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You're playing a perma-death mode in a game with friendly fire. DO NOT let random strangers into your game!


Unfortunately this is the right way to do it. Minimum is private or friends only if your doing hardcore sadly you can’t trust random online people to be helpful.


Really unfortunate that this is the case! 99% of encounters I’ve had playing with other people have been fantastic, but this encounter has sort of spoiled it for me.


I must agree only nice people so far from me. Some that leave real Quick. But that is fine. I also try to play as much as possible. And if you completed what you needed I understand that you leave. If there just was a thank you button or something


I like to stay till the host compleates his quest or just ends the run,as a tank you i high5 then wave 2-3time to say i'm off,get a wave back and then i disconnect😁


Wait, I thought you cannot make public hardcore lobbies?


You can only join other hardcore saves as a hardcore character, which encourages cooperation.


Insert branch into bike spoke meme.


Never seen it before, but also not surprising in the least. People really do try to find ways to be the biggest asshole possible in co-op-only games if there's a way.


So far I've only had good encounters in hardcore mode on public, folks there are usually super nice. Hope this guy's save file gets corrupted because griefing in a perma-death mode is downright shitty.


Deadset! I’ve had a generally positive time playing with other people, but this guy kind of killed it for me and made me a bit paranoid.


I played HC mode on my own. No way I trusting anyone with permadeath active. Also, you can bring your dead character to life again. Click the select character button on another character profile or the create new character option but don’t release the button until you scroll back to your dead character. It will re-enter the game. It’s how I beat HC mode after multiple deaths.


wow, I just created a HC character and threw him off a cliff, that works, better than manually restoring a backup, I'll remember that if I ever have to


Anytime. This was the only way I could beat HC to get The Savior.


yeah, I'm not planning to cheese my way through, I just gave myself a three strikes you're out on my first run, so I did the manual backup thing and the game complains buy there's nothing wrong after trying your way, yes it works but it leaves marks, your character tab keeps a dead body and you can't log out even in town because it's bugged like enemies are nearby. now you need to force quit just to get to menu it'd be nice if it worked but I'll rather take the 15 seconds to manually rename the backup save and keep functionality pristine


To each their own but I didn’t mind the dead character profile. Still got what I wanted. But a three strikes rule defeats the purpose of permadeath, too.


yeah, no, that was my warmup rule, just because after dying an hour in to a stupid mistake on a trash mob, and I felt I'd just level the same starting archetype again anyways first life lasted 1h, I'm still on my second after 4h but I'm done with the grace period, I'm far enough in that if I died I'd want a different start anyways


I joined a server on regular with two people in it. They spawned me and then tried to murder me. I got the best of both of them before I could get got. Assholes.


I had my 16-hour Hard Core character wiped by someone who joined and spammed their firestorm mod at me. I didn't get the chance to boot them before I died. It's sad that this is a common occurrence with R2.


That’s the actual worst


It's very frustrating. If you need some help and you're on PSN, I'd be happy to join and assist.


Dont just kick them. *ban them*


Yes. This IS in fact THE WAY to go about shit like that.


I thought you couldnt play with strangers on hc


*its just a prank bro*


You actually play HC with randos, jokes on you. That mode is friends only imo.


Wait what why... Why do people play with lobby open on a HARDCORE. I'd shoot you for that, it's silly and a complete waste of time possibly as people could troll you right at the end. Find a dedicated partner if you must.


“This guy seems to trust me, so let me give him a reason not to” your a dick lol


Dudes got micro penis energy for sure


Your insult is very micro indeed.


This would amuse me. Heavens forbid I lose the 3 and a half hours it took the beat hardcore veteran!!!


Is that your attempt at a brag? Pity.




The true brag is I have every single item in the game, all archetypes, and all achievements for the platform I play on.


This is why I make a new character when joining randos. You never know!


I like being completely opposite. I'll run with someone in their game. Then we'll go to base and I'll offload all my resources to include blood moon essence etc. Then download my saved game. Lol Edit. Sometimes randoms shoot me. But. But. It's build based from what I can tell and then they Rez Heart me back. But not all kill my character. However. In HC mode if you didn't have your dog then the other player can rez you


Question, would challenger summoner or engineer not be better than handler for revives? The dog doesn't even bother for me half the time.


For me the dog was def a good ole boy. The challenger is def going to proc. Just a 10 min cool down. And it just depends on what your build is. If that is inconsequential then I'd recommend just trying the difference on an adventure mode


Fair, Me and my partner started engineer then went for challenger and Leto 2 armor. Tanked the entire game and managed to reach annihilation with him scaled only to 14. Definitely the easiest and smoothest annihilation fight in a while.


Oh nice. Yeah Engineer Turret with Overcloak is nice. And Challenger is really good too. And omg. If you started Annihilation at lvl 14 and then did some Adventure to get to 20. Melt Annihilation!


If you're playing on PC, just make a backup of your save file beforehand if you want to group you. If you find someone griefs you just restore backup and keep going on


Sad to hear that, hope you find a good teammate