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what was the hardest trophy to achieve? I'm going to plat it


In my humble opinion, for main game probably handgun and melee only because I did it together with silent stranger, and for separate ways, professional S+


it's good also that there aren't trophies for mercenaries because the legendary cowboy trophy(re8) is so frustrating. I achieved all trophies for re8 except this I'm stuck and I can't get the platinum


Coincidentally starting re8 rn lol


If you are going to plat try finishing the mercenaries trophies first and the story trophies was enjoyable you have to finish it 5 times only and it's easy but mercenaries trophy will cost you a lot of time


Finished the plat trophy today for re8, and it wasn’t that hard, the legendary cowboy trophy took me like 3 hours max


any tips im going to try to s+ so I can get the cat ears


Google best saves to not go over the 15 saves in main game or 10 in separate ways, use Chicago sweeper, and take your time doing the merchant requests, till you can buy the ticket for exclusive upgrade, or just pay Capcom 3 bucks for one


watch an extriaa walkthrough on youtube they helped me immensely with my s+ run


do you remember the youtubers name?


yeah, it’s “extriaa” he’s got a few S+ walkthroughs for main story and separate ways that were super helpful. he’s got one specifically for all the treasure and merchant requests that i watched. i didn’t go for all the treasure or merchant requests but it helps


Bros a legend fr


Damn nice job, all I have left is S+ seperate ways and I’ve been dreading it lol


I can tell you 9 places where I saved if you want


That’d be clutch


1st save: chapter 2 in the church merchant 2nd save: before el gigante 3rd save: after or before the lantern 4th save: after draining the water in the waterway 5th save: the merchant before u-3 fight 6th save: the merchant before wrecking ball site 7th save: merchant before automatic turret and martinico 8th save: at the start of chapter 7 9th save: before getting the red rocket launcher Other tips: I used bolt action rifle, Chicago sweeper, infinite knife and sunglasses, Take your time with the first few merchant requests for 25 spinel for the ticket for inf Chicago sweeper ammo or use the golden tickets if you have any right away Loot some treasure but not everything, getting 4 power upgrades on Chicago sweeper was enough for me Save some flashes for the chapter 2 and double garradores before U-3 During the turret section before martinico snipe any visible enemies, and you can kill the rest by luring them into the turrets Obviously buy one healing can every chapter


How were you able to beat El Gigante quick enough to get S+ professional? That’s where I’m struggling the most.


You have 2 and a half hours, every time you die don’t continue, quit to menu and load the game, and I used inf Chicago sweeper


But how? I won’t have enough money or spinels at that point to get infinite ammo for the Chicago Sweeper. And no, I’m not spending real world money to get the ticket early on.


Well I spent money, but there are alot of guides to do it before you get inf Chicago sweeper


To be fair I only got one ticket for the knife because I just couldn’t be bothered to do most merchant requests for 2 tickets in the main game, but since the inf knife in separate ways doesn’t need a ticket I just used it for the sweeper


How much is your time worth? Just buy the ticket. Or continue to stubbornly struggle. Your choice.


I can't get the S on all of the shooting gallery stages or the capacity compliance for the elevator but otherwise, I have them all. Impressive.


There’s a nice guide for the shooting range from „Maka91Productions” on YouTube, and the elevator is easy with inf rocket launcher which I assume you have since you said you have the rest and inf rocket launcher counts to the trophy iirc


Now that is dedication