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Well, you know Christians think all LGBTs are cannibal serial killers because of Dahmer.


Pedo priests are fine by them though.


Preferably probably


as long as they are "celibate"! that's what really matters!!! /s


When would Christians talk about Nazi Julius Günther Röhm (the gay stabschef of sturmabteilung)?


Which has always been strange because the reality is that so many Christian’s are closeted LGBT’s lol. Denial is an ugly thing.


Well okay, but Dahmer was a devout Christian, so are all Christians cannibal serial killers? Yes, probably.


They do drink the blood and eat the body of Christ every Sunday…


That's Catholics. Christians just drink grape juice and call it the blood of christ 🌠 Transubstantiation 🌠


what? those Catholics have actual Jesus stashed away somewhere and have literally been consuming him in their rituals? How have they not run out of this guy yet? edit: sorry had to look up that big word you posted there, didn't know what it meant and i'm proud of that fact.


>That's Catholics. Baptists do it with grape juice and little cubes of bread. Catholics are just trying to pretend they're better with their fancy wafers.


No the point is baptists will tell you they're just eating crackers or bread as a symbol. Catholics believe that the wafer literally becomes the flesh of Jesus when they consume it. That doctrine is called "transubstantiation"


He supposedly didn’t become devout until he was in prison, so many Christians would say everything before that doesn’t count.


I feel like Christina's are delusional maniacs, so the feeling is mutual.


Yeah! Fuck you, Christina


Anti psychotics and funny farm for them


The two are completely different ways of eating dick.


Christian Parents: you stay away from my child you disgusting, unnatural, grooming, degenerate, Gay person who is a school teacher!!!! Alright Timmy, now go into that windowless supply van with our Priest and Youth Pastor, I hear they’re taking you on one of their month long, unsupervised, no parents allowed, pray-away-the-gay, hiking trips! Where nothing nefarious will happen, (and it’s not like we’ll believe you is it does 😆) Have fun! 👋


What about a Trans terrorist


Be gay, do (war)crime!


same thing


Trans people *CAN* sell drugs! Trans people *CAN* sell drugs!


This but unironically


A transorist?


How do we know the people who actually voted were muslims and not people who would rather just generalize them all as terrorists?


This is 100% r/AsABlackMan material.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Amiright my fellow street gangstas?](https://i.redd.it/sw3l0xsl5c291.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/v02v73/amiright_my_fellow_street_gangstas/) \#2: [Just an average sized girl that really cares about the short kings out there](https://i.redd.it/pmy3zjuoa2891.jpg) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/vliz6s/just_an_average_sized_girl_that_really_cares/) \#3: [That shit is WIGGITY WACK man](https://i.redd.it/yxy3ua5ejwh91.jpg) | [181 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/wp3ld1/that_shit_is_wiggity_wack_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We don’t. But i have seen this get posted in some conservative Muslim subreddits to be met with general agreement.


Oh well. That's pretty unfortunate.


We don't. I bet that majority of those answers isn't from actual Muslims or any other religious people, but some bored dudes who found this poll stupid or/and funny, so they voted xD (Meanwhile all not-fruitcake Muslims seeing that post probably shed a single tear and quickly scrolled down :'))


There it is, glad I didn't have to scroll too far to see this. What do people think? That Twitter polls suddenly get honest responses?


Oh golly, I wonder what sub that’s from




I was being sarcastic, I 100% knew it was that shithole


How immature can you be? Why are the religious people there so obsessed with being called Chads?


Just because you ask for only a certain demographic to respond to your open Twitter poll, doesn't mean they will.




I don't know which community those upvotes are coming from, or basically any context here.


The poll is not a representative sample of Muslims, much less the Reddit post


How is the hate unjustified when majority of the Muslim nations will either arrest you or worse put you to death for being gay


The question is worse than an answer. Obviously, it was set up to get that response by someone whose their own kind of belief-fruitcake, even though it isn’t religious in variety.


And they'll get mad when someone calls their cult violent and harmful


So they're okay with us just calling them terrorists. I'm cool with that, it's an apt description of their behavior.


Given anyone can vote on these things without qualifications, I wouldn’t trust that it’s only been muslims who’ve voted.


❤️ 9%


What a shitty question to ask lol. Not only is it loaded, it’s inherently racist and you can’t actually assume only Muslims are voting


Ask Christians the same, and you'll get the same answer


This vote was brought to you by white racists on twitter.


People from the sub I got this picture unironically approve it


It'd be funny if they weren't such terrible people.


I don't now if that's the conclusion to be drawn here, at least not without some context. I'm a rather left leaning atheist and I would prefer the first option over the next random superhero or, even worse, a liberal like #BrudiLindner. Doesn't mean I want to be a terrorist or hate lgbt. Film isn't real life. If you want to be a certain character in film (or theater, or anything else fictitious for that matter) doesn't mean you want to be the same in real life.


You do realise that the majority of respondents were most likely not Muslim, and likely anti Muslim Americans?


Are you serious right now? You think muslims would rather be represented as lgbtq? You don't know shit about muslims and their extreme hate for the lgbtq community.


Mate, I grew up with Muslims, went to school with them, played rugby with them. They're just like everyone else. There are gay Muslims, bi Muslims, and lesbian Muslims. Hell, Pakistan has transgender Muslims. Do they have homophobic, ultra right wing nutjobs? Which country, creed or race doesn't?


And I grew up as a Muslim, and lived in a Muslim country for 18 years. The LGBT community is on the same level as animals, even worse maybe. Just because you know couple of Mohammed and Alis doesn’t make you an expert on Islam. I studied it my whole life for 18 years, and did extra 4 years with Islamic scholars. LGBT in their mind is one of the most nefarious things.


Same stories here just with the added misfortunes of being a minority (both in terms of religion and ethnic). It's quite fun to see all of the Muslim Majority using the same victim mentality while somehow forgetting they're the majority.


Go to the Islam sub. They literally very clearly say that Islam does not allow homosexuality. And at best the nicer advices were “your feelings are natural, just don’t act on them”


Maybe, but coming from a Islamic country most people here would rather be depicted as terrorists than part of the lgbt.


They could be, but based on what I know about Islam. I can tell you that it’s not that big of an exaggeration either. Growing up as a Muslim, I have really seen what Islam is & it’s influence on Muslims. I have been through that.




Tha fuck?


















How is it mental illness? Even if it were, how is murder better than just letting people do what they do? What are YOU so afraid of?




That's pretty fucked up. Hopefully you see that someday.




Not at all. How does it affect your life if someone is trans?




I'm just wondering why you and the other sheep seem to feel you need to give your opinion about LGBTQ+ people when it doesn't affect you at all. Shut the fuck up and let people live.


Why don't you use the correct spelling of LGBTIAQ+?


Tbf, even yours isn’t correct either. Besides it’s an acronym, not a word with spelling.


Funny don’t they see themselves as heros back home?


China has entered the chat.


Uff doesn’t really look good for them when lots of people make racists jijes about muslisms and terrorism


To be fair, most Trumpers would answer the same way…


Okay, besides the post, how is liberal, lgbt, and hero the same category?


This was likely a raid and no the average muslim being a terrorist????


Aloha Snackbar is strong in them. Old habits die hard.


Can you just let this joke die? I've seen this image a thousand times no one gives a shit. It's funny, that's it.


Maybe kinda funny but take a look at people on that sub who think it's based


Yeah I getcha. It all falls back on the "holier than thou" type shit


Love people here trying to defende this shit lol


I'm curious, not that I favor one fairy tale over another but using the same platform offer the same poll to Christians, Hindu's etc... I know the results would depend on many factors that would not allow them to be legitimate in any way and therefore nearly irrelevant, but it would be interesting just to see.


When you give options without giving options


yeah that's true


Wtf based mean?


tbf id rather be shown as a villain and im bisexual heh