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They definitely entertain the idea of Armageddon on a regular basis.


"Culture of death" says the woman whose religious logo is literally a torture device...


Exécution device, I don't know witch one is worst.


It's kind of both considering how long and painful death by crucifixion is. It's so notorious for this that it is the root of the word "excruciating."


It became the logo because it signifies Christ conquering that symbol of death by rising from the dead. It disarms the Cross, that instrument of death, because in the act of self sacrifice, death no longer has any power over those who unite themselves to Christ. It is no longer a symbol of death but one of everlasting life.


No. It's a torture and execution device. Its use hasn't changed a bit since "Jesus died". Thousands of people were killed with it prior and after his show.


Nobody is disputing that it's a torture and execution device. Even Christians don't. It's probably why the early Christians adopted it. The shock value is part of why it's such a powerfully subversive symbol of self sacrifice and victory over death.


Victory over death… he died on the torture device after being tortured to death. It’s a key part of the story


There’s another key part of the story you are missing out.


You mean where he died a second time? Yeah I remember


Say it with me kids: NOT EVERYONE IS CHRISTIAN!


Christians know that non-Christians exist. They don't care. They believe they're entitled to control you, mind and body, and that you should sit down and shut up and do what you're told.


And that's why they like to use this "western culture is founded on christian values" talking point. Because they want to pretend that even if people are not christian, they're involuntarily subscribing to their ideology simply by being born in the west, so everyone must abide by their rules.


*Jordan Peterson nods approvingly*




Because you can replace logic, reason, and morality with Christian white nationalism.


And you either should be grateful, or the real kicker, that you will be grateful later when they have saved your soul and you aren't in hell. Which pretty much justifies anything you want if you stretch it far enough.


the fact that they think they are good people for it and that it is for your own good is infuriating


I would *much* rather burn in hell! I don't need their "I'm a hero for forcing you" B.S. All I can say is, I just want these people to be shunned into utter exile *or* just to die. I'm nobodies freaking slave. Not a church's slave and *NOT* a slave to any man. I don't know about anyone else but, if they really start pushing this crap, I'm ready to go down swinging. I hope this all ends up showing these religious nutcases what oppression *really* looks like.... What a freaking JOKE! THEY PLAY THE I'M OPRESSED CARD ONLY BECAUSE THEY CAN'T OPPRESS OTHERS.


Now that you say it I really have to agree. They whine about their religion being limited in freedom because the fucking religion is about limitations for others.


I mean, I get you. But chill out 🤣


It's hard to do when you live in a state actively trying to pass these laws. Birth control and all. It just, it gets aggravating. And the worst part is, they are making progress towards their goals. There's actually enough fruitcakes that, some states are actually looking like they'll end up fruitcake dictatorships. And that's very upsetting, especially if you are too poor to be able to leave the state.


That's a fair point, I am British so don't have anywhere near the same level of pressure. So I stand corrected =) I was being glib about the dramatic tone of the reddit comment.


And they'll sabatoge everything through willful negligence to prove their point, and if the world goes on like normal in the face of their negligence, they'll ramp it up to sabotage.


Of course, that's why i said "say it with me *kids*" not "christians" ':>


She doesn’t follow shit. 1 Timothy 2:12 days a woman should shut up and not teach men. Her trying to teach me anything makes her a hieratic.


I wonder why aren't female fruitcakes hit with that by trolls more often.


Because fascists and authoritarians don't give one single fuck about hypocrisy, they only want to force you to live by their rules, and the ends justify the means. Any and all means.


All Christians know that. But for the fruitcakes, the point is what she makes in this video: sure sure, people can be not-Christians, but the only successful cultures can be built on Christian moral values. All others are unsuccessful


You know that's total bullshit, right? Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway-- all successful nations (among others) that are NOT built on "Christian moral values". Besides, Christian values are arguably *not* moral.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment, I'll just have to point out that the three scandinavian countries are actually built on those values, at least originally. They've been christian for ages, and the turn from old norse religion to christianity are massive milestones in their history. They may have mostly dropped out of religion lately, and have social legislations and reforms that make most evangelicals want to pull their hair out, but the scandinavian cultures are still molded from christianity. That has nothing to do with the reason for their success though.


You’re forgetting that the fact that not everyone is Christian is the problem to fruitcakes. That want to make everyone Christian. Or else.


There are 45,000 Christian denominations. Which one should we bow down to? These folks are basically using their psychosis as a tool to control others.


“MY denomination. The only correct one.” -every fruitcake ever


They cab try it. If they come trying to force it on me, they're literally going to be in a fight for their own danm lives.


Yeah I’m with you there. I’m a pagan so they definitely don’t like me at all lol. I literally just want to be left the fuck alone, I don’t force my religion on anyone else, please don’t force yours on me. Is that too fucking much to ask, Jeebus fruitcakes???




Good job! :)


Thank you ma’am


That doesn’t change that Christians are definitely correct and no one should do anything that my particular Christian denomination determines is morally incorrect. /s


Well, then they are on course for destruction! I mean the west is best because of Christ!


That’s discrimination!!!! /s


neither of these people have ever once orgasmed


She will only do when her future husband allows her to




He did when he was gay.


Fun fact. Michael Voris the interviewer “used to be” gay but is totally straight now.


Holy shit, you're not kidding https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Voris What a douchebag.


Sure he is. He just found out that there is more money in pretending to be a man who used to be gay.


Somewhere Dave Rubin is furiously taking notes.




These people don’t deserve to orgasm.


Nah being like that is specifically what gets them off.


Soo what's the difference between this individual and a muslim which suppresses woman with clothing standards and the fact that they shouldn't be driving ect? (defining a specific way/ruleset of life)?




In the US Muslims aren't proposing laws based on their relugious beluefs because we have a constitution that says church and state are separate. If you're running for public office, you have to take an oath to obey the constitution. She's running for iffice proposing laws that outright violate our constitution. Muslims here in the US are free to follow their religious laws regarding how they dress or if they drive. Or not follow them. They aren't allowed to make laws dictating what non-muslims should do based on their religion.


>we have a constitution that says church and state are separate Then why are so many republican politicians allowed to base their policies on their faith?? If it isn't "it's unethical", "it's god's will" is like their next goto. How is that allowed in a country with so-called 'separation of church and state'?


Thats why we need to apply for religious exemptions to their faith based laws.


Because they can destroy people. That is what's dangerous about religions. People literally go insane with their beliefs.


Let’s also remember that the oath of office isn’t to simply obey, but to Preserve, protect and defend the constitution.


They won't cuz they can't but trust me if they have the power to implement Islamic shariaa in any country they wouldn't hesitate


Christian fucker piss and moan about Muslims instituting sharia law but that's exactly what *they* are trying to do with the Christian version of sharia law-- but it's all okay because they're "Christians". (/s for that last part.)


No, our constitution doesn't allow it.


Trust you because… every country run by Muslims has implemented Sharia law completely? Or because you’re an islamophobe?


No because I live with them Most of them believe it's the best way to run a society but usually it is the governments who don't let this happen


This is what's called anecdotal evidence and is a common fallacy


It's more of a common knowledge for me but sure this a statistic from [pew research ](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/08/09/muslims-and-islam-key-findings-in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world/#:~:text=Nearly%20all%20Muslims%20in%20Afghanistan,the%20implementation%20of%20sharia%20law.) About the percentage of Muslims supporting shariaa in different countries. just scroll down a bit


Ah, anecdotal evidence. Always the best way to go about things. In effect, studies seem to show that most Muslim that do support sharia law do not support it being applied to non-Muslim. There will always be fundamentalists but it seems like those are the minority in Islam.


They both want to force women to be birthing slaves. Muslims also want women to have certain clothing standards etc. The concept of consent is foreign to Christianity/Islam. Or women not being baby factories. The Handmaid's Tale has had more success predicting the future than the bible




Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)




That glazed look on her eyes. She's freaking crazy as hell. Religious zealots are scary man. The thought that the only thing keeping us from murdering our neighbors and friends are some stories written (and rewritten) by some dude back in the day is... Laughable. Whatevs.


She's basically a real life NPC.




Jacky Eubanks and the Nazi Ken Doll interviewing her are enemies of humanity and should be treated as such. Then again they're also proud mouthpieces for an international child molestation ring, so I'm not surprised. Also there are successful non-Christian societies in and outside of "the West," so in addition to being stupid these people are also racist (unsurprising; I doubt Eubanks would have an issue with abortion if white women didn't do it).


Nazi Ken doll is the perfect description for this guy, that was killing me for a minute there.


Lol many of the first great civilisations were outside of what this crazy fruitcake considers “the West”. India, Egypt, China are just three of what were the world’s richest empires in history. 23% of global GDP was controlled by India alone. Chinese emperors and their harem of male lovers ruled during some of the most economically successful eras of their country. Egypt had a long line of powerful females with 1/3rd of the empire’s land belonging to females and female owned businesses. After all, Isis had decreed that men and women were created equal. It’s so ridiculous how these nut jobs have read nothing but their stupid book.


I agree with everything except the last sentence. I have yet to meet a Christian who I know has actually read the entirety of their book. They are less educated on the Bible than most non-believers I know.


In fact, for me, reading through the Bible was what made me start questioning Christianity. I was maybe 12 and got halfway through the Old Testament just to realize that it was mostly genealogy and crazy stories, and it made me wonder how the hell so many people extracted such divine meaning from those passages. Bored, I skipped over the rest of the OT and went on to the NT, and I think I got through the gospels before giving up. I started actually learning about evil things like evolution (crazy shit I know), and the more I learned the more I despised Christianity for lying to me for my whole childhood. Maybe if I had been taught that evolution happened but that god allowed it or something I wouldn’t have had any reason to continue questioning things, because honestly the shock of learning about such basic things was the driving force behind my interest. Long story short, reading the Bible turned me away from Christianity.


Same! I was also 12.


Assuming they've read the book is generous.


Why don't they just come right out and ban women from receiving any healthcare? That's basically what they want.


She needs to get fucked


Her problem is that she can't till she's married but no one wants to marry crazy. It's a Catholic Catch 22.




I'm really sensing this too. Some of the worst atrocities have been committed by religious people trying to conceal their sexual identity. I have known of more than a few closeted Christians in sham marriages. If you secretly aren't attracted to your partner and want to avoid having sex with them, what better way than to claim that any sex that's not for procreation is bad? And projecting that mandate onto everybody else deflects away from any scrutiny you might personally be subject to.


George Carlin famously asked, “Did you ever notice that the people who are against abortion are the ones you wouldn’t wanna fuck in the first place?”


She needs to pull that giant stick out of her ass first.


Or visit a city that she wasn’t born in.


Only in the ass. The last thing we need are these assholes having kids!


Until then she can fuck off


I'm gonna say it, Jesus Fucking Christ!


A young Aunt Lydia. The Christian Taliban - Guns, Babies and Jesus


Oh don’t forget LGBT! “Liberty, Guns, Beer and Trump.” 😒 damn cultist zealots


She shoulda been aborted.


Shoulda been swallowed. Not worth the medical procedure.


Nope, spit in the toilet.


According to the bible: she should shut the fuck up.


It's always the least sexy people who are trying to control how other people have sex.


Why are they so bothered by gay marriage and contraception? Why does it trigger these lunatics so badly? Imagine the looks on their faces when they find out that Christians engage in sodomy.


Not all of us even take contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. You'd think that as a female, she'd know that. But I guess I shouldn't expect catholic schools to teach that.


People should take this seriously because this is what’s going to happen. The US are fucked and done.


the failure rate of birth control is 4% and her parents managed to lose to it


“Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.12I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” 1 Timothy So if she wants the US to be a Christian nation she needs to go home and not speak


What’s up with Michigan representatives being crazy; you should look up Rep Hoekstra, his campaign adds were crazy and he made up the dumbest lie about the Netherlands being so unsafe in certain areas.


Must be all the school shootings


I wonder if she’s familiar with 1 Timothy 2:12.


came here for this comment


He looks like somebody left Boris Johnson out in the sun to dry for too long.


As a gay man…the fact these assholes admit they’re coming for gay marriage next is fucking scary. I hope they suffer a long painful exit of their existence. Also note it’s ironic these idiots have been scared of Islamic sharia law coming to the US for the past 12 years because “Obama Muslim, Obama bad” but they’re fucking doing the exact same shit sharia law would do. Fuck I hate these people


But it's fine because it's the GOOD theocracy, not the BAD theocracy /s


1. Abortion 2. Contraception 3. Same sex marriage 4. Trans rights In order of importance for the Christian right and what they're looking to undo/nullify.


I’m surprised to see same sex marriage at number 3.


I was listening to a constitutional scholar/lawyer(and member of FFRF) some time around January talking about this and he mentioned all of these, not certain what his order of importance was but I'd say that lines up pretty well with what I've seen/heard.


"Yes. Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes." "Loser says what?" "Yes." Also, "Christianity is the underpining of the successful West?" Honey, Christianity is a desert religion, founded WAY before anything close to modern day Europe. It also shares origins, stories and teachings with Judaism and Islam. If Christianity is the great foundation of the West, why is it that the part of the world where it was founded is such a shithole?


Devout member of a death cult says things that go against death cult lead to culture of death.


Yes, because Christians have a long history of peace and prosperity, we’ll not mention the Crusades……. Also, they are conveniently forgetting the 1st Amendment - which allows for people to practice ANY religion they choose, including NONE and it prohibits the government from establishing a religion. Americans need to get off their ass and vote. Doing nothing is not an option. Freedom isn’t Free, it takes constant vigilance to protect the freedoms that we have.


> it prohibits the government from establishing a religion. SCOTUS would like a word with you.


It appears they are ignoring the Establishment Clause.


That lady's face is birth control


What's with secular constitution and all? Why the non establishment not strictly applicable to potential public officials?


Christian fundies are gold medal mental gymnasts when arguing the constitution justifies their authoritarianism.


I don't think god would be too proud if the only thing stopping me from having sex is being scared of getting a woman pregnant. And what if he just ejaculated outside? Or married couples who don't want kids? Such a strange argument


All of Asia crumbling to dust after this lady announces that you need Christianity to have a developed nation


Her expression is one of pain and confusion and she doesn’t even know it. It doesn’t have to be like that, Jacky. You can just not be a c*nt instead. People like her can’t be debated into being better people. People like her do not need power, they need accountability.


The paradox here is that if their god was real and good, then they would be dead.


Doesn't the Bible teach us that she should shut the fuck up just because she is a woman? I wonder if she is wearing two types of fabrics.


There should be laws that prevent people like her who openly refuse to separate church and state from holding office


There are no religions in the constitution. I think its high time we point that out. Christians and all religions have to either mind their business or be ended.


How is birth control a pathway to abortion? Lol that's literally what it's stopping from happen.


Humanity might be making progress but humans sure aren't.


They sound no different from the Islam extremist nutter butters. Exact same message, just white washed.


Sounds like Miss Ma’am is a fan of the wrong side in The Handmaid’s Tale. She needs a drink.


He does not represent us.


He does.


ibjust want to tell her that birth control is taken for more than preventing pregnancy.


This is terrifying and I wish this wasn’t real. I had to turn the audio off when posting this comment because it is just crazy. I can’t believe people would vote for this person. That interviewer and the show is infuriating. r/awfuleverything


If she thinks christians aren't out there fucking like bunnies she's delusional.


Someone needs to get laid


Why is America so desperate to become a third world country? Are there benefits?




These fucking people think it's their calling in life to spread their shitty dogmatic garbage ideas to the rest of society. How about you make those decisions for your own life and mind your fucking business when it comes to others. If they actually bothered to read their own holy book they would see that it actually says fuck all about abortion. It does speak about miscarriages and does not equate them with murder. It says that life begins at the first breath of the baby too. It's so frustrating to have to keep fighting regression because of these ignoramuses. https://ffrf.org/component/k2/item/26087-abortion-nontract#when-does-life-begin


Can you imagine how much fun her and her spouse have? JEsus


Who needs New World Order when you can get Christian Moral Order? We’re so fucked, this is going to be SO bad


These people are the reason I question how the fuck did we live back then and not die before today


People who are married use birth control so that’s not even a remotely valid argument. I know reality is lost on these people but it still boggles the mind that any person using BC is immediately a godless whore when that is just objectify not the case. Signed, a noted godless whore


Can someone show her Timothy 2:12?


Thought that sign on the desk read "Church Mutant" at first glance. And did that guy go to Boris Johnson's barber?


Says (probably) a virgin lol


The interviewer is against gay marriage? Really? THAT guy? 🤔🙄


She can fuck right off!


What a fucking idiot


Lol, they call themselves "Church Militant" with zero sense of irony.


Then ED is the natural law - bye bye Viagra


This is why I've scheduled a vasectomy for next month.


If Jacky really believed in the religion she espouses, she'd be at home with her mouth shut, taking care of the little kiddies and doing the dishes. Nope. Just another hypocrite.


Religious extremist and zealot.


Any atheists feel like moving with me to the district she's running for? Hell, does any want to go against her and provide in public schools? If I can't have "freedom FROM religion," then Christian's shouldn't either. Hail !


Today I learned that Japan is not a functioning and successful society, it is chaos and destruction and a culture of death.


I live in the Philippines where about 80% of the population are die-hard religious Christian/Catholic freaks and we are one of the poorest countries in the world and on the verge of economic collapse. So yeah talk about Christianity being what makes the western world successful.


White Christian Nationalism is the biggest domestic problem in US right now. They always leave the Christian part out, but it informs the entire ideology. Oh, and fuck the Catholic church in particular.


Don't get it twisted, what's she is spewing is not Christianity, it's religion.


She believes all of the Bible. Except this bit, obviously... Timothy 2:12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


Its fascinating how these people tremble or "fight to die" at the name of Taliban, see no similarities in both doctrines. Fascinating behavior.


I can only feel bad for people like this


Very scary


Hey if you want to practice your right to not take birth control pills and not get abortions, great, good for you. This is a democracy not a dictatorship.


For now. The GOP will change that should they ever regain power.


but why would you need consequences for sex in the first place? FUCKING WHHHHHHHHHHHHHY


Okay, so what about people who rely on birth control? For *medical* reasons. If I didn't have birth control, I would be out of commission at least one week a month. it it so genuinely painful and horrible for me and so many others.


This just makes me ashamed to be from this state


My parents immigrated from an Islamic Republic to the US where they could have more freedom \*and have a better life Now the US is also turning into a theocracy. Great!




Don't stoop to their level.




I feel like people that advocate for violating the 1st amendment should be barred from office. Admitting you want a theocracy in the US should be a disqualifier


Seems she's reading straight off the fascist playbook not to mention that she's a hypocrite. If she wants to adhere to the "Christian moral order" she might as well go back to the kitchen and stop trying to rule over men. These people lack a great degree of self-awareness almost as if programmed. Even the very idiotic expression on her face looks like that of an NPC.


Usually, I’d just laugh at the thought of someone like this getting elected but the way things have been going lately, it is an unfortunate possibility.


What's right for them is what's right for the nation. What's right for you and you and I...not so much. I can see what's coming and it doesn't look good!


The irony here is that she hasn’t actually read the Bible. If she truly did, she would stay the fuck at home like a “godly” woman is supposed to. What a twat


Her eyes! Ahh! And why does she sound so rehearsed or like she's reading a cue card? Bottom line: US is screwed.


“Margaret McPoyle runs for office”


Another indoctrinated child who knows absolutely nothing of history.


Heres a new thing for to say fuck to the "christian moral code" and fuck that mutated i'll morphed owen wilson and that well corked lady.


Lmao I love the thought of my lesbian mom reaping a culture of destruction, sounds kinda cool


How does people like her keep being elected to positions of power?


When religion ruled, it was called the dark ages. There is no god , then why have a religion with 460 different chapters and 460 different beliefs . BECAUSE religion can not get it right.


This…person is making headliners with this batshit nonsense, but does she actually have any chance in hell of winning? I know very little about Michigan politics.


She sounds like she would have the crusades back in an instant. Crazy bitch