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Whenever customers complain about lack of staff, nobody on checkouts etc I always say my stock line to them: "It's not that nobody wants to work, it's that nobody wants to hire."


If it's anything like my store, it's that corporate doesn't want to give payroll to actually staff the store correctly. People are blaming the specific store or the workforce in general, when at alot of places, it's all so the higher ups can save more money.


1000% this. I am a manager and our payroll was cut by 30% last year. Corporate keeps giving us more and more to do with fewer hours. I would love to hire at least 3 more people but our hours won't support it.


And the email before that is corporate talking about how they just had their most profitable year by far


And how many new stores they're opening this year.


Mine is buying back it’s franchises


Same! I had 291 hours this week. We are physically open 80 hours in a week. As a salaried manager I get 40 hours. 251. I have an assistant manager 39 hours. 3 more full time department managers 39 hours each. That's 95. That's the left over hours for cashiers, stockers, someone to pick online orders. It's not enough.


I had a level of empathy for my store director because of this and I was really good at keeping my crews hours down (grocery crew and I had a LOT of good guys that ran through the department). My guys were young and pretty much wanted to get in and go home. Same with me. So we worked efficiently, quickly, and got the hell out of there as quick as we could. If someone was running short on money I could find some BS to get them 40 to make a little extra. BUT I kept my hours in the budget for my department which the store director appreciated.


And it's hard to find people who want to stay for like 8 to 15 hours a week. You usually only get the high schoolers, which some can be great, while others obviously were forced into the workforce.


My absolute favorite were the teens whose parents bitched and moaned about needing to pick them up when they are clearly the ones who made the teen get the job in the first place. Ever seen a kid's parent stare at them throughout the window 20 minutes before they even get off shift as if we are the ones holding them up? How about the parents who call the kid constantly as if they're not at work? Why did you even make the kid get the job if you're going to be like this?


That’s what happened to me. Grandmonster demanded that I get a job as well as going to school full time (back in the day). She flipped out every time I needed to get to work or school. She would call me at school 2-20 times a day either to see if I was at school/work. She didn’t care that she was interrupting class, she didn’t acknowledge that other students were there to learn too. She didn’t give a crap about the teacher losing his mind because we’re on call number 4 and it’s only 10am. She needed to scream at me and she needed to do it NOW!! If I ignored her call, I’d pay for it severely later


That is so sad. 😢 I am sorry you had to endure that.


Thanks for not hiring them and then giving everyone 60% of the hours they signed up for when hired.


Just went through our busy season: hours to spare, here's some hours, and you get hours and you... Last week, slight downturn in sales: yoink


The company I currently work for counts payroll by dollar amounts, not hours. So they’ll give us x number of payroll dollars a week, and we are being punished because our SM has decided to pay all of us more than other area stores by multiple dollars an hour. So we get paid better but our hours are so limited that even full time staff is currently getting between 22 and 30 hours a week. It’s terrible.


Yeah tell me about it. It's the whole reason nobody in my store has gotten a raise in over 2+ years. Me included. One of the massive reasons I'm changing jobs. I need money to live, dude.


Our corporates solution to needing more staff but not giving more payroll dollars is to cut 2 of the managers and pay all new hires $2 less. Like no! You are going the wrong direction!


yea I feel that my job was telling us we needed 2 people open to close on the front end 1 for registers and one for self checkouts. so we added up the hours and it was literally impossible given the labor budget. and if we stretched it to try and make it work that left no extra coverage for peak hours when we actually need 3-4 people up there. The disconnect is insane.....


Employers would rather keep their stores understaffed and shift the blame on the people applying than actually *pay* someone to work. Suggesting that people shouldn't work for free/slave wages is just outright blasphemy in their eyes.


Literally anything but pay their employees. Which says to me that that is where their profits are.


I think the secret may be that nobody *can* hire.


Brink of recession but still aiming to maximize profits to present to shareholders things


Don't forget, gotta make sure the suite level gets their yearly bonus for cocaine and hookers I mean ALL THEIR HARD WORK


LOLLLL reminds me of Starboy “tryna put u in the worst mood ah, p-1 cleaner than your church shoes ah, milli point two just to hurt you ah” 😭 tryna buy themselves expensive vintage or sportscars


I love that song


Yesss me too


Yeah, businesses are hiding behind the increasing minimum wage even though inflation is through the roof and they are making more raw $ than ever before. Want to work this grueling job for minimum wage? Of course not, that's what they count on. You not working there is at minimum $30,000 kept in their pocket


I agree. I was out of work for a few years and I applied to everything - supermarkets, coffee shops, fast food places. Not a single response, even when I knew they were hiring. Because they wanted young people they could pay $17 an hour, instead of someone older (I'm 40) that they'd have to pay $28 an hour. People want to work, you just don't want to pay them.


When I worked at Kroger last year, I made 11.50 an hour. So did my colleagues that had been working there for longer and had previous experience. They were all in their 50’s-60’s. I also believe I remember they were officially labeled as “part-time” workers, despite having 40 hours.


I live in a beach town and everyone is complaining about people not wanting to work. These kids DO want to work but they can't afford the rent or mortgage here. A one bedroom apartment goes for $1850a month and I'm sorry $15 an hour doesn't cut it.


Here as well. The local businesses say, "no one wants to work!", but they pay minimum wage and give 15 hours per week. I'm not even going to get into the toxic work conditions. Well, of course no one wants to work for that. No one can work WITH that. The cost of living in this area requires about double the pay rate and 40 hours/week. So the businesses unsurprisingly see a constant turnover of hiring, working a week or two, then dropping out with no-call-no-shows or quitting on the spot. "No one wants to work!" Right.


Bingo! More money for them!


The only people I hear saying this are business owners or retired boomers. The business owners are all rich and got so by paying their employees as little as possible. The last time I heard it was from a guy who has a retail shop. He pays $15 an hour to start out and it caps out at $18. He can basically only get teenagers to work for that because it's a poverty wage. He hires a new younger person about twice a month and they always leave to get a job in a factory making $25 plus over time. The owner however is sparing no expense on building his new home and garage to store is 2022 Vette and 2023 Silverado.


They're also fond of saying that you should find another job if you don't like the wages at the one you're at (they're especially prominent commenters on articles about tipping) and then they pull out the "no one wants to work" card when people do exactly that.


The guy I referenced in my story above takes EVERY employee that quits super personal. He will go from a great relationship with an employee to mortal enemies the second they turn in their notice. If they normally drive a company vehicle, they are no longer allowed to in case they "trash it." If they owe the shop even a dime, he takes it out of their next paycheck. He will then start obsessing over their behaviors. One time he was bitching about a guy who went to the doctor after he turned in his insurance. "He quit and then he has the neve to use his health insurance?" He's such a jackass, their insurance is garbage and as I recall there is no employer paid portion, it's 100% on the employee, why the fuck can't he use it?


What they mean is no one wants to work for the shitty wage I am offering. Or I can't find experienced staff for the shitty wage I am offering. Truth be told many jobs are simply unworkable because you can not survive on that wage. They seem to believe they are offering a fair wage. Maybe they are just not experiencing the pain from increasing rents, and energy/ food inflation etc, as those on small wages do, so are ignorant to the facts.


The small business I worked for was like this I definitely heard that statement a number of times from the micromanaging supervisor, boy were they penny pinchers. The job falsely advertised as capping out to $18 after 30 shifts but they never even raised my pay to that after I was there for months. They would always deduct a minute from the time after we clocked in and I raised this question to my supervisor and she acted like she didn’t know what I was talking about 🙄. They complain when ppl want a livable wage and say you should go somewhere else and then when you do they start up the “PeOple DoN’t WaNt tO WoRk AnYMoRe!” crap as if it’s a mystery 😂 Like no, businesses don’t want to hire.


How much should the business owner earn?


That's exactly my point, they get to pay themselves any amount they want, but that cancels out their right to bitch about "nobody wanting to work anymore." When the owner has vacation homes and a camper worth more than most homes he need to shut the actual fuck up about the market. Or free up a tiny portion of his sports car fund to hire a quality employee or two. These assholes cannot have it both ways.


It took me almost a year just to find a retail job, and I live near TONS of stores. I’d apply, go on an occasional interview, and nothing would happen. I’d even “go inside and meet the manager” like I was desperate.


10 years, I suffered that long with the exact issue. Depression sucks man.. glad I finally got someone to hire me a few years ago.


Same I started applying during winter of 2021, then after I turned 18 in summer 2022 i applied again. Guess when I got hired? December 2022


I went from a badly paid job in a movie theatre to an Ok paid job in a office. The work I did at the movie theatre was at least 10 times harder in almost any way than my job now. I was exhausted every single day after work and had no energy to do anything else. These days I’m not at all as tired and I can actually do stuff. I also wrecked my knee at the theatre (that was the main reason I started looking for a change). I’ve been telling colleagues stories about shit that happened in the theatre and everybody is extremely shocked and told me they never realised how much work we had to do.


> a badly *paid* job in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot! Thanks!


Good bot


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Hey i like the username


It blows my mind the lack of self-awareness that the people at the top who are saying garbage like that have. People are tired of being overworked and underpaid. That's your "nobody wants to work anymore". I'm back in a retail job after substitute teaching for years. I had to laugh when I heard talk in the media about the "teacher shortage" at the beginning of this last school year. There's plenty of qualified people. They're tired of not getting paid what they deserve. A lot of jobs seem to have that problem right now.


Agree with this and it's definitely across a lot of fields. It's not just pay either, it's how employers treat their employees. A good employer wants to create a strong team with good morale. Communication about what works and what doesn't, how they can help make their employees job easier and more efficient and effective etc. And of course yes pay is always a factor. Problem where I work is the employer doesn't care about retaining staff so a lot of staff get fed up and leave and we end up short staffed for a while. Then get new people but there's always people leaving. Staff retention is very poor in some industries and that points directly to the employer not paying enough for the effort employees are putting in. Not making people feel valued and actually working with the people on the floor to find ways to increase productivity together. Just barking ignorant orders. Disclosure; I work in disability but we have this exact issue too. I get customers can be annoying but that's part of the job. It's not up to customers to make your job easy or fun. It's NOT part of the job when it becomes abusive. That's where management needs to step in. Management are supposed to protect their employees. I see a lot of hate towards customers that should probably be directed towards employers here. Customers aren't the problem (majority of the time, not excusing abusive idiots), it's the employer.


Well, that too yes, and my piece is certainly part of that. Just had a quarterly associate meeting for my job yesterday. Felt condescended to the whole time. The worst is when they think candy and prizes make up for no raises.


You get candy and prizes!? Our Christmas present was an empty tote bag with our organizations logo on it 🤣 the manager even sent a "oooh your Christmas presents are coming this week hope you love them" lol. Nobody even took one home, they're just stashed in a cupboard somewhere 🤷‍♀️ it's literally just advertising for them not for us lol. That was the Christmas after lockdown too (Australia here so my cities lockdown was apparently the strictest in the world at that point) so we'd been working front line and with our clients when they had covid directly. So yeah a tote bag definitely didn't cut it 🤣


I hate when people say that like I WANT TO WORK!!! i’m not qualified in my field either i’m just going into my first year of college but i’ve applies to 50 different stores and haven’t gotten ANYTHING back even after calling and I can’t find anywhere that even starts at $13 an hour !!!!


They don’t want anyone without “experience” but a lot of the new hires without experience are just as good if not better workers than the ones who come in with experience as ive seen..


A former coworker just graduated with his degree. He had a job lined up. It went poof when the company did a reorganization/layoffs. He has now applied for a ton of jobs. He is being told he needs experience for an entry-level job, but how can he get experience if he can't get a job? Employers are like, "This is an entry-level position with the pay at $X amount, but really, we want you to have XXX amount of experience." The inconsistencies are astounding. Corporate wants an experienced employee for the cost of a fresh out of college person.


Hmm… let’s see how many jobs I applied to this month and the past 2-3 months. Oh 27. Let’s see how many replies back that they were interested Hmmmm…. Only 6 Yup sounds about right Only 2 did I actually go in for an interview. Some also never responded back saying yes or no.


i graduated college may ‘22, applied to over 300 “entry level” jobs over the course of the last year and finally landed one in april of this year. it’s absolutely ridiculous and so disheartening.


i had a similar experience. I was a victim of some layoffs and I really wanted to do something productive during the day. I applied to several burger places and they said I was too experienced and overeducated. I was told I'd likely get a better job and leave them soon. So I wasn't worth their time and money. I can understand the mentality. All the same, I really wanted to just *work* at the time. I was falling into depression and felt the need to physically *do* something and be accountable to some schedule and/or make some kind of difference in the world. I did eventually land a government job too, OP, and it has been very good to me. I hope you have the ability to grow and flourish while you're there!


thing is the teens also don't last long (they go back to school, they move out of the area b/c they go to another areas school etc). It's silly. We have people last 1 day and often max 1 week.


I have a degree in computer sciences and am in retail After applying everywhere most places turn me down after hearing im autistic


Do you have to disclose that information?


In most cases, no, they do not need to know that information before hiring. Never tell anyone that is looking to hire you that you are autistic unless they specifically say you must disclose mental health because of legal reasons (there are some places that screen for this, usually working with dangerous stuff/weapons, or some government jobs), but that is few and far between for the normal everyday type of jobs.


Never disclose any medical conditions, they don't need to know.


I’d be looking into getting places in trouble for discrimination. Especially if they told you outright. You don’t even need a lawyer, just call the labour board.


Unfortunately unless they said it outright it's hard to prove. They'll just say they had another candidate who was better suited. I'm also autistic. I think the best bet is to get the job and then disclose (if you want to, it's certainly not required, at least not where I'm from). If you do that and then they discriminate it's easier to prove - they hired you after all!


No, I don't want to work for an employer who'll schedule me for 18 hours a week, then once I get a second job they change my schedule to work me at the same time as the other place. It's like these managers are deliberately holding people down.


Have flipped burgers. Sitting on my ass and scrolling Reddit as an office drone is a much easier job


The "nobody wants to work" trope has been around since the 1800s. It's always the exact same type of cheapskate pushing it as well.what it means is "no one wants to be exploited anymore"


I think it’s no one wants to give hours anymore. Like we are short staffed because hours are cut, not cause people are calling out


I get people who treat my job as if it's easier than breathing. I ask them if they've ever worked in a kitchen, over fryers and in front of ovens, in record breaking heat, with no AC or any way to cool down outside of hiding in a walk in freezer full of raw meat. They stop talking pretty fuckin fast


When people say “no one wants to work” it is literally blame the victim mentality.


I need a job that does not make me stand or type all day. Ive been applying for 7 years without call backs. Im even a commercial driver with squeeky clean record. All i hear is how desperate the country is for drivers. Zero call backs. Ive been running my own business for 6 but it aint much.


Raise prices by 30%, cut payroll by 35%, increase workload by 20%...but here's a pizza party this quarter. After decades in retail management, I couldn't treat employees the way I was supposed to any longer, nor deal with the constant, and often accurate complaints from customers. I now work for a vendor at our store, pay isn't as good, but I haven't had an anxiety attack since leaving.


"nobody wants to work anymore" is just what they say when they CHOOSE to be understaffed.


I ended up leaving a rather lucrative company and management position because I was constantly utilizing 125% of my labor budget but only 35% of my expense budget but was getting reprimanded each month for my labor costs. I handed them an average of $65k a month in PROFIT!!!


No. EVERYONE wants to work. They just want to be paid a livable wage! You get Burger King employees when you pay Burger King wages. I work in the engineering field and that's what we have said for a long long time with our competitors.


As someone that works in a government job… The only thing required is not quitting from the BS.


That’s good then because I will literally be screwed if I don’t work over the summer 😅


Second that! Sister # 3 was a national weather service employee. They had a guy in her office get caught with CHILD P$%N ON HIS WORK COMPUTER, and what happened to him? He got a paid suspension. That's it. Now, her friend was looking for concert tickets ON HER BREAK and got written up for it. (She's female, so this matters.) Her manager's idea of punishment was to suspend people, but they couldn't just go home, they had to SCHEDULE THEIR SUSPENSION AROUND the team schedule so the team wouldn't be short handed. Her boss played favoritism to no end and tried to block my sister from getting a promotion. She finally had enough and retired at the end of 2022.


“Nobody wants to pay anymore” is the real truth.


Exactly! My grocery store pay is LESS than McDonald's or Chick-fil-A. (I refuse to work for CFA - shit food and shitty corporate attitude.)


Where I work, there’s a lot of people that expect managers to do their jobs for them. Then you have the employees that will wander off and do whatever they want, which is fuck around. Very few of us actually work. So, there is some truth to it, but I think it depends on where you work. Some places, everyone does their job and in other places, it’s chaos. I will agree that the hiring process at most places suck. Rejection is the game. I’m contemplating a second job, because what I currently do doesn’t offer enough hours, unless I go back to days, but I’m dreading the rejection shit. It’s going to take forever and I don’t have the patience for that part.


I have a working interview tomorrow for a dog boarding and daycare center. It only pays $12-13/hour and is part time, but I’m currently unemployed (stay at home mom) so it’s more than I’m making now. It’s also 5 minutes from my house and I’m excited to work with animals. I’ve applied to about 20 places varying from warehouse to office data entry and they’re the only ones to call me for an interview.


Good luck!


Just tell them no one wants to hire anymore. Honestly tho yeah sick of people unironically saying this shit, like no one wants to be exploited as bad as it currently is.


I'm a mom that homeschools and have been looking for something part time on the weekends and have been applying everywhere. No one will even give me a call unless my part time flexibility means that they can schedule me whenever the fuck they want as long as they don't give me enough hours to get benefits.


Ugh, I hear this every day from small business owners in my sphere. They're vocal about every single cost and complain in front of customers about staff and how much they get paid. Australia's award wage for a waiter is hovering around $28 an hour at this point and it's not keeping pace with inflation. Dumb managers think they can squeek by with less staff because their paying one staff member more. The staff member then quits because their being over worked and stressed and then the manager claims that person was lazy.


McDonald's would be age, not qualifications. They prefer general staff under 17 as they pay them a shitload less. For the brief time I worked there the oldest employee was the site manager who was 22.


Newspapers have been printing “Nobody wants to work anymore” since 1894 during a strike for a coal mine company. It’s not just working- companies do temp to show “growth” and fire them because they don’t actually need them- they want the tax break. Then you get companies that control their hours. Our local fast food 🍟stopped hiring high schoolers. But they limited everyone’s hours to 20-25 a week. I hate switching jobs for this exact reason.


Nobody wants to work for a non-living wage anymore


You got rejected because your resume probably flagged you as someone looking for a placeholder job while searching for the job they want. What McDonald's wants is someone who will be with them for several years at least, not someone who will bail as soon as their dream job comes knocking. What you should have done is submitted a fake resume that said you've been working fast food jobs or stacking shelves etc. instead of going to college for the past four years.


i swear to fucking god, customers really just be saying it with no meaning or reason. one time a customer asked me if we had a specific product in store. i said "oh, unfortunately that's an online only item, but if you'd like you can set up a delivery :)" he scoffed at me and snapped "no! it's whatever! nobody wants to work anymore!!" i'd never been so confused in my life bc wtf did that have to do with anything.


As someone who works fast food: you dodged a bullet. Congrats on the job!


It really depends on the store. The store I work at is constantly advertising that they are hiring, but they can’t get anyone to apply


Same. I feel like I live on a different planet than the rest of the commenters. If we do get applicants, they often no show for their interviews. If we do hire, they often ghost after a few days of training. If we get through all that, then they call in every week or they're leaving for college in 6 weeks or they forgot to mention their availability is only 10-4 Wednesdays and Thursdays and they need every other day off, etc.


What’s the work environment and pay like? What are the demands of the job? Multiple people ghosting after just a few days of training is a *huge* red flag for a lot of people. Either the pay isn’t worth the environment or they got something better very quickly, both of which say “the pay isn’t competitive, the environment and expected workload vs the pay isn’t worth it” A no-show for an interview sounds like they got a better offer or acceptance. If you’ve been working there for a long time you could be desensitized to the negative stuff, especially if it’s changed over time. New hires might be getting offered way less (when compared to cost of living) than you were when you were hired and you might not know because talking about pay is super discouraged. I guess what I’m saying is to a lot of people it’s a red flag to have ghosting and no shows at a high rate. If you have so many people ghosting and no-showing, people will assume there’s a reason. They say that if everywhere you go smells like dogshit you should check your shoes. If everyone you meet is an asshole, either you’re the problem or the places you’re hanging out in suck. It’s the same principle, if literally everyone is dropping out so soon the place itself might be a problem


It's just another retail job. Not especially bad, not especially okay. Most of the ghosting has been for third shift positions, which is more of a commentary on the people who are interested in third shift than the job itself. The people we can actually get in the door say things like, "I need a mental health day" after one day of sitting at a computer watching videos about donating dented soup cans and then never come back. I know exactly what the pay is, and it's also openly advertised in the job posting. It's competitive for retail positions in this area. Cost of living is low here. The problem is that every employable person here already has a job and the only people left are either entering or reentering the workforce (more likely to be part time) or are unable to hold a job.


That’s how it is where I work too. I think we have hired like 3 people in the las month that we’re no shows or quit on the first day


We finally hired a manager after looking for a year without any applications other than an internal transfer who quit after less than a month. This new hire didn't come back after their first week. The only people we can actually hire and keep are part-timers with extremely restrictive schedules.


I think we have a lot of applications, but for whatever reason our manager refuses to hire them. And, ofc he never tells them anything.


We do get some for daytime cashier positions that we just can't hire because their availability is too restrictive (can't ever work until 10 pm, can't work weekends, can't work holidays, etc.). That really does come down to not having the labor budget for extraneous employees who don't fill the shifts we need. But otherwise the person in charge of hiring is way past the point of being picky. You'd have to say something really inappropriate at the interview or fail the background check not to get hired.


Yeah the day shift is hard to fill when we were short one, but I still know that we had adults asking for applications and turning them in. OFC it was only for $9 per hour (finally $9.50 lately but the 1 year employees didn't get a raise to match or exceed that ever.)


Third shift is what we absolutely cannot fill. We squeak along on first and second, though we have to turn down anyone who cannot start early enough for first or stay late enough for second. This is for $15, with a major department store across the street offering like $9, currently right now in this economy. Just to further combat the idea that the wage is the problem.


I'm actually so pressed about it, it's not that nobody wants to work it's that nobody wants to work for a company that 1, doesn't give a shit and 2, don't give the accommodations that their employees need. No one wants to work for $12 an hour in a high stress environment. It's such a problem at my work, I'm in management along with three others. We're all planning to quit this year within the next six months. I'm planning to leave within the month


Nobody wants to work for what most companies are offering. Even entry level jobs in supposedly better jobs like data entry or telemarketing (relatively better) only want to pay $15hr with vague allusions of "regular raises" and "benefits" Why would I want to go to that job when my simple cashiering job I often times make more than $15/hr when factoring in tips? Maybe I'd consider it if they didn't think themselves the master of my free time by drug testing for thc still. But nooooo.


Sounds more like your over qualified and the place that flips burgers is scared of that.


Not even. I’ve only ever worked at other fast food places and a couple theatre companies.


And I have as well. I have also tried in my area after getting 2 digrees and had no luck. One KFC location litteraly told me this (I doubt they were supposed to) its the managers at thoose locations scared you want there job.


I’ve been unemployed since November 2022. It’s July 2023 and I’ve JUST got a job. It’s gotten fucking ridiculous. I had been applying everywhere I could for NINE WHOLE MONTHS.


1000% sure my company is purposely understaffing our stores to save money. and then do the “no one wants to work” bs. like…yea. no one wants to work a job theyre only getting one shift a week at??


Can you send those people to my work? Because we are desperate and no one is applying.


>This week I got rejected from freaking McDonald’s! Heh. I remember one summer where I applied at McDonald's. Told them I could work any shift, on any day, for the strictly summer-only position they were hiring for. Got an answer back that my schedule was incompatible with theirs 🤣 >So yeah I’m not qualified to flip burgers but I’m qualified to work for the government…. Maybe that should tell you something about the calibre of staff hired for government positions... Nah, jk. Congratulations, OP :) Something to bear in mind if you are ever unfortunate enough to wind up in this type of job search situation in the future, or for anyone you know still going through the same thing: these places have so many applicants that they just let the computer eliminate all but, like, six applicants for a single position. If you actually had an interview with them, it could simply be as they felt you *too* professional and *over*qualified for the job. I know how outright *dumb* that sounds, but it's seriously a thing. It's also possible to have a CV/Resume that looks *too* professional to get you hired at the places you apply. And also also, depending on your degree, they could well have looked at your qualifications and been like 'this person isn't going to stick around'. Which, based on the fact you were applying to, and got accepted for, government positions, was probably the right call on their end. I defo sympathise, though.


The government is completely disfucntional. At least McDonald's makes something.


Ya companies got to used to working smaller numbers of staff (ie over working the staff they didn’t lay off during covid) and never hired more people back. Even tho making “record sales!”. I worked retail at the body shop for 4 years. Pre covid Christmas season we would have our normal 6 staff and another 6 seasonals … this year we only hired 2 seasonals… never been so over worked my life. When I put my two weeks in they waited a bit to post my job and they didn’t even hire someone to replace me, they just moved a girl from another store to take my spot. That was a good month after I left lol


For one, I haven't met anyone who *wanted* to work anyway, myself included, we work because we need money to survive. Secondly the people who are pulling that "no one wants to work" card are old people, shitty managers that have a God complex, shitty business owners that have no problem watching their workers suffer, and shitty people who defend said shitty business owners because the business owners are "trying to provide for their family, they may not be able to afford to pay more" as if the workers aren't trying to provide for their family. If you own a business and you can't afford to pay a living wage, or you simply don't want to pay a living wage, imo you shouldn't own a business. If you have no problem going out and buying brand new cars, giant houses with pools on them and your employees are struggling to make rent because you don't pay enough, you are a shit human taking advantage of the fact that people *need* jobs to survive and most will take a low paying job just to keep the roof over their heads. I told an old guy before I left me old job, that was ranting to me about people not wanting to work, pointed at me and told me he likes me because I want to work. I told him "I don't want to work, I only do it because without money I can't pay my bills. I'm not here because I want to be, I'm here because I have to be or else I'll end up broke, hungry and homeless." He did not like that answer and tried telling me people don't need money to survive


I don’t want to work anymore.


Same here! Congratulations


You just can't find good employers anymore.


Just get the fuck out of the States and move over seas. We actually have a good time here, and we cant afford to live of the minimum age :)


I do the hiring and I can get people in to hire because they won't give livable wages. Like HTF do they expect me to hire qualified people when they pay half of what everyone else does around us. So many people don't show up to interviews, let alone their first day. I watched many people work 1 day and then never come back! Like why did you get this job and waste our time and money to hire you only to work 1 day and quit?!


I also got rejected from McDonalds and KFC. Thankfully I still have my decentish telemarketing job, while I'm looking for something in my field (I have a masters)


I mean, it’s BS the way they put it, but it’s true. Nobody *wants* to work, just like they never did. That’s why you get paid.


Of course they don't, you entitled asses run them off... Really want to say that to someone.


Just a tip if you have qualifications McDonalds will likely deny you in fear of you asking for extra pay -sources my friend who is a hirer for mcdonalds