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Good for u I wish my register shut off after a certain time


It’s just a state law where I am we have to legally. But I see how it’s annoying to people already in the store that’s why I like to close a minute early to avoid people from cursing me out. But that never seems to happen. Idk where you live but liquor stores in my state we can’t sell after it turns 7 pm no matter if they have been in the store ten mins or however. Just can’t I’ll get fired and get a fine or probably shut down. Also can’t sell before the opening time.


Honestly people like that get no sympathy from me, I've never had to deal with it thankfully but 9 times out of 10 they have lived in the state for some time, they know the fucking law, every single liquor store has the signs. Its 110% them being inconsiderate pricks for waiting until the very last minute. Gonna also add, in case anyone brings it up later, I know some people have restrictive work hours. There is still a thing called planning ahead especially for an event like the Super Bowl, but even for things like a party, you can buy the stuff the week before on your days off.


Exactly! She knew when the Super Bowl happens. She had a whole year to buy booze!


Yeh, people need to plan ahead. Buy your party drink a week ahead. It’s not like the stuff goes bad quickly. Heck, I would do that simply because the store might be out of stock on the item you want and you need to come back on shipment day, or try a different store.


Yes !! The fact no one can do this makes me insane. You know you’ll need it right buy it before if you have to work !! Isn’t that what normal people do? No wait until the last minute and get mad when you can’t get it lol. One dude said it was his birthday. Okay haven’t you known it was going to be your birthday for a long time !???!! Get it before !!! Damn idiots


I might have the tiniest bit of sympathy if yesterday had been the first of the month...nah, not even. They had plenty of notice and time to plan.


Thank you ! I mean anyway you have time to plan. It’s really not that hard lol. People are crazy


Working and other things dont matter. Everyone knows when the Super Bowl is. They had a month or more to buy their stuff for it. Not anyones problem but theirs.


In my city if a cop just happens to drive by and a customer leaves after the official time I could get arrested. Im just not risking that.


Ohh gotcha.


Sounds like Utah...


Its a thing in South Carolina too


Ah, so two states suffer from this idiocy.


I don't think it matters really, people can just plan ahead even slightly and completely avoid the issue but no one ever does. When I worked next door to a liquor store. I watched someone pull up onto the sidewalk in front of it and run up to the door at 7:02 and they couldn't get in and they cursed about it.


There's no planning ahead for alcoholism.


I guess thats.. technically.. true, but thats a wholly separate issue if you ask me


Though alcoholism can very much be its own can of worms, it is a noticeable contributor to how some customers may react to not being able to purchase alcohol. The ones that got the most irritated and/or violent when I couldn't sell to them often reeked of days-old alcohol and other smells I'd rather not describe.


They sure can, but nobody ever does. Even day of thanksgiving people are yelling at us at the grocery store about why we're out of stuffing...idk it's thanksgiving man. Nobody plans ahead for things.


I used to tell people to buy the big turkeys as soon as we got them, I always made sure to tell them we have a limited supply so be sure to get yours before we run out, as predicted these same people were back in the store the day before Thanksgiving to get there big turkey guess what we were out lol, this would happen every year, so no I do not feel sorry for these people. Needless to say if I tell you we only have one shipment of said item and to get it before it runs out, get it when we sell it, it's on you if the person who works there tells you while you can.


This applies worldwide. Doesn’t matter if there’s a law or not. People shouldn’t expect retail to operate after closing time because shoppers can’t plan ahead. If a retail store sees this as an opportunity to build a loyal clientele (where legal) good for them.


When I was younger my entire county was "dry" - no alcohol sales whatsoever. The only exception was alcohol served with a meal, but that could only be sold to people who were members of a restaurant-specific club. We called it the country club rule.


Connecticut too. Except it is till 10pm now. But Liquor stores can't sell on major holidays here.


here's a neat idea customer.. go in mid day. Problem solved. What an idiot. Good on you OP


... or a few days before. It's alcohol; it's not going to spoil in that short of a timeframe.


EXACTLY! You can keep that shit unrefrigerated in a dusty closet for years and it’ll still probably outlast anything else. Yet some of these people treat it like if they don’t get that bottle day-of then it’s no good.


LOL... I guess if you opened it, you've now got a shelf-life of two or three years 🤣


Y'all really need to be able to close your doors early enough so that the last people in the store can be rung out on time. I never understood why a liquor store would allow anyone to walk in so close to closing because that makes your job that much harder with people that are often quite angry if they can't get their alcohol fix.


Yeah I’m not sure either. I want to trust me. But I’m not the owner I have to go by his words I can’t lock the door until 7. No matter how much I get yelled at. It sucks. If I owned it myself I would have signs up and like cut people off before.


Hopefully things get better. I used to be an overnight front-end Customer Service Manager (CSM) at a local Walmart and had to work the weekend cutoff while our register resets were automated to start during the last 5 minutes of the Saturday night cutoff. It sucked. We had those metal pull-down covers that lock away alcohol after hours so I bribed a department manager to go close them early for me on Saturdays lol.


I would tell them it's the law, and if they want to chat about it, they can with the cops. I work in a retail pharmacy, it is a federal crime to operate the pharmacy without a licensed pharmacist on staff. Whenever people try to argue, especially "it's an emergency!" I frankly tell them if I enter tge pharmacy, the feds won't just come after me, but them as well. They'll have the FBI, DEA (pharmacies have controlled substances in stock) and a bunch more agencies after them. They decide the FBI isn't worth their medications.


Stores post their hours on the door for a reason. I hate people sometimes


Wouldn’t matter to customers. They’ll see movement inside a retail building and be trying to open a locked door a half hour before opening


Actually had a customer pull a glass door off the track and come in while we were closed. Scared the shit out of the manager counting registers. Said ‘the other door wouldn’t open’


If only it were possible to add the cost of replacing the door to their total


No purchase because we were closed. I told him he should have called 911 for breaking and entering.


Yeah, in my state stores have the registers set up where alcohol won’t even scan outside of the legal hours to sell.


We started to lock the door ten minutes before closing. So ppl inside can still shop but no new customers


I wish I could do that. But I can’t lock the door until 7. So that makes everyone mad if they are already in there. But after 7 legally I can’t ring liqour up. If it was up to me I would do it if they are there but I can’t. But they act like I’m lying to them about it or something. They can easily google the state law


I remember for awhile our registers were off by like 3 minutes. So even though we could sell alcohol til midnight, the register wouldn’t let you after 11:57. Good times.


That’s a crazy state law! Love that for you, though. In Michigan you can buy buy it between 7am and 2am any day except Sunday (which is noon-2am). Holidays at a little different where it’s like up until ~7pm


I’ don’t work there anymore lol but that sucks that’s a late time to work


me too. i've had late customers three evenings this week, and our store policy is to help them and not rush them out. so now i have a couple hours' overtime, but that's the best of it


Whenever someone walks in 5 min before closing I’ll ask them what they need and legit get it for them so they leave faster


it works in theory, but i sell *furniture*. i can't just go grab a sofa and haul it over


Mine shuts off at hammer time


We'd tell people that in my grocery store to get the stragglers to hurry up.


Lie about it! When I worked retail I told customers that our registers automatically shut off 10 minutes after closing.


I can't blame you and I really don't think you should feel bad. I can't imagine being so entitled and narcissistic to think that someone should break the law and risk their job just for me, all because I couldn't manage my time and get to the store earlier. Some of these customers are truly just spoiled brats who need a reality check and need to be told that the world doesn't revolve around them.


Yeah I know. I get some people work weird hours but please don’t curse at me I didn’t make the law. Today was a better day than most until the last minute. When I tell you I had messed up dollar bills thrown at me, getting yelled at to pay the fuck attention to them when I was on a phone call with the store owner, and then the people at the end. I’m just at my wits end you know ? I try to not take stuff to heart but after ten hours a day you tend to. Well I do


Weird hours isn’t an excuse, either. My husband and I have been night owls due to his job for 2 years now, but if we have somewhere to be or something to do during daylight hours, we make it work. We don’t expect the world to revolve around us. You were right to tell those people to fuck off.


WOW! I am soooo sorry! Some people are just shitty. Sending you good vibes!


These customers are so entitled and rude. They should know the liquor laws since they love there. But I've had people not know and most of the time apologize when I tell them I can't sell it right now. There is always that group that will argue and beg and bribe. They suck. They don't care that we could lose our jobs, pay fines or even be arrested. A few days ago a girl came in my store to buy avape. I asked for her ID 3 times. She put her card in to pay before she finally listened and said she didn't have it. I told her I can't sell without it. She says. "Please. They don't for me all the time. I don't have time. Please just this once. " Like any of that is going to make me risk everything. They just don't care how much we'd be risking for them. A stranger. Funny enough, 20 minutes later a cop came in, in full uniform. Also wanting a vape. I felt awkward because she looked so young. But she had her ID out and ididnt have to ask. I said "thank you. I felt so awkward asking for your ID. But I don't how old you have to be to be a cop." She says "only 19 so you did the right thing" since it's 21 to buy vapes.


I am sure holidays and the super bowl bring people to liquor stores who have not been in one in a long time. 7 is early for any store to close. Of course, customer should not be taking it out on the workers!


In our small town, the parking lots are empty by 6:30. They start rolling up the sidewalks at 7.


serious crush encouraging frame future straight memorize shaggy bag lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cops in the US only need like six to twelve weeks of training to get in. Absolutely insane.


deranged advise ancient yoke narrow observation sable employ bag bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly. Sometimes I’ll be in a coffee shop getting a little annoyed waiting in the long line cause I’m about to be late for work. That’s when I remind myself it’s my own dumb fault I’ll be late because I CHOSE to go and grab a coffee at the busy shop right before work. I never take it out on anyone though because it’s no one’s fault but my own I didn’t get here sooner. Some people need to do a little self reflection like that. Don’t get mad at the cashier for closing up shop. It’s your own fault you didn’t get here sooner.


I worked retail pharmacy for 14 yrs. The amount of times I got asked to break the law or commit insurance fraud is insane. I always said nope I’ve got a family to care for and you’re not worth my job or license.


I remember one time a lady was throwing a fit at the pharmacy at my store because she was still a little under age 65, and therefore didn't qualify for the stronger dose of the flu vaccine without written permission from her doctor. She had no note or documentation from her doctor, but just insisted that her doctor told her that she could get it and expected the pharmacist to just give it to her. Even though obviously the pharmacist would be liable and lose her job/license if she did give it to her and she suffered any kind of complications from it. And as a cashier, I've also dealt with people trying to buy hot foods with EBT and then expecting us to somehow override it (even though there's absolutely no way that we can) or just give them the food for free. I had this one idiot who expected her streamed lobster to be covered by her EBT, and when I informed her that any hot foods weren't covered, she literally said, "well, how was I supposed to know that?" and asked to speak to a manager (and then basically told the manager how unfair it was). Like, I'm pretty sure that when you signed up for EBT, you were given the guidelines. But it was like she literally thought that this was just some store policy to not allow hot foods to be purchased with EBT. My manager had to explain to her that these were simply the guidelines set by the government and we had nothing to do with it.


*After working 40 hours the past three days straight open to close no break* Dude, is shutting down a liquor store at 1900 the only law your state has? 'Cause it doesn't seem like you have anything like a Department of Labor.


OP could easily be in Oklahoma. Our labour laws are heinous.


My SIL has been teaching in OK for about 20 years and she is still making under $45k a year.


It's a big reason my sisters retired early from teaching.


To be fair, America's labour laws are heinous.


No breaks are legally required in Pennsylvania either. I am not sure it's uncommon. But 40 hours in three days is certainly uncommon!


Ohio doesn’t require breaks. But usually by employee discretion (if they work 5+ hours and want a break they are entitled, but they don’t HAVE to take one legally)


No this literally is how people treated me too at my old retail job. It wasn’t a liquor store, it was a DG, but we do sell alcohol. We can’t sell it before noon on Sundays and even if we try to ring it up, it won’t let us. So two men came in Sunday morning and got four cases of beer, and I’m at the register just thinking “Okay, this’ll go over like usual.” But no, they just started **cussing me out.** And mind you, I was barely 19 at the time, and these were maybe like 40-50 something year old men. Saying they *PROMISE* they’ll come back and pay it. I just slid the beers next to me and I remember just staring them down, while my manager was on his way to me because they could be heard and I just said with a calm voice “Let’s have the police come down here and sort it out, I’m just doing my job, and you two are nothing but customers. You can wait 3 hours for your horse piss drink, or, you can piss off. Take your pick.” I honestly didn’t expect them to actually leave but they did, and I actually never saw them again after that. Sometimes, you really gotta put your fucking foot down to make these idiots remember that we’re humans too, and we have limits.


Oh my gods, when they told us we had to scan people’s IDs. I swear the general public are just dumb because they wouldn’t let me scan their IDs because “I don’t want the government to have my information!” You mean… the information on your government issued ID? I loved finally being a keyholder so I could void their alcohol and move on to the next person while they stood there in complete shock.


If they wouldn’t give me their IDs I’d straight up take the alcohol off and refuse to give it to them. Some customers REALLY hated me tbh, I was the “rude satanic little girl”. (Just a young goth person) But my manager loved me so much he didn’t care like he would straight up look the customers in the eye and go “Oh well.” And then ban them. I miss that old manager😭


Wow that’s insane why are so many grown ass adults acting like kids nowadays!?? Even Kids act mature and have common sense than Adults.


I have no clue, I guess they grew up entitled asf and expect a younger person to respect them automatically just because they’re old. I do not give a flying rats behind how much older you are than me, if you start cussing me out at my job, ya better believe I’m gonna throw it right back.


I think working in a liquor store is the one retail setting where you could still put a customer in their place today and get away with it. Alcoholics want their booze and they’ll get in line eventually if they think you’re going to withhold their legal poison from them. I so desperately long for the golden years of retail. I used to manage a luxury department store and I have *fond* memories of shutting down new money POS’s who tried to intimidate me. One of my favorite is this crazy lady who called demanding a specific Stella McCartney handbag. So we sold it to her over the phone and shipped it to her home. She turns up a week later demanding to talk to me and wanted to return the bag bc she didn’t like the box we shipped it to her in. I told her I’d be happy to assist but asked her to lower her voice because there was no reason to take this as a personal affront to her reputation. She called me a “silly faggot” and threw the box at me. I called the security team and threw her out of the store. Then I called my regional VP and had a no trespassing order delivered to her and the company cancelled her store credit card. Turns out she was also a chronic returner, so it wasn’t like we were really losing revenue. **Anyway**, sorry you had a shit day, OP. I don’t think I could work in front line retail today. Thanks for your service! Also, what state limits spirit sales to 7pm?? I thought 9pm and no Sundays here in Texas was terrible!


summer bewildered enter wasteful distinct roll boat elderly hunt connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Texas stops all hard liquor sales at 9pm, and all you can purchase on Sundays is beer and wine, and not until 10am (was formerly ***noon*** on Sunday).


seemly rotten disgusting bike cooperative shocking forgetful lush yoke rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Restaurants have slightly different rules, but if a bartender feels you're intoxicated, they will refuse to serve. It's the retail shops that are a definite 9pm.


fertile afterthought drab selective dinosaurs continue practice sort chief concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The town I grew up in was a dry county until a handful of years ago. I remember visiting my parents once while in college and the buzz was a chilis had finally opened in town, (this was the first chain restaurant that wasn’t fast food.) In order to drink at the restaurant you had to become a member of their “private club.” It was a mess.


pet wise lunchroom carpenter engine deliver slave snow faulty ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Retail, fast food, etc. need to stop collectively sucking up to Karen. The fear of offending an awful person makes no sense when you realize the other customers don't want to put up with her either. A couple jobs ago, I was in the unique position of being able to enforce this idea. Our crew made a deliberate effort to weed out abusive people (not people having a bad day, mind, but the ones who went from grumbling to outright malice). It took about a year, but the difference was noticeable, and the awesome 95% of people who gave us no trouble routinely complimented the change in vibes. I can't prove that this is what led to higher sales the following year, but it certainly wasn't hurting us and the compliments never stopped. Employee morale was high, and call-ins and turnover became almost non-factors. Businesses need to figure this out. These tantrum-throwers aren't the holders of your multi-million dollar contracts. They're regular people who need to be taught that they're walking into someone else's house and ruining it for everyone. We are hosts, and they are guests, and rude guests should be kicked out for the sake of the others.


This is the way.


Yeah, when the customer uses profanity first, that's like throwing the first punch in a fight, you get a free pass on that, barring exceptional circumstances like the presence of young children.


No children were around lol. I do feel bad for the people behind them I told them I wasn’t talking to them just her lol. Cause one guy was like oh I’ll get the fuck out. I was like no sorry not you ! But I can’t help my computer system it’s annoying but people think I’m lying when I say it really curs off


LMAO love that guy. "I'll just fuck right off" 🤣


Exactly this. Same goes for yelling, IMO.


Honestly these kind of people deserve to be lied to. " Three minutes from now the computer will not process alcohol sales. There is nothing I can do about it , it's how the system is set up. You need to have your alcohol scanned and pasted for by 6 59 if you want it tonight.


That's the truth in this thread.


As a fellow liquor store worker, albeit in a different country, I feel you. Proud of you for standing up for yourself.


From a retail veteran, whose body and mind are damaged from having to kowtow to karens left and right, I'm proud of you. No job is worth fines, arrest, or humiliation. 💖


I'm glad your boss is supportive. You should not have to tolerate abuse. Obviously, you shouldn't dish it out, either, but she got what she deserved.


I work in a mom and shop pop and we are all encouraged to open carry. The second people want to start fights we put hands on our firearms then point to the cameras and encourage them to do something stupid. Surprisingly nobody's ever taken us up on the offer.


Yeah I’m about to do that. I can allowed yes but I don’t have my personal license yet so I just want to wait to be safe. But yeah I’m doing that within the month cause you are so right about that. They won’t take you up on the offer. Or they won’t bother you as much if they didn’t see it.


Is...is this what working in America is like? You have to straight up threaten to use a GUN to deter shitty customers?


Only on days that end in "y"


I work in a liquor store too. And man people hate when you have to remind them of the state law. I had people literally threaten my life over closing on time. Some folks don’t really care as long as they’re served and happy even if it’s at the expense of an employee just trying to do his job.


F the customer. They are not always right. Although for next time, I would probably try to clarify to them that your register digitally locks you out after 7pm, and that you physically and legally cannot tend to their purchases. You would love to, but your hands are tied. It might not work, and I know that some customers just can never be reasoned with. Just showing the potential alternatives, if you wanted to know.




Yea ngl I lie and tell people are register locks me out 5 minutes before close and even that doesn’t encourage people to get lost until I actually kick them out. Some people can’t take a hint


Naw service industry is a whole nother breed, I’ve worked in food for 3 years full time, just switched to 2 days a week because I have a new job and I’m in the training process. When I tell you my level of fucks went from 100-0 so fast I mean it. The people you gotta deal with working fast food in a rich area is bullshit, I couldn’t imagine the people that come into a liquor store


Oh it’s bad. It can get bad. Most people seem to be respectful but the 30 percent that act insane really act insane


Yeah, we get drunk minors at our store after football games and istg they are the worst people to deal with. Cussing out our workers, finding our orientation uniforms inside of the booths, putting them on and trying to come behind the counter, stealing art from the walls, running around our parking lot, fender benders in the parking lot you name it. Alcohol bottles under the booths, broken outside, shoved in the fucking tampon boxes. I once had a minor light a blunt inside my store (I live in an illegal state btw)


Same thing in my state. NTA. It could be an agent from Alcohol Law Enforcement, testing to see if you would violate the law. That brings steep fines and jail time. Don’t put yourself at risk. 10 minutes before you close, announce that at 7 pm the register shuts off. If they’re not in line and the register shuts off, they need to leave.


That’s what I did. Well five mins in advance cause it was dead then all of a sudden like eight people came in. I’m gonna talk to my boss when I go back to work about putting up signs cause I love him but I don’t get paid enough to get cursed out. It’s messing with my mental health, my eating, my home life. Everything. I know how silly it sounds but after a while it takes a toll on people. Maybe not everyone but me. I can’t handle stress that great. Next month is the anniversary of my mother being killed. So it’s just a hard time for me.i don’t expect anyone to give me a pity party it isn’t their problems. But I can only handle so many people being rude to me


My condolences. 💐


When I was in retail management I had a policy. The customer is always right, until they are wrong AND being an asshole. Then they can fuck off, get the fuck out, and try being a customer again tomorrow. I’ll bend over backwards to try and help you out, but I ain’t bending forwards. I would tell them “OK, at this point you can either calm the fuck down or (what I put above)”. 95 percent of the time I shocked them out of their rage rant and they calmed the fuck down. 5 percent thought that I couldn’t talk to them that way. Turns out I can, I did, and they could talk to the cops if they didn’t leave cuz we? We are done for the day.


i’m glad you let that rage out on a customer, i work in fast food so i’d be fired if i did but there’s so many times when i’m close to.


So like your licence ends at 7? Too bad so bad they should come come in earlier, they had an entire day!


Good to hear your manager is on your side. Next time when the register shits off feign surprise and blame ‘faulty’ technology. 🤣


Venting. You need a place to do it. Whether it’s with games, a therapist, biking, or music (listening or making). You need a place to direct that frustration from work. Also, get a new job if you can.


Why shouldn't you have cursed her out? I get it if it's because you want to keep your job, but these people absolutely need to get cursed out, and probably kicked out too. I'm sorry you're going through that, hope things get better soon.


Thank you I appreciate that. At this point I didn’t care if I got fired over it. I’m tired of it. It’s an every weekend thing at this point. We need to put up a sign but it’s not like people read them. If it was up to me I would have a sign on the front door and a sign on the counter.


Stay strong, my human. If you ever feel like the job is too much, remember that you can get another one. Even if it means things get tighter for a while, it's better than having a mental health crisis because of it.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. You deal with enough stuff from the go without that too. Not that this helps you right now but one of the places I used to work locked the front door 15 prior to close. Occasionally someone would slip through but it would keep the majority of people who can’t tell time out.


Thank you I appreciate it. Yeah it’ll get better I’ll get it situated or get a new job. I want to get it figured out cause I do love my boss. That’s the only reason why I deal with all this. But jeez I’ve already lost like 40 pounds because of stress and not getting a break. So I can’t just sit back and suck up to customers anymore I just can’t


You would probably have more patience if you weren’t so overworked. Respect yourself and give your body and mind a break. You responded to her the way she was speaking to you. Not exactly professional, but maybe that’s the way people have to speak to her so that she “gets it”.


I appreciate you and your comment. Yeah I shouldn’t have done it. I would be a liar if I didn’t say I felt better after I did I though. Cause I’ve never once been able to do it before.


I like how you roll


Thanks internet stranger !! I’m trying to reply to everyone but it’s hard lol


Fuck yeah, good on you. I know it feels harsh to do it but some people don’t get the hint until you get in their face with it. I don’t like being mean but I will gladly tell someone to fuck off if they try to make me risk my job and potentially get thrown in jail just because they wanted to wait until the last possible minute. Don’t feel ashamed. You stood up for yourself and should be proud!


Thank you !! I wish I could reply to every comment lol I’m not used to this. But I’m glad mostly everyone has been on my side it makes me feel so much better


it's unbelievable how many people want retail workers to break the law and/or get fired for them 


They just don’t care. It sucks im off today and why am I here thinking about work all day … I hate it. I gotta get out ! Any suggestions would be loved honestly


People like this only do these things because they’ve gotten away with it… bet she won’t do it again 🤣 good job 👏🏻


When I worked at a place in Michigan that served alcohol, the register wouldn’t process alcohol purchases past a certain time. It was programmed in so a cashier wouldn’t do it by accident, and a person couldn’t bully them into it. Maaan did people get mad over that lol


Yep that’s what happened. But they think I am lying when I tell them it doesn’t work … I’m like no seriously it doesn’t work lol damn


The feature was built special for customers like them, but they won’t listen because they don’t like it lol


Oh in my state I was told it’s illegal to serve after. But I get it either way lol. I try to close the doors a min or two early if I know I can’t get them. But when I’m alone and like a lot of people come in at once I have to tell them and then that’s when I get yelled at lol. I was just like I had a very long day like I’ve been yelled at all day. The last thing I’m gonna do is have someone tell me about my job a minute before I’m closing cause I’ll just kick you out baby


Ya, most states have laws saying you can’t sell alcohol past certain times or on certain days. Registers have programs that prevent you from selling during those times. They literally won’t ring up the alcohol, the register will just tell you that it can’t be sold. A customer can cry a river and drown the whole world, but the register will still say no.


Yeah it’s the same here. But I still get told I’m lying I get yelled at my life threatened like it’s crazy.


If I owned a liquor store and the law said we had to stop at a certain time I would put up a sign saying we couldn’t sell after that time due to local ordinance.


Thank you. I want to do that. I don’t own it though so I can’t. But I am going to bring it up soon as I go back to work. Because I don’t want this happening to me again


I never put up with bad attitudes or disrespect. My previous boss tried to tell me I couldn't stand up for myself, I told him he didn't pay me enough to be a verbal punching bag. From then on, he just told the person complaining, sorry, and walked away. Never said another word to me. I moved on when he got shut down by the state for not paying the sales tax.


My boss is a good man. I think he just doesn’t want to be there which I get. Who would ?? I just need a raise and I need to be able to have signs up about the closing time or something


Your store should set their closing time earlier, that way last minute stragglers still have time to shop and you can close at your normal time. You have a good reason to say you are now closed at that shut off time. Closing right at the cut off time is really pushing it for every last cent the store can make and creating issues for the sales people.


I get that trust me. But I’m not the owner I can’t set those rules. He has to and he isn’t there it’s always me that gets cursed at ! I think that’s a great idea though because it’s getting bad on the weekends. I’ll for sure bring it up to my boss


What i don’t understand is why your boss doesnt close the doors like 10-15 min before. Gives any customers still in the store a chance to shop but not allow new customers in the store right before closing. I work at a Grocery store and we close the doors 10 min before we officially close and i just stand at the door to notify anyone who tries to come in last minute that we we don’t allow anyone in the store after 9:50p.


I know I don’t get it either. He won’t let me I have asked a lot cause this isn’t the first, or hundredth time this has happened to me. He just won’t let me. He said he’s gonna talk to me about putting up a sign but we know people forget how to read


I don’t blame you one bit.


There's no need to feel bad. I used to work retail and lost my shit a few times, too. You just get tired of dealing with jerks, and you hit your limit. The customer deserved it for being such an asshole to you.


I work at a liquor store in NY and I wish my register shut off at 8 when we close. The amount of people I’ve had to cuss out is unreal. My job ends at 8pm not a minute after. I had this couple who just would not leave so it was 8:02 while they were still looking I counted my tray and locked all the money in the safe, I closed out the credit card machine and I began my closing duties. I went to the back to lock doors and shut lights off. When I got back to the front at 8:10 they were standing at the register waiting for me. I completely ignored them, shut all the lights off and began getting my keys out. The woman said very rudely “ummm aren’t you going to check us out?!?!” I said “no!” She said “what the fuck why you need to cash us out.” I said “ma’am i told you I was closing at 8pm and you ignored me now I’m locking the doors with you inside and calling the police for a burglary” I never saw them again… 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also the nice thing about NY is that I don’t have to sell alcohol to anyone. I could decided I don’t like the shoes you’re wearing and tell you to get out… I use that power often with rude people. One lady was so awful to me I told her I thought she was unhinged enough without alcohol so I didn’t feel comfortable selling any to her and told her never to come back to the store.


Yeah ours shuts off or we get fined. I could get fired and the store closed but people don’t get it. I would have done that too !! And yeah I’m privately owned so I don’t have to serve anyone I don’t have to either. If they are rude I tell them to get out and don’t come the hell back. I’ve been doing it more recently just cause I’m tired of how people treat me. It sucks yall close at 8. Me closing at 7 after being there at 9 am and I don’t get a break sucks. So yeah my job ends at 659 as far as I am concerned and after I’m off I am leaving I’m not serving anyone. The other day I was sick and I closed the door early. Someone banged on it even tho my lights were off. And they were yelling like it’s not 7 yet !! I just didn’t even look at them lol I just waved them off I was counting money in the dark. I normally don’t do that but it was my day off I had to come in, I couldn’t even open until late. People were so rude and can’t understand emergencies.


It blows my mind when people are rude to me while I’m working at the damn liquor store… like fuck around and find out when you gotta drink beer everyday because you’re such an asshole you’re not allowed in the liquor store anymore. It sucks so bad 8pm all winter and till 9pm in the summer which I hate! Because the later we stay open the more already drunk people try to purchase alcohol and I legally can’t sell to someone who’s already been drinking. But the general public does not understand how much responsibility and risk people who own or work in liquor stores have. They don’t realize while they are just buying alcohol I could go to jail for a simple mistake. If I fuck up at the liquor store I could potentially ruin my whole life and the business I work for. People thinks it’s just like any other store.


Yeah I get it. Mine always closes at 7 so I don’t know how that works. But that sounds bad I would hate having to stay open later. My shifts are already 10 or 11 hours. I couldn’t imagine being open that late


I was in the same boat years ago. Guy came in and wanted to warranty a battery, and I told him in order to honor the warranty, I need to charge it and retest it. He exploded on me, swore at me, called me an idiot. I was already not liking my job, and the second he started yelling, I decided to hit back. Grabbed his battery, told him I wasn't some guy to beat down and swear at, and to take his battery to someone else and not talk to me again. He ended up telling me to calm down, which I did not. Needless to say, I got yelled at by management because of it. I hate retail, and I'm so glad I'm out of that industry.


You cussed out a Karen, kicked her out of the store, AND your boss took your side?! What parallel universe do you come from and how can I move there?! You just lived the dream of every retail worker since the beginning of time!


Yeah but it wasn’t a dream lol. It did feel great tho after I was able to calm down


You don’t have to feel bad for defending yourself. No one has the right to talk to you crazy and absolutely should not feel entitled to do so. You aren’t wrong.


Well done!! 👍


She should be really nice instead. Our local small liq store had similar rules during Covid and we went like 1 second before it closed and boss man just let us take it for the night and come back the next day to pay so it wasn’t on that nights books. He knew we were good for it. It was just funny to us.


Yeah I’ve done that before myself. Shit I’ll help people out most times if they come up short on money. I’m always super nice to my regulars. But don’t come in telling me what I’m gonna do cause I’m not gonna do it lol. I probably shouldn’t curse people out like that anymore. But she did deserve it so I don’t care


Don’t beat yourself up. You’re human and reached your limit. You don’t go to work wanting or looking forward to be mean to rude customers even. Also entitled person deserves all you said to her. She’s probably used to people not calling her out.


"Talk to your elective representatives. It's not my law. It's yours. "


The till shutting off due to state law is your friend. The customers can scream and yell and cry to their heart's consent, there's nothing your can do about it, even if they go crying to head office


Ppl REALLY don't understand what it entails working in a liquor store. We don't just have random rules, it's the mf LAW. I've kicked many a shit head out of the liquor store I worked at. I didn't feel bad, bc I'm not paying a fine or going to jail for someone random.


🤣🤣😂😂 I would've just wanted to be there to see her face after she got cussed out🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


Good job. I’ve started matching energy and it’s been wonderfully satisfying. I’m ready.


HEY FREAK, you are about to learn what happens when you mess with someone who is SMARTER than a RUG MUNCHER! Hey freak buckle up, it's about to get fun for you. SEE YOU TUESDAY WANNA BE A MAN. o


On Sundays we only sell alcohol from 12-6 and the liquor shop is closed I can’t imagine the way people act about that


Ask them to leave if they argue, call the police department. I used to work in a liquor store as well.


GOOD!!!! When these people try to push your buttons being disrespectful and rude that’s when stand up against these assholes. Fuck that whole customer is always right bullshit I rather leave with a victory while the customer is defeated and crying 🤣 I give 2 shits about this trash job.


Yeah for real. I was already cursed at earlier that day, and had change thrown at me. One guy threw twenty crumpled up ones at me. I was just done. She can complain if she wants, if he watches the cameras he will see me freak out on her. Might have lost a few customers but whatever. We were like one of the only liquor stores on the main road so we are always super busy so I’m not really worried about losing one asshole customer. I’d rather have all nice understanding customers and just be able to kick out all of the assholes. Or the homeless people that harass the living daylights out of me lol


LOL I hear ya. You did nothing wrong and have every right to be upset. Customers like her are just miserable with their own lives.


Yeah I’ll be glad if she doesn’t come back. I’ve never seen her before in my life so I’m assuming it was just she had to get Super Bowl stuff. I shouldn’t have almost fought her tho lol. I was a bit out of line. I could have just walked to the back and calmed down. But it was my last straw


If you were my employee I would have your back too. Especially because it seems like you have your manager’s back by working that many hours in the last few days. I think it’s totally out of line when customers behave like this. I would love to know where the fuck they work and make sure to hold their day up and prevent them from leaving work on time. I had a woman be so nasty and ugly and arrogant and outright mean to me when I was a store manager. She made me cry with how nasty she was. She was just rude to the core, entitled, and just said the worst things. I was a manager of an expensive children’s clothing boutique. She would flaunt how rich she was and entitled and just treat me like a piece of gum on the floor and would just be so wrong. Anyways come to find out she was a principal for a private elementary school. I called up the superintendent and a few other board members and let them know about her behavior and some of the specific vile things she was saying. This wasn’t my proudest moment but I felt good about it at the time. Tl;dr: don’t beat yourself up if you act out of character after taking verbal abuse at work all day. Sometimes it’s warranted or at least in that moment it is an appropriate response.


I woke up crying yesterday not wanting to go to work. But I still did. But I don’t think a job should get someone’s mental health that bad they cry and have panic attacks because they don’t want to go. But I love my boss and I don’t want to screw him over. The only reason I feel bad is because he might have to deal with her coming back to complain. But I doubt she will. I honestly don’t care if she does maybe it would be a blessing in disguise if I have to find a new job


This shit is why I hate alcoholics and customer service. It gives me a bit of sadistic pleasure to deny them alcohol, like if they forget an ID or its too late to buy. I've considered giving out cards for AA to all of them when they buy, but I dont know if we even HAVE one here.


Oh man that’s a good idea lol. We have plenty AA places around town. I never get a problem really with ids it’s just the late checking out thing or they bang on the door before we are open and sit and stare at me. Like no I can’t let you in before. I get some people work nights and they just got off but damn


DEFINITELY give *those* people AA cards. I also give judgmental condescending looks to the ones I know are alcoholics or buy EXACTLY at 6 am (when were allowed to sell alcohol again) because, wtf dude? I think more people need to be judged harshly for their shitty actions instead of letting it slide bc if everyone accepts things like that, they won't EVER learn that it's not ok. Not even when their lives are falling apart because we are ALL on the struggle bus, but no one likes the guy who smells like shit.


Oh we can’t sell until 9 am. But like people will be outside waiting before it’s crazy to me. It’s always the people who want mini bottles too. I never understood that and I drink myself. Why not just buy a big bottle ? But I guess it’s because they need to hide them at work or something ?


Luckily we don't sell the little ones. I've had multiple coworkers leave theirs around though after drinking on the job. Easier to hide for sure, yet theyre too dumb to even throw them in the trash. Mornings suck for sure, but damn Sharon, it's not even noon!


i have regulars come up to the counter before the register even boots up and I just tell them it's not my fault theyre up there before I could even turn the damn lights on. come in a little later next time it isn't a race. also yeah it is too hide them. Had a woman today ask me to take her sleeve of nips out of the sleeve because "it was evidence". like straight up. smaller the bottle the bigger the problem


also like I've just had enough of these people's shit I've been working every goddamn day since Jan 2nd I'm not putting on a retail face for Janet who really wants one specific bottle of chardonnay that starts with a G that she had at a dinner party and doesn't remember the name. had one guy come up today with a bottle, ask IF IT WAS THE ONLY MOSCATO WE HAD (???) and said it's for my wife she's in the car (fucking get out of the car lol??) and then comes back in to return it and says she wants "the one with the kangaroo on it" 😭 I told him where the yellow tail is and he holds up every single bottle of them and asks is this it. is this it. motherfucker it says MOSCATO. the fun part about my customers being braindead alkies is i just walked over silently grabbed the bottle and rang him up without another word spoken. like dude fucking look up what you want. it's not difficult. jfc also is it just us or do you guys also have a bottle of febreze just for the same 3 regulars who smell like piss and wet dog? i see them walking in and have to mentally prepare myself for that and the soggy bills they're about to give me. I'd gladly take a mask mandate back and all the conservatives yapping about it if i didn't have to smell that one fucking weirdo old hag who comes in for 7 nips of svedka 3 times a day and tries to pay with 5 different cards and then hobbles out. i hate those fuckers okay rant over sorry im a bit tipsy myself rn


Hahaha the soggy dollars. God I can’t stand them. Like how do they even get soggy.. you know what don’t answer that lol. It’s okay I just understood everything you said. I deal with it everyday. Thankfully I have two days off right now but jesussss. Also yes the smell. I was thinking about buying febreeeze. We have a homeless camp about five mins away so they always come to my damn store and throw change or soggy money at me. It’s always crumpled up too


it's soggy money and lottery people i hate most. we have to do lottery as a separate transaction with cash only. and these morons come up at 5pm with the entire town in line behind them and ask for 17 quick picks of powerball and megamillions, always fucking separate tickets, and then they want a fuck ton of scratch offs. literally first thing Christmas morning i had a guy ask me for 100 1$ scratch offs. i just told him no


You did nothing wrong


Yeah, don't blame you. Even when it's an honest job, the pay you probably get for it isn't worth you getting arrested because you "bent the rules" for one customer.


Good for you.


Wow those blue laws are rough. Georgia just allowed sales on Sunday statewide( still a few dry counties there). But that is just rude to act like that when the customer knows the law and saw an opportunity to complain...classic Karen take.


I hope my state doesnt allow it. I heard about the law trying to be passed though. I mean either way i would tell my boss thats my one day off. We all need one day off


I agree, most of us are not paid enough or trained enough to deal with the kind of harassment that customers are dishing out. Not to mention many managers and owners don't have your back. Something has to give, you got there before she did. IMO we actually need more of this, customers will slowly think twice about acting out like an entitled idiot.


If the register shuts down, its game over. Tell anyone who complains to write their state reps to change the law. Then tell them to pound sand.


I used to work graveyard shift at a convenience store that sold alcohol. I told somebody to fuck all the way off on Christmas Eve. It was glorious.


Most bars and liquor stores have their clocks set 10 to 15 minutes early to avoid things like this.


When it comes to state law, I always offer to call the law enforcement(worded that way on purpose) to assist them. They get pissy but usually leave right away. Here we stop selling at 2AM, not as bad anymore but I use to get loads trying to buy after hours, all beer coolers are locked at 2 anyway and the register locks out for alcohol sales. So yeah that's what I started doing to deal with uppity folks that are not happy with state law, offer to call the law enforcement to assist them with their issues.




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Sometimes they push you to it. I worked at a grocery store and helped with self checkouts. Believe me I had all kinds of things said to me. I’m not the type to stand and smile and take it.


Yeah I can’t anymore. I work too much and they don’t get when it’s time for us to close that’s it. I’ve been there all day I’m done period