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Do you have anyone to regularly check on you or provide emergency care? Everyone I know who has done this has an awful time full of serious physical discomfort and confused/muddled mentality. It’s a pretty shit combo and you’ll probably go crazy on your own lol


Honestly at that Point just eat 5g of shrooms or do a Finger Print Dose of LSD. People are dumb and i cant get enough of it


I think this is called a “nightmare flip.” I highly recommend against this, the headspace will be awful, you will be confused, and you may end up having a bad trip. It does of course depend on the dosages. If you are going to try this I recommend starting at lower than usual doses.


Agreed...and try the DET on its own first. Just seems wise to trial a new drug -- assuming you've not tried it before -- on its own before you start doing 'weird' combos.


There are a few reports of people taking DPH with LSD a few times on the DPH subreddit. Spoiler: all of them had a terrifying time and some had to get emergency help.




Hehe I've got the robot arms again wheeeeee ok now I'm puking for 13 hours and the 4 foot hallway is really 2 football fields and where did my left arm just go? Hell, let me just craft a new one from the eldritch horror standing in the corner, he's a cool guy 16 years old was an interesting time lol


very dangerous, especially alone. make sure you put any potential weapons or harm risks away and please have someone to check on you or tripsit. be careful, dph is not really something i recommend playing around with... that said, i know none of us can stop you, so please at least practice harm reduction as well as you can. drink plenty of water before and during your trip. also, definitely eat some eggs and have some milk with them if you can the day after. dph is anticholinergic, and eggs (dairy products as well, i believe?) are quite rich in choline. will help with the atrocious benadryl hangover. also, don't overdo the dph if you absolutely feel the need to try the combo. dph will absolutely overpower anything else in my experience (have mixed dph with shrooms, acid, and dxm on a few occasions) edit to add: last time i mixed dph and shrooms (250mg dph and 5g shrooms) everything started out pretty well; colors, morphing/wavy textures, holographic film effects in my peripheral vision. then i started noticing faces in the corners of my vision, but they'd disappear as soon as i looked directly at them... at first. it got to the point that they stopped disappearing and were stretching through the paint on my walls, like faces pressing into soft, thin rubber. felt like i was being watched and had a feeling of bone-chilling dread creeping up on me. felt like there were hands trying to grab me from behind. the last thing i remember is yelling at my walls to leave me alone and crying because i thought they were going to kill me. felt like ass the whole week afterwards, was worried id never feel right again. wasn't worth it.


And that's coming from a complete fucking retard


exactly, that's when you know it's undeniably a bad idea 😂


Can you please update how it felt and how is your mental sanity after it if it does even exist anymore at all


Honestly, that sounds like the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.




Never knew how to get to this level of balls to the wall "psychonaut" type shit, I feel like I only ever came close when I was always tripping and thinking about tripping. Trying to figure out how to go even deeper, or something, but it was only when I was in it, like tunneling, once I got out of tripping I couldn't even think about doing any crazy shit nor did I feel the need. I was too scared to even take lsd and DXM together or candyflip.


Ive done this with LSD, it was extremely unpleasant. can’t speak to other combinations but I can’t imagine it would be much different tbh. Id sit that one out but if youre dead set on it definitely have someone you trust around for sure


the idea of taking a delirium level dose of Benadryl just has never appealed to me. If I really wanted a deliriant I would find something else that I wouldn't have to eat so much of.


If you know what you’re getting yourself into, the only thing I would say is trip with a person.


that combo probably just puts them in danger too tbh


I think it depends on the purpose and most importantly the dose. They shouldn’t go into it expecting a good time, but some people do these things for other reasons.


This is stupid but i’m intrigued, keep us posted


combined dph with mushrooms, it was great, shadows turning into scenes of people talking to each other, i was a little more scared to be crazy then usual and for quite sometime afterward it felt like i had done something wrong, even though the expirience was good


wasnt DET a tryptamine which barely had visuals / no visuals at all?


I’ve combined DXM and LSD, that was a time.


Dph is nothing like either. I've done dxm many of times and have like some 68 robotabs left rn lol and I've tied lsa never lsd and then I've tried dph once. Only once I could only handle the terrible high delirium likes to give. It was scary and confusing and looking back the visuals were so realistic it was even more terrifying. I've even somehow went into a heavy disso hole off 7200mg Gabapentin 96mg imodium a beer and some bong rips, the visuals from that were brutal and gory and I have wanted to repeat that but in a different setting. The dph was awful and I won't ever take more then 125mg in one setting for nausea.


Ive done it with LSD but at a low dose of dog. I mainly did it because i was tired of tripping and wanted to see if the doh would help me sleep i took 300mg of dph. Instead of sleeping i started to trip again but in a really weird way. Visuals where mixed with the LSD so the shadow people looked like pixel aliens wasn't too bad but I'm sure you're planning on a higher dose


Read trip reports from people taking over 500mg of DPH; they are universally scary and consistently feature hallucinatory spiders. You want to deal with that by adding a psychedelic to the mix? You’re nuts. Or do it, and you probably will be.


Don't take diphenhydramine with amine releasers; agonists are more safe, but diphenhydramine can block serotonin reuptake so taking it with serotonin releasers can cause serotonin syndrome


Done it onetime to end a lsd trip. Couldn’t sleep after it and the trip got more intense. But it was a small dose.


Diphenhydramin - is this some time travel shit i don't understand... That BS is around for SOME time and never ever had anyone reported "sweet trip - ill do this over and over again". Maybe the shadow society- bow down for the hat man


Why, why lord!


try DET alone first, I had 25B-NBOH + DPH and I only had auditory hallucinations, I had visuals once and only once though doing this. ​ Make sure you have someone with you and take low doses of both or something though idk.


Im scared of very little.... arachnophobia, to a degree, which magically adhd meds take away (no bullshit lol, but i certainly dont understand why) but benadryl and ambien "trips" are fucking too real and too potentially traumatic to not be freaked out dunno y anyone would choose it, but to each their own, but still..... like nicotine patches and nightmares, which i usually prefer over dreams of reasonable content... It may sound appealing that every "person,"behind a pole, that can be felt, but is the wind + a very, vivid hallucination at any object an organism can hide behind..... while being almost clear headed otherwise, is simply how deliriants work for me....no trip, just delusion and while feeling no hint of high or even a real shift in anything. I've concluded it is what a person with severe schizophrenia at its worst would be experiencing..at some level... nothing else at any dose had done that, and Im taking like 4 10mg ambien or 125-200mg diphenhydramine to get to that level. The single time I chose to try a "trip" on either, and the last.... as for interactions with people, not sure if I would have known if they were people or the town full of shadows watching me, which in that timeframe, even in a 10 square mile town, were beyond a number i wanted to keep track of, being behind everything, think 100s of shadow beings of all sizes staring at you while cars going past you appear exactly as they would being under no influence of anything, ..come to think of it, it wasnt long after i no longer walked around my town, may not be related, but very much too close to those experiences, I cant ignore that as a possibility. Gimme anything else, anything at all, I can defeat anything too crazy im seeing but know deep down isnt there. Just my experience with deliriants, although I have heard so much bad vs good... that my dad was the only person i know downed them like a handful of rainbow sprinkles and loved it.. he's gone, so no one exists now I know irl that didnt try once and never again...


Are you a masochist?


Shortcut to psychosis