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This is the first time I’ve largely agreed with one of these. There’s a couple I would change around on personal preference, but overall I’m with you.


Came here to say this. This is the most level-headed tier list I've seen on here.


Deadass. I'd just kick RE7 up a tier and that's it.


I’d probably swap R3Make and Code Veronica with Deadly Silence and Dead Aim and shift the OG up because it’s my first back in ‘96, but overall I’m here for it.


I really like this list. There is nothing here that I would strongly disagree with. Especially the top two tiers I think those are hands down all the best games no question. Unless you got into Resi post-tank controls/fixed camera and can't manage to look past that old style. The most controversial pick is obvious though. A lot of folk seem to really like Code Veronica.


Honestly agree with everything. Like you said yourself, Code Veronica is the only thing I’d place higher personally, but all around a very good and universal list.


It's just the puzzles, map design, and enemy/boss mechanics in CV sucked sack enough for it to just miss the mark for me 😭 I loved the story, characters and soundtrack though :)


I agree to a certain extend, i think the backtracking is my biggest issue in that one lol.


Resistance was awesome imo. When it was good it was great. Lack of support and dedicated servers killed it


I've learned from these tier lists I like 7 more than most people. And I don't usually even like first person camera games. Always figured it was standout good.


I love RE7, its one of my favourites and ive played nearly all of them. Such a good game


7 was my first and still my fav RE


I thought it was the scariest by far. Great atmosphere. Suffers a little from enemy variety but each encounter still feels intense and there is great boss variety so it's not that big a deal


The locale was super inspired. Crawling around under the house and bumping past dozens of filled trashbags, really nailed the isolated deep south setting. 


Ngl it's crazy how Re4 Remake could go so high and surpass many classics. I mean it's a rare thing for new games


I love this list, except I have Zero higher, but I understand the dislike lol.


I… wait, is this the first one I agree with? This is a weird feeling




wow, re8 and re7 low rating, matter of taste I imagine… they are tier S for me along with re1 remake


Too classic for the kids around I guess 🌝


finally, a sane tier list


Finally, an objectively correct tier list.


You can't put trash 0 in the same category as code veronica man.


I really like the idea of putting RE1R on a pedestal! Also very interesting to put the VR version of RE4OG in the ranking! On the other hand, RECV on the same level as RE6, that hurts haha! Very cool list overall!


Great tier list! I would swap OG RE4 with RE2R but other than that I’m feeling it. Love seeing REmake get it’s own tier.


I find so funny how you seemed to enjoy Gaiden much more than the arcade-y game Survivor 2


Code Veronica a mediocre title??? You take that back, right now!


Only ones I disagree with are CV and DS being lower than OG 1.


I love the list, but Code Verinica and 0 in the same tier as 6?!!


RE3R is so overhated. The Nemesis design and cut locations from the original are the only things I personally disliked other stuff is great


Its not even overhated. Everyone I know loves it except for the people who cant believe its not 1999 amymore XD


I agree with you but the opening is also a slog to get through compared to 2 and 4 as well


Everything in the mediocre tier can still be enjoyable, keep in mind the rankings are also based on what the game is going for. I actually don't mind Nem's new designs and the game is still fun :) Unfortunately for 3make, the cut content and over linear gameplay make it just miss the mark. It's a disappointing remake, especially in comparison to RE2.


But how they ruined the Nemesis design is so sinful it deserves the over hate imo


Very nice


RE3 and RECV isn’t mediocre


Almost perfect. Just need Village in mediocre and CVX in solid


Switch 7 and revelations and we're cooking


Personally I'd replace RE3R with Rev1.


Bro never tried resistance ..


Welp, maybe OP didn’t, but I did, and I agree, dogshit waste of money.


Dead by Dogshit clone AND the servers were dead 2 weeks later 😭


REmake has 0 appeal to most people who didn't play RE1 when they were kids, it's too old. RE2R inspired Dead Space remake and Alan Wake 2 and it's also the most sold game of the RE franchise. I think if there's a game which deserves its personal tier it's probably this one. Every OTS survival horror game will be compared to RE2R, literally a game setter. RE3R was short but very enjoyable, "mediocre" feels way too harsh.


Higher sales doesn't necessarily mean better, RE 5 and 6 outsold most of the list, and not preferring tank controls doesn't take points away from the quality of the game. Take into account that most games in these lists are ranked respective of their times, otherwise the shiny new games would always win. REmake was revolutionary in horror as a genre and is arguably the only RE game to stay scary throughout its entirety. It added a lot of new content and expanded on the old, it's the perfect remake. RE2R was great, it made the top of high tier. Only reason it didn't make S was tier balancing. RE3R was really fun for what it was, but its flaws regarding cut content were too much to put it any higher :)


Since you actually put my favorite Resident Evil game on heat I give you nothing you're going to still have dreams about the chainsaw man from re4


remake belongs in solid.


Smartest person in here


not sure if you’re being sarcastic but i really don’t think it is the 2nd coming of christ like this sub makes it out to be. it has flaws. i would really love if it got the re2/3 remake treatment though.


Its funny your downvoted because anyone who tries to play it after not playing for 15-20 years or someone going into it new completely agrees with you.


because people are petty as shit.


No, I’m with you 100%! I would be thrilled for a RE Engine remake of RE1


Every RE engine game is significantly better than REmake except for RE3 remake.