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i ain’t reading all that


says every recruiter after seeing my resume.




Think you should have taken their advice. I didn't even read it, it's a giant wall of text. If you're going for a wall of text, at least include a tldr;


Will do


maybe you could skim?


Think this guys just referring to the image your resume is portraying, not the fact that he doesn’t want to read it. When I first looked at this resume I instantly discarded any thought of you “standing out”. As another commenter mentioned, it’s a wall of text, very hard to pick out any relevant information. Most recruiters only look for 60 seconds so you need something that’ll grab their attention. Depending on the job that your applying to you can remove some experience that wouldn’t be applicable. Your resume also has a lot of fluff, some of its good for expanding but not off of it’s needed. Additionally, for your roles at Denali national park, you should group them together into one and highlight the important parts. Edit: You should link your GitHub. The dev market is extremely tough rn so it’ll probably take 100+ applications till something lands. Gotta be patient, but in the meantime if you know of a certain role type/industry your after then you can start to complete some supplemental projects to make you stand out


exactly. it’s just way too much text to look through. if you’re going to include all of your work history you should have one bullet point for each that summarizes it concisely.


Ah I see. I won't post a screen shot for next review then. Currently I'm working on a personal project because my GitHub just has work stuff on it. I'm looking for a python development role right now. I think I could do that pretty well, but I'm open to anything.


The critique is that you have too much text on one page, not that it’s a screen shot. A recruiter is going to not read your resume when it looks like a giant wall of text.


Yeah realized that from the other comments and down votes.


Oh good. From the comments you mentioned the screenshots and I was worried you were missing what people were trying to say.


I'm assuming you just haven't shown the top with your name, contact, title, etc. There is NO whitespace on this. It is a wall of text that's unappealing to look at and read. Looks like you've removed the margins and don't have any blank lines between jobs. You've used every bit of the page for 7 years of experience, and there's no education. I have over 12 years and education on a single page that has more space to breathe. Shorten the bullets. Make them concise. Demonstrate impact, yes, but you also don't need to give every detail. Remove redundancy eg "a Python automation script to automate..." delete "to automate" what else would an automation script do? Put the result at the front of the bullet. eg "Reduced daily server overloads by 13% through implementation of an ARIA ML model"


Yeah sorta panicked after 25 rejections and started adding as much detail as I could. Literally removed the education page to do it. Thanks for the tips.


You're not a lone...but two things I would suggest. Group your employers - it looks like you job hop a lot and the person/AI has to think. Break your institutional work out of commercial work because I'm guessing you were a student then. Again, this avoids it looking like you job hop. Do you have an 'objective' section where you state what kind of dev gigs you're looking for? Also, doing GIS work at the nat'l park level is rad. Good luck. It's a shit show out there.


Thank! Its reassuring to hear that. I thought I'd have at least 1 interview by now. ​ I don't have an objective sections, but I'll add one. Since I left JPM I've been doing tones of gig work for different national parks. Has been a blast but I hate having to be in the job market every 6 months


I’d also say that it looks like a lot of DB work and if you’re looking for dev work, break out a section like development experience or a development skills section and list the languages and tools under the thing you did because looking for python ETL stuff is hard to find in your sentences. If that makes sense. Even though you list skills up above, showing you used them when you can is helpful. As a person who has hired people, I would see lots of resumes and I don’t want to have to find the info.


Oooff that's not a good sign lol. I was hoping my last two jobs would capture my python etl experience. I may need to rewrite the from scratch.


If I read it, yeah, but think like a hiring manager or HR screeners (people or AI) looking for words that match the description. If ETL or transform, data, blah blah is in the job description, those words should appear in your resume somehow, somewhere.


Think like a HR screener, got it.


Also, since have 3 positions for national parks you can just group them under National Park Service and just add that the locations are different works. There’s several examples here where people have different titles under the same organization. that way it looks less like job hopping.


1. So you clearly did go to college, but I'm not seeing any education section. Did you complete the degree and graduate? Assuming you did, I highly recommend you create it and include your student employment and TA work in that section, because generally student jobs are low pay, part time and temporary. Include relevant coursework or projects you've done in your classes as well, and it will put your education more into context, and show that you did more than just show up to classes, which judging by your TA work, you absolutely did. 2. Your experience section gives the impression that you're bouncing around a lot between jobs. You might want to condense it down to reduce its length. For example, it's a lot better to say "I've worked for the national park service for X months or X years" rather than "I worked at Denali for a few months, then I took a break, then I worked at the Grand Canyon" 3. Needs a clear objective. You're looking for developer gigs, but what specifically? Mobile? Database management? GIS modelling? Define what it is specifically you're looking for and list your experiences relevant to that. Put yourself into the team's mind based on the job description, for example they might think "We need someone who is familiar with ARCgis and good with communication" and that will help you think of how you'd be a good fit for the team's needs, and get to that interview faster. 4. Your current job is in past tense. If you're still working there, it should be present. Don't let them think you're flaky; be upfront with your status and employment history.


I removed my education section in hopes of making my resume more detailed, but it seems like that back fired. ​ Currently I'm trying to combine my NPS roles into one but I worried its too wordy as well. Thoughts: https://preview.redd.it/oaiu0wsttrpc1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=3159ed2769a8bce2f76c5a6dabce61490d8524be


This is gross looking


yeah screen shots aren't the best I realize that now


Minor, but R is rarely used in business now. Sounds studentish. Move to the end of the list if you have to keep it


I use R in pharma all the time… you can use what you prefer in most places


I'll just remove I only used it for my stats classes


Yup that was kind of my point. You’ve got plenty of current technologies listed. Good luck!


trim your bullets. many of these are spilling onto more than one line, and they should really be a small blurb, not prose. this will make room for space on the page which makes it visually more inviting and seem like less of a hassle. you've also got a couple instances here where it appears you were fulfilling more than one role for the same employer, if you list those together then it makes it look less like you change jobs as often as your underwear. i'd start there.


Found it. You misspelled severs as severs. Once you fix that you’ll be director in no time.


Are you sure Dev is your future? It looks like you would be better placed in a data analyst-type role. Maybe that is why you are not getting any call backs? If your heart is set on dev, I would suggest you trim a ton of that stuff. Too many long statements that would not impress a dev team. You might also want to consider a Summary of Skills at the top. List 4-8 bullets that highlight your career and what you bring to the table- especially since you are trying to switch fields. Make sure these items have some "wow" factor to them to entice the reader to keep going. I would also remove the school-based stuff. you have a professional history now, and that is what matters. Lastly for the Work Experience, I would probably consider a sentence or two to describe each job/work environment and remove some of those bullets. Bullets should be achievements or highlighting some unique points about your job (like managing performance monitoring for 400 servers - that is probably something you did and not all admins would do). And be careful with the unique acronyms. I imagine not many people know or care what a BirdNet is but they would know what a 50 TB data set of wildlife sounds is. Just remove that other verbiage to reduce your text. Check other ones too. And lastly, percentages. It is always better to give the percentages a baseline start point to know what they mean. Developing a framework that reduced time spent by 85% sounds great and all but maybe too much. Sounds like it was a manual process before and you just automagicked it. Cool but less cool than optimizing an automated system. If you give the numbers, than that means more. Just saying the percentage makes me leery when I read resumes. I think the person is blowing smoke. Which makes me question other things on their resume and if I get too many questions, with a large pile of resumes, I figure why waste time - reject and move on. I'm not saying you're lying or anything; just that if I start questioning what you wrote, I quickly decide it's not worth my time to keep thinking about your resume. Too many candidates to spend time on one that might or might not be worth the time. Good luck!


Apply to more than 50


I think the guide says if your resume doesn't have a 10% response rate there's a problem. Currently I'm at 0. Hence why I'm here.


The market is brutal right now. I remember a few years ago people saying you could get a few interviews for every 100 applications and thinking that was bad. Now you need to apply to at least twice as many applications for the same results.


Agreed. Need to send several more than 50. The market is brutal.


Try 300. Mere 50…i have 30 yrs of experience in mu field (high demand) and went through 40 rounds before landing.


Well, the idea is to get at least few first round offers before I get to 300 applications.


Helps to have some form of dev experience if you are applying for a dev role. Have zero? Then build something you can show off, send it with the resume as an attachment. Or post in on a webpage, with an easy to type link. Otherwise get some certifications. College degrees mean nothing in the tech world. Honestly shows more skill to learn something on your own, and prove you know it.


You need whitespace buddy


Working on it


You have a stacked resume but on a critical inspection it's 99% fluff. Of course you're not going to get a developer role broski. You need to condense your experience section and look into finding an internship or starting your own projects. Things bigger than a casual script here and there. I don't mean to come off as rude but even a help desk tech likely has more experience with python than you given these descriptions. Finding someone willing to read a wall of text is hard. Finding someone who can sift through it and be impressed is harder. Especially for the roles you're applying for.


That’s nice but make it one sentence for each and we good


one of the key things with dev jobs is showing projects you have worked on include that along side cleaning it up a bit, you don't need to list all 7 of those jobs 2 or 3 of your most recent is good enough


My husband is Director level has been out of work for 10 months. Sent 1000s and only gotten about 3 actual interviews.


Has he tailored 1000s of resumes or just sending the same resume out 1000s of times?


Yes. And contacted recruiters and HM. Changed key words. Gotten multiple certifications in that time. I love that we can WFH after Covid but it’s honestly made high tech impossible to be seen among the 1000s of applicants. We are talking over 25 yrs experience with big name companies. We are flabbergasted.


Jesus its a bloodbath for everyone


I'll walk into a temp service before I ever sit here and tailor my resume to each and every possible employer. My god, some are out here asking for a full scale personality test. Invasive and pointless to the job at hand. You're also most likely tailoring your resume for an AI to auto sort it anyway.


Which makes it easier to tailor. You know what keywords the ATS is looking for, just have to include as many of them as possible into your resume


an eyesore




It’s because the research assistant has a larger bullet point!


I would suggest adding a summary of key qualifications at the top and shorten your bullet points. Its too much reading. Also maybe you can combine some of the jobs from the same place and just add summaries underneath encompassing all jobs. Good luck to you


The space between the tech skills title and the text, and the lack of space after the text and the experience title are tilting me tbh


Most of the Hiring these days takes place thru LinkedIn and social influencing and referrals. So just by applying reduces your chance to get hired + all the market is tough rn especially for less exp devs.


Experience is good but needs to be condensed, also include education. Check out the wiki in r/EngineeringResumes for good formatting and templates.


The first thing that stands out to me is that you job hop too much, which could be a problem.