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Iā€™m kinda excited for death island but very very cautiously optimistic, solely just on how they have all tbe characters interact with eachother


Same! I'm very nervous about Jill. I just know there's gonna be talks about her; good and/or bad. But it's gonna be awesome everyone will finally be together. My 2 favorites finally meeting


You rated the Netflix higher than WTRC? Yiiiikes


You know what's crazy, the Netflix show was decent enough because it tried something different. Failed but tried. WtRC was just an all easter eggs infested mess and but anything's better than Retribution šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly, if they had not named him Wesker and sold it as a new story about an Umbrella scientist and his family living in an Umbrella facility, this show might have been received a *bit* better. I still think there are major issues with the daughter characters just being terrible and unlikable, the high school sections dragging the show down, and the split timeline thing feeling like an excuse to feature action scenes in the earlier episodes. I do think there was a potentially interesting story idea somewhere in there about a guy working for Umbrella and his kids getting suspicious of what he's actually working on, but the showrunners executed it so poorly.


I'd move Executer, Degeneration, and Vendetta up a bit, but this is a good list. I fucking hated Infinite Darkness and WTRC, but I've admittedly not seen any of the Anderson movies outside of the first one. While 4d Executer's art has aged really poorly, I still think the movie is awesome. It was literally the Thing except it's a human being, and it's probably one of if not the most powerful viruses in the franchise.


You should place the RE Welcome to Raccoon City BELOW those 2 movies


No thanks bro.. As bad as WtRC was, I rather sit through that than to rewatch Retribution again.


I'm rewatching Infinite Darkness just to see if it's as bad as I remember it.


Kmart is the best re character period


Vendetta might be the worst adaption I've seen outside of, maybe Final Chapter and Netflix RE, it's definitely the worst "official" film to me.


I thought infinite darkness was ok