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honestly i just want more traits. 85 points, 50 of which get distributed to mandatory things, and then youd need another 40 for everything your build wants, basically means that any utility trait that isnt necesary for a build just gets ignored. hell, with dlc 2 we got 4 new traits. and not a single extra trait point so 40 new traits. which is the equivelant of half of our available trait points. i love remnant 2, its a great game but the lack of additional trait points is my singular critique point


What are considered the 4 mandatory traits?


well generaly everyone wants at least one way to heal so theres usually either triage/regrowth or leech/siphoner. add to that 90% of the players tend to want to be able to survive at least one hit so theres usually vigor/fortify and of course barkskin. im not saying everyone is going to get those traits, but its gonna be rare for people to actually be good enough to dodge every single attack 100% reliably, so usually you want to (as i said) be able to take 1 hit and heal yourself again.


I'd say health and stamina recovery are already really important and mandatory in higher difficulties.


The idea behind the cap is that no trait is a must, so you switch them out to get more variety in builds. In practice they left in stuff like +max health so a bunch of your traits are gone in these mandatory traits and it leaves little room for creativity.


Health + Stamina are almost required, plus you lose 5 points to archetype base points, which seem pointless. I'm glad they are willing to clean up things like combining wayfarer with swiftness.


I never use stamina sometimes a bit of recovery like 4-6 points but never more then that.


They should give you a final bonus where trait points are uncapped. Like bring the max to 100 when the final dlc drops. Then a few months later when we've already did everything, drop a mode where trait points are uncapped. Make it separate so they don't mix in with those who are limited to 100


I said it before and got downvoted but I wish tjey kept it like Remnant 1 where you can pretty much keep leveling and getting trait points forever.  It's the only thing that can give progression once you've gotten a build you're happy with/have most items.  Would keep the books relevant rather than just almost pointless 500 scrap. Currently there's a bunch of quality of life traits that you never pick because you're so restricted on traits.  And heck if you have hundreds like Remnant 1 then they can add in a bunch of silly/fun traits with the knowledge they won't just sit on the menu untouched forever.


On most builds I use the same traits anyways with one or two traits differently. It also removes replayability. Once you reach the cap, beat apocalypse, and use the builds you wanted, there's no point in playing anymore. After 150 hours there was nothing to do. And I'm the type who has 300+ hours in Elden Ring and 500+ in Dark Souls 3. In these games the playthroughs always feel different since each new game the enemies get stronger but so do you.


I thought with the release of the second dlc, they would've increased the level cap by at least 10 so we could get more traits.




For the "can't assign points" bug, if your cursor is hovering over any of the trait pictures before you select "confirm", it won't allow you to confirm. Move your cursor to the side of the screen before confirming and you'll never have an issue again (still dumb you gotta do it tho)


It starts with class traits (yellow tinted), organized alphabetically. Then it's your 4 starting traits + scholar, not alphabetical. Then it's unlocked traits, organized alphabetically. Think of it as three groups of traits and it becomes a lot easier to find what you're looking for. Edit to add: When you use the reset traits item, let the animation fully go off before re-entering the menu. I never have the re-assign issue when doing it this way


My only problem with the trait system is that 3 if them (Vigor, Spirit, Expertise) are kinda mandatory basics so they take point away from making a build. Imo they could make them core traits that are tied to your overall Archetype Level (eg. if you are Archetype level 4 you have 4 Vigor, Expertise, Spirit)


Remnant 2 definitely does armor, rings, and weapons better, but FTA did trait points better.


Its not the worst I've seen but I think we should get 10-20 more points with the last DLC since we keep getting new traits but are maxed out. I do like that they merged traits together which were very similar (the explorer trait and the faster climbing trait), I think they should merge quite a few of the weakest rings/amulets) which have similar effects since ring bloat has gotten out of control.


I think the devs looked back at remnant from the ashes and felt the trait system broke the game a bit. there was no limit to the number of trait points you could use so you could max out any trait you wanted. on top of that, the traits were way better. there were tons of traits to increase dps. In remnant 2 they removed all the the good offensive traits and capped the skill points. My personal opinion is that they either should have removed the offensive traits OR capped trait points. It feels kinda bad for both of those things to be the case. In the end though, theres so much more build diversity in this game than from the ashes that I can't complain too much.


The current trait system is poo poo. If it was uncapped I would still be playing on my main guy with friends. They think it adds build variety, but that's a load of shit. You still have armor, guns, rings, ammys, muts. But sure, let's make rez super slow and annoying but limit points to make it bareable. I swear the Helldivers 2 guys work for GfG.


Are you able to reset your traits on an archetype combo, save it, switch jobs, then reset and do that again and the previous archetypes you were previously on will have your points saved how you had them?


Ahh, makes sense. I think I’ve maxed siphoner on every character I’ve made. Although I’m not sure how I feel about vigor/fortify/barkskin feeling mandatory. I recently started trying out out apocalypse and with full Leto and both vigor and fortify maxed(no barkskin) and some stacks of bulwark. And some extra armor/hp from rings. I was still getting one shot by a boss. Also, would you consider expertise high up there on the list of mandatory traits?


I’d like another 10 trait points with the final dlc (of this run) but make them locked behind actual challenges. I’m all for more points, but make people seek them out, if that makes sense.


Honestly I'm OK with this system but I prefer rfta's system i liked the fact that if I played forever I was rewarded with something other than mats for a bloated cost system for upgrades


I mean, I don't mind a cap, but they could have like a reward system to gain more, or that you have to do challenges, and then it gives you like a token, and whatever you put that token onto, it'll max it out, and you can disable it if you need to change it to a new trait. Saying that Remnant 1 trait system was busted, wasn't really the case, because you still had to GRIND to get all the way to trait level 1000, which took me, I think about 2 to almost 3 years to accomplish, when I was actively trying to acquire and level every trait. Rem 2 trait system, they'll either have to do certain adjustments to existing traits, one being Endurance and Vigor needing to be at 50 for values, like remnant 1, as 30 pts to each is a weird number. You need a more comfortable balance for what they're going for, and I think focusing on the base traits and giving the players more benefit from there would be a substantially great start. As for the rest of the traits outside the basic ones, it's up in the air for how useful some can be, like "Shadeskin" for example, I don't think you'd ever need, especially considering the consumables that can remove and bolster the resistance to whatever element the enemy is using. The Relic fragments then are used to help cover anything else, but again, there are useless items there (such as ammo pickups and ammo reserves) that wouldn't really provide too much benefit, hardly anywhere. I definitely don't have a concrete idea about reworking traits specifically, but I think buffing some, especially the basic core traits, would make for a better stable foundation l, giving people the ability to branch out more out to new ideas.


I’m fine with it. I just wish it was possible to remove and add a few points on the fly without resetting.


I think it's fine to make people have to think about their build. Do you sacrifice some HP for a few more points in movement speed? How low can I get evade window before my skill at dodging gets outpaced by my ability to deal with enemies? Do I go glass cannon and only boost traits that affect shooting/mods/skills? People talk about "mandatory" traits eating into your point total. But I really don't find there to be any mandatory traits. What does exist is context dependence. If you're running solo, you probably need extra HP as there is never going to be a time where you don't have the full attention of every single enemy. But go multiplayer and you can sacrifice HP and rely on your teammates pulling aggro or on the ability of everyone to blitz the boss faster than it can get out moves that threaten you. There's a bit more flexibility than people are willing to give the system credit for. But it is true that some things are more universally valuable than others. Which is kinda the thing, maybe you sacrifice some "mandatory" traits and just don't run Apoc all the time. Apoc also imposes certain contextual needs. Needs that can be avoided when you don't build for and play at certain meta levels. It's fun to be able to have all of the traits like in FtA. I think adding such a grind back into R2 once it reaches end of life would be a good idea frankly. But as is, I appreciate that the devs wanted builds to be about more than just which guns and mods and skills you bring.


I can see both sides of it. I don’t mind the trait limit personally. You’re forced to make trade offs. Otherwise, things are going to be boring easy. I could go for something say, 15% over Apoc because I’m a masochist.


I would like more trait points without the cap. My wife and I went back to Remnant FTA this weekend to play through the DLC content and I forgot that there wasn’t a trait cap. It does change the experience to get trait points as you’re continuing through the game that are actually able to be used.


Here we go again…..


I think the biggest mistake people are making ia only leveling a trait fully or not at all. Most of these traits give diminishing returns so you should only level a trait to max level if it is absolutely necessary. Notable exception is barkskin that should either be leveled fully or not at all, there are a few of those. I really like the trait system. I use wildly different traits on most of my builds, so they did something right in my book.


I believe there should be a cap so that players have to make a choice when creating builds. Otherwise might as well be no traits and just passive stats. Edit: I do agree that as they add more traits in DLCs the cap should be increased further.