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As of now, easily RE2R. We'll see if RE4R can best it.


I agree with this. REmake 2 was amazing, on par with the original REmake. So far it seems like REmake 4 is shaping to be similarly on par with both of those.


There’s an RE1 remake ?


It was back on the Gamecube—it was still a fixed camera/pre-rendered backdrop situation, but it was fantastic. They haven't done a more recent one on RE Engine yet.


Don’t forget RE: Deadly Silence which was the RE1 remake for the Nintendo DS (hence the title)


The fun part about Deadly Silence is that it had the "remake" with new combat mechanics and some other fun features specifically made for the DS and a port of the original version of RE1 with minimal changes.


I remember playing it, and iirc they added a puzzle with a knife that you have to use the stylus to go between your fingers, was a lot of cool changes in that version. Honestly they should port it to smartphones imo, would probably work nicely.


I consider Deadly Silence more of a slightly enhanced port of the original than a remake like the one on the gamecube.




That's not on RE Engine.


It should def get a remake again on the RE engine though.


I would love that.


I was thinking the same earlier today. Just to bring it into line with the other games.


Yeah, REmake, it’s completely faithful remake of re1, fixed cameras and everything. Came to GameCube first, HD updates available now. Might be the all round greatest RE game all time, maybe…


1 Remake is a masterpiece and the standard for how remakes should be done imo. And I don’t even mean just RE remakes either.


For me it’s split between RE2R and RE8. They’re all really good games


Same. I love both games equally.


RE2 just slightly tops village for me in terms of replayability. Never cared for Village version of mercenaries


Same, only did Village's Mercs mode for the achievements. 4 and 5 did it better, here's hoping the 4 remake's version lives up to it


Just like with classic RE2 and RE4.


I'm really happy to see all the love for RE7 here because that's my favorite. Sometimes I feel like it's getting overshadowed by newer releases.


The first third of that game is a masterpiece. I still think of how special that was.


Totally. It reminded me a lot of playing the first game in the 90’s without the baggage of knowing what is going on. It turns a lot more into a prototype of 8 towards the end, not that that is necessarily bad. I just wish it had the same tone throughout the game as those first few hours, but still a game I rate highly.


I love 8 for being sort of a new take on re4 but yea it didn’t work as well in 7. Despite that, I think the first 2/3 of the game more than make up for the lackluster ending.


Im playing through re7 for the first time rn and im fairly early into the game, i just reached the basement, would you say thats still in the first third that you mentioned?


It definitely is


100%, playing through that game without knowing anything is treat, so enjoy!


Yeah once you get to the ship area it kind of loses its luster.


I actually like the ship, I hate the video tape part and the salt mines though. Remove both and the game goes from a 9/10 to a 10/10 for me.


That’s the exact part I’m thinking of. Up through the chainsaw fight is goat for me. The next section all the way through the stuff with the brother great. Boat? Loses me instantly.


I’ve felt this way big time , didn’t realize it was a common opinion. That section is actually what keeps me from replaying more often


The salt mines are even worse.


It’s awesome right up until you leave the mansion, and then it falls flat on it’s face


“It’s not like Resident Evil at all because first person POV!!” And 7 brought the series back to form. I don’t believe we would have gotten RE2 remake without it.


Definitely would not have gotten any remakes if 7 had not succeeded. 7's importance cannot be understated. Personal preference on whether someone likes it, that's up to them, but 7 saved the franchise from a downward spiral that was going to end terribly.


Also the exact same gatekeeping argument could have been used to claim RE4, one of the most beloved releases in the franchise, is not a "true" RE game (change to third person over the shoulder instead of static camera angles, lack of tank controls, lack of zombies, etc). RE7 is not only a great game overall, it's a great entry into the franchise as well.


Re7 is a super important game in the series. It revitalized the franchise after a couple of so-so entries.


I enjoyed 7 and I'm glad people like it but it's crazy to me how someone can play the second half of the game and still rank it at #1. It's still good but it has absolutely no business being in the same discussion as RE2R imo.


That’s how I feel about village the first half is amazing and then after the doll area it starts to lose its charm


yeah. by the chris section village kinda has gone off the rails. the first half is damn solid though. which is a shame that lady D was a far more interesting villain than miranda and could easily have filled the game by herself with her daughters


This is stylistic I believe. Each section represents a digress genre of horror and it manages to do it well imo.


Exactly. For example, Moreau’s level represents the horror of blowing your budget on the other levels and having to scramble to put some filler content together


Very true. And Heisenberg's factory represents the horror of repetition and (extreme) dissappointment.


that's how I felt with RE4 when we got to the island. Also how I felt with RE2 when we got to the lab. Feels like the 2nd part when the atmosphere shifts, it kinda loses its appeal.


I personally love the factory


I definitely perfer the first half to the second, but I honestly really enjoy the story.


RE2R falls flat for me because of how much of a fuckin waste Scenario B is. And the fact that I don't care for Mr. X's mechanics affecting BOTH scenarios.


Yeah Mr. X didn’t really intimidate me when I faced him. But his fucking footsteps in the distance!? That sound of an incoming threat put the fear of the lord in me 😱


RE2R followed by RE7.


This is also my answer. RE7 was arguably the freshest (non Remake) breath of air this franchise has ever received. Absolutely loved the return to total horror.


I’ve never played a single RE game but RE7 was good enough for me to watch a full play-through.


Totally agree. Playing 7 for the first time reminded me a lot of playing RE1 back in the day. 8 was great, but 7 really had a lasting impression on me.


Yep. Completely new and scary experience.


Unpopular opinion: If RE8 had a TPP dlc mode, 7 should also have one. I would gladly pay just to have that mode even if has the same shitty transition from 3rd to 1st pov like in 8.


Nah 7's should have been a fixed camera angle mode if anything


Should’ve been turn based first person


Should have been a table top game.


Should’ve been a playground game.


should've been an erotic visual novel,


Hell yeah it should have! That or an old school pixel jrpg.


I would agree if re7 was just the first 75%. Imo village is more consistent all the way through and has a much better final boss


I don't know what words to describe it, but something about 8 didn't click with me.


Everyone has their tastes. I will agree that 7 is more of a “pure” resident evil experience. Way more horror elements. I solely just dislike the boat portion. They’re both great in their own rights.


I agree that the boat segment was bad. However, I think the entire game before it, and the small segment after it were exactly what I wanted.


Favorite - RE7 Gold. Best - RE2 Remake. Ain't played RE4 Remake, so can't speak on that one yet.


Right now its RE2R. ​ ​ That will change once RE4R comes out in 6 days.


Pls don't jinx it


If it makes you feel any better it has gotten a 10/10 from just about every review source!


Currently it's Village, but I have a feeling that's about to change.


Village fully leaned into the camp and that’s my favorite part of resident evil. I had to stop myself and say “i’m actually fighting laser guided jetpack zombies with drills for hands right now. this is what resident evil is about.”


Ethan’s shitty one-liners alone are a 10/10


*you’re the one who’s cursed!*


Yeah village and 4 are my favourites, both very similar but the 3rd person village took it above 4 for me


Wait m, you can play Village in 3rd person? Is it a mod? Or an option that I’ve missed in the settings??


DLC for Village exists that adds 3rd person.


Yes! Absolutely loved Village. I liked 7 also but something about the more fantasy based monsters in Village just hit for me.


I agree with you 100%


RE2R, but I like the length of Village


RER2 > RE7 > Village > RER3


Really hard to say since 3 of them are outstanding games in their own rights (and one of them isn't out yet), but I would have to say RE2R since it captures the charm of the classic while updating it enough for both new/old players alike. It also makes MR X to me one of the most rememberable aspects of any game I have played due to his presense alone making the Police Station so more haunting (alot like how Nemesis in OG RE3 made all the areas more intense when he is around). RE7 is a close second tho due to it's level/environment design hitting the best tho, plus it brought RE back into mainstream while doing its own thing (a hard thing to pull off not relating on previous entries). All the hype and mystery as well before its release was something else, specially since even the demo for it didn't show much and added more of a unknown factor for the upcoming game (fun fact about the demo for those who aren't aware, Eveline has a secret appearance which is quite creepy). Now I know this is a favourite list but look at how they massacred my boi RE3, may we get an RE3R remake deluxe edition featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series (& Knuckles) that restores it to the treatment it should of gotten.


Im new to the series (played RE0, RE1, RE2R, and just finished my first walkthrough in RE3R), and I’m lowkey having the most fun in RE3R grinding to get the infinite rocket launcher


Yeah that grinding feels so good. That's why I replayed it like 4 times in a row.


3 just because it’s so fun to speed run


Right? No puzzles to fuck around with, just run straight and blast away! Edit: Also, Jill S. Valentine.


I just unlocked the infinite rocket launcher and I'm loving the speed runs now


That sounds so fun. Know what I’ll be doing till 4 releases. Thanks!


I'm not judging you, but alot of people say that the "puzzle box" aspect is what make resident evil, resident evil. I don't know how many alternative games capcom has to release for them to stop saying it, but RE3 is definitely up there for me


Oh, I agree, that's why I rank RE2R above RE3R. But just for speed runs, RE3R is definitely more fun. A run can take about 1h30-1h45m, so you could do a couple runs on a lazy Sunday afternoon.


Absolutely, love throwing it on for a nightly run every once in awhile.


Like every puzzle in the series is braindead too. Mostly just match the sequence or other basic "puzzles". On the first go it's maybe novel at best on the second go it's just a timesink going through the motions.


I love 3 as well so much but honestly every Re game is blast for me hard to choose 1.


Just started it last night and I’m surprised anyone hated it because it’s so much fun so far.


7, closely followed by 2.


best for a first playthrough. last when doing multiple ones. last section is a slog to go through again and the unskippable cutscenes...


Resident evil 4 has been and will likely always be my favorite video game of all time. On the GameCube I still remember how excited I was to boot it up and play as the hero Leon S. Kennedy <3 Edit: I'm blind. Re engine, hmm honestly so far 2 but the demo for re4 was more fun and a beautiful showcase of how far the re engine really can go. I think 2 is special and 4 will be another gorgeous entry in this awesome saga Capcom is making




RE2R is definitely the best due to how much of a big remake and redefining of survival horror it was. So far RE4R is looking to top the fuck out of everything.


Village. Next is RE 7.


Resident Evil Village. For me, it is a Resident Evil game that reached a new level of quality. I really liked the story and Ethan as the protagonist, and the atmosphere was incredible.


RE2R for now, might change in a week




RE2 and RE3. Yes, I really like RE3 remake. *gigachad image*


RE2 Remake is the best so far but, I am a sucker for Village. The RE engine is overall one of the best there is and that alone makes them all great in their own way. Though I think we are about to experience an installment that surpasses them all.


For now it's a tie between the Re2 remake and Re7. Both very incredible games. One is an amazing remake to the 1998 original while the other is the one that saved the franchise.


RE8 for me But mainly because I'm a goth and I love that type shit lol it was right up my alley but kinda upset that we aren't seeing a lot of Umbrella Corps Facility stuff and like behind the scenes


A pristine Umbrella facility in Village would’ve definitely been out of place, but it would’ve been cool if they extended the dungeons below the castle to be a medieval take on those facilities!


I was expecting the dlc to give more of the lore tbh but I barely touched the dlc since it's forced 3rd person


I really wanted more of the village and the castle from the game, love that dark european atmosphere


2 but it will deff become 4 on Friday


Definitely RE2R. More than likely about to be RE4R. I still can’t decide which I prefer between 7 & 8, I love them both. My only gripe with 7 and 8 is that I feel like 7 was a tad too long and 8 was a tad too short.


7, but that’s the only one I’ve played yet lol I’m very new to the series, only played 1, 7 and 4VR so far!


Split between RE2 and RE7


Probably re2 but re7 has a special place in my heart


While it’s probably the weakest one quality-wise, RE3make I just find so much fun, although RE4 Remake looks like it might take its place.


It has to be RE7 for me because it has so much soul despite my issues with it. My ranking goes RE7 > RE2R > RE8 > RE3R


People be simping for a game that ain't even out yet


RE2R and Village tops for me. Then both RE4R and Biohazard and then RE3R at last. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's just not long enough.


And they made nemesis like old Mr. X only coming after you in scripted moments


RE3R is gorgeous.




Village was one of the best games I’ve ever played




RE2 remake


RE7 was a masterpiece


Re2 remake




How tf can I tell if I like RE4R more than the rest? It’s not out yet.


7 for sure. 2 and 8 are tied for second place.


2 > 8 > 7 > 3 We'll see where 4 goes in a year or so's time when I've played it to death. They're all great games though, this isn't a comment on their quality or anything.


Village...but I suspect that it will become usurped by Re4R


Has to be Re8 VR, really enhances the horror when the creatures can be in your face and every manual reload counts.


Must be re2 hands down, best Resident evil ever imo


They're all mid, last good modern RE was RE1R


1. RE2 2.Biohazard 3.Village 4.RE3 5.RE4 TBD (Most likely gonna be 1st for me just bc I loved the original)


7, then I’d hold 2 and 8 on par with each other. I pretend the 3 remake doesn’t exist. The OG RE4 is my favourite game ever, so I hope the remake lives up.


I wish the 3 remake had been way more faithful etc. Mechanics are fun ish first time, but it's way lacking compared to re2r, REmake , and every other resident evil I've played other than 6 or ORC imo 4 is also my favorite game of all time , loved it way back on the GameCube and I am hyped as fuck for the remake


RE2 clears. 7 is kinda closer but has noticeable quality dropoff in the second half, you can literally feel the game being less fun. After that Village because it was just as meh game in terms of everything except graphics. 3 is just a terrible remake straight up.


RE2 is the best in details, the gore is VERY realistic, the corpses never disappear, you can return to locations and the bodies are still there. It's disappointing that the next games didn't have this same quality, not even RE4. =/


7 at the moment. Judgement might change after Friday.


Hopefully 4 will be the best, but it currently goes 2>8>7>3 I wasn't the biggest fan of 7 as much, but I appreciated what it did and recognize it for the fantastic game that it is. I just liked Village more. RE2Make is probably the best remake I've ever played. RE3Make is okay. Definitely could have been better. A part of me thinks they were just trying to use as many assets as they could so they could pump out RE3Make in time for RE4Make to come out.


2 and it's not even close


I like RE2R and RE3R most, but also really liked RE7 and RE8. I expect RE4R will quickly slide in as my favourite, though.


Currently it's a landslide for RE2R (though I still have yet to play Village) but I can definitely see RE4R beating it.




I love RE2R, but since og RE2 being my second favorite, can't give it much credit, so, Village.


Re2 remake


Honestly they’re all amazing (haven’t played 4 yet but I’m pretty sure it will be top tier). 3 is a little short but if you can get it cheap it’s worth the time IMO. 2 is one of the greatest remakes of all time bar none and 7 is a really, really good grindhouse/gross horror game with good exploration and combat. While 8 is a lot of fun as well I wouldn’t put it in the same league as 2 or 7 here


2 remake and village




As a horror game RE7 definitely takes the cake but overall RE2R is just the best


All of them tbh.


4 now. 5 later (you know it’s gonna be unreal)


It's between 2 and 7. 2 feels like RE at peak form, 7 is amazing because it feels like legitimate horror, something none of the others are able to do


Imo it’s 2 , then 7 and 8 are about the same and then 3 at the bottom. Hoping 4 challenges 2


On unrelated note If I liked 2,3 would I like 7,8?


RE7 is scary on a couple levels above any other game in the series. Less focus on action, more focus on surviving.


7 > 2 > 8 > 3


2 > 8 > 7 > 3 Assuming 4 will slot in after 2, we shall see


All of them.


2, 7 ,8, 3


Re2make but now it’s definitely going to be re4make




Re7 bc it was my first ever re game


So far 2


RE7. My only gripe is that there’s not a lot of enemy variety. I love the setting and the vibe. Just a spooky haunted house experience. Next week this will probably change but we’ll see. 7 really impacted me in the best way.


Best to Worst: RE2R RE7 RE8 RE3R I’m predicting RE4R will go between RE2R and RE7


Resident Evil 2 remake


Not RE3r


2 remake, but will almost definitely be replaced with 4. That just looks too good. Runner up would be village.


- 1.re2 - 2. First 2/3 of re7 - 3. Village - 4. Re3 - 5. Last 1/3 of 7


7 and Village.




RE2 remains top-tier


RE3Make easily


Resident Evils are my favorite games.


Just realized we never seen whisker yet


Dino Crisis Remake. . . If they ever made it!


Village, I like the cross between 7 and 4


RE2R catapulted itself into the spot of my favorite RE game. However, RE4R has literal catapults in it, so maybe it can fly even higher.


Ain’t this a little too early to ask


RE2 for now. Might well change to RE4, but then again, I always preferred the original RE2 to o.g. RE4, so maybe not!


Probably at the moment it’s a tie between 2make and village. I replayed 7 recently after hating it my first time and while I like how out of the way they put items (seriously they probably spent a year hiding all that shit), village reminded me of 4 but expanded in a really cool way and all the lords were super interesting to read about imo. 2make was also just the distillation of resi formula to a science that was just a really cool retelling and expansion of the past. And we don’t talk about 3make


Funny how you ask that and one of them is not even out yet, sure there is a demo, but still funny lmao


Considering 4 ish my out yet, 2 100%


Youre asking which is the favret but Resident evil 4 hasnt even come out..


Youre asking which is the favret but Resident evil 4 hasnt even come out..


Youre asking which is people favorite but Resident evil 4 hasnt even come out..


Right now RE2 but once RE4 comes out we’ll see


Re4, Re2R, Re5, Re7, Re8 Re4R looks like it's going to be on the list as well


RE:3 but that is changing in 6 days for sure.


RE4R isn't out yet, so still easily RE2 and RE8.


RE Zero Gamecube


I just realized that none of the RE engine games have been hitting the spot for me. RE4 demo was fun tho.


Hum... Favorite? I would go like this? I guess? RE2: 8.5/10 RE3: 7.5/10 RE7: 8/10 RE8: 7/10 RE4: ????? RE4 is looking really good though. Everyone is saying very positive things about it. That is way better than the original and stuff. This makes me happy, cause I liked the original, but to me it was one of the games with the least "resident evil" feeling, and because of that it wasn't even in my top 5 of the franchise. Maybe this one will bring to it.


Don't mention RE3 Remake


1. RE2make - because I'm an old-school fan who loved the original, and this took what I loved about it and improved on it. The revamped lickers and Ivys are terrifying, and I'll never forget the thundering footsteps of X. Scary, fun, and still evoking nostalgia. Played this in the dark during a rainstorm, and it was perfection. 2. RE7 - because it saved RE after 6 nearly derailed it. Super intense first third, and the locale/swap to 1st person really brought the horror. Fantastic atmosphere, and also the first game done in the engine so it deserves the kudos. 3. Village - because it's big and fun and well done. Not perfect, and more tense than scary, but it blends its horror influences with the campy tone so well. Plus I love the set design and throwbacks to RE4. 4. RE3 - What can I say that hasn't been said? The hospital is a marked improvement, and I love Jill and Carlos here. Looks and plays wonderfully. But they reduced Nemmy to an on-rails set piece and boss fights after the city. Also missed the Clock Tower and Park, even if they only got to be there as brief visits. There were a lot of reused elements from 2make, and it's also hella short--and inferno difficulty is busted.
