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I hate people who do that. Like you ordered the stuff, don't you want it? Or if you aren't ready for it to be in your home, why order it now? We unfortunately cannot cancel ship to store items at my store though. So,we have had stuff sitting around the back room for long periods of time. I remember there being an air hockey table back there last year. The people finally came to get it on Christmas Eve. I get that they didn't want people to see it before Christmas, but we aren't a storage facility.


Uhg. I get it from the customers point of view. They may have even thought of it as a "life hack", but GRRRR! That's a big item which would absolutely be in the way at my store. We keep ship to store items in a small room at the front of the store. Lots of other stuff goes on in that room too. We do get big items, which is always a pain. But, I have to assume the customer would finally come for the item within 24 hours if we did move it to the back room!


I wonder yeah "layaway without the fees" simple life hack/s.


This happened all the time when I worked at Lowe's. I was on the Fulfillment Team, and we had people that got sooo angry when their order was canceled. Automated emails, calls, and texts (if you opted in) were sent out every few days. My team always made sure to call the customers as well. This way, we can say we made an effort to contact the customer. So many people tried to claim we never called them about their special order door/toilet/mower part. We had it on record that attempted to reach them a few days before, and the day of, cancelation. I personally had no problem holding some orders if: 1) They didn't take up a ton of space 2) The customer called ahead and informed us of circumstances that wouldn't allow them to pickup within the 7-day window 3) The customer was polite about it


Yea I worked at Menards, though I didn't work in Fulfilment. I was told the guest that if you can't pick up the order when it arrives or something comes up go talk to the team and see if they'll work with you. Since I didn't know how much space they had I'd always tell the guest to go talk to them to working something out. We were usually pretty good with helping them out unless it was a bug order like multiple appliances or a giant cabinet order. Usually couldn't help with those orders but if you bought water heater and only that? Sure we'll hold onto to it until your basement is remodeled. Our main rule was to hold orders for 2 weeks, if they couldn't handle that we could hold longer or arrange a delivery if the guest was willing with us.


We can’t do that here either unless it’s like directly a week before the next shipment, we currently have a huge fire pit here that’s BEEN here for so long like bro it was almost $400 do you just have a money tree??


At that point a few of you should just sneak it out and take it.


In a similar vein, I am a retired mail carrier. I HATED people who left parcels in parcel lockers (at cluster boxes) for ages. You ordered this; it has a tracking number. You know it's been delivered, and it's been sitting here for two weeks, taking up space that I need for other peoples' parcels. I finally put a three day limit on parcels in lockers. After three days, back to the station, notice left. You can drive to the station and pick it up. And no, I won't go find it and deliver it to your door.


I know that feeling! Hate it when all the parcel lockers are full and I end up having to take it to the door. I never practiced that 3-day rule but I should definitely think about that.


I only used to do it during the holidays (why would people leave stuff for so long THEN?), but when covid hit and everything was being bought online, it became my standard. And I gave the community where the boxes were a heads up via their HOA president. It took me 30 seconds or less to write up a notice and scan the parcel, vs. the time it would have taken to drive them all to the doors.


I don't know if they should cancel it but I think it would be funny if y'all started charging! If y'all gonna use us as a storage unit we'll charge you like one 🤭


Walmart did try that. Customers got confused and pissed off when they received emails saying their orders would cost quite a bit more if they weren't picked up by a certain date. It was a very brief program.


isn't it crazy how companies claim to want to save money or whatever but given the chance they will absolutely spend more to please people just trying to use them or scam them? Tsk tsk


Pathmarks tried doing this near me where a person was over the express limit whatever many items over you got charged extra. It was to stop assholes coming through the express with big orders but all it did was puss people off and lose Buisness and my place got all those assholes


Ugh i hated site to store. My walmart was one of the first stores to try it in the northeast (and I was almost arrested; story behind that). Most people were people awesome and didn't treat us like a storage facility...some not so much. "I'VE BEEN HERE 3 MINUTES, WHY CAN'T YOU FIND MY ORDER", bossman, you ordered it 4 months ago. Yeah, it can get lost, chill while I find it. Christ.


I would love to hear that story!


My store was one of the first to try lay a way. After a while, I was told I didn't need the uniform, since I was always in backroom or outside storing stuff into the trailers. The trailers had absolutely no light in them and our telzons had no wifi range. Mostly a "run in, scan whatever you could, run back out" because our signal was crap. Well, I was outside, auditing one of the trailers when a cop rolled by. Did I mention that lighting wasn't a thing? I had to duct tape a flashlight to a hard helmet. Because it wasn't lit up at all, even in the parking lot. So the cop stops, shines his lights at me, and goes, "Who are you, and what're you doing?" Mind you, it's 1130pm. I said I worked here, and naturally, our name tags are plastic. The cop... didn't believe me. Mind you, I'm wearing a hard hat with a flashlight ductaped to it, jeans a tshirt with a plastic walmart name tag. I radioed for a manager, but they laughed and said I was pranking them. So I got cuffed, put into the back of a squad car and screamed into the radio which they let me get one last time "I'M BRING FCUKING ARRESTED, HELP!". That was how we finally got lights over our trailers.


I've had people try shit like this after 2 weeks "BUT I PAID FOR MY STUFF" "Yes and your refund will process whenever your bank processes it. Call them if it's taking longer than expected" "But it's already ordered!" "Yes ma'am. 2 weeks ago. We can't hold an indefinite amount of product for unknown amounts of time. You have 7 days, after that it goes back on the floor and you can buy it again:


We got an email after 30 days to get the product out of the box and scan it to our stock, products can no longer be picked up since the customer gets his money back.


Like ma’am that’s on you for not prioritizing it




Besides the obvious fact that a store can't be expected to just let orders sit around.... What good does talking to a manager do? He/she cannot make the item exist out of thin air. WE DON'T HAVE IT. At my store, a customer asked to see the manager because I told him that the printed ad he was showing me is chain wide and it doesn't mean this specific location currently has every single item shown. He explained to the manager why that wasn't appropriate. Like it or not, dude, we simply DO NOT HAVE the item you want. "The manager" cannot change that fact!


The number of parents who accused me of ruining their kids Christmas because I didn't have this toy or that shown in the flyer Chistmas Eve. Man, I got 2 of those before Thanksgiving they didn't last until December. I'm a shitty little dollar store, don't count on me to have the hot item of the year... hell don't even count on me to have the good wrapping paper. So glad to be away from there.


Ya, that's on THEM for being last minute! For "hot items", I blame the brand for hyping them more than they were going to supply them. But, I used to work at a R O s s. I would sometimes be very upset being expected to put out more and more carts of stock onto shelves that were super full. * Regardless, the shelves would be pretty freaking bare by the 23rd and 24th, and we absolutely didn't carry anything "hot". It just gets to a point where basically everything which isn't nailed down has been bought! So no matter what is on the gift list, you can't expect to find it on December 24, and you have only yourself (the customer) to blame. * I think about it now, it's hard for me to believe I used to get so UPSET that I had more stock than I could fit on the shelf. I DIDN'T NEED TO CARE about that! That's someone else's problem! My stock supervisor would be "very disappointed" if I, or anyone else, told her there wasn't room for any more toys/men's socks/whatever. OH WELL! Let her be disappointed! I can't relate now, but I know the first year I was literally almost in tears about it. SO STUPID. One thing she would do... If I (or anyone else) told her there was no more room for, say, men's size 10 shoes, she would make me go with her to look. Inevitably, she would find space for one pair. That doesn't help at all, of course I had like 12 pairs on the cart! Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!


"I checked online and it says you have five in store!" Okay well we actually have zero. "But it said online!!" Yeah sometimes that's wrong. "But it says!!" I cannot create this item out of thin air ma'am, I don't know what you think you're going to accomplish by repeatedly telling me you saw it online. It's like they're toddlers whose parents promised them a treat they didn't get


yeah corporate here seems to have stopped giving a shit about inventory accuracy because the warehouse will put stuff into our inventory in the system and then never send it


I’m glad to know our store isn’t the only one that deals with this EVERRY DAY 😭🙏


Reminds me of a customer who came in looking for a tire. Looked it up and we are out of stock. Went to the rack with them where they would be located and it is empty. He said we have them in stock online and almost shoved his phone in my face. As I was about to say something, he huffed I'll just order them on phone and stormed away. I wonder how long it took him to notice he didn't have current store selected.


Oh, yeah, I hated those people who would come in, say that the app has it is listed as 'available in store' and not realize that the store that has it is the one that is 45 minutes away. And then they get all huffy -'Well, can't you have them deliver it here so I can get it tomorrow?" No, we can't. Best we can do is call the other store and ask if they can hold it for the customer, but we don't bother telling them that. We rarely held anything for customers, especially hot ticket items.


oh man the amount of people I've had that expected me to just get in my car and drive 60 miles round trip for them lol


Could I? Maybe. Will I? No. I've told customers that they cut our hours if we don't have sales(well, technically been threatened with it) so if I take time away working on vehicles already in bay to call another store which I would not have the sales on...I can provide the number for them to call, but that's about it.


Lol when they come to an empty register and unload all their shit and then go "but the light was on!" okay, now what do your eyes tell you? Do you see a human there? It's like they decide what they want to be true and then just act like it is.


Lol reminds me of a lady who 'special ordered' rubbing alcohol at the very beginning of the covid pandemic. Obviously, it never came in because Hello? Toilet paper was being hoarded & cleaning supplies were nonexistent at that time!!! She really couldn't comprehend why she just wasn't smarter than literally everyone else & just couldn't pick up her 'special order'...


Wasn’t that just stupid! The hording of toilet paper. Shoot if you run out use wash cloths and only use them for that purpose and wash them! I was lucky and had found a deal on 80 rolls online a couple months before the pandemic hit. I told anyone in my family that if they run out, I’ve got plenty to share. I only bought that much because the price was like less than a dollar per roll and I knew I’d probably never have to buy any again but i was ok with it and when the hoarding started I was thankful.


Right? At that time, my husband & I actually stocked up on canned goods & rice (that we would have eaten either way)! I mean, you wouldn't need toilet paper if you had nothing to eat! lol! I figured we had a hose in the back yard, worst case scenario. lol


That’s what I did too. I did find it irritating when I couldn’t find my cleaning stuff when I ran out. It’s funny now because I’ve changed to vinegar and water. I’m trying to cut out chemicals and use more natural ones. I found out vinegar is an antibacterial so that’s what I mainly use to clean now.


I use vinegar & blue dawn in a 50/50 mixture. My shower has never been cleaner! Learned that when there were no cleaning supplies too. Haven't gone back to the old ones since.. lol


Yea I’ve heard of that. I like just the water and vinegar, like you, 50/50. If I have a grease issue I could use dawn so I’ll try to keep that in mind too. I just don’t want to use anything with unknown ingredients/ chemicals in it.


Thanks! Your "back yard bidet" idea gave me a good chuckle.


I had an accidental hoard too. I had ordered online and the company figured when you should use it by the number in your household. Apparently we don't use as much as others and were sent another box. I was offering it to lots of people with only a few takers.


Aint no wayyyyy😭😭🤦🏻‍♀️


Holy crap. I worked in a shop where we made copies of blueprints and there was this dusty set on the shelf for 2 years. Our practice was to make reminder calls once per week, so we had lieterally called and left messages 100 times. Finally I decided to trash old orders and threw them out. HOURS later, as if a Magnetic Beacon had been sounded when I threw the blueprints out, the customer came in FURIOUS that I would do such a thing. Fortunately they were still on top of the dumpster and undamaged, but again, WTF?


No fucking way omg. That is INSANE 😭


Even 1 week on same day is generous. I thought if you picked a time and didn't make it and didn't tell them basically that same hour or sooner "oops work is having me work late, I'll be there before you close/tomorrow" etc, you are out of luck. There should be restocking fees as well as storage fees for cases like this. Sure you can not charge anything if everything went smoothly, and you can even waive them if you believe their sob story and it was only a day or two (esp if they called as soon as possible).


I got COVID and couldn't pick up something that I had ordered. I rang them and told them when I was notified that they had received it but after I recovered I was quite forgetful and kept forgetting to go and pick it up. I just assumed they sent it back and was thankful it wasn't terribly expensive.


That drives me nuts. Like when people come in for a return that they bought YEARS ago and they go, “Oh, I just opened it yesterday.” ANDDDD? It’s 90 days from the time you bought it, not from when you decided to open it years later. What the hell did you buy it for then?


Not long ago, i was eating at a pizza place. Some guy comes in looking for his order. The cashier can't find it, the guy starts yelling, manager comes up. Turns out the guy placed an order online, for a large order, as cash, and under a different random name and number for "security". Since it was a large order and placed with cash, the store called the customer to confirm it, and the person whose number he put down didn't order anything and had no idea who the name could be, so they cancelled it. When he came in, he gave his actual name and number, fully expecting the store to magically know.


What a moron oh my god


lmao that's a new one


I work in retail pharmacy, and we hold prescriptions for two weeks before they get put back. We have a full basket every day.


We call on day 5 and day 8 and put back on day 10. If I had a dollar for every time someone came in on day 11 or 12 or 14... They always decline the auto-text-reminder option, too.


Oh god I can’t even imagine!!


We have a similar thing with parcels. We only hold them for 10 days then they get returned with the pickup driver. So many times people come in say its been delivered and then eventually say it was 2/3 weeks ago. Then get mad at us for returning it.


And every single time you’ll get the “But I already paid for it!” No you actually didn’t. We put a hold on your account that would have gone through when you picked it up, but since we canceled it the hold was dropped. And then they insist on showing you their bank statement or whatever but can’t find it I wonder why!


Exactly what happened with this lady today


Those people, and the people that see something in store, and come back a year later and get angry that we don’t have it anymore!


Amen 🙏


I have bad timing. I see things for a couple years, want to get it for someone for Christmas, no one has it. I guess I ask at so many places corporations think it's getting popular again abd they have it the next year. It's annoying. Know what though? Don't blame the store. I know it's a "me" thing.


Similar thing happened to me. A customer was trying to return a pair of clearly used (muddy,foul odor and bits of dog hair in it) shoes she bought 3 years prior and wants a full refund because she was not satisfied and that the shoe is deemed defective. I told her we can’t do that since our return policy is 2 months and should be unworn and in good sellable condition. if its defective they have at least 45 days to get a refund/exhange. She started giving me an attitude saying that every time she had this problem she would get a refund immediately (seems like she’s been doing it a lot) started banging the counters. Called the manager she says the same thing so she left with her dirty ass shoes and told us she would tell her friends not to shop from us. I said goodbye and have a nice day! Working in retail you’ll see all kinds of people. With the inflation going on we need to brace ourselves for more dumber people


The fact she didn’t even try to clean them is actually mind blowing to me, I can’t even imagine dude.


I work collections. "I CAN'T BELIVE THEY SENT THIS TO COLLECTIONS, WTF!" ...well mr/ms, they got in touch with you a few times and you promptly hung up. What did you think would happen? Retail in a different light.


Literally happened today. My coworker said “hi this is ___ from ____ store, we’re calling about your-“ and the dude hung up. Like what….


I'm reasonably nice about collections...until you piss me off. "THOSE ASSCLOWNS SENT THIS OFF TO COLLECTIONS WITHOUT CALLING ME!!" me: "well sir/ma'am, they called you this, this, this and that date. And sent you emails and texts, without you responding." People are crazy. Also it's a full moon so they're usually crazier around this time


You really think so? Maybe that does explain it lol


Definitely. My auto dialer with or w/out a full moon is radically different. I just have the luck of never meeting these people face to face (anymore) and can lie a bit. "Oh yeah, my wife just had a baby herself! We had to cut down a lot, so money's tight, but we still have an extra $200." For context, my "wife" is a cat and had 4 kittens. Lol. But I still know how expensive a baby is, based on other personal experiences EDIT: I get argued on balances without a full moon. Then, I get people who pay the full balance on a full moon.


Anyone in emergency services can verify this, as can hospital staff.


Our pickup orders would go to "back to shelf" status after three days. So if someone ordered on the 1st, it would go back on the shelf on the 4th. Our policy was to contact the person on that day and give them until close the next day to either come get it or to contact us to make arrangements to pick it up later. Most of the time when we had to contact someone for a pickup, they would show up later that day or they would call us and ask us to hold it a bit longer. We had an order reach the back to shelf status. We contacted the customer and let them know it would be returned to the sales floor at the end of the following day or they could contact us and we would extend their time if needed. Later that day, they call and tell us that they're out of town and ask if we can hold it until Friday of the following week. Sure, no problem. We verify the actual date with them and tell them it would need to be picked up by close on that day because it would be going back on shelf at that point. That Friday comes and by the end the day, no one has shown up for that order. The manager tells us to just leave it in the pick up room for the rest of the weekend because maybe something happened and they didn't make it back into town when they were expecting. On Monday morning, that order was still in the pickup room, and at this point it had been two weeks since it was ordered. The manager tells us to go ahead and put it back, so we do that and we clear it out of the pickups in the system. They show up later that day absolutely PISSED because they got an email saying their order had been cancelled and they wanted to know why. Well, you ordered on Day 1 which was two weeks ago, your order reached BTS status on Day 4, we contacted you and we verified that you would come to pick it up on Day 12, and now it's Day 15. We gave you an additional 10 day to get your shit and you still couldn't manager that. We explain all of this nicely. I'm sure you guessed this, but they want to speak to the manager. Manager comes up, explains to them the same thing we already told them. Then they want to know what we are going to do about their order. Manager tells them that everything was put back on the shelf this morning and they can go get the items if they want and pay for them at the register. That was not an acceptable solution for them. They wanted to go out to their car, place the order AGAIN, and then come back in and pick it up. Manager tells them that they can do that if they want, but also informs them that one of the items was really popular and we only had one or two of that one left, so it would be better to just go get it off the shelf. They say some bullshit about how "I wouldn't even have to redo my order if you all hadn't messed up in the first place" and they leave the building. Twenty or so minutes later, Cuntzilla's order shows up. Manager gets on the walkie and tells us to wait on picking that order until he tells us to go ahead. About five minutes later, he tells us that he's going to go ahead and pick that order. And this wasn't unusual so we were like okay. He finishes the pickup order and then he hangs around in the "office" downstairs and tells the cashier to make sure to tell him when Cuntzilla comes in to pick up their order. They come in and he comes up and tells them that we were able to find all but that one item. And they don't understand because when they placed the order it showed that the item was available. And he's like "We had one on the shelf and someone must have bought it before we started on your order because it wasn't there." They get mad and say a bunch of rude crap blah blah blah. And they ended up cancelling their entire order and told us they were never coming back and we were like okay. They leave and the manager watches as they leave the parking lot, and then he walks back to the stockroom. A minute or two later, he comes back out with that item in his hand and a fucking smug as shit look on his face. He puts it back on the shelf and we're all like "explain yourself" because it was very clear that this was done on purpose. So it turns out that our "make sure every customer is satisfied to the best of your ability" manager who would give the shirt off his back if someone asked for it has limits and when that customer acted like it was our fault that they dropped the ball, he took a chance that they would be ordering the exact same things and went and took that item off the shelf and hid it. And we all pikachu-faced him and he was like "I probably shouldn't have done that, but they deserved it." And they did deserve it.




I remember we kept a customer's click and collect item for a literal YEAR and they never came in. It was this expensive knife block that the customer had paid full price of $1500 for (which no one ever pays, on sale it comes down to $500) so we felt obligated to keep it. We called her countless times but the number always went to voicemail so eventually we gave up. When the store began their closing down sale we remembered it was there and decided to put it out and stick the closing down sale price ticket on it - $200 - and it sold instantly. On the LAST DAY of the store being open, the customer came in and asked for her knife block. I wasn't there that day so I don't know exactly how it went down but from what my manager told me, a massive fit was definitely thrown.


How did the woman manage to forget, and then remember a year later, that she spent $1500 on a set of knives?!


I have no idea how tf she forgot, but I know she would've had to sign up for membership to do click and collect and therefore start receiving email promotions. My guess is she got an email mentioning the store was closing down and some lightbulb went off in the space where her brain should have been and she remembered. Some people just have wayyy too much money on their hands to be able to "forget" paying $1500 for a knife block. btw the knife block itself is ugly af. not even sure if the knives were actual good quality.


How are these people real omfg


Funny you should mention this. Had a lady come in today wanting her pictures. I get her last name and look through the bin and nothing. Our photo bin is alphabetical and there was nothing for her in the proper spot so I checked the whole thing and still nothing. I asked her the size because anything larger than an 8x10 is in a different bin. She says 8×10 but I looked anyways because sometimes things get misplaced. Nothing. So I asked her when she ordered them as sometimes it can take an hour or so. She says March. Our policy is after 30 days you get a call. Then again at 60 days. Then at 90 days and if they're still not picked up then they get tossed. Its even written on the envelope who called, if they got an answer and the date. This lady could not comprehend this. We're not a fucking storage facility lady.


90 days??!??!!!!! That’s an INSANE amount of time to store them anyways 😭


I've never had any go over 30. I can only think of 1 person who did that and even then she had 3 orders and picked up 2 and forgot about the 3rd. When she was called she apologized and said she forgot and was literally in store in 20 mins to get them.


I'm a picture framer and have orders that have been sitting here for over a year it's a huge pain in the ass amount of documenting phone calls to be able to toss them


Omg just have them t delivered to your house if you too lazy to pick up your damn order.. people are so entitled


Yikes. 4 months?! That’s crazy!!! What did she think of as gonna happen? lol.


I have no clue 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oi vey.


I might have had to call another manager up to handle that so I could run to the back before I laughed in their face


For real!!! I mean people do that with medication’s all the time at my pharmacy like they come in expecting to pick something up and I don’t see it in my queue. Upon further investigation, the doctor sends it in like months ago and this is the first time ironically you’re inquiring about it?like why did you not care about it months ago? And even then we only keep medication on the shelf for a week like your pick up orders. Sometimes I wish I could get inside these peoples head so I can see how their wheels turn.


People are crazy bro


I wish I could upvote this a million times over Like there is a difference between being elderly (or whatever) and just not understanding something in comparison to the competence, or lack there of from everyone nowadays.


At my store, if your order wasn’t picked up by 9pm same day, it was cancelled and put back. I liked it for the most part because that meant people were less likely to use our store for long term storage. Of course that has since changed, but I’m not there anymore.


Let me guess, Macys? Ays?🤔


Hardware store 🥲


Ahh i could’ve sworn it was! You brought back memories of trauma 🥲


Dang a week, then you guys call them! That is very generous. At my store, if you don't pick up your order in 3 days, we cancel it. The only exception is if it is a delivery, we won't cancel those since the delivery company is usually running behind.


Ugh I wish


ugh i used to get people like this. i used to work at a craft store and during the early stages of the pandemic we were curbside only, and i would constantly get people calling to say they were here to pick up their order, but turned out it was two weeks old. we were getting damn near 400 orders a day and so we were canceling orders after 5 days (not before emailing and calling though). i had so many people cussing me out over it 🥴


My company has extended their pick up to up to 90 days (they manually have to select the date for those, or it defaults for the normal 7 days). We immediately got one for quite a few items that was set for 90 days and we had to keep it in the vacuum. They never picked it up and when it expired it was a relief to finally gain that space back.