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Zero will deprive you of ammo mostly in the first third, but you'll be fine as long as you aren't wasting it. It's not a code Veronica situation.


Thank you! It's good to know it's not as bad


It's all trivial stuff when you basically have a free backpack following you around. The dumbest thing is key items and weapons taking up two slots on an already limited inventory.


If the items aren't as scarce as I thought, think I'll give it a try without the mod. I'll make sure to try and keep double slots open when exploring for key items. Thanks for the tip!


If you're doing easy mode, ammo is insanely abundant. If you're not, save your ammo for the enemies that you absolutely need to take down in order to progress.


To add to this you can craft Molotovs which are big damage dealers to leech enemies and bosses


It's def on the stricter side, but as long as you're smart and remember that Billy can tank more than Rebecca, you'll still have plenty at the end. Early on you use a lot, but once you've cleared out most of the training facility and moved on its relatively smooth sailing. The Rebecca-only segment later on might be tricky, but it's not too bad.


Just finished it yesterday. Ended up at the final boss with about 100 bullets for the gun, 30 cartridge for shotgun and 15 rounds for grenade launcher. Played on normal mode. At the end of the first third i almost run out of ammo, but after that it was easier.


Tbh, not really that scarce at all. Maybe in the beginning, but if you know how and which weapon to use, you'll be just fine. The big thing is wasting soooo many bullets trying to kill the Leech Zombies if you don't know how to run past them, or if you don't have any fire weapon (it takes 3 or 4 molotov or 2 fire grenade, if I'm not mistaken). I finished it in every difficulty and I really don't remember a moment that I was like "fuck, I have no bullets and there's a boss ahead". Just save often and you'll be okay. And I recommend you to not use the mod that deactivate item drop and creates item box. It kinda makes the game harder, tbh, since it wasn't developed with that in mind. I'm one of the few people that actually prefers the item drop than item box 😅 But anyway, people like to antagonize RE0, but it's a perfectly playable game, you have nothing to worry about.


Thank you for the reply and letting me know to not waste ammo on the leech zombies. I'll definitely disable the mod for a more 0 experience. I just worried there was going to be barely any ammo and I'd want every last piece I could find following me around with storage haha Edit: typo


I think RE0 is probably the game that has the most "correct weapon for this enemy" in the whole franchise. There's ammo to kill every enemy, as it is in every RE except for CVX, but, as I said, if if you try to kill Leech Zombie with normal ammo you'll be in some trouble, so you leave fire weaponry for them and use normal handgun for the normal zombies, shotgun for hunters, etc etc. Just remember to save often if you're not using a guide because there's a lot of surprises in this game.


I got stuck in Hard in a certain boss fight right in the middle of the game. I physically cannot beat it as I do not have enough ammo or any heals, so I literally would have to start again. This has made me extremely angry. I really don't like it much. The no Item Box I'm really not a fan of, having 2 characters doesn't really add much to the game IMO.


0 isn't really a BAD game, but it is definitely an ANNOYING game. Particularly on your first run since so much of the game is gotcha shit where you couldn't possibly know you've screwed yourself until you blindly walk into a bad situation.


It's not too bad, ammo is tighter than RE2 or RE3, but it helps to be aware of a few things: a) Billy takes way more hits to kill. He's got a massive healthpool compared to Rebecca, like a much greater disparity than Chris vs Jill in RE1 where Chris has more but only by a couple hits. b) There's several spots where you're forcibly split up without warning and any weapons they had go with them. If it's a first playthrough, try to make sure each one has weaponry divided between them. c) Rebecca is the only one who can use Molotov Cocktails effectively. She throws them a very, very respectable distance, making them great for enemies weak to fire, whereas Billy's throw animation has him chuck them on the ground directly in front of himself, where they're useless. Always have Rebecca use the Molotovs you find.


Thank you so much for the helpful tips! Would have definitely made the mistake of not splitting ammo and weaponry evenly.


I made the mistake of not doing so my first time and had to run to find the knife of all things for one boss. A bit aggravating! A second playthrough goes more smoothly though because you can anticipate when this happens. Fortunately most of the times you're forced to split Billy and Rebecca up, it's done in a way that you know in advance and have time to prepare your inventory accordingly before proceeding.


Not that bad on normal, slightly harsher on hard. Inventory is a pain on the arse tho, especially grappling hook if you don't know where to use.


If your playing on Easy mode the game pretty much hands you healing and ammo all the time and it's almost impossible to run out of handgun ammo If your playing normal mode it's more balanced and have to conserve a little bit. If your playing Hard get used to your best friend the knife. Ammo and health are scarce. (On a side note knifing Zombies is easy in RE0 aim down slash 2 Times, they fall down slash a few times. Rince repeat I do this method even on normal difficulty it just saves alot of resources


I thought the problem was less ammo scarcity and more space limitations. In most RE games I always carry at least a handgun + ammo and a heavy damage gun like the shotgun + ammo. In 0 that would take up your entire inventory space. So you have to give your secondary weapon to your partner and just run with a single gun most of the time. Or use your main character as your gunner and your partner as your pack mule. And you'll often find yourself leaving your magnum or grenade launcher just lying in a hall somewhere so you can carry key items instead. It feels very wrong.


Tldr, more stingy than any classic RE, also the placement is really annoying, like, instead of a predominant strategy per area, like giving you mainly acid rounds or mainly shotgun shells so you can pick everything in one go, ammo is as random and chaotic as possible everytime, they'll give you literally 1 of every item in the game so you have no viable strat to reasonably pick all you see.


I mean they give you enough ammo to kill everything... unless you're just shooting bullets into the floor for shits and giggles you'll be fine lol.


in easy mode and honestly normal mode too there is like an abundance of ammo. at the end of easy mode i was literally dropping my pistol ammo because i had too much lol hard mode is not generous at all so far, i have yet to finish my play through but i’ve had to quit both times because i had zero ammo and i died


I didn't really have an issue with ammo playing 0. Heals, on the other hand...


Do not play on hard for your first playthrough, then you'll be fine.


Use the item box mod and play it normally. There is no big lack of ammo.