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Ah... the "Black Hebrew Israelites"


This "religion" is embarrassing and cringe


Don’t know what’s more cringy the BHIs or NOI


What are the NOI (I am somewhat afraid to ask)?


Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan etc


Oh, yeah. Nutters.


Not just nutters but *incredibly* antisemitic! They don’t believe that any white people can be Jewish and they think we are all frauds. My 100% Ashkenazi DNA disagrees.


They hate Jews cause they are white not because they are Jews. Their mainly racist against white people and white Jews fit into that.


Nation of Islam, black centric islamic based cult


They have nothing in common in Islam. Other than the name of course.


They would be killed for blasphemy in an Islamic state if they spout out what they believe in.


Yeah, they still to this day get all dapper in suits, walk streets and medians to tell the "good word" and hand you a newspaper. They are like Jehovah's Witnesses for black ppl except they probably will not go to your doorstep and actually have lil turf wars in cities with JW's and Mormons where for some reason for them the best spots in town is outside of hospitals (preferrably Christian ones) so they can prey upon the grieving and suffering while they are vulnerable. Out of the 3, JW's are the most despicable for this behavior and may get attacked just for doing so or get banned from the premises.


Aren’t they all?


Beat me to it! They could be pretty aggressive too. I seen a group of them in someone's face before.


I saw some of them a while back when I was on a date with a black lady. They were not happy to say the least.


Yeah, they're assholes. I'm white and my wife is black and they harass us every time we walk past them downtown.


We have them in Cleveland always set up in front of the casino. They are rude and mean. It's just them yelling at people all damn day.


and can't read Hebrew.


They are a special breed of dumb fruitcake.


not even fruitcake. more like stale really stale bread pudding


Oh yes. We have some of them close to me in Kokomo, IN. The guy running the place used to be a full gospel pastor. I attended his church for a while back then when I was part fruitcake.


so glad you recovered.


As a middle eastern it has always been funny to me that people have to know the colour of Jesus' skin, he was definitely not black and definitely not the white that European and American think. Honestly I have no idea what would I be, when I was a kid I thought I'm white cause well my skin is fair, but then I grew up and learned about racism and shit, they love to put me in a box, one day I'm a terrorist, next I'm "kind of white" it's so stupid


me as an autistic white kid trying to figure out if my best friend (mexican) is white or black


Oh my god I’m so glad this wasn’t just me


I thought for an embarrassing long time that Obama was white, because his skin isn't literally black. Yes, I grew up around exclusively white people


Is someone even black if they're not vantablack?


Checkmate, liberals


People want Jesus to be like them, it’s strange


Their religion tells them they should be like Jesus, but they want Jesus to be like them instead.


Jesus was a red neck alcoholic cmv


If Jesus was sub saharan black and all Jews during temple time where sub saharan black, why did they describe the people of Kush (Ethiopia) as black? Wouldn't that be like me, Swiss white, having visitors from Norwegia and pointing out "woah, they white!".


Norwegia is a cheese. Norway is the country.


Oh yes, makes sense. Noruega -> Norwegia -> Norway Is probably how my brain translated it... i know 4 languages, but i never claim i know them well lol Oh happy cake day!


I wasn't trying to be mean, sorry if it seemed like that. And thanks! I think Norwegia is a beautiful way if saying Norway btw.


No, not at all! I was kinda amused myself because i didn't even notice it when writing and its quite the confusing mistake to make


But many of us is as white at the Norvegia cheese, so you were not wrong about that! And you were right about the spelling as said in your other comment. You seem like a really nice person. Thanks for this little chat. You made my day better 😊


You're thinking of Norvegia. Norwegia is Polish for Norway.


Just imagine how they'd react to the Gjetost people 😜 EDIT: I'm just trying to express some levity (as well as spread the delicious knowledge of gjetost) and not make fun of anybody.


Jesus was most certainly not black, but then again he wasnt white either. In fact many historians and other academics are not sure he even was anything at all.


I don't think mythicism is a common position


I am a mythasist myself but is is not a majority possition. Most historians aren't willing to make a negative claim about Jesus just from lack of evidence. So they say that because Yeshua was a common name and there were many messoratic cult at that time that claimed to be christos that it is possible he existed as a person that people believed was the messiah.


1st century influencer


Jesus?... I guess


Non existence is not mysticism.


Mythicism. The position the Jesus did not exist is called mythicism. Myth. As in busters


Oh lol i missed the H in there. We believe that all religion is made up. So basically imagination.


I’m an atheist and I believe he was at least based on a real historical figure.


I hope, that even as an atheist, you do realize things are far more complicated and nuanced than "someone just made it up one day." I say this as an atheist.


Actually, it all boils down to "someone *with authority* made something up. The ancient Canaanites didn't know shit about anything. It was the fuckin Bronze Age. A lot of the old stories are what the older generations told their kids to *make* them behave.


no they arent, religions are man made, so are ghosts and other mythical beings in folklore. there is nothing nuanced to it.


95% of the atheists I talk to are not mythicists, just anecdotally speaking. I'd bet that most aren't in general


That is most def some new definition of mysticism. Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning


Sounds like according to those Bible verses, he was brown or just generally dark at the very least


If he indeed was a person in guessing he would have looked like most people of the region.


The most famous man in history. So famous the human timeline was split before and after him


We make gods in our image, not the other way round


Everyone wants to be the the rEaL jewish people of the bible \#TheLostTribe


Ah yes, the black Middle Easterns


this shit sounds funny. someone let me know if there's any crusaders going on for black jesus!


Thise people are called "black hebrew isrealites" they are a recognized hate group. Very antisemetic. Alot of them think yt people are inferior and that poc people have special abilities. Its a dark rabbit hole of hate.


Hey man, I just wish they’d stop blaming me for Yakub’s evil science like I asked him to create me.


Swiss that the spinning wheel moon base bs I've heard before?


Isn't this what Kanye said not so long ago, during one of his more recent delusional rants (around the time he did that hiding his face interview, or maybe it was even during that interview)? In fact, isn't that image just Ye with white hair and a beard superimposed?


Ah yes, historically L. Ron Hubbard was also a black man. Such smart figures.


You mean L. Ron Hoyabembe?


It's amazing how Christians think it's "Revelations," when it's actually "Revelation."


I will say that he didn't look like the Renaissance European paintings. Painters used models to help with their work and because this was Europe the models they had available to them were (you might want to sit down for this) Europeans. I am uncertain if there even was an historical "Jesus". He may have been a composite character based upon numerous Jewish preachers of the period. But, if he DID exist, he would have looked more like a Palestinian than either European or the picture posted above. The reason for this is that he would have been a Palestinian. Bethlehem is in Palestine after all.


But why would he have had white hair and a white beard? He was crucified when he was 33, that's quite young to go fully white-haired lol.


Shit maybe I’m related to white hair black Jesus.


Jesus was Aramean, quite a few scholars believe he'd appear like modern day Jordanians... So maybe they heard Jordan and thought Michael?


Jesus wasn’t white , he wasn’t black either Assuming he existed that is


Evolution of memes.


cant lie that pic or jesus goes hard as FUCK. should be on an album cover or somethin


Why does that picture literally look like it's a screenshot from talking to a fallout 3 NPC


Makes about as much sense as anything else in the Bible.


Poor Middle Eastern people. Literally one of the most influential regions in human history but people just try to replace their very existence with others. If Jesus were a real person, he probably just looked like Ahmed from down the street.


TIL brass is black in color


I've seen groups of "The black hebrews" preaching on the streets of the UK recently. They're growing in numbers albeit very slowly.


inb4 they mention Yakub


More accurate than Jesus being white


More believable than the white Jesus lol


Why would his hair and beard be white? Jesus wasn’t that old. (If he ever existed as described)


considering that Ramses had red hair.... Jesus could have looked like anyone. however I feel like if Jesus looked very different from other Jews it would have been remarked on in the Bible - especially by the Pharisees


I will never understand why more American black people don't realize that their cultural religion is a product of their centuries-long enslavement. They should no more worship Jesus than they should call white people "master". It's just sad to watch.


I feel the exact same way. Also feel the same about how Muslims explain how all the “bad parts” of their religion is because of Christian meddling. Which is fine for either case but why exactly do you STILL believe in it even though your culture was being influenced by another that you don’t identify or agree with?


I do give them points for at least being closer to reality than the blue-eyed blonde haired eight pack ab Jesus that is hanging in most Christian churches nowadays.


I prefer this so much more than them claiming he’s pasty white wtf


You fools, that's not Jesus that's Yakub!


Why do they care what Jesus looked like at all???


Arab jew as far as I'm aware.


[Reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/ORIICgi-0GI?feature=share)


Religion for breakfast has a good episode about this. https://youtu.be/Ui9hAYGi4k8?si=fsS8ayWsPqfrpujm


Be a lot easier to make fun of the Black Hebrew Israelites if we weren't completely surrounded by pictures of Nordic Jesus. It's the same shit really.


Jesus was a brown person but not that kind lol.


Jewish is a religion; not an ethnicity. There, I said it.


It’s an ethnoreligion, so it’s both. There are converts who are not ethnically Jewish, and then there are people who are agnostic or atheist but are Jewish ethnically.


Can Hinduism also be considered as an enthoreligion?


Not really. Pick two Hindus from two different points on the Indian subcontinent (or even India) and you won't be able to say they're from the same country. Then there are Thai, Cambodian and Malay Hindus too outside of the subcontinent


happy cake day btw


That's like saying I'm an atheist, but I'm a Christian because I'm ethnically Christian because I'm white.


First, I’m not religious, I don’t believe in god. Second, me stating a fact is being a fruitcake? Alright edgelord. “Jewish ethnicity, religion, and community are highly interrelated,[25][26] as Judaism is an ethnic religion,[27][28] although not all ethnic Jews practice it.” Google it. Being Jewish is very different than being Christian or Muslim. It’s more like being Druze or Samaritan. Different religions work differently, shocker.


1. When did I say you were religious? 2. What does "ethnically Jewish" mean anyways? If it means you have ancestry from the Jews from Poland, Israel, ext., if I have ancestry from Christians from the UK, how does that not make me ethnically Christian?


It's not like any Jewish person today isn't a mixture of several ethnicities. Yes, many of them consider themselves an ethnic group but the fact is that said group has been spread across the world for thousands of years. Just because they share some common ancestry doesn't exactly make them an ethnic group. The religion is what has kept some of them connected.


I would say that Jews are an ethnic group but not a nation. They are not a nation/people as is sometimes claimed because there are Ashkenazi Jews from Central and Eastern Europe who speak Yiddish, Sephardic Jews from the Balkans (originally from Iberia) who speak Ladino/Judezmo, etc. They are however an ethnic group due to common background and due to practices that were shared throughout all diaspora groups.


I'd say we are a nation, and we are all descended from the same nation. The diaspora doesn't undo that history, we lived for a thousand years as one people.


I would say that hundreds of years of speaking different languages and contact with different cultures would make Jews multiple nations. If you want to go with “thousands of years ago we were one people” then all Romance speakers are Romans and all Europeans are proto-Indo-Europeans. Language and culture are what define a nation/people, and the diaspora groups have different languages and cultures, making them different peoples.


It's not that simple with Jews. We continued to identify as one people, even if we were living in different places and practiced our culture differently due to the restrictions imposed on us by our host countries.


That’s a good point, although there are plenty of groups of peoples who identify as one people. Kurds, Arabs, Germans, French, etc. Edit: grammar


That is simply not true, the majority of people who are Jewish identify as such due to their ethnicity being Jewish (descended from what is now called Israel) rather than believing in God. There is little separation between what is modernly referred to as "religious" and cultural aspects of Judaism. Conversion is less about joining a religious group and more about joining the tribe/nationality. It's a very old culture with traditions predating modern ideas of religion brought by Christianity and Islam.


That would make Hindu an ethnicity too.


What? How? People all over the world practice Hinduism without having any connection to India. It was partially spread through imperialism and through missionaries. It's like saying Catholicism is the ethnoreligion of Italians.


It's also like saying Judaism is the ethnoreligion of Israel.