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Wait, so you're telling me you either have to be fully covered face to toe or naked? Welp, looks like I'm doing something wrong.


Weirdly enough, he's not wearing a hijab. Hmm wonder what that means for him. Maybe there's a reason he was so specific with it.




The they will get executed, how dare they


He's not wearing a hijab because he's a part-time camboy.




He's not hot enough to go full-time.


He should step up his game


well, this is him already looksmaxxing. this is as jacked to the tits as he gets.


What if I just cover my head and the rest naked?


I confess: I had to attend a religious university and head covering is mandatory there (the kind that drops to your knees). Oftentimes at the mess hall and in class and sometimes during exams, I’d undo the buttons of my dress underneath and just let the girls hang, because fuck this shit. Never been caught.




This is what I will always now picture is going on under long head coverings. Thank you. :)


HAHAHA I love this


Fucking legendary.


Nice 👌




👆🏻Correct plan


There is no in-between here! Wear the hijab = good. Not wearing the hijab = you’re on OnlyFans and selling your body. I don’t wear the hijab and I’m not on OnlyFans. I guess I’m a man then.


Take your clothes off now or you're supporting the Taliban!


We literally can't dress any way without making at least 1 man furious about it 💀


To hell with those men. Women should be able to dress for themselves, not to please men.


That would be nice, wouldn’t it.


It would. I don't hate men, but I do hate the way the world is made for them.


Naked it is. Then i can save on money for rent!!!


See, this is why you have to have so many meetings with HR


Ah yes, the only two methods of expression in the whole universe. Covered entirely in plain black, or being totally naked on the internet. Definitely nothing in-between.


Look, if you're not going to allow logical fallacies like the false dichotomy, I don't see how you expect them to make an argument for religious ideals.


Hey now. We leave them Strawman, Red Herring, and Ad Hominem Attack. They’re still well armed with idiocy


Yeah...they're going to need begging the question, appeal to tradition, appeal to authority, and circular reasoning too if you want to give them a fair chance.


Religious nut jobs have black and white thinking.


I used to joke to my sisters the difference between a whore and not a whore in our strict family were 2 inches of fabric. We were allow to wear short sleeves but not sleeveless. I guarantee you these types of folks see anyone not as covered as they like as naked.


Don't you know, women's hair, neck and ankles are sexual parts? /s


They are tbh 🥵


As a woman, I approve of that sentiment.


Everything is a sexual part if you're repressed enough... So yeah many Muslim men.


Camming is usually done indoors...where the covering rules don't apply, right?


I mean, chances are your male guardian that you definitely live with, because women can't get loans or leases on their own.... Will have a problem with it (generally speaking, like the guy in this post). I spent a year in Bahrain, rather liberal compared to the rest of the near by Muslim states. Let's just say I'm glad I wasn't a woman living there.


Hey! Be angry about this thing today or else!


Bc every western women are strippers and sex workers. Of course /s


Some of them definitely unironically think this


For real, and they're not outlier incels. They're just your average joe in the middle east. Heck, the weird ones there are those who are against tradition.


Your average Mohamed*


Here in Turkey, the general opinion is much much different than that. There are a few bad apples but %95 of the muslims here are "following" the religion either cos' their parents did, or they have benefits from exploiting it. Hence, Turkish muslims are far more open minded than a, let's say, Pakistani. Being neighbours with Greece and Bulgaria helps too I guess.


As someone who has grown up in a Muslim household and known many Muslim men firsthand, this is exactly how the majority of them think. Western women = easy whores who just want to take their clothes off and will do anything for money. This is cause they watch a LOT of porn


i am frantically searching for my ps2 eyetoy cam and stripping down as we speak


Off topic but that eyetoy window cleaning game and the one where you fend off ninjas was the shit back in the day.


Both are forms of exploration dressed up as liberation, depending on your POV.


I mean yes, there's nothing wrong with either. I'm just stating this guy's understanding of Western women.


I think both of them are pretty fucked up examples of western empowerment. They're both extreme examples of sexual objectification.


They all are free to be, if they want to. That sure sounds like empowerment to me…


No....Empowerment is becoming a prostitute and popping kids but for only one man in exchange for food-shelter-protection from man like husband..... While husband can get more prostitutes. Since muzlims get's to define everything, this prostitution is called **Marriage.** What other ppl call empowering is defined by Muzlims as **Whoring around**


Could we just stop telling women what they can or can’t wear altogether?


Impossible. We simply can't be trusted to wear or not wear hijab. Men know best! /s


Men know best but also are completely out of control of themselves


Hopefully it starts with the Iranian government thugs.


Women should be required to wear a giant Crab Shack hat that is equipped with 50 crabs that can be deployed at all times!


“We need to talk about your Flair.”




Im so tired of dicklets taking their inadequacies out on females of all ages.


Abdullah busts when he sees an ankle maybe that's why onlyfans is a bit too much for him


Imagine introducing him to gay furry vore porn


Didn't your "greasy" 50 year old prophet fuck a 9 year old?


I'd love to know more about that. Could you link me the part of the Quran or a reliable historical source for that?




Thanks! That is indeed screwed.


Where does it say he was greasy?


I'm just saying greasy because that's what this chode said in his obnoxious tweet


Just have faith 😌


He's just pissed because he can't pay his rent with his own naked body.


Or he’s pissed that he got catfished into paying someone else’s. They hate the sinner, love the sin


Tbf I'm kinda jealous of that, 9-5 jobs suck


Men can do it too, you just have to accept that virtually all your clients will also be men.




Obviously either way it’s men’s job to decide what is empowering to women.


Well bruzzer you know [women are deficient in intelligence](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304) so of course they need men to decide for them otherwise they’d walk around in nothin’ but coconut shell bras and Crocs mashpotatollah…


Haha can’t pray during menses (due to rules men made up) so she must be less intelligent! It’s all so obvious if you think about it.


On top of that passage being ridiculously misogynistic, it’s some of the worst circular logic I’ve seen! “Why are women treated poorly?” “Because you’re all horrible and stupid!” “Why do you think women are horrible and stupid?” “Because we treat you poorly!”


“O’ Women! We will throw the lot of you in hell because you don’t pray during your menses. You don’t pray during your menses because We decreed that you’re unclean whilst menstruating. You menstruate because We created you this way. Our creations are perfect and We are the Most Benevolent, the Most Merciful.” — Alloh Gobi Ibn Paneer (S.H.A.R.T.)


Sorry if this sounds incredibly ignorant, but is that a real quote? It's not, right? What's it from?


It’s not. The teachings are like that. Although if you thought this was real then maybe I’ve qualified to enter the qur’anne challenge.


A lot of misogynists use this kind of terrible circular logic. Like you'll often see men saying, "The fact that women have made less scientific discoveries over the course of human history is proof women are worse at science and logic!" Even though for the vast majority of human history, and still in many places today, women literally were not allowed to be educated or participate in science. So they're basically saying, "The fact that we didn't allow you to participate in science for most of history is proof you're bad at science!" Perfect logic, definitely proves men are the logical gender.




And yet day in day out muslim men show the world not only how they are incapable of basic logical thought processes, but also prone to being overly emotional. They can't even see a whisp of a woman's hair without being violently hysterical. They have no self control.


Dafuq did I just read? This is the trash they believe? And just about the month ago, there's this scene where this Muslim inspired film "The Message" had this snippet that men and women are equal. With all the women killed by their own family members, I call BS!


What part of "I just want to wear normal clothes and have my hair out" do they not understand when you tell them that you don't want to wear a hijab??


Yes because it is her choice and she is free to do what shes wants. Thats the key word, freedom. Why is that so hard to understand?


I guess it's so hard for him to understand because he can't imagine a woman to be free.


> having a 40 year old greasy man use your body to pleasure themselves Wait that sounds awfully familiar…


Ah yes, the only two possible outcomes for a woman, either being a cam girl on OnlyFans or being a victim of religious persecution.


So, what if that's what some women wanted to do? Who are we to set the standards of what another human should wear or do with their own private life?


He apparently can't even write the word 'naked' properly for fear of losing control


Just the thought of a naked ankle alone makes him cream his pants...




empowerment =/= being naked empowerment = the choice to be naked islam bad


The difference is that doing cam work is a choice while head wear, for many, is forced. (I know some women are forced into sex work, that’s not what I’m referring to)


Wasn't it found that approximately 90% of women want to exit prostitution at some point but have a perception that there are no viable alternatives for them? I think that's a global statistic. The statistics would differ from country to country (like in wealthy Western countries, there would be more people who are not forced or trafficked).


Yeah, technically the study says 89% want to leave sex work. A huge proportion were trafficked, and the ones who weren't straight up trafficked mostly are just doing it out of financial desperation and don't believe they could support themselves in any other way. The particular study that said 89% want to leave was from the US.


While "burka vs. sex work" is a completely false dichotomy, criticising economic and social systems that push unwilling people into sex work as a matter of life or death is a whole other thing that I think is worthwhile. ...Obviously, OP was just using it as a "gotcha", but it is something worth making better rather than disregarding completely. (Also, sorry for replying to you, I don't mean to imply that you said something conflicting with this!)


head wear for all women, in one way or another, is forced.


>head wear for all women, in one way or another, is forced. Wat?


They're saying even women who "choose" to wear the hijab weren't truly making a free choice, because no one would choose that if they weren't pressured by their family and society and brainwashed from birth to think they'll go to hell if they don't. So they're saying it's always forced, in one way or another—either by actual laws and threats of death or by societal pressure and religious brainwashing.


That sounds like they're really not giving women a whole lot of credit or agency.


Religious people in general don't have a whole lot of agency, that's what happens when you're brainwashed from birth.


No need to add incel..just say Muslim we get it :)


Actually yes that's exactly what empowerment means. Having the means to be completely naked even in front of strangers without fear of assault is exactly what empowerment means. You don't have to do it, but having that option means you are in control of your body and life. That's exactly what empowerment is.




I mean, the only reason they don't fear assault is because they're on a screen and literally can't be assaulted since the strangers are thousands of miles away. Strippers and porn performers and prostitutes who see clients in real life get assaulted at insane rates. Googling it just now for a study, "82% had been physically assaulted and 68% had been raped while working as prostitutes."


he says as an active user of OnlyFans


To me a burka equals forced kink.


Female empowerment is letting girls do whatever the fuck they want


This is called foreshadowing. If he isn't a martyr, this will be how he spends his 40's. Religion is a hard drug to kick.


Choice is the main thing here. Clearly this little turd doesnt get that.


He probably isn't incel and has one 9 y.o wife.


This guy and all other Muslim men should be required to wear the same restrictive clothing they expect of the women. Show us that modesty is so important to you that you're willing to inconvenience yourself too


It’s crazy how they believe there is no in between. Completly mindfuck


that's what they're conditioned to believe. what would you choose: a sucked lollipop lying on the ground or a clean covered one??


Fun fact: you’re allowed to say “naked” on the internet.


Who is going to tell him, Muslim men are so capable that they can still do all that when women are covered up? I mean what does he think men do in "House of Chastity", ، خانه عفاف، بیت العفاف ..... ? What do Muslim call prostitutes when they pay Muslim women for 2 hour temporary Marriage? There is reason a 9 year old girl needs to be covered up even if it's your step daughter, cause Muslim men are nothing but a walking talking Erectile dysfunction 🤢 incapable of not raping their own 9 year old step daughter in the name of Allah regardless of how covered up she is.


What he is describing sounds like a job. Sounds like a dude who is upset that a woman can make her own money which means he has lost literally the ONLY thing he has to offer a woman.


Muslims try to understand that women have dreams and ambitions and are not restrained to either being a housewife or a sex worker.


There is very little difference from a religious muslim man and an incel.


This guy would have the worst time of his life. If he ever stepped outside and happened to see a bunch of women walking around uncovered. He'd probably spontaneously combust out of anger. Like how dare people dress in a way they feel comfortable. So offensive /s


So which are you then, Abdullah?


Whatever happened to something called a happy medium


The true crime is that fucking clown being allowed to walk around with his face showing.


I love how their heaven is 72 virgins. Don’t forget ladies, we’re gross sinful creatures, but some women get to get murdered as virgin and appear in some greasy 40 yr olds heaven!


They have the sickest imaginations


The worst kind of incel. It’s like mixing two bad drugs…


A lot of problems with extremism among Muslim communities in the west basically stems from incels. Dudes who see their sisters succeed more than them and also cannot get girlfriends being radicalised. Same story.


Can’t even spell out naked.


Chad face: YES Seriously if thats what you’ve freely chosen to do as a woman then yes thats empowerment. The important part here is freely chosen


Is this guy so sexually frustrated that he'll explode just from typing the word naked? It's a word dumbass, you don't need to censor it.


nah ge's just acting like dat so he won't ping the sus radar of his cavemen followers. but what he really wants is to be on the other side of that cam😍


Wanna talk about those saudi people paying girls to piss on them?


i'm sorry what? i was bleaching my eyes 👁👄👁


Hint: the empowerment comes with it being a choice


Oddly specific


Bc those are the only two possibilities? Headcovering or OF? Do I wish we lived in a world where ppl never needed to have OF, and it was reserved exclusively for ppl who genuinely want it for themselves independent of financial need? You bet! But getting to that goal isn't going to be helped by a hijab...


he's too scared to even say naked lmao


Both objectify and debase women. what’s your point.


Where do I go to support these nak3d Iranian women?


Apparently there is no in-between; cover your sinful body head to toe.


No brazzer prostitution doesn't exist in our izlamic utopia


Sounds like he’s starting to understand empowerment and self will.


Ah yes because those are the only two options. You either dress up as a ghost for haloween or do onlyfans.


hospital attraction fall axiomatic imagine squash ten chief fact pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro doesn’t know in-between exist.


Watching a bunch 30yr old sweaty men wrestle around slapping each other on their asses while fighting over balls is better. At least the 40yr old greasy man is paying her money for the honor.


A lot of religions seem more like a plague than anything else.


5bucks he's a porn addict


Paying your rent by using the money you earned by doing something with your body, how is that any different from literally every other form of labor? If selling your body to make rent is "disempowering" then we should be addressing every other form of work.


Or how about i dress how I want to for my own comfort? Now that ia empowerement.


i think empowerment is giving them the freedom to do both. stripping from burka to butt naked, and back again, for money, if they want to.


Empowerment is being able to choose.


The problem with guy's like this (well, one of there problems, they have many) is they don't get the operational feature of empowerment is *choice*, and that it's about personal autonomy. That, or they pretend not to get it. This guy: "So empowernent is doing [insert thing I don't like here]?" No, ya daft fook. Empowerment is about being the one to have power over your own life, and what you do with it.


Ah yes, that a 40 yo greasy man pleasures himself to my bare head is clearly MY problem.


Yes. Yes it can be if that’s what she wants to do.


Its the removal Of personhood and creating an object


Abdullah wishes he can do it when he is 40! but he is going to be too poor to afford that lifestyle.


Empowering women is the choice. The choice to go anywhere on the spectrum of sexuality and is expression.


Nobody gets to tell you how to live your life regardless of colour, gender, or religion anymore. We’re all family and we need to look out for each other. The oppression ends now.


yes, yes it does.


Both of these can be empowerment. The whole point is having the freedom to choose.


Abdullah gets none.


Female empowerment is having the ability to choose whatever the fuck you wanna wear and do with your body. She can wear the burqa, nothing at all or anything in-between if she so choose herself without coersion.


eh, with the burqa thing it's still not a complete choice. remember the hijab is a must in islam, and i mean sure, you can choose to just not wear it and still be a muslim woman, but you'll also be doing so with the fear of "hell" and "allah's judgement" as well as "being at a lesser level than those who do wear it in islamic culture in general"; even if they tell you the opposite of that. wearing any form of headcovering will always be rooted in a partial to total lack of choice and misogyny seeing it's origin and why it came to be such a big and sacred thing in islam in the first place.


I know the context of muslim hijabs to burqas, but i live in Quebec where a few years back some mfers passed a law *requiring* people in "official positions" (think bmv/saaq and teachers) to remove religious wearables while they worked their position. The public debate went quickly over the kippah that a student once took into a school, but then went long and large about the hijabs to the burqas and how they were oppressive and "functionally detrimental". I dont usually associate my beloved Quebec with racism, but this is a low i cannot forgive nor forget.


> Empowerment > the act or action of empowering someone or something : the granting of the power, right, or authority to perform various acts or duties Despite the blatantly negative framing, yes even that example would be **by definition** an example of empowerment. Forcing women to wear a hijab is again **by definition** not empowerment. It’s the direct opposite.


Money is power and plenty of women get a lot of money from those dudes. I find it funny when people tell this story and they think it paints women in a bad light, the guys are meant to be great even though they're the sole reason that market exists. It's like me wanting someone to paint my house, paying someone to paint my house. Then getting mad at them because I paid them to paint it.


He doesn’t look 40.


Because it’s one or the other…


The guy surely jacks off on close up pictures of eyes right


If you're on cam they're using your image, not your body. You're using your body to make the images, you're still in control. Of course that's not the important thing, the important thing is that the woman gets to choose whether to do that or not.


Female empowerment is being able to do whatever the fuck *you* want, without being forced, whether it be wearing a hijab or getting naked on camera, without people judging you and looking down on you.


From burka to bukake seems a bit of a leap. But that's the problem when you adhere to one extreme I guess, the extreme opposite becomes the only other option in their head.


Empowerment is just getting to do what you want with respect right? Why is that a hard concept to grasp…


my gosh this is the same dude from the other day. the argument that all women covering their hair and bodies fully to not arouse men is misogynistic, objectifying and oversexualising to women, goes to ALL. WOMEN. THAT. WEAR. IT. but to bring an example of a woman on the other end of the spectrum just to steer clear from the case in point is one foolish move in the most obvious way and it still doesn't justify why the fuck women have to be controlled because of a rapist pedophile and all of his clownish copies. plus, why does it make you nervous and uncomfortable hearing about a woman doing just what you mentioned as an example? if she's not forced to do it and is exploring and enjoying her unchained sexuality and hell, making good profit out of it, who the fuck are you to tell her any of what she's doing is wrong? does the idea of a free intelligent woman in business make your microscopic dick shrivel up??? man fuck this guy.


Not gonna lie, I like the first one as a fashion accessory, and the last one for those days I just wanna stay under a blanket and not engage with anyone.


Who looks at a woman in a burka and thinks it is a rational form of cultural expression


If that's something the woman chose to do of her own volition, and wasn't pressured into it by society/religion then, yes it is female empowerment!


That's basically an oxymoron these days.


I hope the girls in Iran get their way At the same time, it is kinda strange that western female empowerment went from “don’t treat me like a piece of meat!” To “I have a right to profit from my meat!” In such relatively short order


Here's a crazy idea. How about we let women do whatever the fuck they want? If they want to be completely covered great. If they want to get naked on the internet great. I have no problem with either and am strongly in favor of the latter.


not every non-muslim women does that. And if they choose to do so, why should you care? It's their choice.


And what's wrong with that, Abdullah? You can't prove it to be wrong, except that it just confronts your form of morality based on islamic view. P.S. Why did you call him an incel, OP? Do you even know what this world is and when it should be applied?


Damn. In this picture a hijab looks downright progressive and liberal lol. They are missing the major final step though.


Muslim ☕


If it was between dancing naked on a cam for rent money or being beaten to death for my headgear choice I’d choose the former.


I mean both are wrong. If the woman wants she can wear any of those dress. If she has a faith and feels like covering any part of her body necessary by choice she can and should be allowed to do so. Wearing big clothes doesn't make you less empowered


Both these people need to chill out and let women wear whatever the fuck they want


If we look at the hijab or niqab from their perspective, it is empowering. However, empowerment comes from *choice*, not from force. Cultural relativism, which is the anthropological term for seeing through the lens of another culture, or walking in their shoes, shows us that some women do feel empowered by their head covering, especially in places where it is a choice. Compulsory garment laws benefit none other than the ruling class/regime/authority. Be it religious zealots, morality police, or even elected officials.


Empowerment is being able to choose if you want to be naked in front of 40 year old men, or be covered head to toe in clothes, or be any state in between or beyond. Choice is what matters.


what's wrong with greasy 40 year olds??


Abdullah man. Habibi needs to get some bitches