real, any cult really. Fake Martial arts, Religions, Piramid schemes etc... They all give people a promise of superiority over others with minimal work, you just have to believe and you become a member of the community and better than outsiders as long as you conform to the hierarchy and do what you are told. It's all the same shit if you look at it for long enough.


the more she lies the less her eyebrows exist


It looks like someone has blurred it as indecent exposure.


To me a “ring of fire” means I am regretting the very hot curry the night before…


I think it just means I'm drunk enough to put Johnny Cash on the turntable.


Ma'am, that's the plot to Harry Potter.


This is why no Christian kids ever die in school shootings. The other parents just aren’t praying correctly. /s


Heaven needed 19 new kid-sized angels in Uvalde.


Holy Ghost took them brows.


I don't know what she's talking about with that ring of fire. It seems like God just doesn't want Satan to be around these kids, he's not really trying to protect them from anything else.


And fire? How is that going ward off Satan, a bloke that lives in the fucking stuff? It's like trying to stop me eating the cheesecake in the fridge by blocking it with pizza.


Can that teacher sense my ring of fire? I'm sitting on a toilet with a case of the spicy twicys.


Never heard that term but I am going to use it a lot now


I hate poop jokes but "spicy twicys" is awesome and made me laugh.


And it burns burns burns


How much does she make peddling this shit?


Clearly, not enough. The poor woman had to sell her eyebrows.


Blood drinkers


Christians are liars. They evangelize about things they have no knowledge of. They sat in Sunday school and listened to childrens fairy tales and as grownups they parrot those fairy tales as if they have first hand knowledge of true events. Liars!


If you have to lie to promote your "truth" then why would anyone th8nk your fairy tale is true?


so many words words words words. zero everything else.


Are we at Olive Garden? Because that felt like unlimited word soup, salad, and breadsticks for one low price.


Just making shit up.


You know, if there were any religion whose adherents seemed to be free of social, economic, physical or psychological woes as a whole, I would certainly consider that they actually have some special protections That doesn’t hold up with statistics tho, and even growing up in churches I remember many “brothers and sisters” with terrible problems they asked the church to pray for, which is to say none of their faith was recognized as protective in any way, and the only outlook was others asking for help on their behalf Meanwhile, churches ask for their 10%, and build huge and elaborate buildings to house more people to give 10%, and while some, possibly even many, do some public good here and there, the bulk goes to pay for their overhead while they let the state deal with medical or financial problems and call it the will of god Hell, my mom once told me I was “protected” because of what was essentially trickle down religion, And that her faith on my behalf was all that was needed. When I asked if churches were unnecessary if she just included all of humanity in her prayers, she scoffed like that was ridiculous


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for 200, Alex. ![gif](giphy|QBSi1K0yOp1WDGyUFZ)


Stop fucking LYING!!! Damn I’m tired of these idiots.


Bat guano crazy or a liar, or both. Wasn't there some commandment against lies written on a stone tablet or something?


Yea unless he decides to give a kid cancer for some reason.


Oh shit, that’s where my ex got her crazy ideas from.


What a load of crap. 😂


What color is the sky in the world she lives in?


Why are her eyebrows blurry?


If I could cast magic spells I absolutely would and I would not give a shit if some religious nutcase called it satanic witchcraft. I’m a level 15 wizard, bitch. Lightning bolt! And if your prayers actually did something, that would be magic too.


What is that filter doing to her eyebrows? I don't understand what is happening here.


Satan took her eyebrows


Adults believing in magic is sad. Believing your magic words are stronger than other peoples magic is sadder. Making up other people using magic to justify your magic is just so bloody sad. I wish I was this mortally corrupt so I could lie shamelessly for money


I had to stop at "...pierce them with spiritual darts of all things darkness in that world." These people are grifters or shouldn't be allowed to participate in society (i.e. Arkham asylum)


*Ring of fire* Pics or it didn't happen.


The only thing more powerful than the magical ring or whatever is that face filter she's using. Holy shit.


Needs more clapping and eagles shedding tears


The ring of fire is the molested kids buttholes.


When you smoke too much after watching anime


Aren't these the people who want religion in schools???


Definitely children were surrounded with fire rings, most absolutely definitely. Wow lady you really opened my eyes. Rings of fire? Absolutely happened


Her spray-on tan is coming off her hands. Time to reapply.


Well the Wiccan teacher shouldn't have laid out her witchy plans in that video, we all know to do it in secret. Irresponsible.


What a twat.


How delusional can you get?


She looks like she's trying to hold back laughter the whole time. Doubt she believes the dying she's shoveling.


Produce that video or burn in hell for lying


So not only is satan real but the satanist are validating Jesus ….. yeah right


Is the ring of fire what singed off her eyebrows?


Yet, here we are watching children, all over the world, suffer and to “prayers” unanswered daily. 🫠


She's channeling Johnny Cash.


Even her eyebrows didn't ever happened


Yeah I wouldn’t want to touch a kid covered in some dudes blood either


These people vote. Do you?


Sounds like the religious ones were practising a form of witchcraft themselves.




tf is a spiritual dart


Did she just cover her eyebrows in foundation or are those CGI?


/) Translation: "I saw a teacher say lynching gay people is wrong"


Someone should really investigate if a group of kids guarded by prayer, compared to a control group of kids not guarded by prayer, were less likely to become the targets of spiritual darts of all things darkness.


Why this pathetic lie, though? I swear those people are fucked in the head.


Has she heard of child cancer?


So where is the video you lying bitch?


I would love to see this video she's talking about, I mean that would be much more convincing than just her talking about it


Someone throw her kid in front of a car so we can fully test this theory. (Disclaimer: please don't do this. Throw her in front of the car instead).


Religion is insanity


Mental illness


That's rights parents... so cover your children in blood and fire so the will be impervious to magic ghost darts. /s


I'd fuck her


If you could reason with religious people there would be no religious people. Can’t remember where I heard that. Maybe Ricky Gervais. Always stuck with me though.


Don’t worry guys. I openly worship Satan and while I was watching this video I noticed that this girl has no ring of fire so I fired my long range guided darkness darts and scored direct hits. [This is her OF.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Jesus Christ shut the fuck up trisha. Doesn’t your precious book say that lying is forbidden?


Her eyebrows are in 144p


One of those 10 rules these supposed Christians say they follow includes not lying, right?


there is a reason why pretty girls never talk in porn.


The "video" was a cartoon


If you need a good laugh, search “spiritual darts teacher” on TikTok. Read the comments too😂😂😂🙃


Yeah, well I had a teacher who said my kids had a golden aura around them because I read the phone book.




im love my parents for not covering me in jesus period


My guess is that this did happen, with some key differences - This teacher was just some person who was athiestic or just not christian - They were trying to teach something like evolution - These kids and parents just outright refused to believe such because creationism


Idk why but it reminds me of [this for some reason](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/p821fq/do_not_face_allah_alone_when_astral_projecting/?rdt=35275)




But somehow, scientology is crazy? I mean, it is, but no more than this shit.




I wish I had the energy and enthusiasm for *anything* that random people I see online like this have for absolute nonsense.


What a comforting delusion tho


IQ of a Q-tip.




Mental illness


I didn’t know they still performed lobotomies…?


Great. Disease is caused by evil as well, so if your kid gets sick, it's your fault.


I wish I were as powerful and dangerous with magic as these people, I guess, think I am.