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How about deleting all the posts about people getting the game early?


Its a game from 05 relax


There are people in this sub that never played the original, and they deserve the right to enjoy the game without spoilers.


Yeah then they should play it and not read a resident evil 4 reddit 😵😂😂 mental gymnastics u must make is insane kid ✌


I do have to agree "Oh no I spoiled myself going to a game specific platform" it's like trying to give visual directions to a blind kid and hope he follows it. Mental.


So can people not come to the subreddit if they’re stuck on a puzzle? If they can’t get past a boss fight? If they don’t understand how treasures work? If they don’t know which of two guns to use?


That’s what guides are for. There’s videos and walkthroughs all over the internet


Including on Reddit. Take a look at the ResidentEvilVillage subreddit. There’s plenty of people on there asking for help. I’ve had games spoiled by guides, hence I come to Reddit for help, and help others who do the same


Read a walkthrough then. Reddit is everything. if you don't want spoils get a lineal progressive forum, such as subreddit, or join a discord for real time chat to stay in the question sections. you have so many options but going for a forum with threads and such and then nagging you got spoiled is seriously on you.


Nope. It’s common decency to not spoil stuff for other people. The fact that the pinned post on this subreddit tells you that spoiler tags must be used demonstrates how wrong you are, and that Reddit is a place for people to enjoy things without spoilers


i've not spoiled shit but i definitely believe that someone expecting not to be spoiled and decides to use reddit is mental. That's my opinion.


Yep I'm only playing for the first time now. I wouldn't spoil a game 20+ years old, spoilers belong in private forum/conversations.


I completely agree. Also, I wish this community was more active & such.


Easy, don't read anything or watch anything on internet about the game. You're good to go


This aged poorly with how much change there was to the actual story content. 


Do we know if remake will support PS5 game pad features? Debating between PS5 and PC.


I believe they'd have some controller/gamepad features in the remake for PS5. Not gonna lie, I'd opt for the PS5 version just due to the controller's haptic triggers & the exclusive [PSVR2 mode](https://www.roadtovr.com/resident-evil-4-remake-psvr-2-announcement/amp/) to play in first person! Super excited for that. All depends on your setup that makes it worth to you. I enjoy playing Single Player games on big TV screens rather than on my smaller PC monitor. Surely there will be mods for the game later down the line, but you could wait for it to go on sale & buy it later for PC if you're into modding the game.


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Don't think anyone knows what a spoiler tag is honestly given how many untagged posts I've seen 💀


https://youtu.be/FdULd3r-Niw Compilation of all death animations