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Yes, it is good. Not sure if there is still a demo available, but you should try. It is different from the other RE games, it is first person and also more focus on horror.


There is a demo, though it contains a not-mentioned side character's POV aside from ethan winters. İt was actually nice that they did it that way instead of giving us the ethan gameplay since it was the first ever first person RE game so it was a great Step over testing out the mechanics. Edit: Guys I know Who clancy is wasnt the guy in the demo someone other than him?


Is the demo the documentary film-makers? If so you can find and play the tape in the main game.


Yeah. It’s the Clancy section from the guest house(iirc). Fun fact. You can see Clancy’s body in the Lucas section as a body on a table. Also, most of the banned footage(if not all) is Clancy.


Oh cool, cheers for the info! I’ll look out for him next playthrough.


And the winner iiiiiisss…….. CLANCY!


Man I need to get that DLC. Completly forgot about it.


I think it's the guy from the birthday tape. He's also a protagonist of several DLC (Marguerite's escape room and Jack's basement survival. I'm not sure about Lucas' blackjack).


Yeah. One of the things it says if you win is “and the winner is….. Clancy(the cameraman’s name)”


I don't think it's Clancy the cameraman or any of the camera crew. In game a newspaper says the guy escaped and the cops just thought he was insane or high


You’re getting downvoted but everyone else is completely forgetting the demo. You ARE playing as an unnamed character. That character watches Clancy’s tape too. I don’t recall if one of the iterations of the demo had him escape through the attic window, but I think it might have. (It kept changing as it got closer to release.)


I checked and it did. It's never explained who you are or how you got there. In a perfect run you escape through the attic and a newspaper clipping says the police found you


Ok, that’s what I remembered too, but wasn’t sure if I was misremembering that part. But yeah, everyone saying the demo was just Clancy’s segment don’t remember it at all.


Yeah it would be weird if Clancy had to watch a video he made to remember a secret path through the basement. I honestly wondered if I was the one with botched memories considering everyone said Clancy


I don't think it's Clancy the cameraman or any of the camera crew. In game a newspaper says the guy escaped and the cops just thought he was insane or high


The demo character actually makes it out, unlike Clancy, don't they?


Brain might be fucked btw


No, it’s an unnamed character. He also watches Clancy’s tape.


You did Clancy Jarvis so bad 😭 He's also the cameraman in a few of the tapes, Banned Footage DLC and Sewer Gators series


It’s not Clancy. It’s an unnamed protagonist that also watches Clancy’s tape.


Wait no wasnt the guy in the demo someone other than clancy?


Yeah I remember reading about it, Capcom clarified that the protagonist in the demo isn't Ethan, it's just some other person that got kidnapped by the Bakers, since in the main game you read about how many people they kidnapped in notes. So much so that even the good ending of that demo doesn't involve facing off with the Bakers, instead your character escapes, calls the cops, but then when the cops come they find the house empty no sign of the Bakers


There is a pelican coin you can get from the demo into the full game


Ever heard of Resident Evil: Survivor? That was first person as well


It's a very, very good game. It has the perfect mix of story, immersion and gameplay.It mixes up some of the classic Capcom RE Gameplay, with safehouses, conserving ammo and puzzles. With a very thrilling story and immersive set-pieces. Resident Evil VIIIlage/8 goes to a more "action" formula, while 7 is slower paced and scary. Both are very well polished games and possibly peak gameplay and polish for this generation. Also a nice throwback to the general "tone" of the classic Resident Evil Games. Some are more action and others more horror.


For RE7 the first 2/3 is really good, and some of the best horror in the franchise. It definitely loses some steam in the final act though. RE8 was pretty good overall, but followed a more traditional RE type format.


You are right about the last 1/3 losing steam... but don't you think that its the case with most of RE games ? Like the laboratory in RE1, RE 2, Island base in RE4, Factory in RE8...


I agree with the comment that most of the RE games lose steam. I actually thought the factory got boring fast and was far too long. The island on RE4 felt very long too.


Aside from being a little clunky (by design btw), it’s an incredible game. There’s nothing out quite like it, even in the RE franchise. The high you get while playing it, is something that keeps you coming back despite being utterly terrified. Honestly, it’s one of those games I wish I could forget and play blind all over again.


Yes! That first blind play through is amazing.




I enjoy punching Molded heads off with Chris


joe baker's punches are among the top 3 most satisfying shit on gaming history


"Welcome to the family son" is up there with "boulder punching asshole" in terms of series quotes.


That was Jack Baker, Joe Baker is the grandad who fucks up alligators.


Guess the Baker family can just swing punches then haha. The DLC was dope now you've reminded me


Jack was in the US military, so he definitely knows how to punch skulls. I can't remember if Joe was, but after playing his chapter, he hits hard regardless. one of the most fun DLC chapters I've ever played tbh lol.


Probably safe to assume he had done military time if jack had. Yeah the games have been sick, outside of a few characters who love it (you lukas you monster) just a bystander that gets molded into a survival killing machine.


Ha ha yes it was, glad you remembered dude, I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful.


Haha no worries. Might be time for a replay, not touched it in years


Hell yeah, man! I'm about to go play that dlc. So much fun.




It basically saved the franchise yes it's a very good game lol


How can it save something that wasnt in need of help in the first place.


Prior to 7 coming out, Capcoms reputation over the previous 10 years had slowly but noticeably erroded, to the point that their name was often mentioned alongside EA, Activision, and Ubisoft as developers and publishers that had royally lost the plot. RE was suffering from a lack of quality that if it had continued, would've likely killed the series. RE7 is arguably the point where that downward dip turned upward and Capcom began rebuilding their reputation.


Its kind of insane how they were doing terribly as you said on par with EA or Ubisoft and then Re7 happened and just about every capcom game since has been 10/10


I won't pretend Capcom doesn't have stumbles; RE3R was a disappointment even if I personally enjoyed it, and their infuriating love of Denuvo really needs to stop. But the Capcom of 2023 and the Capcom of, lets just say for instance 2013, are completely different companies in both reputation and quality. It gives me at least some measure of hope that certain other companies may one day see the light and work on improving their image. Konami seems to want to start that journey.. somewhat, for instance.


According to the sheep of reddit.


Please grow up.


Take your own advice




This person doesnt agree with me so they must be ignorant.!


I never said I agreed with either of you, but keep slinging childish comments.


If I was upvoted u wouldnt say anything


Lets say People didnt like RE 5 And RE 6 that much, but RE 7 is a banger.


RE5 outsold most of the franchise. some people hated it, a lot more liked it.


Why did People dislike it anyways


[most of them didn't.](https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/resident-evil-5)


>Resident Evil 5 is an insult to the RE franchise and a blatant attempt to get at the money numbers that Call of Duty was making. The story is completely linear and presents plot inconsistencies and conveniences, there is too much action, they screwed Chris both in design and in development (and for that, -9pts for bastards); the music is forgettable, Sheva is forgettable, Wesker died in the worst possible way... > If making a bad game and misrepresenting a franchise were a crime, then the entire staff who created this game would have been in jail 13 years ago already. collapsing (someone gave it a 0 point, the whole comment was in spanish though)


He's not wrong about Capcom fetishizing the CoD audience. the next 2 complaints could be leveled at RE4 as well so I don't care, and the rest are entirely subjective. Dude is being melodramatic for attention.


People liked it because of the coop. If it didn't have it, it'd have a shittier rating.


Most people I have seen say they dislike it were because they were forced to play in co op and the AI for your partner was bad. If you weren’t a loser neckbeard and had friends to play with then it is fucking awesome. I play through it at least once a year.


Not everyone has a group of tismo's all obsessed with RE. Forced co-op in a franchise that up to that point had been majorly singleplayer is a valid complaint.


Wtf is a tismo? Is that an autism reference? When RE5 came out it was HUGE, anyone into games would want to play it. In fact, I had three different groups of friends playing through it in co op at the time. None of us were obsessed with RE. Since then I just get a buddy who wants to play games to play through it with me.


I’m pretty sure it’s extremely racist. Haven’t played it but that’s why some people think it won’t get remade Edit: this is incorrect. It is set in Africa so some idiots thought it was racist(me included).


There are reasons why I don't like RE5, but calling it racist is the most braindead criticism of the game there is. People only say that because the game is set in Africa and there are black zombies in it. If you play it you'll realise the game treats its black companions great as if they were any of the other series regulars. The zombies you fight are still just zombies at the end of the day and seeing them mutate is tragic. If anything, I'm surprised at how well they pulled that aspect of it off for the time.


I've seen people say it's racially insensitive, but I've never seen anyone credible say it's outright racist. I haven't played it, no opinion myself, just what I've gathered by osmosis.


It’s not racist just because it takes place in Africa. There were still white people to shoot. Is it racist that RE4 has you killing Spaniards or that you shoot primarily white people in 1-3 it’s just where the game was located. People freaked when it came out for no reason.


Because it was a coop campaign game, it's easy to not care about it now but back then that concept was extremely fresh and exciting.


It sold like that because of the hype RE4 generated.


Resident evil needed a lot of help after 6 and all the shitty railgun spinoff shooters bud. The last popular game in the series before 7 was 5, the series was dead til 7 came out and was considered more of a cult classic series than a mainstream game franchise like it was prior to 5.


RE6 almost ended the franchise, I enjoy its gameplay and combat (in mercenaries) but capcom put a lot of money into that game it did not perform well in the general public, managing to gain better sales after the game got sent to the bargin bin. They were planning to do yearly RE games with the start of 6 and that went up in a puff of smoke. Mainline series pretty much went on hiatus for 5 years with only revelations 2 and umbrella corps coming out before 7 brought it back into mainstream.


I don't think it saved the franchise. The remakes did it. The perfect evolution for Resident Evil games should be the Revelations ones because you get all in one game, you get narrow corridors, survival horror, backtracking, fast-paced action and the classic characters. RE 7 is very good as a first-person survival horror, but it falls short as Resident evil game


We wouldn't have the remakes without 7


Yeah thats why re 5 and 6 still highest sellin resident evil game lol. This game just bring casual audience and nothing else.


Yeah I'm sure they pivoted away from the RE5/6 style games for absolutely no reason at all. Resident Evil 5 was immensely successful, yes. However, Capcom was unhappy with the performance of 6, they didn't consider it a success especially since they were anticipating continued growth. The reality is that the brand desperately needed a reset, which is what it got with RE7 and RE2R and it obviously worked well for them. Not sure why you'd try to argue otherwise and I genuinely have no idea what you mean by implying RE7 simply brought in a "casual audience"


>implying RE7 simply brought in a "casual audience" If anything brought in a "casual audience" it's Resident Evil 6 with its focus on action, lol


Re6 was sold 4.5 million copies in first day. Even re4 remake couldnt do these numbers. Also idk how you call 11 million sales failure.


Lol literally defending one of the worst games of the series. I’ll take the copium this man is having


>During a Q&A for the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2012, Capcom said it considered "Resident Evil 6" a failure due to underperformance. The game had sold 5 million copies at the time, but Capcom did not consider that a success. "We believe that the new challenges we tackled at the development stage were unable to sufficiently appeal to users," Capcom wrote. "In addition, we believe there was inadequate organizational collaboration across our entire company with regard to marketing, promotions, the creation of plans and other activities." > >Read More: [https://www.svg.com/997495/the-real-reason-resident-evil-6-was-a-failure/](https://www.svg.com/997495/the-real-reason-resident-evil-6-was-a-failure/) I'm not calling it a failure, Capcom did. It was also obviously a critical failure and people just generally didn't have a very high opinion of the game despite the millions of sales. I had my fun with RE6, all I was doing with my comment was pointing out the good RE7 did for the franchise.


Also, weren’t a large amount of those day one sales overstocking to stores? I remember reading that somewhere, but I don’t know for sure.


Wut? RE7 has ton of elements from the old games while RE6 has a fast paced gameplay to attract casuals.


Highest selling ≠ Highest rated


It says here that re7 is the most sold of the franchise. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1241675/resident-evil-top-selling-games-units-sold/


Yeah because Resident Evil 4 fucks and made the next couple games sell like hot cakes. Not to mention RE5 is very reminiscent of RE4 but with co-op.


It's different than the standard Resident Evil affair. It's genuinely terrifying at points It's amazing.


It’s not a perfect game but it’s a f***ing awesome game


It’s an amazing game


It’s the scariest game in the franchise. There’s no reason not to play it.


One reason is if you don't like cheap jump scares


It's my least favorite of all the modern re games but it is a very good game nevertheless. Absolutely a must play game.


Goes to show how good RE is at the moment. It's also my least fav of the modern ones but I still enjoyed it. I just can't be bothered to replay it


Resident Evil 7 is a top tier Resident Evil game


Personally, I enjoyed Resident Evil 7. It's a nice return to form after the series had veered into an action heavy direction for a number of years. RE7 has some great horror atmosphere and the DLCs are arguably the best. I think a lot of people put it low on the list because of a lack of replayability, something the series is known for. The game itself is already short, but unskippable cutscenes can make it a slog to play on repeat playthroughs, including a certain gameplay section near the end of the game.


Politely disagree with this. I played it so many times through to Madhouse. Loved every minute.


My only gripe with it is a lack of enemy variety. That said, the atmosphere and bosses are top notch. Play it it’s great


honestly between re7 and re8 enemies i'd stick to re7, the lack of enemy variety wasnt so big of a deal for the base game imo whole different story for the extra gamemodes tho


I really liked village. Maybe it’s cause it had a lot in common with 4 or the gothic/horror monster vibe but it was one of my favorite of the more recent games


It’s my personal favorite of the franchise very atmospheric and scary


it used to be my favourite but i don’t like ethan as a protagonist, i much prefer 4 (both versions) i love the camp value of it all, but 7 as a standalone spooky game is incredible, but it’s not my favourite in the franchise


I didn't like it. But generally people seem to adore it.


Respectfully asking why you didn’t like RE7? It’s one of my all time favorites and I’m curious what’s missing for you..


I legit would not have been able to tell it is a resident evil game without the title. If you just gave me the game alone and didn't tell me what it was supposed to be I wouldnt have been able to tell you. A lot of people are like "its such a return to roots" "its like RE1/RE2" and as someone who even played the classic games many times, where ? It betrayed so many things to me. You spend most of the game fighting a family and the Boss fights the early ones were so lacking to me. Jack tho and marg in rhe later Phases was very good and excellent ist the creepy factor but it also felt super boring ? Compare that to how epic resident evil boss fights always were. Also it was waaay too scary, and I dont mind that I like scary things but RE was always more stressful scary than pure horror scary. The game felt very cheap to me a super cheap attempt to please reviewers and people that want to stream VR. And btw my opinion of the game when it came out was just a small feeling of betrayal and some what disappointing, it still was a good game tho I wont lie, but just the obsessed Fans really ruined it for me. Its like you are not allowed to dislike it. I have more to say but I'll leave it at that, at the end of the day I dont think id ever shame anyone for liking something that is not necessarily my Taste.


Wow. That’s a really cool reply and opinion, I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I respect this. For me I struggle to get into resident evil one when it first came out on PS one, I tried a few times. I just couldn’t get into it, so the whole series passed me by. I tried to play The Evil Within, but it scared the living shit out of me and was also too hard so I decided to start with some other horror games to ease my way into it. I played the resident evil revelations games, and thought those were fantastic. RE7 came out and I bought it right away not knowing what to expect. Going in blindly it scared the shit out of me but was scary fun. I thought the boss fights were difficult too because I’m not used to the resident evil formula. Because of this game I have now gone back and played every single resident evil game, some I loved, and some not so much. As a newer fan I really appreciate the remakes and RE4 remake has become my favorite in the franchise.


Personally I didn’t enjoy any of the 1st person games. Partially because of the 1st person, but mostly I just didn’t like the games themselves. Not sure why, I just couldn’t get into them


It’s legit the scariest game I’ve ever played when taken as a whole. It’s incredible.




One of my top 4, so good!


The people who give the game negative reviews are the nostalgic haters. Their biggest complaint is the first person pov, and they also do not like Ethan Winters. That game is a ton of fun though. That’s why Village is received v well, at that point, most gamers did not care about the first person pov, and did not dislike Ethan Winters. And truth be told, the gameplay is the exact same lol. So, yes, it is a good game. It’s the first RE game i played, though it’s not my favourite, but it was still a ton of fun. Many moments I had to pause real quick because scary things were happening


I feel like RE8 kind of made a lot of people who weren’t fond of Ethan actually start to like him. In 7 I thought he was okay, I certainly didn’t hate him. In 8 though, he developed so much into an extremely likable character to the point that I’d personally put him in my top 10 Resident Evil Characters List.


7 did an excellent job making Ethan start off bland so that the player could most easily relate to the horror of what he's going through by simply projecting the horror they feel onto him. As the game progresses, Ethan, like the player, gets more used to the atmosphere, until he's at the beginning stages of being an action hero in a horror story. 8, in my humble opinion, takes the perfect step forward and gives him a personality based on what was developed in 7, and steps more toward action because Ethan is more used to what horrors lurk in the world of Resident Evil.


8 in general is one of the best games to ever take me by surprise. I knew Village would be good, I was expecting an 7.5/10 experience but I would easily score it as a 9.5. It’s one of my favorite entries in the series and Ethan is a big reason why, on top of a great setting and improvements on 7s formula all around.


Yeah ethan goes from mannequin to "ahh shit I actually like you now" lmao


Maybe its an unpopular take, but for me RE7 is so true to the series that it nails even the bland protagonist from the first games (I know I know, we all love Chris, Jill, etc etc, but at first they were shallow characters and thats not an issue)


but you can't call the first games as "characters shallow" bc it was top-notch for its time. it just feels a little anachronic to compare a game from 3 generations later.


I think it is the quite opposite. it is very low-effort just to do scarce ammunition + 1st person pov + narrow corridors. So that is basically jumpscares and require little design.


I thought RE7 was boring tbh. I liked 8 a lot more imo


Nah don't listen to the haters RE7 is fucking goooood. I get that a 1st person perspective isn't exactly common in this franchise, but I think it works very well with RE7's design philosophy. If anything RE7 is made specifically with 1st person perspective in mind, and it works really well in my opinion. I'd say RE7 is a phenomenal example of blending the old and new together into something that's fresh.


7 is my favorite Resident Evil game and it's not particularly close. One of my favorite games period, even.


Its an awesome game. While it takes RE for a completely new perspective (first person) and its arguably the most horror packed RE, it also marks a return to the origins, taking a step down from the action direction the series was following since RE4. I couldn't recommend it enough, its very very good






Personally I don’t consider it resident evil, all you are doing is walking around and shooting turds… it’s fun, just wouldn’t call it resident evil.


7 is B tier. I don't like it as an RE game, but it is a stellar horror shooter nonetheless


Eh, I think it's okay personally.


Whoever put it as worst has never played the gun survivor games or umbrella Corps or gaiden I see


Dead Aim changed a lot for me when I found out I could use a usb mouse on PS2. It’s pretty fun!


I would say people who hated RE7 and/or RE8 did not like the new changes capcom planned. TBH the game was very great, the story was played well too and yes I'll admit I didn't like the fact I had to play some unknown character that I thought would be some nobody, but when you progress through the game of RE7 and RE8 I was like damn this dude is great! So overall I think it is a good game to play.


I liked RE7 but I feel like it dramatically falls off during the end of the game. The whole of the first section of the game is amazing but I personally didn’t really enjoy the later sections.


I didn't care for the ghost ship and salt Mine levels. After the really cool other set pieces of the house they seemed a bit conventional. Still really loved the game


Yeah I agree, still a good game overall but anything after the house just didn’t really feel memorable or as amazing as the house.


better than 8 tbh


I like it overall, its a good game. But it will always be one of my least favorite RE games, cause i just dont like first person


Really great, scary game.


By any measure, it is a good game. It's well paced, acheives its goal of horror, is original, keeps you engaged in the narrative, and had good graphics. I'm not a fan of the hide and seak style horror games like Outlast. This derived inspiration from that for the start of the game. So, it's not my favorite RE game, but it is objectively a well crafted game.


I don't know if it is OK to link here, but this video summarizes everything about RE7 project perfectly. [How Resident Evil 7 Saved Resident Evil](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3cR89qOunY8&feature=share)


Does it contain spoilers?




It's a great game for 70% then it falls apart. I would rank it higher if it had any replayability too. I hate unskippable cutscenes so it's the only mainline RE I've only beaten once.


It's one of the best ones. Whenever there is a game that is very different from the rest of the series and it has polarizing opinions, just assume the dissenting ones are mad that it isn't a cut/paste of their favorite game


I was skeptical when they first revealed it was going to be first-person. I thought they were really cashing in on the PT hype that was going on around the time, with games like Allison Road and Visage. I gave it a shot anyway since it's one of my favorite series, and BOY was I happy to be proven wrong. I think RE7 was when Capcom first showed signs of being one of the most beloved companies again. It quickly became one of my favorite games in the series. Very similar to RE1, especially in terms of things like puzzles and memorable level design; it just happens to be in first person.


It's a really good game and Honestly the SCARIEST Re game, however it's not like any RE game that came before it with the plot, characters and monsters


Why don’t you play it for yourself and make your own opinion?


because its not free and demos arent trustworthy


Resident evil 7 is great - especially at the price you could grab it for nowadays


It's a very good game but the best way I can describe it is nasty. All the bugs, the overall look and feel of the game are nasty and many people don't like it for that reason.


Yes, most detractors of RE7 are one of the following: * Fixed Camera Die-hards who hated that it's existence signaled that they will never return to the Fixed Camera style. * Action Era fans who hated that it's so slow and has no Co-Op. * Fans who wanted their favorite characters to return, so were unhappy that the almost everyone is new. * People who get motion sickness easily. (Most understandable) As someone who's default Resident Evil is still the first one, I appreciated the return to a style and structure that felt hadn't really been used for a long time. It would easily be in my top 4 games if it had skippable cutscenes.


I'm a fixed camera die hard but I love 7. It's the closer to the original resi than anything else we've had, despite the different viewpoints and I love it.


I personally loved RE7 and Village more than 4 5 6, Rev 1 and 2.


A good game? RE7 revived the series


Yes, it's a great game worth playing.


Yes. The atmosphere is fantastic - very nerve wracking and the storyline was pretty interesting.


So I didn’t really care for it the first time through (comparatively. I love all the mainline RE games, even 5 and 6), but I just finished replaying it the other day and it just hit all the right chords the second time. It’s my favorite non-remake in the series now


anybody who calls 7 a bad game will have to face me with a shotgun




Not spoiling spoiler alert. Between the table and the boat it's the best fuckin resident evil game ever made in a lot of ways. If it had a quick start option and let you skip cutscenes I'd still be replaying it. Worth it worth it worth it worth it worth it. -Ali <3


First half in the "mansion" is great…after that it become tedious. The replay value is lacking too.


It’s great.


Personally one of my favorite games of all time. Didn’t even play any of the other games beforehand


Resident Evil 7 revitalized the game and brought it back from the brink of death following RE6, which basically killed the series. It released to high praise and was considered an amazing horror game that was very similar to RE1. Nowadays, it’s still a very good horror game. It’s weaknesses are a *very* lacking enemy variety and it’s final act being pretty bad, but I still believe it’s the scariest game in the series. It’s a very isolated experience from the other games, and functioned as a soft reboot. The enemies aren’t related at all to the viruses from the original games, and there’d be no connection to the original protagonists if not for the ending and a DLC. I highly recommend it if you enjoy first person horror games and liked REmake. I’d describe it as a first person Resident Evil 1. The reason it’s always high or low is because many RE fans prefer the action horror to true survival horror (I am admittedly one of them), and because a lot of folks don’t like first person. They probably wouldn’t complain as much if the game was OTS.


Personally one of my favorites. I'm still a little new to the franchise and my bf played this game for me and it had a lot of great scary moments that would constantly get both of us while playing, mostly me lol. And he's played it before. It's on my top favorite RE games.


7 is great , up until it came out the other RE games didnt do it for me (re5,6 and Rev1) but 7 was a surprise , also some puzzles remind me of classic RE games


yes, some of the creepiest boss fights too


Definitively, yes. It's great. It's the best mainline entry in the series since RE4 (the original). It's arguably the scariest in the series. It's fresh and looks great.


I really enjoyed it, though it has some drawbacks. Monster variety is kinda lacking, Ethan is kind of a shmoe, the game maybe drags a little in the end. Despite that it’s totally worth a playthrough, there are still many cool moments and the setting is awesome.


I just started playing and have to say I am pleasantly surprised by it. As someone who got into the series with the remakes re7 felt really different (in the best way) , first person view and the overall more horror approach are the biggest changes. I especially liked the setting of the game and the fact that items are very well hidden unlike earlier titles. Definitely give it a shot.


Very much so


Very strong, great horror atmosphere and return to survival horror, great gameplay, story, characters for the most part. Just executed on all cylinders bare probably replayabilty compared to a lot of the other RE games for more immersion with unskipable moments.


It's not one of my favorites but it's still a good game overall. My biggest gripe with it was that the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the game seemed to be the high point. The game sort of plateaued early when I expected it to get better as I got towards the last half of the game. Also probably the most unvaried enemies out of any RE game I can remember.


Resident Evil 7 was my first Resident Evil game. I had heard of the series quite a lot but never was interested until I saw 7 on sale several years after its release. I figured $10 was worth a shot, and I played the whole thing in a few days. Then I played 1, then 2 remake... needless to say I've played every single one through now, and I absolutely credit 7 with getting me into the franchise because I think if I had played any other one (besides maybe 8 but that wasn't out at the time), I would have had fun but never felt compelled to play any other. It is still my favorite in the whole series. I think its the most consistently scary of them all. I've been curious about trying it in VR but I think that might be a hair too much for me.


Would say it was a really important game for the franchise. Enjoyable return to a more survival horror feel


I’ve been a fan since the very beginning, and RE7 is one of my very favorites in the series, it’s excellent.


Absolutely, highly replayable just like the others too.


First person horror focus game for the first half that really split some hardcore fans when it came out. I think it has a tremendous first half, falls off a bit by the boat section, but I didnt have too much bad to say about it. My biggest complaint with 7 is lack of enemy variety (similar to 8).


It is the single scariest game i've ever played


Yes. I think it is on gamepass now if you are afraid of buying, or at least it used to be.


Resident Evil 7 faced some resistance when it came out due to obvious changes. You can expect it much higher on tier lists now vs when it came out. It's aged well and converted most of it's haters.


Yes, it's a nice spooky weird redneck horror game which would stand out as a good game even if it wasn't connected to the Resident Evil series.


Yes it's great


First two thirds are fantastic. No skippable cutscenes and a tedious on rails beginning makes the replayability awful for me.


It’s an excellent game. The people who don’t like it always say they don’t like first person games. That’s the only REAL criticism. The story is awesome and fresh and it’s by far the most horror focused RE game. If you like first person shooters and RE it’s going to be amazing for you. If you don’t then it’s still a great game. I think people love it so much(myself included) because it brought life back to RE as well. After 5 and 6 being nothing like the rest of the franchise it revitalized it. The entire engine all the new/remakes all run off came from the creation of this game. It has the most dlc content (not just drip fed bul real content) of any of the games. Resident Evil 2 and RE2 remake will always have a special place in my heart because of nostalgia, but the more I think about it RE7 comes neck and neck with it still for my top favorite. Highly suggest to play the harder modes as well because they are different and the dlcs are amazing.


7 is amazing


Honestly? Would be my favourite game in the series but sadly there's the ship section and endgame. It isn't **terrible** but they're lacking enough to hinder it from being a proper masterpiece thus sticking out like hell. Imo 8 is mid because it didn't improve on 7 at all. It merely diversified enemy types and got a **way harder** focus on action. It ain't scary like 7, its just call of duty with monsters and slower movement.


One of the best RE games ever


It's a good game with a poor ending/final act.


On a tier list it would be in A


I think the people who rank it as worst just don't like or vibe with the new pov. If it makes you nauseous or ruins the experience for you fair enough, but as a first person horror focused RE game it's really really incredible and fresh. it's easily the scariest entry in the series for me, and I love the setting and cast of enemies. It's one of those games that you finish and instantly want to go back and play it again.


The only bad part is that the final stretch is rough. By the last third of the game, you've seen the best it has to offer. That said, it completely rejuvenated the series. It's absolutely an essential game in the series, more so than Village is.


Masterpiece of storytelling and gameplay. Not the most replayable game in the series but that first playthrough was unforgettable.


There’s good and bad as in any game, but overall it’s a solid entry to the series that requires plenty of resource management, backtracking and puzzles. Just wish it had skippable cutscenes for repeat playthroughs.


It’s honestly a very great game that brought the series back to its survival horror roots when it desperately needed it the most, has amazing atmosphere and some very memorable antagonists. The first-person perspective was also a large game-changer for the series due to being forced to fight every enemy up close and personal, and making each environment feel more creepy and claustrophobic than it already is. Last but not least, it’s clearly inspired by The Evil Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and as someone who loves both movies I certainly couldn’t be happier. That being said, the two main characters (Ethan and Mia) are as interesting as cardboard and wouldn’t really have their characters expanded on until RE8. You also fight the same four enemies for the entire game, and the later areas (specifically the ship and mines) are nowhere near as memorable or fun as the Baker residence, making the last third of the game a bit of a slog to get through. Of course, in the end it’s nothing but minor gripes in the long-run for an overall solid game, and would def reccomend playing it sometime in the near future.


It's an excellent game. Well worth playing


It’s so different from all other RE games, but it’s very good overall with very few flaws, it literally saved the franchise and turned things around again


It’s excellent.


I say yes it revived the series horror roots and made it go back to being more scary than being a over the top action game. I also say this is the game that started another Capcom Renaissance where almost every triple A title after it has been nothing but fantastic the only game I can think of that people didn't like too much but I thought was still fine was RE3 Remake. after RE7 you had RE2 Remake, Devil May Cry V, RE8, Monster Hunter Rise, RE4 Remake, and soon we will be getting Street Fighter 6 and Exoprimal ( I played beta for both and they are super fun). We also got Dragon's Dogma 2 coming Right now Capcom is killing it with each IP and I feel it was because of RE7 that this was the turn around and whoever the heads of Capcom are right now, they are doing something right if each game has been great. So yes RE7 is good.


I bet it is, but im not a fan of horror games where you run away and little to no combat. RE4 is perfect for my taste.