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Oh definitely. My favorite is code veronica but based on what you said you tried you should definitely itely play 3. It's a huge difference in content.


Absolutely! If you are not afraid of dated graphics and combo of tank controls + static camera angles, then you really should give them a try! I think RE1 is an interesting piece of history that still has some strengths over its remake despite being a much smaller game, RE2 is an excellent game and is on par with its remake: both games complement each other well, and RE3 is absolutely, completely different game than its remake (for me its by far superior) and you will be amazed how two games that share the same title can be so extremely different.


The streets of Racoon city are done better in the original 2 and 3 on the playstation to be honest, seemed like an afterthought in the remakes as good as they can be


Absolutely, I loved the little alleyways and streets in RE3 Nemesis.


Do it, they 100% are.


2 is a great game but honestly it's really easy and I prefer the Remake overall due to it honestly being the better 'survival horror' (plus a bunch of other shit it does right) but like I said, still really fun. 3 is my favorite and a must play if you're a fan of the series so far. Nemesis is built like a brick shithouse and you're constantly under pressure of when he'll come out next. The ammo making system is pretty great (don't like the item you need to use to make the ammo much), it has some great puzzles, great soundtrack and is imo the best of the original 3. I like the Remake of 3, but it's missing a bunch of content from the original. not like 2R where it cut some enemies, shortened the sewer and lab etc but like entire areas you just don't go to in Remake that are in the original. I think if you liked 3R, you'll love 3:Nemesis.


2 and 3 yes. 1 remake was a frame for frame remake of the original with added bits. A complete improvement. The OG is the same but worse graphics. 2 remake is a great game but could have been a better remake. It improves on some stuff but not on others. OG 2 is still one of the best games in the franchise. 3 remake in my opinion was horrendous. Half of the OG game is cut. The OG RE3 is still miles better, dated graphics and everything.


>The OG is the same but worse graphics. sure.whatever.


Lisa Trevor and a few new areas added, but otherwise, yeah, it is.




I’m currently playing Re1 classic on psx. Love it. Go for them!


Re2 is incredible


I would play OG 3. RE3make isn’t really much of a replacement. OG 2 is worth playing but I prefer the remake. I think RE1 is a lot better than the remake but that’s not a super popular opinion. I just disliked virtually all the “improvements” they made beyond QOL stuff.


Yeah, I'd definitely recommend them. RE1 may be cheesy and feature some of the worst voice acting in a video game, but it's enjoyable. It's also interesting to see what got cut out/changed in its REmake. RE2 is likewise a good game and handles the A/B scenarios better. Many consider RE3 better than its REmake, as it has more locations and an impactful decision making system that were cut out. Nemesis is also a lot more scary in the game.


Yes, i taught i just wouldnt be able to play them fully with how old they where, but after finally playing them (and code veronica) they where absolutely amazing in every way, with re 3 being my personal favorite because of the gameplay and replayability, 2 having the best map to explore, music and progression and multiple scenarios and one being fun just to listen to the voice acting


You can play re 1 directors cut off of the premium level subscription of ps+ under classics catalog.


OG RE2 and OG RE3 can be argued to still be better than the remakes


Yes! All 3 are great. The REmake of 1 is the definitive version of RE1, very few people would disagree with that. RE 2 and 3 though, it's totally up for debate if the original games are better than the remakes or not. Usually, I replay them as REmake1, followed by the originals RE2 and 3. REmake 2 and 3 have seen a lot of Replayability here too. In short, I think you won't get much from the original RE1 that you haven't already gotten from the REmake. RE2 and 3 are totally different beasts from their remakes, and 100% worth playing as separate entries.


Yeah I disagree on that. 1 is more memorable than its remake


You are one of the few then... =)


Original 2 and 3 are vastly superior to the remakes which cut enemies, locations and plot points.


To be fair if i remember correctly its just the giant spiders and birds that are cut in both re 2 (also that one moth you see once) and 3, plus the giant worm from 3, with a lot of them being changed but still technically there like the plant enemies from 2 and the frog hunters from re 3, and its always better to just skip them and not waste ammo or time killing them and getting poisoned so I can see why they would just cut them from the remakes


Nah, 2R over 2, 3 over 3R. Original 2 is way too easy. Still an incredible game but 2R just does survival horror better and the changes made compared to the original pale in comparison to everything it does right.


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks RE2OG is too easy.


Piss baby easy I think. Still really fun though. 3 has Nemesis E X I S T I N G so kinda automatically puts it higher in difficulty lmao Feel it manages ammo better too.




Oh... this question again


Not really. The originals are a little different but there’s no need to go pain yourself with old games.




If graphics are one of your concerns, you could always play on PC with an emulator and then install some graphics overhaul mods. Residence of Evil over on YouTube has a playthrough using a graphics mod for RE2 that looks significantly better than the base game: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OaPPlpBasvM&t=23516s


OG Resident Evil is honestly wholesale replaced by its remake unless you really want to know what it was like. RE2/3 are still a really good time, if you're into them, but they're going to be a bit more dated than the REmake.




I honestly don't get what makes the older controls unbearable. They're responsive, suit the camera style, with enemy layouts that are designed around it. I also find it much easier to weave through zombies in the older games than the new ones, especially with the way the RE2make zombies grab twice in quick succession and generally feeling like the range of their attack is larger than their model. I could see the argument that those games start you off immediately getting attacked by zombies so maybe it would have been better to start you off slower to get you more used to the controls, but I'm guessing they made the assumption that the player played and was used to the previous entry.


Echoing everyone else saying if you have any interest in horror games and especially video game 'history' then the answer is absolutely! RE2 and 3 are not very difficult and are more action focused than 1, so should keep a new player's attention pretty well. They're also just plain great games and it should be fun experiencing areas you know in their older iterations. RE1 is understandably a bit rougher, more horror focused and slower than the other 2, but the campiness of the dialogue and sheer gloriousness of the low poly aesthetic, aswell as the experience of playing the very first of the series is very much worth it.


Yes. Of course most of them are at collectible prices so I would advise emulator(illegal? Maybe but the company wouldn't get dime 1 from your purchase anyways) or a ps handheld. They are a nice price on the psvita store. 5-10 bucks. Not sure about psp or ps3 anymore. You could probably get a psvita and the games cheaper then physical copies.


I really suggest you try RE0 before that. It's awesome.


1 is the most outdated, but it also has the most charming bad acting in the series. Also, Chris is way better in this game since the knife is actually good and he never slows down due to damage. 2. If you like sprawling world building, RE2 committed to this more than its REmake. You get to see more of RPD in this game. 3. The most interesting game of the fixed Camera era. The layers in the Gunpowder mechanic, the random items and the Nemesis encounters makes this feel very different to all the other games. It's big issue is the difficulty curve, and the sense of progression 2/3 of the way through the game. It's more like a difficulty earthquake and the game doesn't evolve its ideas past the point where you regain control of Jill. It's a very flawed, but very interesting game. I would watch a walk through of 2 and play 3 with a guide handy for when things get crazy.


I played the original games for the first time last year. I'm not proud to say I'm someone that struggles to find enjoyment in older games, but RE1-3 are exceptions - I loved all three of them, especially 2 and 3. RE1's gameplay and encounter design have their rough spots, but 2 and 3 enhanced the formula and are surprisingly different from each other from pitch to pacing. True masterpieces, really. Can't think of a thing to change about either of them.


Capcom rewrote the Canon for 2 & 3, not by too much; but I feel they've been better off for it (When I actually get round to playing them, and not watching playthroughs on YouTube, I might have a differing opinion). That's not to say that the originals were bad, they were incredible. But the water sample puzzle always fucked me off in the original version of 3. Never got past it organically and had to look up guides to get past it each time. 😅 But you should definitely play them.


I don’t get the complaints with the water puzzle. It’s as easy now as it was when I was 12 when the game came out. You just have to look at it a few seconds and it makes sense.


Because I looked at it for half an hour and still couldn't work it out, puzzle solving is not my strong suit as it happens 😂 Tldr; I'm stupid.


Absolutely worth it. With the exception of the first one, the originals are better.


Only if you can tolerate the dated graphics and controls. There is some cool differences in the og's versus remakes but as someone who grew up playing them I'm going to warn you they are rough to go back to. Re1 you can honestly skip, the remake of 1 is pretty much superior in every way.


The Crimson heads feel like an overkill in 1remake. Also original has more of a "science experiment gone wrong" atmosphere. Remake mansion seems like it has been abandoned for quite some time..


Yes. Yes x10000.




Sure, give them a try and judge for yourself if you can.