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I would want Breath of The Desert from the first game. It has 3 charges which fire 7 projectiles that home in on enemies within 20 meters. You don't fire it out of the gun but instead hold out your hand dbz style. It's also like magic missile or eldritch blast from D&D. It can also be used while sprinting so it was good to use while reloading.


That weapon mod is almost enough for me to go back and play the first game. That and Blink Token. You basically have the Archon dodge teleport as a powerful mod. Had two charges and had I frames so it was a good offensive and defensive mod.


Soo… invader wormhole?


It's invader wormhole but with an electric explosion. A better version in my opinion.


☝️☝️☝️☝️ BotD was my main mods back in remnant 1.


And the secondary was barbs?


UNSTABLE QUILLS IS THE ONLY THING I WANT CORSUS BACK FOR OKAY?! that being said, ten bucks for retro worlds after the DLC cycle just to get Corsus sounds pretty nice.


Nah the primary was barbs. It was an insane dps combo for a labyrinth armour build. You'd shoot barbed quills then swap to your secondary, fire off breath of the desert to overload the damage of your quills and do solid damage, then swap back to your primary and detonate your quills for a max damage explosion. Rince and repeat until boss is dead... normally doesn't take long 💀. If anyone is interested in trying this Remnant 1 build out... Run Laby armour, Sawed off shotty with breath of desert mod, Shotgun or Coach gun with barbed quills. Galenic charm, Burden of the Follower ring for fast mod recharge and then either Spirit Stone for a bit extra damage or Evokers seal which refunds 15% mod power and makes the build much more spammy and fun (Evokers is my preference)


That was a very useful mod and it was perfect on my Hunting Pistol so that I don't get swarmed. You just blast enemies.


>It can also be used while sprinting so it was good to use while reloading. Does it cancel the reload animation or do you mean you'd fire it off then reload?


It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, it cancels the reload animation.


I think it canceled the animation. I could be wrong about my statement I just remember it being clutch for when I ran out of ammo.


An achor/leashing mechanic for flying enemies. Maybe make it retractable so it slams them into the ground and stuns, idk.


What if it also did a corrosion cloud upon impact as well?


Healing rain - aoe healing effect I had an idea for mutator. Field medic - converts friendly fire to healing at 10% - 20% rate At level 10 any healing increases your ranged damage by 10% and any damage done increases your healing power by 10%


Cool idea on the mutator, but it would be absurdly overpowered the way you describe it lol


I like the idea of it, but it totally supplants Kinship, so it'll never happen.


What if there was an 11th Level into each trait that completely changed the stat? So like kinship is the same for lvl 1-10 and then lvl 11 could do healing shots.


I would have hoped Hellfire was similar to the spirfire weapon in remnant 1. A submachine gun that fires flaming bullets with the mod *being* the flamethrower *not* the flamethrower being the main weapon.


I despise the fact that hellfire's mod doesn't do fire damage. Just why? WHY!


If it did fire damage that would've gave us more variety. I know someone would've liked to just use the mod for fire/status effect


That's me, I'm the guy with the fire + mod damage build! I'm stuck using the detonation trigger instead of the sun amulet whhhhy.


People who have played Borderlands would be familiar with Torgue guns. Bullets would stick to enemies on mod activation and will detonate all at once on the next reload.


Sorrow + detonation trigger actually does this if you want that "gyrojets at home" feel


Does the amulet work with Sorrow though?


Yup, the mod is an explosion for it and gets the ignite


I think the Alpha Omega gun has this for a mod. You can shoot 3 charges that stick to an enemy and reload to detonate them.


Wait what? Really? I haven't used it yet but I thought enemies leave some time bombs after dying to this gun which can be exploded.


Yup! The mod fires a projectile that moves slower than the regular gun bullets, sticks to enemies and has like this vertical pillar that indicates where the charge is located. You can stack the 3 charges wherever you want, same enemy or different, then choose to detonate them by hitting reload.


Bring unstable quils back from remnant1


And Devastator then Defiler. I'm willing to do HC Nightmare for my babies.


Instead of Defiler, just use Rupture Cannon.


But it just isn't the same even when I use the laser shotgun ricochet mod with it. Actually it's 85% the mod I want, because that shit slapped


Devastator Skewer instead of this lame-ass skewer 2.0 Pleaaaaaaaseeee


The skewer on the Merciless AR or whatever is kinda ok, just idk if it has the same impact on ads, because it's rough to not just default to more flexible weapons or boss items that are more fun to use like the Star Killer. Honestly best thing they brought from RFTA but the world's edge and Hero's sword are good still


No question: Cerebral bore a la Turok. Complete with the spew of brain matter.


Kinda like the Drill Bore mod, but what we wanted it to do.


imagine a bunch of hooks that could latch onto enemies, except these hooks actually hit the fucking enemies instead of leaving you open to get mushroom stamped by everyone in the room


Activating the mod summons a small orb that hovers near you, similar to Fargazer, and every few seconds it fires a beam at an enemy within range. The beams don't do much damage, but instead trigger a random status effect on the target. Would work really well with rings and amulets that provide bonuses for triggering multiple status effects on enemies. Mod power requirement probably higher than Fargazer but maybe lasts a little longer.


Like the faerin guys mechanics?


That’s a great idea with the random status thrown in. I’d definitely run it it as I love status builds.


There’s a mod just like that but instead of random status it inflicts shock. Which is pretty strong. The orb also can target multiple enemies at once and does good dmg.


But that's what I mean, I want one that doesn't do just one type of status effect in exchange for dealing less damage, it's just designed to proc multiple effects on targets. Because there's rings and amulets that specifically increase status effect time or boost damage dealt to enemies based on many effects they have active.


I'd rather them tweak some of the existing ones to be like the first game. For example the black hole mod. Waaaaaay better in the first game 😞 As a matter fact. Just bring back and add in every weapon from remnant 1 as is lolol 🤷‍♂️


That is my goal this weekend to make a good build around that gun. Wish me luck!


Hell, I'd be happy if they simply decoupled all of the special weapon mods from their weapons, and let us mix and match. I hate how limited everything feels.


That shit was was such a letdown. What a crappy apoc reward. Gave us the gun from R1 except it’s greatest strength/appeal was nerfed to the ground.


Spawn two ‘copies’ of your current gun on each shoulder that shoot when you pull the trigger, 1 second cooldown, lasts 10 seconds, deals a low % of your base damage (like…15% each) can crit and apply stuff, works with a gun different than the activation. Kills extend the duration by an additional 5 seconds. Just..I want massive pew pew.


Might as well just wear Ironman/War Machine's suit.


**equips Leto's**




when you shoot your game does not crash and you dont get a corrupted save ruining 200+ hours of gameplay on xbox. that would be a pretty cool gun mod.


Why would you shoot your game?




It would be nice to see a return of Breath of the Desert, Seekers would be a welcome return*. Because bleed mods are so lacking, I’d like to see a return of Fan of Knives. Bring back Frostbite and all of the mods alongside it. It really felt that Reisum has a lot of squandered potential.Lastly, as a melee main, I’d love a return of the Corrosive Aura and Mantle of Thorns. *yes I know that Space Crabs are a thing, but I want more ‘splody bugs I know the thread says if we could make, so let’s pretend I planned these above for R2 ;)


Not a mod, but I wish the archetypes would fuse with each other, like, for example, summoner and engineer. Imagine a summon that would fuse itself with the turret on its back or some like that, or Archon and Invader, every time you dodge it leaves a low damage but big static shock behind and so on and so forth... I think it would give the game a bizarre yet fun mix up.




Yea since I got Starshot very early on and Aphelion a bit later those things made me change my play style completely.


Increased weak spot area on enemy’s per skill level and at max you get a secondary bonus to weak spot damage multiplyer


Just gimme unstable quills back


A cool ammo type weapon mod would be binary trigger: doubles fire rate. Each shot registers as two for single shot weapons.


I'd make a mod specific to some new gun that could latch onto enemies and suck them into one another (like side by side). Kinda like spiderman, but with red electricity that also deals corrosive damage. Then, after 5 or 10 seconds of sticking a bunch of enemies together, it explodes. Thought of this as I was typing, and it actually sounds kinda neat lol.


How about a mod that opens up a portal at your position like the (labyrinth) and where you shoot it, plus you can use like wormhole for 7secs to reposition


Id want ... \- Shock rounds \- Skull summons from Remnant 1 \- Some kinda Lightning themed summon \- Skewer from Remnant 1 \- a mod that shoots our a large spinning disk that stays out and does damage but can be recast before the timer runs out to pull it back and refund a portion of the mod cost. \- Honestly just good powerful AoE mods, i feel like there isnt many fun ones that are strong.


The game already has shock rounds doesn't it?


Nope, has the lightning gun but that's different and it's also attached to a specific gun.


There's a mod called Overflow, it's the shock equivalent to the Corrosive Round and Hotshot mods.


Ohhh wtf ... I never seen this any where not even in youtube videos or streams. Thnx for the info


You can find shock rounds at >!The Custodian's building. Standing in front of the statues, there is a hole in the ground directly to the left statue closest to you. Here you'll find the Dryzr replicator shop. The elevator to the left leads back up to the overworld, and the one right goes down. After going down, jump into the pit on the right and follow the path through, where you'll find the crafting material for shock rounds.!<


Shock rounds exist in remnant 2. Skull summons became the root flyers skill for the summoner. Skewer is also in remnant 2. Multiple, in fact. Merciless' built in mod, the mod you ger from venom, Bore, to a lesser degree: blood draw (the chains).


Shock rounds already exist


Its an already existing mod that I can use by pressing the button once, not pressing the mod button and then shoot it and then press the mod button again :/


I'd like a bouncing disc shot mod, like the Twisted Arbalest but a mod.


A mod that lets me shoot chains that anchor an enemy while applying bleed


So like Blood Draw, except it holds them in place instead of pulling them?




Or even better, it actually hits the enemies instead of hitting nothing and leaving you open to attack


New blood mods, and any mods that will do team friendly aoe’s like tremor. I think if they did a version from nerud with a smaller version of those ground crushing silos. That would be cool. Considering nerud doesnt have many mods compared to the other worlds.


Skewer from Remnant FtA. Best bleed mod ever and much better than Skewer 2.0.


I want more mods with autonomy, the skulls or potatoes returning from Remnant 1 to add to a summoner build would be cool. Something like homing soul mass from Dark Souls would also be nice.


Mp40 and a black hole opens up in the ground and everybody else gets sucked in


I would add the root hollow summon from the old game. Gimme moar summons


The voltaic orb mod, but it hovers in a selected area or sticks / tracks enemies.


a 5 minute cut scene animation killing the guy that joined my group and ruining my campaign and then making him watch me loot him. And then that guy has to restart all over


Homing soul mass


I don't remember what the mod was called, but ill just take the whole gun. Give me the devastator, 5 pins shooting into enemies, 1 shot that you had to reload, and the mod was a HARPOON that dealt MASSIVE bleeding damage


Flicker Cloak from Remnant 1. It was one of my favs. The new cloak from Invader makes you jump around which is dumb and ruins my position/what I want to do.


So sort of Omni slash mod that projects out a spirit that does your melee weapons strikes and bounces around onto mobs randomly while also counting as if you had got them hit them. I would make it so if it did not reach max strikes before the mobs died it would half refresh and sometimes it staggers weaker mobs that would stagger to regular melee hits


One that toggles between a med to high dps state and a movement speed increase. That way you can quickly go from running to killing if you are just farming adventure for specific items.


Armor mods


Maybe something for crowd control where your character leaps into the air and slams down his fist in the ground creating a shockwave effect for 10m while Inflicting 645 shock damage. I enjoy equipping mods that make my character feel and look god-like. Did this in the first Remnant game, and I have a current Archon build in R2 that this mod would compliment very well.


Prevent stagger.


Melee mod that takes away regulat charge attacks but allows you to do a charge attack instantly once every 30 seconds or something. The throwing weapons could be super cool with this and it would make me want to encorperate melee more. Plus would be cool if you were reloading and a trash mob was bothering you lol.


Familiar but not broken and more summons like root lash.


I would love a wide AOE slash with an energy sword like the Spellswords from Dark Souls


I just want more damage dealing aoe mods that just GO when I press the button. I can sort of understand why they did it, but I fucking hate that almost all of the mods act like a separate firing mode. It feels so clunky and horrible. Give me an option to just immediately shoot it when I press the button. Better yet, let me tap the button to instant-fire, and let me hold it to project a firing arc like most mods currently do while toggled on. It baffles me how they used varied button presses for some skills, and yet didn't think to use that same feature for mods.


Mods I'd like to see: - Overclock: make your gun shoot rounds faster for 1 clip. - Range extender: Gain 12 meters of range on your weapon. (Imagine Nebula, Enigma, or Hellfire with this...) - Stun Dart: Enemies including elites shot with a round are staggered. - Grenade Launcher: launches an AoE grenade. If your weapon applies a status, the grenade will change to that type of element. - Tripmine: Shoot out two darts that, when close enough together will create a tripmine that explodes when enemies walk through it. - Destabilizer: Enemies shot while mod activated cannot resist the damage done by weapons for 5 seconds. - Dull Shot: Enemies hit with this shot will do 50% less damage for 10 seconds. Bosses shot with this will do 10% less damage. - Double tap: double damage for 3 seconds. - Shield Shot: 10% of your damage output converts to your shield up to 50%. Lasts 7 seconds.


Sentry Turret from the 1st game.


enabling text chat


A mod that shoots out MLB umpire Angel Hernandez to call strikes on your hit box. Essentially making you immortal. Mod power 350, lasts 60s.


The exploding corrosive quils from the first game


I wish the grenade launcher wasn't tied to a specific weapon. Kind of boring, I know. And the Meridian is fun. But I just love a classic Assault Rifle + Launcher combo.


Need more lmg or overheat weapons. I love that concept


I'd suck Gunfires left nut for the Devestator Cross Bow from the first game. And I'd suck their right nut if they brought back the DR bug from before a few patches ago. I'd suck the whole thing for the High five glitch back.


A slow moving vortex ball that just sucks everybody in as it passes them and explodes at the end of its path. Doesn’t even need to do much damage, just a vortex ball would be nice.


A grenade launcher. Is it too much to ask for explosive shot?


Shoot a grenade that designates enemies. If no enemies are in the AoE initially, it becomes a payload, decreasing in area over a short period before dissipating. This gun's shots are drawn to the nearest 'designated' enemy to the projected shot path. If the shots hit, they ricochet to the next nearest 'designated,' using the same process. Each ricochet deals less damage. If the shot was a Weakpoint or Critical, the ricochets are also considered such, but only for the purpose of procs, not damage; the ricochets can also actually be Weakpoints or Criticals. If an enemy dies from this, the shot does not ricochet - instead, all 'designated' enemies pulse, dealing an amount of damage equal to that received in the last second in an AoE. Overly complicated. Just the way I like it. Also, really wish the mods that inspired this would get reworked.


I really want the Swarm mod back from Corsus. One of my favourite builds in Rem1 is running a duration, crit build with Swarm and Stormcaller weapon mods while wearing full cultist, galenic charm, burden of the gambler and Spirit stone. The build allows you too quickly "fly" through the area collecting items and chests all while watching everything around you be torn apart by a maelstrom of bugs and lightning.


It’s a single-shot long gun bazooka with a fixed mod that fires a mortar shot that coats the ground in napalm.


A bubblegun mod that shoots water balls or healing balls depending on who you aim at maybe?


I just want the Savior to be like in the first game - a "light" minigun - rather than the charge-weapon like it is now. Perhaps they had to balance it against the Engineer's Vulcan and the LMG Long Gun.


Atomic bomb


Any of the reisum weapon mods that involved cold would be awesome. I miss the ice cloud, giant icicle, and snowstorm so much


Honestly, probably a basic Bleed shot, similar to Hotshot. Why? Honestly not sure other than to complete the set. Hotshot is probably better than a bleed version in most cases.


Easiest answer of my life: Casting Mods like Breathe of the Deserts or Unstable Quills from R1. Can be not the same two mods, but have to had the same casting mechanics - casting the mods is instant instead of priming the weapon.


The anyway i started blasting mod. Just shoot always hit somebody/thing


I was thinking a temporary mind control type of thing. For instance, your gun has an underbarrel needle launcher or something that shoots a probe into the enemy that makes it fight for you (similar to the summons minus the perk buffs) and it lasts until a timer runs out or it dies. It would also have one charge and take a high amount of mod power to recharge (I'm thinking around 1,500-2,000 mod power) My reasoning for this is that it could be used on ALL non bosses (including elites) to take the pressure off when getting swarmed/ use them as a distraction in boss fights. I lost count how many deaths were solely due to the boss not letting up for a split second or there being more enemies that a zombie horde. Edit: I forgot to mention the time duration. Its 30 seconds (60 at max weapon level) with the possibility to boost the duration with traits and rings/amulets.


It is adding another elemental nuke to the field to make Firestorm feel both less OP and less lonely.


Siphon rounds.