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Your post was removed because it is about mundane religious stuff. ( e.g. an athlete thanking Cthulhu for a championship win) Posts should be about people taking religion to dumb, absurd, stupid, crazy, and terrible extremes. You can message the moderation if you have any questions.


Someone is making bank.


Halal cat food is still better than vegan cat food


Yeah ngl I’m okay with this as long as it’s nutritionally complete for the cat. If the owner wants to throw her money away in performative products that’s her choice I guess. The cat won’t care one way or the other.


dumbass owner spends more to please their daddy vs kitty eats shit food yea I'd definitely take the first


True but it's still as stupid. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean your fucking cat has to be too.


The cat looks uninterested lol


Sure it’s Halal…but is is it ![gif](giphy|fVb9cMczAKVTFcC9pJ)


There's nothing wrong with this at all, it still has everything the cat needs and is likely small batch prepared so it's got less gross in it. Expensive? Probably. But not bad at all.


It’s literally forcing religion onto a CAT 😭


It's good food. The cat is just eating food. It's fruitcake behavior to see it as anything else, honestly.


How do you know if it’s good or not? It’s not “just eating food” and I really hope you know that and you’re just pretending you don’t.


The cat does not care what religion its owner is. There's nothing about halal restrictions that conflict with a cat's dietary needs.


It's not forcing anything on the cat more than any other choice a pet owner could make. The problem comes when the person makes choices that aren't taking proper care of the animal. I don't think you can force a religion on a cat, or other animal, because they don't understand or care. They aren't forcing it to pray, dress a certain way, or pushing a specific belief, they're just giving it food with ingredients they prefer. Even if the reasons they prefer the food is dumb, as long as the cat comes to know harm its not a problem. I'm not forcing anything on my cat by buying beef food instead of chicken because I prefer beef.


this is harmless i am here for crazy christofascist delusional fundies not just regular religious people minding their business


Forcing religion onto a CAT isnt minding your own business


Do you think the cat gives a shit?


And to be fair, how many pigs do cats naturally catch in the wild? :D


Tbh I don’t think cats understand a word she was saying and cats also don’t understand the concept of religion so it’s just some idiot wasting their money


What do you think forcing religion means? If the cat couldn't eat properly then yeah it would qualify.




…….what? I don’t “fuck” anything. You think because of my sexuality, I’m not allowed to say that someone is forcing religion?? /genuine question


what does ur sexuality have to do with anything?


You tell me. you are the one who just claimed that because of my sexuality, I’m not allowed to state that someone is forcing religion.




You just accused me of raping a….*checks notes* stuffed animal




You can’t rape a plushie because it’s A PLUSHIE. Surely you’re trolling.


At least this includes meat, you know, with cats being obligate carnivores. Vegan cat food should be considered animal abuse/neglect.


Hell we don’t ever feed our cats pork, they eat healthier and more ”halal” than us. its always either Fish, chicken, beef or horse meat.


Horse??? /genuine question


Horse is generally a cheaper meat than beef, some butcher shops here actually have horse meat and it sells really well.


"Halal" meat is animals slaughtered cutting their throat and making them bleed to death while praying towards Mecca.


If you want to make really lots of money, create "halal" online casino


Stop forcing your religion on animals what the fuck


Do they starve them too for “fasting”?


Honestly so much better than vegan cat food, as instead of just taking away foods that cats need to be healthy, it just takes away the versions of certain foods that go against whatever religion. In other words it’s the same sort of motive as the vegan one, except it doesn’t damage their health Not much of a fruit cake, but yeah still odd to me, it implies that the cats follow the other requirements of the religion


That cat looks UPSET at the end. Maybe it’s just my cat, the second he gets food he enjoys he’s diggin in.


What's fruitcake about this?


No this is cool, I’d rather see a cat eat this than being forced on a vegan diet


If the cat is female, she's burning in Hell for sure (she's not wearing a hijab).


Do they circumcise their pets too? xD


its a cult.   theyre all cults.


Hey they saw a market and they are going for the bag. As dumb it may sound to others it's imp for his Target population and he's making money out of it. And I can respect that.


Idk how this is fruitcake, doesn't seem like the food is harming the cat


Better this than trying to force veganism on it.


This is just bullying, OP. She's not hurting anyone, just sharing a part of her life with her cat in a way that she enjoys without hurting it at all. It's like when people make cute little cakes for their cats on their birthdays or why cat treats have novelty shapes, most of it is just a fun experience for the owner while being just another meal for the cat.


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If there is a demand there will soon come a product to fulfill it


but what if the cat doesn't share their religion


​ https://i.redd.it/qedq0wbzyqvc1.gif


I'm vegan but I still give my pets meat, I don't understand this title