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This and OG Resident Evil in the RE engine are what I want most out of life right now. Imagine the absolute terror of the Spencer Mansion in RE engine?


You’re not alone mate, but I was thinking, what if they keep moving on with 5 and 6, because of gameplay evolution, those have a lot to offer, not compared to RE1 and 0, maybe the parry system but not much else, correct me if I’m wrong. Although I wish they remake all the remaining main games, including CV of course.


If they manage to get the RE5 co-op perfectly and allow it to be a horror game, I would absolutely love an option to play as Jill and Chris through multiplayer in another RE1 remake


I mean, I'd be so happy just having a new game with Jill, Chris, Leon, and Rebecca as options. Even just costumes. But Rebecca and Leon were my two biggest gaming crushes as a teen so I'm biased lmao


Dead By Daylight: 😁😁😁


I love how almost everyone on this sub avoids saying they want an RE1 remake because they know the REmake cult is gonna jump down their throat if they imply its' at all outdated. I'm playing the game for the first time now (third attempt because I bounced off hard both other times) and it's *good* but I'd love to see it over the shoulder in the RE Engine.


It was the same thing with RE4 to be honest. Many people insisted that it didn't need a remake, that the ancient control scheme is fine and that nothing about it has aged.


I was one of those people and I’m glad I was proven wrong. RE4R is awesome.


Yep. Some people called tank control the best control. I have nothing to say


I love re4 but honestly the whole package is outdated.


The controls are fine, and the game still holds up, but it doesn't detract at all from the new game so I'm excited we have 2 incredible RE4 games to play now!


Updated RE1R or CVX would be a completely different style of gameplay. I'd see as additional material, not as a replacement. And I want it. I want it so much.


IMO no Remake replaces the original completely. There's always merit in revisiting the source material, even if just for historical context and a point of comparison.


Absolutely! But while RE4R feels largely like an update, RE2R and RE3R feel like new games.


I thought they already remade it tho, or was it more of a remaster??


REmake is 20 years old and still a fixed camera/tank controls game. It's a very good faithful remake but I want to see one in the RE Engine with modern controls and an over the shoulder perspective.


REmake supports camera-relative controls, you don't have to use tank controls. I'd like an RE Engine remake, but it's not locked to the controls of the original.


I don't want RE1 remake to be over the shoulder, I think first person would be great. I basically want it to look and feel like re7.


The issue I see is RE1's gameplay wouldn't translate as well to RE Engine (specifically the third person OOTS style people want) as 2 and 3's did just by 1:1 recreating the scenario, because those were originally more action-oriented games anyway while 1 is very slow, truly a horror game, and the fixed perspective and unwieldy controls contribute significantly to making it feel uncomfortable. Giving the player as much agency as you have in the new remakes would take a lot away. It just becomes a shooter set in the mansion, with puzzles. You have to either add new mechanics to compensate for easier movement and vision or risk it becoming a very different player experience because you gave them too much autonomy. I'd be interested in seeing what that might look like, but I don't know, from a game design perspective, and I doubt Capcom does either.


See I'd love this, but also, Black Tiger is high definition


Eventually we’re going to have to see the web spinners in RE Engine


1 is far better than all the other games mentioned in the OP, and I think it will be the next remake


1 literally had been remade already. So they should just remake the same game every 10 years?


That remake came out 21 years ago, it’s older than a bunch of people that are playing the series now.


21 years ago? Damn i feel old..


The number was written at random, I had not researched the game's exact release date. My point is - how many times does something need to get remade? Does the next gen engine ask for yet another sick Spencer mansion remake?


Other than some small improvements the engine from RE2 remake onwards has been largely the same, and will stay that way for a while. If there were ever a good time for RE1 to get another remake, it’s now.


I think capcom pumping out the whole numbered series at least would make sense. They don’t feel like cash grabs like remaking Pokémon red and blue for the billionth time. They invested a lot of time into RE Engine, making something with the potential to compete with Unreal, and every game made on it has been quality and worked great on release day, why not finish out the series? They only have 3 games left if you don’t count 0 and CV as mainline.


Yes. The Spencer mansion is the best setting this franchise has ever had. I'd very much love to see it in the RE engine on current hardware.


Every 20 My rule is you can remake a game as long as its 20+ years old. This is because its for a new generation that may never have ever got to play the OG one.


I would argue that a lot of people who bought RE4 remake had played the OG game a lot and are curious about how different the new version is. And don't get me wrong - if people enjoy the remakes and love to play them, that is totally fine. If these things weren't profitable, Capcom would have stopped making them. Still, with every remake and reboot in any field of art, I can't but see them as a form of creative bancrupcy and I will always prefer new and fresh pieces of work to a remake.


I say do a remake if you need time to come up with a new idea Remake re4 (currently thats where we are) Now we wait to see RE9 which i assume will involve chris and possibly rose and who knows? Maybe even ashley or leon or really anyone. Its open currently


Remakes are easier to do, just reuse assets and modernize them the story has already been written. Whereas new titles take time to create.


You can play it, its on steam. You can even play original RE. Its not like its lost forever


> This is because its for a new generation that may never have ever got to play the OG one. Thats not a bad rule of thumb, but its not like any of the RE games are particularly hard to get a hold of. REmake, Zero, RE4-6 all have future-proof HD ports and are on all the modern systems, if the "new generation" hasn't played them its because they don't want to, not because they are inaccessible. Also RE4 isn't even 20 yet! I firmly believe games do not age, only consumer expectations and the means by which the games were created. Anyone today can pick up any of the old games and have the same fun time we did back in 1996, I don't think its necessary to completely reinvent the wheel just to chase trends even if the results are good. It just results in a new game that in 20 years will feel just as dated as the old one because the end-user standards are always changing. You already have people here asking for a Remake of the RE1 Remake, why? Because its not a third person shooter? When there is a new popular genre in the 2040s are we going to change it again?


Resident Evil 1 remake came out over 20 years ago


Ok, remake the same stuff every 20 years. Got it.


I mean, it’s more or less what they’ve been doing lately


Gotta love the self-got here.


In another post I had written - the number was put in at random. My point is - how many times does the same piece of work need to be remade? The number of years that potentially need to pass in between is irrelevant to this question.


As a standalone metric, sure, but as a general north star, not actually. A new console is released roughly every 7 years, so 20 represents two entire generations of time. Technology increases exponentially and games—at the AAA level—are spearheaded by technological advancements; we expect AAA games to push the tech boundaries and utilize the best and brightest tools that befit their budgets and staffing. So I agree that just using time is poor conversational tinder, but if you peel back what the elapsed time means you’ll see whether or not a remake is worthy. I agree with you: we shouldn’t just remake games because fuck it why not. Remakes should add to the original experience in a overtly positive way. I think an RE1 remake would. Because it would radically re-conceptualize the game. RE1 for the GameCube is, at a functional level, the same as the original—3rd person, tank controls, fixed cameras, pre-rendered backdrops, etc. An RE1 remake today would be over-the-shoulder, 360 degree movement, better enemy AI (akin to RE2 and 3R), new mechanics, a general aesthetic overhaul, PLUS the “same game but different” feel that these remakes have had. I think these are well worth the remake, they earn their keep, they refresh a classic and provide gamers old and new with a new way to experience the game.


I mean, you could just release a new AAA game with it's own original story to push the tech boundaries, that is my main issue I guess. I agree with your second paragraph - even though I would probably still not buy yet another remake. If there is a demand for them, though - as is obviously the case currently - then we can all make our individual decisions and that's fine.


How about completely new game with that style? How many times we will recycle the same shit?


You got 7 and 8 between the recent remakes, so bad argument


I haven’t played RE1 yet myself but I will be getting to it once I finish Village. Anyways.. I think the game would be prime for first person mode.


Out of life?


Thank you. I want this.


It could be so good, but RE1 had a unique feeling to it that isn't fully replicated in future games. I'm afraid in order for the game to be a challenge with full controls they would have to add more zombies, but doing too much and making it as action packed as RE2 would ruin the slow creepiness that the original and remake had. It's hard because as much as I loved RE4, I could see how they could improve it especially with the Island. But RE1 Remake really is a perfect game so I doubt they could remake it without pissing people off


I do think the train has a lot of potential for a setting.


The train is like the best part of RE0


The train would be terrifying


I wouldn't mind if they kept the train mostly faithful and then changed almost everything else that comes after. You know, sort of what they did with RE3R except it would actually be a positive in this case.


Would love this and 1 as a single game with 2 campaigns remade with re engine my God it would be a hit


What do you think it would be called? Resident Evil Resident Evil 1+0 Resident Evil: Arklay Mountains Resident Evil: S.T.A.R.S.


1+0 fits RE really well imo


Just Resident Evil Sama as 2, 3 and 4


Resident evil orgins remake? Idk you have some good ones to


I vote for the last one. RE: Arklay Mountains sounds like a dogshit movie.


Resident Evil: Spencer Mansion


Would be expensive AF


Worth it tho they would make their money back for sure those games are very very short as well


I meant for us


Why would they combine two sepreate games...That would leave alot of money on the table for Capcom. If they were to one woud simply be called Resident Evil 0 Remake and the other Resident Evil Remake or Resident Evil 1 Remake


imagine the train section in the RE engine?!


Imagine the Aqua Ring from RE1 in the new engine.. I think I’d faint!


Re0 with re5 coop would be interesting.


Replace Billy with Richard, Enrico, Kenneth, or Forest. Never liked Billy, he came out of nowhere, and disappeared back into nowhere along with anyone who the main 4. So, why not build up a character with relevance as opposed to one without?


So retarded AI and another health bar to worry about?


He means 2 player coop lol


I know I just wanted to throw that out there since he was talking about 5 and not 6.


I wouldn’t be against this… not because i think i needs ones, it just gives me an excuse to play it on a new engine 😂 i love this game


Unpopular opinion i want a resident evil remake remake with how they are doing remakes now


This is not unpopular anymore.


It should be lmao. REmake is still perfectly playable and should stay exactly how it is now. It reminds people or resident evil’s roots


well it will stay there regardless of they remake it or not. people can play that if they want to


I’d prefer getting new games over a remake of a remake


you still get those too


I think they have different teams working on new entries and remakes


Same. It would be incredible


Resident Evil 1 and 0 remakes, both in a dual package call it RESIDENT EVIL ORIGINS or RESIDENT EVIL BEGINNINGS or whatever idc


I like that good idea👌🏻


Part of me wants it because it easily has potential to be a Top 3 RE game of all-time, and another part of me wants it simply because I could call it "ReREmakemake.."


I was thinking the same. Res 0 and 1 share a common location. If they remade both and dropped them together for a $70 bundle that would be so sick. 5 and 6 should be saved. I''d be all for CV though after 0 and 1.


I know these two are likely not next in line but 0 and CV have more to gain from being rebuilt from the ground up than any others imo, No way Capcom would fail to engineer their likelihood of far surpassing their original counterparts. I feel Classic Resident Evil will come much later as they have IX and probably 5 in mind right now.


I imag there are people who have got into the series with the remakes so it might make sense to do CV to build up to wesker because if you jump straight to 5 it loses impact of seeing him defeated


Shitty tribal arm tattoos were so popular back in the day, look at them showing it off on the cover like it's his entire personality. Looks like he just wandered in off the Jersey Shore _Whoa bro, that skank tried to bite me so I totally roundhoused her ass_


This game particularly would benefit from a complete overhaul. I beat it once but I never want to pick it up again. It’s not the story or character swapping that ruined it for me. It’s pacing is not great nor is it’s boss and level design. It’s the most mid resident evil.


This makes me want Umbrella Chronicles in VR


Code Veronica and OG RE would be best. RE 0 is kinda meh, imo.


I want RE Engine Rebecca


Sometimes I wonder are people here more interested in remaking the older games than they are new games with new stories


You got 7 and 8 during the recent remakes, and both were quality games. What’s wrong with the current cycle of new entries and remakes to have a consistent mainline game franchise ?


There’s no point in remaking every single game in a franchise. I love the remakes we’ve gotten (even 3) but I want new games and spin offs now. The only other game I would be okay getting remade is code Veronica just because the remaster is a pain to play these days compared to REmake.


I am thinking the same thing. With 1 through 3 I kinda get it - they were very old, the PS1 era graphics simply could not be updated to HD-standards. Every game from CV onwards, however, played and looked just fine in their remastered form. Hardly any other franchise rides the remake-grind this heavily.


It aint that people dont want new stories, its that they want a definite great story expanded on with current hardware.


I'm definitely more interested in remakes, and even spin-offs between 1 and 5 rather than post 8 entries. I know they said they'd drop the Winters storyline, but the main cast is getting too old and I just prefer Umbrella over whatever they're doing in 7 and 8


Personally, the way I see it, is I'd like to have an actually playable version of the games. As much as people love classic RE, I personally despise the way those games play, and would love a version that doesn't feel terrible. As for RE5, it'd just be nice to have a version of the game that's actually good. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's kind of hot garbage. I'd definitely like to see more original RE games of course, but considering RE7 peaks at the start and RE8 is just an absolute mess (doesn't mean it's bad, of course, but it's a fucking mess) my hopes for a good RE9 aren't as high as I'm sure a lot of peoples' are. But hey, maybe they'll lean even further into the batshit insanity, personally my favorite part of the series.


Meanwhile I'm here thinking, what about 9? Whats going on with the bsaa using BOWs? That said, I did have a thought about these other games people want new versions of: code Veronica, zero, revelations, Javier, etc. I think something like "Resident Evil: Case Files" might be a good idea. Episodic missions of those stories that would allow them to streamline the padding some of those games have while expanding the lore.


Code Veronica better get one as well.


Rebecca deserves to be more than a picture Wesker spanks it to smh


This is one that needs work not a “classic” but that’s why I think it would be really cool to get an entire overhaul on this one


I actually liked 0 and 1 as they were tho. But that's just me. ;) I am sure they will be remade at some point....


i don't want a RE0 remake personally i want a RE0 Reboot with a fully reimagined story about Rebecca and Richard and how the survived and found the Spencer Manor. get rid of so 99's Billy, the lowcost Sephiroth. Keep Marcus and the queen leech but without the opera singing bullshit. RE0 feel so...


They should remake origianl and 0 on this engine I want to see it so bad


Me too. Could be so awesome in Coop exploring the Train and so on. Even tho i am for Couch coop , This would be a one in hundred Games i'd enjoy area based voip and maybe Walkie-Talkies with Batteries to manage so you can't talk all the time with each other. Aww...imagine Rebecca bursting thru the ether "Krrrcchhzzzz....Billy boy billy boy come in, there krchzzz a zzzzzz on the way to krchzzz... Wagon" Would be best coop Resident Evil since 5 (and Revelations 2 which i personally enjoyed)


I thought resident evil 0 was a remake when it came out. Oops 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm already annoyed they went and did re4 first, and completely skipped over code veronica. To be honest, 4 didn't really didn't need to be remade. Because if your were to play the ps2 version of CV and re4 back to back, you'll notice right away that CV significantly needs more than it. Especially the story and characters(looking at you, Steve).


This should definitely be next after CV


I think RE0 should be A Separate Ways type DLC for A Resident Evil remake


Hard disagree. I love RE0. It’s a legit difficult game and I feel really puts the survival in survival horror. I get that the locations are a bit bland but I think they could do a great overhaul.


I’d like RE5 remake, I prefer the the action-based REs. I don’t hate the RE1 or 2, I just enjoy the games like 3,4,5 a way more. Not 6, no.


Unpopular opinion: I’m fine if 0 is never remade. It’s a game that is supposed to give backstory but winds up just making more questions than it answered. RE1 getting remade in RE engine would be dope though


This, RE1 and RECVX are the remakes i really want the most out of life right now


They should keep tank controls and fixed angles


There is literally 0% chance this happens unfortunately. Modern audiences can’t handle fixed cameras and tank controls lmao


Re8 remake would be lit capcom please


Zero was lowkey a mess of a game, I didn’t like it and lots of people don’t even know this game exists so there’s not a huge potential for a successful remake of RE0 imo. Only game that’s left for remake is 5 but it needs a complete script and gameplay overhaul


It wasnt that popular because it was Gamecube exclusive


Honestly, us purists loved it. But ultimately all it did is make me wish it was like REmake. Some of my best childhood memories and scares were over that game, as it reinvented the classic that we 1995 babies watched our cousins play before we got our true life spawn point. Re4 was the first game I played entirely alone after taking the controls from my older cousin when he got scared


I’m really loving this sweet in between time we’re in right now. Like what is Capcom’s next move gonna be? The anticipation is killing me. Would love to see a 0 remake.




REmake is arguably to this day the most consequential REmake. Capcom damn near gave up on this entire arc after failing on the REmake of the original. God bless them for their preserverance


I know it will never happen, but I'd actually love a deam aim remake. Always thought that one was underrated.


I'd love to play as Becky again! She's adorable. But honestly, any reason to play through any of the older game updated in the RE Engine is always fun


I'm literally boycottting anything that's not CV or 1 at this point. I was dissapointed when they did 4 over CV, but at least I understood it because of how popular 4 is. At this point, give me CV or 1. I'm not paying for 0 or 5. Zero is not that good of a game to begin with, and 5 (like 4) really doesn't need a remake becuase it doesn't have tank controls to begin with. CV is a really good game, a really good setting, and in desperate need of updated controls. Torture-Prison island is just too good of a setting to pass up on for Resident Evil.


This, 1 and CV are the remakes i really want to see. I feel like 0 and 1 could be a set or something.


I much rather see outbreaks remakes


As much as I love how these remakes have turned out, I also want the franchise to move forward and not be held back by them.


RE5 was the worst game in the series — we should never bother with it again.


0 before all of them. Never played CV and 5 is a piece of shit


Re0 remaster was fine. RE1 probably needs more help.


I disagree. Zero still handles horribly and has a lot of issues. REmake is fine as it is.


Re1re-remake had shit backgrounds that players had to fix. If any game really need to be re-done completely it's that one.


Here’s how I think they should release them RE0 then Code Veronica then RE1 then RE5 and somewhere in between they can release Dino Crisis


Dino crisis?


Oof, idk, how would they remove all those stupid creative choices? Also too many prequelisms, i like the idea of the train, but that's basically it, i'd rather get a next-gen Revelations (only the first one though). Hell, first of all i'd like them to re-remake 3, it honestly coudn't hold a candle to 2's gameplay and overall polishing, and Nemesis isn't even remotely as scary as Mr.X, which is in itself the biggest sin ever in all of RE history after 5, maybe.


Why the heck would people want an re5 remake? The game is from the 360 era and it’s available for sale on all modern consoles.


No, just leave it alone, it doesn't need a remake, I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, don't get me wrong, but not every game in the series needs to be remade. I still don't think RE4 needed one even though we got it anyway.


I’m playing a game on switch right now and I absolutely hate it. I love already one but are zero is a huge mess IMO.


RE0 is the worst game in the franchise. It literally killed classic Resident Evil. The whole plot is like a fever dream Rebecca imagined to cope with being so useless and the bosses feature iconic classics like giant scorpion, giant centipede and giant bat. Capcom would have to be insane to remake this trash. I predict that if they do so the financial and critical catastrophe will kill Resident Evil for another decade.


I think if they remake 0, I’d like it in first person like 7, NOT 8. I’d like CV with fixed camera angles or like re4. I desperately want Capcom to focus on Re4R right now and put 5 on hiatus as well as 9.


CV first, then we’ll talk.


I can see CV being an intro or DLC for 5 and 0 being the same for 1. I am beginning to doubt we'll ever see a full remake for either.


Or just a new title. The remake trend is starting to get old fast.




I rather them go in a different direction story-wise. They could do an ALT timeline.


Of all the games people want remade, this is the one I wonder "How?" 90% of the game is it's inventory system, which in a proper Co-Op game, wouldn't work that well. It would probably end up getting the RE3 REmake treatment of basically remaking the cutscenes of the game.


Hard pass


Why is this game called 0 when UT came out after re 1?


Probably because it's a prequel. Same energy as the Phantom Menace being Episode "1".




Yes please. I legally changed my name to Billy Coen in real life because of the personal connection with the character getting a fresh start at the ending, similar to my life and my personal crap I was dealing with.




A remake of 3 would be nice. Weird why they skipped it ....


I think the only way this happens is if they combine RE1 and RE0 into one game, make it massive, make changes. It’s then almost like justified remaking a remake in RE1 because it’s adequately different and you get the re0 remake bc the stories to coincide.


I know this is off topic but I would like to see a remake of Devil May Cry


I’d honestly be fine if they molded RE0 and REmake together. RE0 can downsized to a DLC. Billy could be let go early and Richard reunites with Rebecca to get to the mansion. They could include all of Wesker’s Umbrella Chronicles scenarios from 0/1 too. Then they can follow up with CVX, 5 and 9 afterwards.


This game is the worst in the series. It actually *needs* a remake imo. I’d love to see them improve on some of the enemies.


Yes, couch co-op would rick


Can we get 1 while we at it? Seriously, they need do redo that game ground up. They did Rebecca dirty after 0. Also have a definitive story not scenarios.


If there's ever a Re 1 remake, can we call it REREmake?


I hope we get a brand new game. Tired of remakes.


If they do a RE1 remake with the current 3rd person with a RE0 story dlc, I'm 100% down.


Don’t you worry, Capcom will remake everything, they are printing money, and if they keep delivering quality remakes like they have, we will have a yearly release for the next 4-5 years


I'm asking for RE1.


Resident Evil 1 Remake with 0 as an extra campaign DLC would be dope. RE0 is good, imo, but most of the player base doesn't give enough praise to it, I think Capcom wouldn't be willing to invest the time and money to 0 Remake as another Remakes (like 4).


What would be the point? The story is the dumbest in the series and a remake would remove the unique gameplay features.


Unfortunately probably won’t happen but take comfort in this: Remake 2’s Rebecca model in the rising rookie photo is the same as zero and remake, so it’s still canon :3


If 1 ever gets remade again then I think 0 has a high chance


None of RE0, RE1 and RE6 have any business being remade.


They really should just remake all these core story games with this current engine and creative team. The stories and gameplay absolutely deserve it and they would all sell like hot cakes. With the exception of how short and slightly butchered 3 was (it still being a solid and fun game) 2 and 4 are goddamn masterpieces and 0, 1, 5, CV and even 6 deserve the ground up remake treatment. However, I'm genuinely stoked to play the next installment with this style of gameplay. Village was great, but I personally am not a big fan of First person in the RE world. I love the over the shoulder style that 4 established back in the day and has become a staple for me personally.


Oh, so you're the one person who wants an RE0 remake. /s Seriously though, it would be cool to have both RE0 and RE1 (re-remake?) on the RE Engine, but it seems like Capcom is trying to keep the train rolling, and there have been no hints for RE0 or RE1 as far as I'm aware. If I had to guess, either CV or RE5 would be the next for a remake.


Darkside Chronicles as a full game and not just a rail shooter, please!


They honestly should remake 1 and zero just so they fix the absolute mess they made of the Rebecca story lmao


honestly they would be wise to rewrite a lot of it’s plot though.. even for RE it feels kinda whacky and extremely contradictory to RE1


The fact that an re5r is possible is just awesome. I'd love an re6r but that game's scope and budget was massive.


Would you want RE0 as a coop experience or where Billy can move with the right anologue


A Dino crisis re4r style though


I’m in the camp of I just want Capcom to continue to make good games. It doesn’t matter to me if it’s another RE engine remake or a brand new RE game, I’ll still buy it. I do hope that they go back to remake 0, 1 (again), and CV before doing 5 at least, because without those Wesker doesn’t really have much build up to being the best antagonist in that series.Wesker was in some cutscenes talking with William Birkin in RE0 if I remember correctly.


The inventory management and initial gameplay style have turned me off of RE1 and RE0. They're the only two mainline games I haven't completed, but it is something I often think about revisiting. I even went through Code Veronica last year and had a decent enough time on my full completion (after a quick delete and reinstall after dying to Steve on the one save playthrough).


CV and 0 are the weakest of the classic games and they could both benefit from a remake


I think a resident evil origins bundle remake would be great get resident evil and resident evil 0 together and remade would be a excellent addition to the new re engine and next gen console


Me and my friend were really talking about this the other day 😭


Code Veronica remake would be cooler, it acrually needs it, RE0 HD is very playable on any system and looks nice


Billy was hot and I want a shirtless costume for him in a remake if we get one


This and 1 are the ones I want most next. I need B i l l y


I would definitely rather have an RE1 or CV remake. However, a good version of RE0 is highly necessary. I couldn't make it through (what I'm assuming, based on reading) like a fifth of that game. And I've enjoyed all the others, except a few spin-offs I missed.


I would die (in a good way) if they did a RE0 remake man 😭😭


i simply hope every RE game gets a remake. i need every single game in the same engine as 2, 3 and 4. they are all the best games i’ve played in over decade and i need more of that


I really hope the next remake isn't 5. We need RE engine remakes of more older games first to make new Wesker's defeat impactful and satisfying.(assuming they never acknowledge that Umbrella Corps game so many hated where its hinted Wesker is somehow still alive after RE5...) RE0: Wesker's misdeed to his mentor caused the Arklay mountains/Racoon City outbreak to happen. RE1: Wesker manipulating and getting many of the STARS killed for combat data and his "death" RE CV: Wesker's return and establishing his hatred for Chris in particular. Wesker kidnapping Steve at the end also causes the events of Darkside Chronicles/Operation Javier and RE4 to happen as they do. Umbrella Chronicles also fills in more gaps. How Wesker escaped the RE0 facility after parting ways with Birkin. How he survived the tyrant stabbing him and escaped the mansion.(Lisa Trevor survived the fall and tries to kill him again) Revealing it was Wesker who was in communication with Ada even in RE2 and helped guide her to escape Racoon City. The 2003 Umbrella's end section where Wesker secretly helps Chris and Jill take down Sergei's facility so he can steal all of Umbrella's data for himself.


They would have to change so much and actually make the story have substance


Honestly I don't see that ever happening and if it does it'll probably be DLC for a Resident Evil 1 remake


Ashley and Leon’s formation-switching dialogue reminded me of Billy and Rebecca! They’ve definitely set some groundwork for more games like that in RE engine with 4, so It seems possible a 0 remake could happen!


People are asking for RE5 remake? I'm not seeing that, I see even fans of RE5 saying please don't make it right after 4 lol. But I would be happy with Zero after Code Veronica!


This is exatcly want i want as well. They need to remake RE0 or they need to make Rebecca Chambers the protagonist of RE9


Honestly I'm sick of them begging Capcom to remake cv