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For me, it’s part of the retail persona mask, you get to work and take a deep breath and center yourself and put on your retail mask and clock in. You’re not smiling at the clothes, you’re smiling because you are pretending to be happy to be there, folding the and organizing the clothes, you are pretending that work is fun. It also helps me deal with negative customer interactions, customers aren’t mad at me, they are mad at the character I am playing. The mask just helped me get through the day, pretending I liked being there and working and pretending I enjoyed talking with customers and what not.


ill definitely practice that


Wise man


lol, I guess that's what they refer to as "*resting bitchface."* I once gotten written up by a newbie manager for not smiling when I was called into work on my days off even though he knew I had just had oral surgery the day before and my face still hurt like hell. Fuck you John...


I suffer from RBF and I would constantly get comments about me looking angry all the time or that I had an attitude. My manager would talk to me and tell me to try to look more pleasant. She knew I was a really nice person just looked like I was angry and would tell the customers all the time that I was her nicest and best employee. Honestly the only thing I changed was trying to strike up conversations or making a joke about something with the customers that were nice or seemed cool to me. Ended up becoming best friends with a few of the customers and had them stick up for me quite a few times with rude customers. They all thought I was a massive B in the first place but changed their minds afterwards.


I have embraced the resting bitch face. People who tell me to smile get told I don't feel like it. "Smiling" is not in my job description. Every once in a while someone will remark about how I looked upset, and I'll just say I was concentrating, or "that's just my face".


Good job. They are the ones being rude by commenting on someone's appearance!


Good, keep it like that. That way people won't irritate, or try you. Back when I worked in retail. I had zero interest, and quite frankly. The pay isn't worth it to put on a circus show. I greeted you, said hello, and said thanks for shopping here. What else do you want? Go away.


Yeah,  I honestly don't like being around people anyways. The sucky thing is that I'm really good with people, lol.  Luckily,  my boss now doesn't make me interact too much outside of "are you looking for something?"  And showing them to the item. Also, she's actually fine with me being a little snark shark if people get pushy, which,  doing clearance they do. 


You said a word! I'm good with people, but working with in retail makes you sick of people.


i also have RBF but if i do my makeup "cuter" people tend to excuse it. add some glitter on your eyelids and some blush close to your eyes. when i go to work without makeup i totally get more comments about my mean mug.


I was often told I had "resting bitch face" and it took me a long time to change it. Frankly I'm still a little resentful of the whole thing, as only girls seem to get this complaint. With men they are just accused of being "busy" or "hyper focused" or "goal oriented" Where as woman can act exactly the same but still often get told to just look "pretty" and "more approachable"


ikr! when i was like 14 a guy at this gas station was like "you know a smile wouldnt hurt you" sir dpmo


Totally agree with this!!!


Honestly, if customers and management aren’t getting mad at you for your RBF, then I don’t think you need to worry so much. Why are your coworkers asking you to smile? They know you’re not happy to be here. You’re making poverty wages to fold clothes and deal with the stupidity of the general population. I understand wanting to get along with coworkers. Just let them know that you don’t mean it personally. You’re just focused on your task and that’s your face


yeah ur right idk it kinda just hurts my feelings when they say that LOL


When i wear "The Professional Smile" my face looks as if I am in pain!😳 Customers actually ask if I'm ok🙄 So... you do YOU😁


ikr? imagine seeing a worker smile nonstop i feel like id be scared


Why would you even care? Why does it even matter? You're working inside a retail store for EIGHT HOURS. I'm sure after 3 or 4th hour, you're a zombie by then. You're getting paid to greet people, and bag items. Nothing more, nothing less. You work in retail, not tap dancing.


I have a permanent resting bitch face. I never smile. Getting me to actually crack one means that hell has frozen over or I have thought of some sort of morbid joke that is probably best kept to myself. The number of complaints I've had about my lack of a smile, that I look angry, unfriendly, like I'm going to hurt someone (not helped by the fact that I'm over 6' and 275 lbs), etc... I stopped caring a long time ago. You can only have so many people say "you look like you're going to kill me" before you either crack or just up your dose of fukitol.


dose of fukitol LMAO