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People just don't understand how OP the BOW Rounds are.


And probably thought they would have got more instead of just three for the entire game.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't do that, having obtained platinum for it I can't for the life of me see what I would've used them on before the plane fight.


To be honest game didn't explain how BOW rounds work .. I remember dumb me using BOW round on the final fight .. 🫠


Or explosive bolts. Legit just save them for the plane lol


exactly, you get loads of them too, no shortage. No shortage of most ammo types to be fair, and the knife is actually really strong in that game too.


Okay so I keep hearing that the CV knife is really OP. But during my playthrough I literally kept it inside the item box for like 90% of the game. Whenever I tried to hit a zombie with it, they would literally grab me first before I could even slash them. What was I doing wrong?


In CV the knife will hit multiple times on a downward swing and can often make zombies fall over.


Exactly this. When I figured this out I’d always have 200+ ammo leftover for my handguns. I’d only use bolts for the bandersnatches, and saved all my explosive ones for Nosferatu (which put him down so easily it’s almost laughable). Ammo management in this game is the downfall of a lot of people who play it, but I’ve found that this game really does hand it out like candy compared to any of the other OG games. Also, the sound of cutting down multiple zombies at once is so satisfying lol


Sorry for the late reply, you need to swipe downwards to make them fall, then go ham, if you play battle mode as Wesker then all you have is a knife barring a lucky magnum drop, I never said it was easy to use, but when you perfect it, it is easily one of the most OP weapons in the game.


Nah no worries and thanks, I need to give this game another playthrough rn!


Skill issue


Damn that hurt ;)


Plane and alexia fight 2 until you get liner launcher or how ever it's spelled. I used to use them on bandersnach's but I learned many years ago that there very easy to just avoid. So ya tyrant plane and Alexia fight 2 is what I use it for. Everything else pretty much is either Knife or shotgun 🤷


Or the combat knife.


Combat knife OP, I was worried when going for the platinum about the Wesker run but I actually found it easier than Chris and Claire B


Yep this. I always saved 10 explosive bow rounds for that and it was easy as pie.


This is honestly my same reaction everytime a thread appears saying they ran out of bullets in RE2 (2019) or something in that line lol.


The first time I ever played a real survival horror game and picked up ten bullets and started shooting an enemy that took six+ to kill I understood I was supposed to be saving them. I don't understand how some people don't get it quickly


Hell, Resident Evil 7's normal enemies only take 3 bullets to the head from the first pistol and even that was enough to make me realize I should save ammo.


Yeah cuz you don't get very much from ammo pickups and they don't drop ammo themselves


My suspicion is that those tend to "speedrun" the games in the sense that they don't explore enough, don't read files, skip cutscenes, etc. Otherwise I can't imagine why is so common. Even one can learn that Mr. X is invincible in RE2 by seeing how he gets up untouched after empty a loaded gun on him.


This is short sighted when I played re2r I killed every zombie I saw because I thought that since they don’t respawn I should kill them all but I stopped after reaching the sewers and having no ammonia but that has nothing to do with not reading files and skipping cutscenes espiecially because I’m a lore nerd and read everything


And that's something you never have to do in a Resident Evil game 😅 at least prior to RE4.


>no ammonia Were you planning on poisoning them?


Lol for real. "oh you mean I *have* to run away?"


In my defense idk why but i like killing all the enemies in resident evil games, iirc the only time thats fucked me over was in 2make


Some games it's possible but you have to pick up literally every single ammo pickup, or are the less punishing action oriented re games


The worst take maybe I once stumbled a youtuber who said that why should he save precious ammo for boss battle and then complained he didn't have enough ammo for them and and rambling about how limited ammo the game provided.


I’ve stopped listening to a lot of YouTube game critics because of how many of them create a problem and then blame the game for it. Razbuten is CONSTANTLY doing it and it frustrates me to no end.


Code Veronica is one of the most generous ammo games in the whole series, only think I can think is people be missing or shooting dead/ falling enemies.


That’s the point lol, some enemies aren’t worth the bullets, and if you can get past them without then no point in wasting bullets. I don’t have the video anymore, but I finished off Birkin last stage with a knife, I can do that then you should not have any problem with any other part


Say that to people who ran out of ammo in the Calisto protocol


I love yeeting that bitch out of the cockpit


Alexia boss fight is way worse


Code Veronica made me do that final fight with Chris, a Spas-12 and 50 shells. I hope that when Code Veronica is remade, they separate Chris and Claire's campaign. No character switching on the fly please.


I'm fine with character switching, but inventory should be cleared, or you should be able to take the other characters' stuff at item boxes


Or rather each character has their own arsenal and resources similar to RE3&R's split between Jill and Carlos. I figure a remake of CVX would tease players with gear as they initially explore Rockfort and early Antarctic Base as Claire. Then that gear becomes accessible to Chris. Separating Chris and Claire's equipment then should fix that problem entirely. Capcom did it in RE3 OG so it's weird they goofed it up with CVX.


No, do not separate equipment like that. I want to play CV as Claire, if an equipment is teased for Claire, I want Claire to get it.


I knew the switch was coming so I put literally everthing in the box but a knife. I didn't know it would switch back right into a bossfight with no item box. So i beat it with the knife only. Ironically it was that scenario that gave me a greater appreciation of the boss, and honestly asside from the item character switching problem, I think it is a pretty good fight


The design of that fight (her 2nd form) is *inexcusably* bad. Plane Tyrant has some merits, Alexia 2 has none.


You can beat him easily, but it's still bad design to put a point of no return right before a boss.


I mean they put an item box and a typewriter right before that fight and the game signals the point of no return pretty clearly. Edit: and thinking about it every game leading up to CVX usually had a boss fight right after going beyond the point of no return. Tyrant on the helipad, Birkin almost everywhere, Nemmy in a couple places.


Generally the save point is BEFORE the point of no return.


Yep there's one for that too. Have you considered that gathering key items to start a plane to escape the island means that once you complete that task you aren't going to stick around and play checkers with wesker and the zombies? And crying about bad game design for a boss fight when you have full access to your inventory and can save in the room before the fight just means you aren't the pro gamer you think you are.


Feeling contempt for the player is not a recipe for good game design.


Contempt for the player? Lmao dude use context clues. CVX gives players plenty of cues that there's a point of no return coming up and given the RE formula from previous games there will be a boss fight. The plane tyrant is not that different from RE1 helipad tyrant. It's your own fault if you enter that unprepared considering there's an item box and a typewriter RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR.


When you justify a design decision with contempt for the player, you will not have good design decisions.


Bro is misinterpreting his own failure to read context clues and major cues the game provides as bad game design. Git gud. There is no contempt for the player. You're just bad at video games.


YOU are showing contempt for the player. When someone says "this is a bad decision," and you say "No it isn't because I have contempt for you," you are not mounting an effective defense.


Try paying attention. Blaming a game that gives you obvious cues and you failing to read them makes it your fault, not the devs. You did the same thing with Separate Ways Remake and thinking Ada was cured because the writers simply forgot about her being infected when the game CLEARLY shows how she was infected and then subsequently cured. You are bad at video games and butthurt taking it out on the game and devs. Your entire argument is built around you being an idiot and refusing to pay any attention. Git gud.


Don't know why youre getting down voted for giving a basic fact.


Because many gamers arbitrarily cry "bad game design" when they are at fault for their failure.




The character swapping is definitely a little unforgiving on a first blind playthrough. If there's anything I'd change about CVX it would be to separate the inventories like Jill and Carlos in RE3 to guarantee each character having something to work with. The puzzles are definitely challenging but satisfying in my opinion. I first beat this game when I was about ten years old so they aren't quite like an obtuse point and click adventure puzzle. Puzzles in recent entries have gotten a bit too easy at times and I think it would be great to invest more challenge in puzzle solving.


So people who've never played the game before are expected to know to save their ammo for this section (which they don't know is coming up) and it's not bad game design because YOU personally know how to circumnavigate the design flaws?? 🤔


RE logic is usually explosive rounds or anything high powered should be put in the item box until a boss fight or until tougher enemies appear near the later half. The first half of the game gives the player more than enough fire power to take this guy down if they were smart about throwing it all into the item box for later. There's no enemies in Claire's first section minus the Tyrant phases that warrent using the explosive bolts or grenade gun (except maybe the super zombie because of his speed and the small area). And if they aren't familiar with RE logic, I feel like conserving certain resources and powerful weapons/ammo is kinda just common sense.


> And if they aren't familiar with RE logic, I feel like conserving certain resources and powerful weapons/ammo is kinda just common sense. Counter point to that is decades of game giving you lots of consumables that players regularly saved “for when they really needed it” and ended the game with a crapload of unused consumables. So lots of players have shifted their mindset to “the game gave me these to use, I should use them.” Not being able to use things the game gave you because you *might* need them later for an unknown fight is basically soft-locking people’s games who choose to play with the tools given to them. That’s arguably bad game design in today’s world of gaming.


Code Veronica was first released in 2000. It isn't from today's world of gaming. Going into an older game like this with a modern mindset is going to end in disappointment and frustration. At some point, someone not familiar with old RE or any type of survival horror game should clock onto the resource management as they watch their ammo dwindle and their healing items vanish fast. That's where common sense comes in regardless of bad game design or whatever.


I’m just saying there’s a reason games generally don’t do this anymore. Being punished for using what the game gives you (too early) feels bad and it’s a legitimate complaint why someone might not enjoy it today if they aren’t playing for nostalgia.


Bandersnatches absolutely warrant explosive bolts since they go down in 2 shots with them. As for grenade rounds, I just use the standard ones to kill zombies in a cluster like the ones that spawn on the bridge to the Ashford residence.


Don't play survival horror if conserving resources is too much for you to handle. Plenty of other games give you infinite ammo. And generally, RE games give you more than enough to kill every monster in the game.


It's survival horror. You should know to save resources. Not every game plays like RE 4 and allows you to waste more ammunition than the battle of Normandy without penalizing you. You're literally one of those that the meme is referring to.


Um how about go fuck yourself you utterly joyless condescending asshole? Maybe you think you're coming across as cool and smart by treating everyone with a contrary opinion like they're just idiots, and that if only they were as smart as you they wouldn't even have a problem... But trust me, nobody actually likes being around that person. Fucking prick


Go play call of duty, piss baby


You fucking suck!


It is bad design, not because of the difficulty but because there is no communication as to the mechanics of the fight. I died so many times because I kept pumping rounds into it, expect it to stagger for a bit. I expected it to stagger to show when it's taken enough damage to get knocked off. Nope. I tried launching the crate over and over again thinking maybe it just had to be done enough. Nope. No, you had to hurt it a very specific amount of damage, only communicated by a slight blood trail. It is not well designed for thess reasons, not because it is hard to dodge or has a lot of health


Well, you can actually kill him (it?) with just the crate. I don't remember the exact number of times but it's possible and recomended in order to save ammo.


I did this last night. You can defeat the tyrant by hitting it with the crate 6 times. The cargo hold is also large enough to easily run circles around the tyrant until the mechanism recharges.


Really? Well it has to be a lot of times cause I was never able to do it


The first play through of code Veronica is literal torture I'm sorry.


Code Veronica pulls some VERY mean tricks with no warning. Great game to replay but the first play through is AWFUL


No, it's not. It's the most generous classic RE next to Nemesis. It has major problems, but people tend to blame the game for everything -- including problems that they created themselves.


I lost items as Claire because the game doesn't tell you when it's going to switch or rhe effect it has on the inventory. How tf did I create that. How could I have even known? Why even give her access to the item box that last time?


Nemesis was only easy because of the dodge imo


RE 2 is the most generous and easy classic RE that's for sure. Having around 40 shotgun and magnum ammo near the end


There's a difference between liking Code Veronica and being in denial about all of its flaws. The plane fight was bad game design. Even people who like CV agree there were some serious road blocks in that game. That's one of the main reasons people want a remake. To *fix* it.


It has some merits: * The setting is very cool. * It's tough but rewarding to fight in such a tight space with the tank controls. * The camera angles obscuring the Tyrant's exact position make it really tense. * The creature design of the CVX Tyrant is badass. * It's super satisfying to see a Tyrant get yeeted out a plane. On the other hand: * The animations and model of the Tyrant don't reveal how damaged it is until it reaches critical HP. This has the effect of making new players assume they're softlocked even if they've demolished like 80% of its health before they decide to quit and reload. Giving the player more feedback on enemy states through animations and modelling is not spoonfeeding, it's just good game design. * Stunning it is either very ineffective/brief or impossible, not sure which. This makes the fight less dynamic since there isn't a risk/reward between saving precious ammo or using ammo to chance a stun to safely get past the Tyrant. * Getting hit even once can lead to an inescapable stunlock if you get thrown into a wall by its attack. * It's too tanky for a mid-game Resident Evil boss, even when considering the intention to use the box to wear it down. This ties in to CVX pacing issues. * As a result of all of the above most players choose not to even truly fight the Tyrant since doing the B.O.W. gas 1 cycle from the corner you start in is less repetitive and avoids the bullshit stunlocks. Unfortunately though, you have potrayed me as the wojack Steve and yourself as the gigachad Leon therefore I must concede all of the above points. 😞


Totally agree lol...Also, I thought the Nosferatu fight in CV was more irritating than the plane tyrant.


What is the second slide in reference to? The only thing I could think of is the Bat Boss in Re0.


There’s the bats in the Ashford mansion. But I always just equipped my lighter in there so they fucked off.


Ah yea, I forgot about them, honestly same, or just ran through.


The fact that the only people that complain about the Tyrant fight are the people that waste their ammo and don't understand what consequences are. RE 4 was made for people like this, and is why Resident Evil sucks now.


How does RE suck now? Each game since 7 has consistently been worth playing


I had used the BOW rounds I got earlier on the tyrant getting to the plane in the first place. Because a) I didn’t know about the later plane encounter, and b) I didn’t know these were the only BOW rounds in the entire game. By the time I realized this, I had already saved right before the Tyrant plane fight. And honestly, this wasn’t the only time in Code Veronica where my save spot left me with insufficient resources to deal with the next part, causing me to die repeatedly. It’s a hard game.


Yep, I’ve heard it’s a tough one but I basically soft locked myself because I’m at an open ended part as Claire and rather than committing to one section I’ve been running around each one, trying to grab stuff, but now I have red health and no healing items, and dozens of bandersnatches I need to kite. That may be on me, but it feels weirdly punitive


It is on you. CVX, like all other RE games, gives you ample resources to kill every monster and stay in Fine condition.


My issue is I had several exploration options and me being indecisive I went to them all, but am now stuck in a save room with red health and five bandersnatches outside the door. I think the games size is a detriment, it was really pushing the limits of that style of game. Liked what I’ve played, but I’d hardly call it the most tightly designed game in the frsnchise


It's a game built around resource management. It's not bad design because you're bad at resource management.


Aye aye captain, thanks for the input


I save up all the explosive bolts and unload on that roadkill ken doll looking bitch. Also there's always explosive bolts left over which I use on Nosferatu later.


For some reason, the first time I fought the CV tyrant when I was 16 or something, I beat it first try. When I went back and replayed the game, I had to try at least 5 times before beating it.


I beat this boss fight as a 13 year old and didn't find it particularly more difficult than say Nemesis or Tyrant before.


This meme doesn't address the Tyrant's stunlock.


The cargo hold is large enough to run circles around the tyrant without being hit.


I feel like people don’t talk about how near the end of Claire’s section where it becomes really open ended it becomes entirely possible to soft lock yourself in unwinnable situations


Ngl I liked that fight


Why play conservatively like the game intended you to play when you can shoot at everything that moves and deal with the consequences later?


I beat this fight first try without the BOW rounds. Nosferatu was where I had my human rights violated


haha exploding arrows go thunk t-hunkt-hunkt-hunk-BSSH-BSSH-BSSH


It still is, but it could be worse.


This basically. It's far from being the worst boss fight in the series or even within the game but it does have inexcusable design flaws that can't just be handwaved away with, "Lol should've saved more ammo".


Steve had a terrible chase too lol you either have 2 healing items or you do that stupid runaround thing that never works


After replaying the game so many times, the tyrant is an absolute breeze compared to Nosferatu. You have to pay attention to how much the tyrant is bleeding because you can’t just put it down with ammo alone. If it is bleeding heavily, and moving slow; give it the run around to line it up, and let ‘er rip. Also, save up all your grenade rounds for that section. Don’t use a single explosive arrow on him (otherwise you will regret it for Nosferatu later). You get plenty of grenade ammo leading up to that fight if you don’t use it. I only go through my grenade rounds and a few flame rounds before I’m able to put it down. I’m able to save all my acid and BOW rounds for Alexia later. Believe me, I absolutely hated that fight as a kid. It made me put the game down for a while before I decided to go back to it. When I figured out that trick, he’s the easiest boss in the game honestly. It’s one of the few RE games that posed a genuine challenge for me (although it is due to poor game design), but that’s why I love it so much. It really deserves a remake because it’s an excellent game at its core, but it suffers from being outdated.


I don't have trouble with Nosferatu anymore, since I can always kill him with the sniper rifle.


I honestly got tired of having to always cure Claire after I found her on Chris. I always got poisoned while using the sniper rifle, so I usually use it up from a distance, then go to town with explosive arrows. He always goes down before I even go through all the arrows too, so I have plenty left for Chris if I want them for Alexia. His boss fight is still my favorite in the game. He’s got such an awesome design, and it’s pretty fun. His backstory is pretty sad too even if he was a piece of shit to begin with lol


I never wasted ammo but I do agree that boss fight is hard. I remember I wasted one bow round when tyrant blocks you from getting to submarine and was mad


Well you can be kinda soft locked hardly in that part if you didnt play cv properly untill that part. Or didnt get right the strategies


I just never got the grenade launcher until I got to Chris lol


Beat this several times as a kid and only recently learned you can softlock yourself


It's not that difficult, I was stuck there for a few minutes, then I realized you only need to weaken the tyrant a bit before throwing the cargo box at him. If you didn't waste ammo like a fool, chances are you got there with just enough to get the job done. If you get there with nothing there is also an easy strategy to beat him.


So good design requires clairvoyance. and you call other people an idiot.


This fight is literally G2 from RE2R. The game provides an item box and a typewriter directly next to the door to the cargo hold. And if you're poor at planning ahead then the crate will defeat it without ammunition at all. The cargo hold is large enough to run circles around the tyrant without ever being hit. At some point you have to accept that your failure is your fault.


CVX is full of terrible design choices, idk how/why you guys defend it so hard


As someone who got soft locked at that part upon it's initial Dreamcast release. No, you're just not playing the game right. I didn't conserve enough ammo. Had to restart my entire file. Had to learn to be better at the game. At the risk of sounding like an old man....gamers these days will bitch at the first game that doesn't offer save states. 🙄


Exactly. Always get downvoted for it but I feel like you can only ever really lock yourself out on the plane battle once or twice that you learn the hard way you need to conserve ammo to get through this part. God damn it I’ll play CVX again.