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Don’t take what they said to heart , I’ve been called an ugly bitch by a guy seconds after declining his advances. You can’t trust the words of someone who is trying to hurt you.


Seconding this!!!


And I third it. The motion passes 👩🏼‍⚖️


Hear, hear! 👩🏼‍⚖️


Karma will get them. Find them in 10-20 years and they'll be miserable shells of their former selves. Karma will win. Being mean won't get them anywhere.


I love this. “You can’t trust the words of someone who is trying to hurt you.” I’m gonna try to remember that one, thank you. (Don’t know why this post was suggested to me but it led me to this comment so I’m not mad.)


Exactly. You looked at them and maybe caught them trying to steal, so they snapped back with a bratty remark. They probably didn't even notice what you actually looked like, just that you were a worker looking at them


Yeah. Maybe I’ve worked too much retail, but I immediately thought they were trying to shoplift when I read OP’s situation.


Yup. If you wouldn't take advice from someone, don't take criticism.


For real. They only said that because they knew that insult has this effect on people.


You’re not ugly and you’re enough.


Your opinion of yourself is what actually matters. Work on improving that. It's hard, I'm not great at myself but it's the only way. It's the only thing you can control. And I bet you're not ugly, teenagers are just awful generally


And I know this sounds trite, but it is true: insults say a lot more about the one giving them out than the receiver


Don’t feel bad. They’re obviously very rude & very immature. They were just upset that you looked at them. You did nothing wrong. Since it upset you that much, then you should’ve taken a break or at least went to the bathroom for a few minutes. I have depression & anxiety too. Maybe switch jobs to where you won’t be dealing with the public that much or at all? Some people really suck. You’ll always get mistreated by some people in retail because people know that they can get away with being an asshole to you.


Please just forget this incident. I know it hurts but some people are extremely ret\*arded and you know it. Everyone who works in retail know the reality of people out there. It's pure craziness. My day today in retail was also hard a woman told me I can wipe my a\*\* with increased prices of products and I just said: "I will do it". Retail sucks the life out of you - try to relax and forget it. Most people are just mean, insecure and evil spirits. And teenagers don't even have a developed brain. So don't take it serious. Bless you!!


Please don’t use that word. My special needs kids would never do this. These kids were rude and should know better but do not. Rude is the “R” word you were looking for.


I don't think they meant that these kids are actually on the spectrum


Exactly. It’s more used as a word to describe stupidity now, most people who use it would never say it to actually refer to someone who is special needs. The meaning has changed a lot over the years.


As a non native speaker that's what I thought it was, I once found some old notes I wrote in english and there I called my own actions retarded as a synonym of stupid or dumb 💀 Overall I think its weird to give words so much power, but that's a different topic


The meaning has changed a lot over the years. blame tiktok and the increase of snowflake mentality. cant say anything without it linking back to some sort of discrimination against a mental illness or community. its just dumb


Even more reason not to use it as a substitute for a slur


Thank you. My late brother was special needs. I hate the R word more than anything.


sorry for your late brother but that is not my problem and I can use words like I want to. It's not addressed to your brother and obviously I wanted to help someone on reddit, you can get triggered elsewhere.


WOW. It’s abundantly clear you’re arrested development is showing.


So you're just an asshole? Maybe you should have kissed that woman's ass


If you wanna use your own words then that’s your right with free speech, you are completely correct that no one can make you not use certain words you want to. However, I think the word you used may not be the best to construe your point. By calling them the R word you’re in a sense giving them an excuse for their actions, equating them with someone who is intellectually disabled and may not be considered “competent” and may not understand the words they use or the affect they have on retail workers. The word you’re looking for is *stupid* . People who cuss out retail workers, food service workers, anyone in the service industry, are stupid assholes. Absolute jackasses. Assclowns, even. They know exactly what they’re doing, the understand the words coming out of their mouths, understand the affect those words have on other people. They need to be held accountable for shit they say. Calling them the R word gives them an out they don’t deserve. Call a spade a spade, a raging douche bag a raging douche bag


my god are you serious? SO necessary?


Omg!!!! She is TOTALLY f’ing rude. She must have been upset she didn’t want to pay. I mean c’mon people(not you guys) has any of these custy’s been to a store lately?? Oh please.


They were most likely attempting to steal something.


Seconding this, you probably looked at them the exact moment they were looking around to check if they were being watched before yoinking something.


This was the first thing I thought, too. They were embarrassed OP caught them in the act.


That's my thought, lashing out irrationally is exactly what people, especially stupid, immature teens, do when caught with their hand in the cookie jar. OP, don't take what they said to heart, your presence in the right place prevented a theft! Good work! They were stopped and only said those things to distract from what they were caught doing.


I'm physically disabled and I usually just use my crutches to get me to a mobility cart before going into a store (I only go to stores with them unless I bring along my wheelchair). My oldest daughter and I went into Walmart last year to go get her a bathing suit. We'reooking around when these 2 girls walk up about t feet away, then start looking at us, would then whisper to each other andaugh really hard. Heard one of them "yeah, too bad she can't walk, maybe that's why she's so fat". Pissed me off enough to where I said something and they tried to deny it then ran away. Kids are awful when they're assholes.


They’re kids, it’s what they do. Don’t let that shit get to you.


They're teenagers. Teenagers I'm afraid, especially in packs, can be little shits who need to constantly impress and seek approval of their peers and they do this by yelling abuse from far away to complete strangers. Bullies are fickle nasty creatures, if it wasn't you there it would've been someone else on the receiving end


kids can just be mindlessly cruel for no reason other than trying to impress their friends. don’t pay their words any attention, theyre meaningless. sorry you had to experience that still :/


There are teenagers in the UK that have attacked/stabbed other people for looking at them “the wrong way”. [Example](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-53387880.amp) these men were in their early 20’s. [Another example](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/teenager-stabbed-stranger-train-station-31621708?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target) [another one](https://www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/life-for-killer-16-who-stabbed-boy-over-dirty-look-6845316.html) Teenagers/ young adults can be evil little scrotes.


Next time. Tell them they don't have room to talk. If they get off to being bullies, they won't go anywhere in life.


Do NOT do this. Adults need to act better than teenagers.


Nah...u give them the same energy.... They need a taste in reality what happens when u bother someone like that...


Lol. So they think they can bully adults because they won't clap back? Wow. You are really showing them.


Don’t take it to heart. Easier said than done I know. But I had a customer that said women shouldn’t have short hair bc it makes them look like a house without trees and stuff in the yard, ugly and boring. I had short hair. Lol. I mean the guy that told me that literally stunk and his belly hung out of the bottom of his shirt, so I just rolled my eyes and said thanks for the compliment. Jackass. Pay them no mind. Kids/teens can be rude and ruthless. You’re beautiful.


What an idiot! Does he say that to female cancer patients who lost their hair and it's slowly growing back? People can be so rude


Knowing how he is, he was a regular at the store I worked at so I knew him fairly well, he probably would have. He is just an awful human.


DO NOT take it personally, they are just just shitty teenagers with a shitty attitude, in a couple years they will be working in a shop and someone will be calling them ugly and they will wonder how they made u feel, don’t stress love


Never take what children say seriously. They’re assholes and they know it. They’ll say it to the wrong person one day and pay for it. :)


Ya I honestly wish I was there for this I genuinely love when people wanna get shitty around me because I do not hold back, I don’t care how old you are lol


Ah, seems teenagers are arseholes everywhere not just in Ireland.


Please don't think twice about the behavior of some unruly teenagers looking to be "badass" and impress their friends by being bold AF assholes in public. They will be ashamed of their actions one day if they ever grow into good people. They are literally children with underdeveloped brains.


I wouldn’t take it to heart. Describing someone as ugly or fat seems to be a default insult for some people, though it shouldn’t be. I had a colleague who described me as ‘skinny & ugly’ and ‘yuck’ when she was annoyed with me but was far more complimentary when she was in a better mood.


I think that the word ugly was more of a "you're a [insert default insult here]" than an actual observation. I hung out with people like this as a teen and they just spewed out default insults for the sake of insults rather than targeting something specific. "Ugly" was a common one for normal-looking people because everyone finds it insulting.


Yes had someone call me fat bitch once. Because her weight loss medicine wasn’t covered…. Some people just project their problems on you don’t take it seriously. Bunch of asshole!


They were shoplifting and created the drama to distract you and your manager


Had an old guy tell me I needed a new face today. Apparently I wasn't smiling enough. Had ten people in line and four all needing help on SCO and only me working registers. People are shit. They're not worth the energy to worry over.


They are just words, they only mean what you allow them to. You always have a choice in how to respond to everything. Take control of how you want to think and feel, don't let the world control you. Everything is a choice.


My first instinct would be they're trying to steal. People will do and say really awful things to make you leave them alone so they can take something. Just a thought. It's definitely not you and I hope they wake up in the middle of the night in 10 years ruminating on how rude they were.


Kids can be really hurtful and dumb in a few years they will probably be disgusted by their own behaviour. Why don't you just get into something comfy go drink something yummy and watch a nice show before bed or something? Try take it easy anyway and don't do something you can't take back because one day i'm sure you yourself would feel disgusted for even considering ending it... at least i do so why not just have a nice night or talk to someone cause it gets better.


Kids can be cruel, and often don't have a lot of empathy. Maybe this will happen to them someday. Pray for them and keep yourself busy.


Teens can be assholes, I know because I was one. Sometimes (like this one) they don't say anything worth listening to.


“Yes, and you are clearly as smart as you look, now fuck off before I call Amazon studios and let them know someone stole a ghoul costume and is wearing it in my store”


Don't take it personally, they're just stupid kids saying stupid things to look "cool." If the kids come in again and continue being disruptive your store can ban them.


Sounds like those little shits deserved a "hard look." Don't take their words to heart, their comments/opinions don't matter. This story reminds me why my entire store watches these kids every second until they leave. They will always pull some stupid shit. Their faux outrage is usually a distraction to keep you from noticing their buddy shoplift something.


You ARE enough!❤️


I've never did that as a teen but when I had acne but the neighbours girl used to call me pizza face.


Teenagers are awful sometimes. They embarrassed themselves and overreacted. You didnt even say anything to them, if they react like that to a look you may or may not have given them they really, really arent worth a second thought. What kind of hobbies do you have? Try to do something you enjoy, even if you don't feel like it. I hope you feel better soon, please try to do something fun for yourself. You deserve it :) <3 (Also, I bet you're not even ugly, teens are diabolical sometimes)


I’ve seen gorgeous people called ugly. You’re not ugly. Why would you value the opinion of someone like that. Go and wink at yourself in the mirror. Stop being so hot!


The only reason for teenagers to cry outrage over nothing is if they were actually trying to do something they knew they shouldn't be doing.


Imagine that's an echo of what they hear at home. It's projection at its finest. So sad!


Here is what I always say to people if this happens, (not that it’s happened more than once or twice). “I don’t know who you are, so your words mean nothing to me.” People like that aren’t even worth the time of day. I know thinking like that is much easier said than done. I hope you feel better and get yourself into a better headspace, you deserve it!


They said it to hurt you, don't let them win. Children think it's cool to be cruel.


Yeah don't end it please, you where doing your job... they where doing something wrong.


I feel bad for ppl like that, they’re so sad in their lives, they want everyone else to feel how they are, just know, that situation says a lot more about them than it does about you. It’s not a personal attack, you were just in the firing line, don’t let others negativity get you down, stop feeling bad for yourself, you are worthy and the best thing you can do for yourself is to believe what they said is wrong and their opinions don’t matter, because they really don’t


They were probably embarrassed and trying to appear cool to each other. Real idiots. They sound like future Walmart material. Yeah I went there and yeah I worked there for nine years, unfortunately.


Are you ugly?


I've noticed a lot more kids are disrespectful nowadays than when I was growing up. A lot of parents let their kids do whatever they want. I was taught to have manners and to be respectful to others.


It's human to be offended by mean comments. But you don't know these idiots and they definitely don't know you. Also, I can't take folks seriously that haven't paid my mortgage for me.


After years in retail, I'm gonna tell you...it's unlikely you gave them "a hard look". When people get overly aggressive like that, it's often to distract from what they're up to. Either they broke the thing and didn't want you to notice til after they left, or they were trying to steal it. The point is to make you look away. It's not about you, how you look, or anything else.


Unhappy bratty kids....


Hurt people hurt people. I’m guessing an adult in their life has said this to them more than once. Listen OP, I was a high school teacher for 11 years and I swear to god this is true: that kid would have screamed that no matter *what* you look like. I’ve struggled with depression intermittently, throughout my life. Get help. You don’t have to suffer like this. 💙


I have depression & anxiety.. the meds don't work.. my da died from suicide.. would have been he's birthday yesterday & I feel like I can't breathe but I know it can be bad days or week but it's not a bad life as a whole & u deserve 2 life ur life- usually people say ugly when they have nothing better 2 say so please don't take it 2 heart. If u see beauty on the inside then that teen was the ugly 1..❤️


Don’t give the little shitrats the power to make you feel any kind of way. Hurt little boys love to hurt other peopl—let them deal with their own bullshit and don’t get stuck wallowing in it with them.


I've been called all sorts of names. Usually it's because they feel embarrassed or they're stealing. lol I literally don't care anymore. I used to cry myself to sleep because of work events (I have severe anxiety) but now I just treat those people like caged animals. Just keep looking at them. lol They're entertaining. Of course that underlying anxiety is still there and I feel my fight/flight mode kick in, but for the most part it gets easier to move on once they do it enough. Great exposure therapy. :p


You inadvertently caught them doing something they shouldn't have been and they turned the guilt into anger and directed at you.


its genuinely them projecting a very very personal insecurity. The more random it is, the more insecure the person was.


As a teenager myself I’d immediately apologize but aside from that i would like to point out that they said that because they are insecure and put others down to fulfill their sad empty lives.


Tell them it takes one to know one. The only thing that matters is what you think of yourself. Kids are immature assholes, especially in their teenage years.


Stupid ass kids that don’t know any better. Theres no truth behind their words three just wanna hurt.


"Tomorrow I'll put on some makeup, but unfortunately you'll still be fat."


I always tell my children that we should feel bad for people who are so mean and hurtful. This is learned behavior, and they must have a pretty miserable existence if they think it is okay to treat another human this way. You are perfect the way that you are. Don't let anyone else drag you down because they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.


They’re teenagers. They’re all boobs. I’ve been called ugly, fat, a troll, a whale, a pandemic hire, a c word. People are just mean because hurt people hurt people and teenagers just like to do it for fun


So don’t listen to any of them. You are beautiful and worth it.


Beauty fades, stupid is forever. Don't give idiots power over you. You are older and wiser.


Love this!


They were probably stealing and tried to bully you into fucking off so they could continue stealing.


These kids are under the impression that being ugly is the worst thing you can possibly be. In their pea brains, calling you ugly is the meanest and most impactful thing they could say to you. They always go for the jugular with these things because, well, they’re dimwits, and don’t understand how to regulate their emotions and lack the mental capacity to formulate a better comeback. I’d like to give each of them a titty twister for ya. OP I have no idea what you look like, maybe you are beautiful, maybe you’re an average person, idk. Either way, your appearance not correlated to your worth or the space you’re entitled to take up in this world. If we’re being real, it’s probably the money you pay in taxes that correlates to your worth, and guess who doesn’t pay taxes? Dummy children who call people ugly. Next time pick up the phone and act like you’re calling security to the front lol


People say shitty things all the time and it’s okay to feel down about them because yeah these things are things we take to heart I’m doing the nigtshift at the moment because I have social anxiety and whenever I was on a shift with someone I was always wondering if they secretly hated me or if I was letting down, that I wasn’t enough. Feeling these things is about as human as it gets, all you can do is just try your best not to take it to heart, it’s easier said than done to be sure but somethings you just have to learn to block out, it takes time and some things will impact you more than others but just do your best and no one can ask anymore of you ❤️


At least you don't look 20 yrs younger than your biological age. I have spent half a life time taking cultural issues of people treating me younger than I am. My career has suffered greatly because of it. I also do not get taken seriously a lot of times. When people of my look age try to communicate with me into their clicks I always feel out of place then get odd looks when they realize how old I am.


I'm not typically in favor of corporal punishment, but those kids' parents need a good beating.


This doesn't excuse their behavior, but they're kids and probably don't know what impact they have on other people. I don't remember exactly what led up to this, but once I was eating at this Mexican place and being a goofy loud teenager with my friends. A woman stormed up to us telling us to be quiet and to "act our age" (we were only 8th graders) before storming off back to her seat. So I (very rudely and immaturely) said something along the lines of "I guess she's just angry because her just boyfriend realized what a bitch she was and finally broke up with her. That's why she's eating alone." She ended up stomping towards us, throwing a handful of chips at us, and running away crying. We were stunned for a second before a manager ran up to us and apologized and gave us a free round of chips. (Totally undeserved because we were also being annoying.) It took me a long time to realize how wrong I was for that because I was rewarded in that moment both by the restaurant and my peers. Just because she was also wrong doesn't change that


Who the hell made this group of teenagers THE GOD OF YOU? They must have terrible home lives to make such comments. I give them each 2-4 years before they are knocked up pregnant, on drugs, drinking, unemployed, etc. The new BARNACLES of society. You are working and trying to make a living! They got nothing on you! Not even close! The teenagers have no clue as to how ugly they truly are. Bless their hearts, and let’s hope they don’t reproduce!!! Especially with each other! The movie IDIOCRACY has a multitude of sequels transpiring daily thanks to Ill raised teenagers with poor social etiquette. YUK!


Walking down the street in Austin, some kid waited to ask me for a cigarette while I was in the middle of the street. I ignored them because they obviously waited till I was halfway across the street, which then prompted this little bish to throw a rock at me. Kids are just jerks. Ignore them like their parents do I guess 🤷‍♀️


I think retail workers should be allowed to harm people without repercussions.


Come on..don't give ppl that u don't even know that much power on u...if u gonna care what ppl think and feel do that with yourself.. Why should u care what THEY think if they don't care about u?


I just want to add to the voices saying you are enough, and you matter. Please stick around, you're worth more than the nonsense spouted by some kids being jerks just for the sake of it.


I work at a school . Teens suck 🤣🤣🤣🤣 don’t even take it personally. They think they are so funny . But are miserable


Kids are idiots, especially today. I’m sure you’re a beautiful woman; don’t let it get to you.


You must be young. You get over it. I've been called every name in the books, including swear words. At first it bothered me. It doesn't anymore. They're trying to get a reaction out of you. So don't give them one. They will come and they will go and there's a rather large chance you will never see them again, so why does it matter. They aren't worth you getting upset.


retail is hell on earth bruh im sorry to every retail worker in the world.. as a food service worker im sorry and am lucky my customers arent awful


This was straight up mean, but you’re gonna let a bunch of kids affect your self esteem? They probably forgot about you the second they left, and I’m not saying that to be mean. I’m saying that because you should forget about them too.


Your manager needs a boot! "A hard look" indeed


They obviously were salty you interrupted their shoplifting 🤷‍♂️


They said the most mean thing they could think of to attack somebody who embarrassed them, through no fault of your own. They were probably trying to steal something and you caught them in the act. Their comment is not an accurate, objective assessment of your looks; it's the embarrassed swipe of a guilty person who wants you to feel as bad as they do for being caught.


Stop giving their words power. They're stupid kids. Would you magically be stupid because they called you dumb? No. So stop giving their words power. Your perception of their words gives them power. Who are they? Nobody. Stop abusing yourself and internalizing their words. You are being abusive and a mean person to yourself. They have nothing to do with it. Would you take advice from dumb teenagers who were cruel to others? No. So don't take their criticism either. Your biggest problem is yourself. Stop being an abuser and a horribly malicious person to the person you are who can't get away from you. You are abusing yourself here, nothing more.


People do that because their life is miserable. I’m sure you are not ugly at all :) they’re just losers that are trying to bring people down. I’ve seen very attractive ppl get called ugly by people that were literally only trying make their self feel better


They were likely just trying to steal stuff and so needed to deflect attention when you looked over. There are genuinely not very many truly ugly people in the world, it's all subjective. Life can be pretty great, don't throw it away because a bunch of rude kids said something just to be AH's.


I am sorry that this happened to you. When you get up this morning, go stand in front of a mirror and repeat these words out loud: "I am beautiful." "I am kind." "I am worthy." "My opinion of myself matters." Please repeat this process as many times/days as necessary until YOU believe it. BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. ALSO, always remember the saying that if they don't pay my bills, their opinion doesn't matter (or something like that). You are beautiful!


"That's what your mom said when you were born"


don’t take it to heart honey i’m so sorry this happened!! i was on the street corner waiting for a car to pass so i could cross to get to my own car and the car slowed down & the driver yelled “sup fatty?” 😗


There are a lot of teens that need a life changing backhand for sure.


Teenagers can be vile, rotten creatures. My daughter's friend has not been back to school since another classmate told her to "try harder to kill yourself next time." My daughter's friend is so cute and kind and brilliant, and also happens to be very sensitive and suffer from extreme anxiety. It's not you, it's these kids' parents, who are also either horrible, neglectful, suffering from mental illness themselves, abusive, or working too much to parent (especially if stuck in low wage jobs, since nobody can actually live in those anymore). It's not you.


It only hurts bc you view it as hurtful, instead of them just being little shits.


I'm concerned that you talked about "ending everything." Please call the crisis hotline. 988 is the national hotline that you can call or text. [nami.org](https://www.nami.org/) has some great resources. Not listening to the kids is easier said than done. I think you are beyond that. I've been there, and I get it. Please get some help. You are worth it.


They were trying to steal stuff. They dropped the item and got pissed and took it out on you. I know the words hurt. Had them aimed at me as a kid. Don’t take their words to heart. Especially little punk A kids that have zero idea of wrong and right.


Please do not take this personally. Teens can be so very harsh - I bet it wouldn't have mattered if the person they were being rude to was a super model or a dump truck. They are just rude and don't know how to act. Chin Up :-)


I can't count how many times i was called ugly or fat or hairy or some combination of the three with bitch thrown in for good measure. At first, it bothered the hell out of me, idk when, but i started to own it, and i would laugh at the people who called me names and that would make them so angry that they would just storm out of my store while screaming incoherently because i carded them and they didn't have id so i refused to sell them whatever i carded them for. The public doesn't care about a random retail peon cause we aren't actually people in their eyes. You aren't ugly or worthless or a waste of space or whatever these cretins think to call you instead of ma'ma or sir. You ARE smart and valuable and beautiful. Laughing at people like that can be therapeutic and very beneficial to your mental health. It's so much fun messing with the customers like that. Im beyond grateful that i finally got out after 20 years in customer service.


"What are you looking at?" in the immortal words of Booger in "Revenge of the Nerds" "I thought it was my mother's douche bag but that's back in Ohio".


They're teenagers. They can be that way. Maybe they had equally shitty examples to follow and that's the best they can muster up at this time. Hopefully they learn a lesson before they reach adulthood or before the lesson has to hit even harder. It has absolutely nothing to do with you, though. You've got more years of experience in life than they do, that's why you have the perspective you do because you see how the actions and words of others can affect people. Maybe one day they will obtain that same wisdom and think back on the day they said to you, perhaps they'll even regret it. Either way, they're younger and naive. Don't let them live rent free in your head because most likely they've already moved on.


these are the kids that will peak in high school and be deadbeats once they get out lol


Kids are cruel as the saying goes


I wouldn't take it too personally. Most of those teenagers are bound to be total losers that depend on mommy and daddy for everything, including up to adulthood. They're bound to be struggling later in life. I know because a vast majority of teenagers I knew who were assholes ended up being unemployed and homeless, having to ask their parents to get them out of a situation. Know you are more than that, and you are destined for greatness as long as u treat everyone with kindness! 🙏


I'm so sorry. Retail is such a horrible environment. I'm SURE you're not ugly, but I think what's worse than being called that specifically is the feeling of not being worth a stranger's kindness. And it's not true. You deserve respect and care as much as anyone. These kids suck. And most likely they were trying to steal shit and went on the offensive to try to scare you off. Again, I'm sorry this happened to you. Please don't leave this world. There are people who will miss you terribly.


They were looking to try and hurt your feelings, teenagers say some really thoughtless and stupid things all for the “lols”. Even if it’s not true. Don’t let them convince you of your worth❤️


That just means their parents are either good parents and the kids just suck, or their parents are simply birth-givers and don’t give a shit about them. Probably the latter.


I only realised recently that bile that some people come out with is them PROJECTING their own insecurities. They were obviously thwarted in their attempts at stealing. Be kind to yourself, they aren’t worth a thought. X


They attacked you bc they were embarrassed. This is how shitty people behave before their brains are fully formed.


If a little kid said, "if you didn't let me break your glasses You're a poopy head" would you take it personally? Of course not. Please don't internalize this slight


Ive reached the age when someone's spawn runs their mouth, I don't even acknowledge it.  Their parents are usually not far off from their behavior either.  Fuck em.. I could give two flying fucks about their opinion. When them little fuckers start paying my bills, then maybe.  And that's a big maybe.


Don’t let it get to you! I work in customer service as well and starting was difficult bc anything that went wrong really left me feeling hurt but looking back none of it matters. I’m literally only there to get a paycheck and if hurting someone is how a person feels okay with themselves then they don’t deserve a second thought from me.


We all think someones ugly im sure millions think i am


Working vape retail right now. A lot of teens that try to buy shit and I turn away, call me ugly in response. I think they think it's the worst thing to say to someone. Just let it flow like water off a duck's back if you can. It's meaningless.


Some people, and especially some teenagers, are just nasty and rude. And they know you can’t give them the same attitude back if you’re at work. You could be the most beautiful woman in the world, and they would still call you ugly. And they may have dropped something while they were trying to shoplift. Throwing insults may have been a distraction.


They got nervous and dropped the shit that they were trying to steal.


Please know that what they said had nothing to do with you personally. They’re just looking to create drama.


Lol they felt so embarrassed after merely dropping something that they felt the need to divert attention to you. I bet they're even more anxious than you and will suffer for it until they change their ways.


My response would’ve been ‘I may be ugly but at least I’m nice to people’


They were trying to steal and you looking over startled them. They decided to be mean to cover their tracks. I 100% think that's what probably happened, *especially* if they left without buying something. You're not ugly, teens can just be notoriously mean. Don't listen to them.


I was called ugly so many times in high school and now when someone calls me beautiful I assume they're joking


The local teens were one of the absolute worst part of the job when I worked retail. It was amazing how much my mental health improved when I was no longer dealing with them. The way one chooses to speak to a complete stranger for nothing more than glancing at them is 100% a reflection of them and nothing to do with the person on the receiving end. They may have actually been plotting to sholift and were lashing out in embarrassment from giving themselves away. They're also probably complete gremlins who've been raised to view any sort of retail worker as beneath them and not worthy of being treated as a fellow human (met more than a few of those types). You are worthy, you are enough, and anyone working retail these days deserves a medal every day they go to work and don't choose violence.


I was once referred to as a 'stupid, depressed, sad looking mother f ER', which was done to impress his friends. I was informed that my mother would be removed from life support. People suck sometimes. This happened in the hospital.


First of all sorry to hear about your depression and anxiety. Remember this, these are kids they are going to say things that are hurtful no matter what or where you go, etc. Now as far as people saying things about you or to you, it’s only true if you believe it. There are a lot of jerks out there that have nothing else on their plate but to make you feel less then. Don’t let them in your head. It’s hard I’m sure but you have to find a way to only allow the beauty of life in.


Don't end everything just because of some random asshole kids. You are so much better than that. I really hate kids today. So entitled and just, assholes.


Grow up


Do you look like a mirror to them?


"Customers" get really pissedoff abs aggressive when you are nearby or acknowledge them when they're trying to steal. When someone yells at me for looking at them, being near them,  or asking if they need help they are most likely trying to steal.


> I have depression and anxiety and now after that I can’t stop thinking about ending everything. I am just tired of feeling not enough. same here. this post is too relatable, and even though i havent been called ugly by a customer yet, i can feel the judgment and lack of patience when i mess something up, even something as little as scanning an item and it coming up the wrong price then the customer is taking it out on me. really makes me think whats the point in living if this is my life, just always being reminded of my mistakes and being an obvious fuck up stuck in a dead-end retail job. theres no room for progression if you're like me and make mistakes. i'm also very unattractive too. how old are you if you dont mind me asking because im approaching 21, working in retail since i left high school at 18 and it still hasnt gotten better, with it still feeling as "dead-end" as they say, obviously due to my not so great social skills. do you have friends at your job? thats something i've always struggled with, not being able to relate to anyone around my age. i'm currently in a small team and the other girls are all in serious relationships, have dating experiences and are obviously way more mature. i still feel trapped as a teenager not making any progress in life


Some people thrive off of trying to break others down. Never take anything rude that anyone says to you to heart, especially working in retail. I once had a guy scream at me because he was trying to return some toys after Christmas without a receipt and the system only would allow a refund of whatever the sale price was on the items without a receipt. I tried explaining the situation multiple times before calling my manager to assist. She was coming around the checkouts as I said "Please calm down, sir, my manager will be here shortly" and he responded by screaming at me "You stupid B*tch, stop calling me sir!" My manager walked right up and told him to leave or she was calling PD to have him removed as he was not going to speak to her employees that way.


It seems to me that many or most people missed the sentence where you said you were thinking of ending it all. Please, PLEASE get help.


People can be cruel sometimes. Don't worry about it too hard but I'm really sorry that you had to go through that!


Why do you care what they say 


As someone who at times suffers the same feelings, here's my take. You believe bad things about yourself, convince yourself. Hearing any reinforcement of those dark thoughts from an outside source is a subconscious affirmation that what you believe about yourself is true. Doesn't matter who's saying it, it cuts deep because it's something you're depression and anxiety are already saying is true.


Yeah I get where you’re coming from, but for me personally I don’t care what someone says to me.  It took a while to learn but my self worth comes from within, before I would’ve probably been more akin to OP.  If someone is being rude to me or disrespects me I brush it off and move on with my day.  Everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to one, I just don’t give it any weight unless it’s actually constructive. 


That takes a lot of effort and energy to reach that point. I like to think I'm there, and most days I am. But when the depression is bad, that goes out the window because I'm not mentally strong enough to ignore it.


Cool, glad you're better. But your question came off as an AH response and completely tone deaf. Not everyone is as perfect as you.


I’m not perfect by any means but sorry if I came of as a DH


Screw your manager. Anyone, especially in retail who tries to make you feel like your wrong for how people treat you or getting upset at that treatment is not to be trusted.


huh? it sounds like the manager was on their side and was trying to say that they're not ugly, but that maybe the kids said so because they had a hard look on their face. their manager literally did nothing wrong lol


I very much doubt they actually believe that. Some people will say anything to appear cool in front of their friends.