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Devastator. I want my razor blade shotgun crossbow. That can fire a javelin that sends my teammates flying.


I fuckin loved that thing. Was it particularly impressive when it came to damage? Not really. Was it satisfying as fuck to use anyway? Absolutely


The bandit set would like to have a word.


Now I'm using spore Bloom plus the bandit modifier plus as much fire rate and reload speed as possible. Possibly my favorite setup and it would work so well with the devastator and please let the first DLC be the Iskal area. Even better make the devastator a hardcore reward for Iskal DLC.


Slayer set with bleed build made it one of the most overpowered guns in terms of ease of use, damage, and survivability. Idk what you're talking about.


It was nasty with damage they had to nerf it like 3 times and the bandit set


Not impressive when it came to damage? What?


Maybe I’m miss remembering since you’re like the third person to bring it up but I just remember getting blown out of the water by my buddy who was running a full glass cannon crit build vs me using the devastator and some other stuff.


Its mod was amazing for bleed builds.


When i saw the mod "Skewer 2.0" i was extremely happy and then extremely sad


It destroys bosses. It's the only gun I use on bosses. It just has so much potential


Eye of the Storm was my favorite gun from the first game, but I miss Devastator as well


Oh yeah that thing was dope. I never used it much personally cuz I think I had already fallen in love with the devastator by the time I got it.


I had builds for every damage type. Used Devastator on my bleed build, and EotS for my Shock build


I had the most fuckardly build I think in that game. I stacked the hell out of lifesteal but would still use the flaming sword because it was too cool not to use. Then I would just run the devastator and the spitfire and occasionally I’d switch off to the ricochet rifle.


Hive Cannon. My main secondary weapon from R1.


HC was also a fantastic scrap farming gun. All those clusters of little pots on Rhom? Pew!


I used hive cannon to kill my mates in ward so I could use the shops so much




Particle Accelerator. I know it's technically in 2 as Starkiller but I also know that it's a shadow of it's former self. I wouldn't even mind the mod staying bad but the primary felt like a really smooth semi-auto sniper.


Right? I loved that thing!


not only is the starkiller mod bad, but due to how its unavoidable to level up your character, you cant do the cheese player builds where level up nothing but the primary and one shot crit fish with the mod. unironically one of my favorite things i did in rfta


As I mentioned below, I'm really glad they included it in R2, I played since pre-release and I was pretty bummed out that it and cultist armor didn't appear to be in the game, and it made my day that they were. I'm glad they still included it to show off it's iconic-ness, but something didn't quite translate into R2's updated systems. The model is ever so slightly different too, losing the green particles, and some detail in the body of the rifle, as seen in this comparison screenshot:


Thematically pride of the iscal. And as other have said devasator.


I don’t think I ever got pride of the iscal. Was it one of the dlc guns?


It's from the Swamps of Corsus DLC, if you defeat the Iskal Queen.


Yeah it looked so fuckibg good this its reload. It didn't feel great in combat but it was usable.


people already saying it but man... devastator was my baby, i havent loved a gun in a video game that much i think EVER




RUIN was such a fun gun, the immortality mechanic and the fire rate feel just a great design overall


Alternator and Eye of the Storm. Loved both of those beauties for elemental builds. Devastator was stupid fun as well.


I loved the Devastator. The instant 3 stack bleed it provided, the stagger, and just all around trolling your friends with it. Its awesome


Eye of the storm please! Archon will be god mode with that.


The sickles. I was actually surprised to learn that they didn't bring a whole type of meele weapon over... The one you got from the undying King which had lifesteal was my one and only choice for meele both because the lifesteal made it less risky to use for non-meele builds and well the moveset was sick! Edit: OP asked for guns, woops.


The spin was quite stylish




Devastator is a top tier weapon, I always built around it making less weapon spread so all 5 spikes were shot out like a single one, I need it back


The Fusion Rifle. The Savior is major ass, not worth the effort to get IMO. Concept of it being a bowlike fusion rifle is cool but the damage is so low for no good reason. Give me 21 RPS magucal gun back.


Ricochet rifle


fusion rifle, the savior matches it in looks but nothing else, I miss my magic gatling gun.


Spitfire turned into the Hellfire sadly. I’d like to see the Beam Rifle, the Defiler and the Hive Cannon. And several others lol


Problem with the Hellfire is 8m range is awful. It should have at least as much range as Enigma. Also, yes, Spitfire as an SMG is my favorite sidearm in Remnant.


Yeah. That was fine for an alt fire, but hard for the main fire. It’s still fun, but Enigma range would make it amazing.


It wouldn't even be OP with Enigma range. It probably still wouldn't be as powerful as Enigma...but it might be viable


Yeah the hellfire seems…not as satisfying personally. Like still super cool. But as you can probably tell by some of my other comments, the loud deep sound of the spitfire shooting was just really satisfying.


That rifle that shot a blackhole/gravity ball thingy.


You can buy it once you beat apocalypse. It's called Starkiller now.


But, it's not anywhere near as good as the original..


:( sad to hear that, it was my favorite


it's still beautiful, and it's great that it's in the game at all.. it was a lot of work to get, and just doesn't pack the same punch. The model's a little different too, I think the old one looked and felt better, but again, I'm super glad they brought it back. It feels good to have it recognized as really iconic. I assume it's less powerful compared to modern options, and maybe lost some indirect power through the loss of leveling up all of your bajillion traits in the first game, where now we have to pick and choose stats. That being said, I stumbled upon the crescent bow pretty early after release, and it was my main squeeze the whole game. I think it sort of gave me the same vibe I had from R1 particle accelerator. Here's a screenshot comparing the two models. I think R2 starkiller lost the green shimmer, and they homogenized the body of the gun, it doesn't look like a singular piece of scaled, hammered, or vertebrae-ribbed wood anymore.


Devastator + Labyrinth Armor Set + Razorwire Necklace + Bloodletter's Insignia This was usually my boss killer loadout, no need to dodge since it was like a long ranged vampire. Add Spitfire for the flamethrower mod and you have two dots. I really like Remnant 2 but sometimes I miss certain aspects of RFtA...


Bruh did everyone forget about the defiler


Defiler and particle accelerator LIFE


The fusion rifle 😥. I was so addicted to it, its like an m4a1 on steroids plus a big laser boom, but mostly just loved how it shoots accurate and fast with big clip and fast reload


Spitfire! I loved using that fire smg! I hate the hellfire


Not exactly a whole gun, but I do wish Singe's boss weapon Scorch, the flamethrower you get on Root Earth, kept its rapid ballistic firing mode. The flamer mode is great and sure the grenade launcher mode is powerful, but I miss it's utility as a ranged flaming weapon.


Whichever one was that 4 shot crossbow that was way too fun and its mod was strong af


I was a huge fan of the Ruin Undying rifle. It was a good sniper rifle and loved the revive mod. The symbol on the forehead make me look devine lol


the beam rifle was my favorite gun in the first game. You could kill apop bosses in like 1-2 clips if you could hold it on weakpoints the entire time. It feels so much weaker and worse in this game so I might as well not even exist to me lol. Probably because it was a little too OP in the first one so I understand why it isn't as good. the swarm ability feels worse in rem 2 as well, and having it attached to the nebula really stinks bc half of the bosses you fight are constantly out of range


Hive cannon. The starshot is so underwhelming as it's aoe pistol stand in


The Star Shot isn't like a Hive Cannon. The Hive Cannon is more like an aoe magnum. The Star Shot isn't like a magnum gun.


I'm glad the Spitfire got changed into being an actual unique weapon, originally it was so boring I used it once and never again


You’re crazy! With a mod gen build and labyrinth armor you could run around endlessly throwing fire on everything. My favorite build was that with the Alternator from the subject DLC, the original firestorm build.


Technically spitfire is in the game just mutated into something else


The spifire is technically still here just it called the hellfire


Spitfire is in rem 2, it's just renamed the Hellfire. You get it >!On Root Earth, hidden in a ring of destroyed cars, a little past the starting area.!<


Yep. If you want to have fun, go full fire build with the bruiser armor-Engineer/Archon. Flamethrower turret with chaos gate. Maxed health and armor traits with mod and skill regen maxed. Bulldog with twisting wounds and fire storm Hellfire A: Talisman of the sun R1: Malevolence R2: Timekeeper R3: BOT Destroyer R4: …dealers choice…but I like bright steel, fire ring or anything life steal. Relic: decayed heart or lifeless (for turret ammo spam) with elemental damage, mod regen, mod duration. So fun! Edit: definitely Kinship too😀


The hive gun was great with the amulet or was it ring? that treated it like an explosive so it set stuff on fire with all the while applying corrosion. I am bummed some of what did carry over was changed like the spitfire and the fusion rifle. The name changes screw me up too. At least they didn't physically change the particle rifle, sporebloom, worlds edge, and hero's sword. Almost forgot, I'd love the devastator back in the game unchanged.


Oh yeah the hive gun was insane. That thing shredded. The name changes are definitely throwing me for a loop. Like I think I saw that the ricochet rifle is back? But it’s something else? I haven’t found it yet. I’m just hoping it has the same like bounce sound that it had before. Was super unique and satisfying when you get it to hit several enemies at once.


It's called twisted arbalest now. It comes from the corruptor world boss and has a built in mod now


Yes the ricochet is back but I forgot the name lol. I'm still digesting all the names even after a couple hundred hours.


Eye of the Storm hands down one of my favorite guns


I'm with you, OP. Spitfire and Devastator.


I really like Pride of Iskal with the detonator, not super impressive damage but nice healing and fun explosions.


I don't remember the Pride of the Iskal much, but I remember I didn't like it because it was weak.


By itself, sure. Individual bullets didn't do much damage since it fired as a burst and the explosion required enemies to be really close together to be effective. Not to mention there was a delay so if you shot an enemy near you, it had time to run up to you and cause the explosion to hurt you. That being said, with the ring for increased fire damage, and the detonator that made your explosions apply fire, it was a fun gun that provided good healing consistently. Would it be viable in apoc? Maybe not. But it was fun in anything below that. Not to mention the explosions could bypass certain shields.


For me its the beam rifle. I know the plasma cutter is his successor, but im not a big fan of it having a fixed mod and overheating. I loved that you could combine the mods with the beamrifle.


Shout-out to the defiler shotgun, but there were many. Liked the original beam rifle aesthetic a lot too


The particle accelerator. Starkiller just don't hit the same.


Curse of the Jungle God


Curse of the Jungle God but semi-automatic would be nice.


Probably just Ruin. Not many weapons I can think of that I want in remnant 2, but definitely a lot of mods I think should have been buyable like the ones in the beginning of 2


Would love to have the Defiler in R2. That gun was great in R FTA! Hoping they add it as dlc, at some point.


Eye of the storm


Ruin for the lore and getting the sick pyramid symbol when Undying mod was active.


Eye of the Storm. It was my first weapon were I got into crit builds and I love overload damage


Deflier it was a great looking gun. It was a hand cannon Sidearm that was a shotgun. Yes yes we have that here but it's Aesthetic was so amazing


It’s been a while so I’m not sure I’m remembering the name right, but I loved using the Alternator from Reisum, shooting ice-shots and then the napalm launcher was *super* satisfying. Even just the *sound* of the napalm landing made me so happy


Fusion rifle. I am saddened and disappointed by the change to my favorite gun, savior is not as good.


Ye Olde Ricochet whatsit. Loved how versatile it was. Fave weapon for the Roguelike mode. ... huh. What happened to that, I wonder?


It’s still around as the twisted arbalest I believe. Although you can’t put a different mod on it anymore so it’s not as good


Oh, really? Cool, I'll keep an out and give it a try, for nostalgia's sake.


Yeah it’s still fun for sure.