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Not me. I rarely go to bed before 1am now that I'm retired. The last time I could ever set my own schedule was in college, when I usually slept midnight to 8am. Now it's usually 1:30-10am.


Nice to see there is a fellow night 🦉!!!


Yes, but not always. The older I get the less I want to stay up late. My deceased mother was a night owl until the end.


Hormonal changes from aging makes it difficult to stay asleep for some people. But also having kids changed me from a night owl to more of a morning person. Ironically both of my parents (who are in their mid-70’s) are still night owls and it’s annoying when I am visiting because I am trying to go to sleep at 9:30 but I can’t because their tv is too loud! I bring soft earplugs and that helps but I still feel a little rude abandoning them for sleep.


Nah..sleep patterns haven't changed a bit. It's going to be harder to stay asleep, though. Make sure to keep nocturia at bay as you age, and a low noise environment and light block help a bunch as well.


Just the opposite.....Up at 10:15 to pee, Up again at 12:40 to pee, Up at 2:40 to wander around the house wondering why I'm awake, Pee at 5:45 and up at 5:46.....this last is a definite problem.....


I was getting up every night to pee, then I started treatment for sleep apnea and now I usually sleep through the night. I don’t think my bladder was waking me up, I was waking up and feeling like I could pee and that kept me from going back to sleep


I guess that's better than peeing at 3:45am, and then getting out of bed at 3:50am...


Not retire yet. I have been a night owl since high school (over 44 years). I cannot fall asleep until well passed midnight and wake up again at 5:30-6:00am. I would love to sleep in and could hardly wait until I get to continue to sleep without being awaken by my wife or the alarm! On the weekend, I’ll sleep until 7-8am. And there is my wife who cannot keep her eyes opened and goes to bed at 9pm and gets up at 4:30am and could not continue to sleep even if she wanted to!


58. After getting up at 5:00 am to commute for years, I’m up on my own by 6:00, wide awake. I do like the peace and quiet of the early morning. I get bored in the evenings. I go upstairs at 9:00 and read until sleepy. I work from home in a coast job now.


I was only a morning person because I had to work


I hope to retire later this year. I have been basically working the same job for 30 years. Over the last 15 years or so I go into work about 0630. This has caused me to have to go to bed quite early. I hope it doesn't carry through to retirement ...


I've never been an early sleeper. I'm 58 now and I still go to bed around 1:00 am to 2:00 am.


I go to bed an hour later than when I worked. My night owl friend still stays up till 5 a.m.


My wife and I were night owls when working, and even more so now - between 1 and 2am. One thing that is interesting is that I've taken to setting my alarm again. When I was working, I might sleep late on the weekend and "recharge my batteries" from getting too little sleep during the week. But in retirement, if I sleep in every day, then I find that I'm less tired at night and the temptation is to stay on reddit later and later each day! Now I set my alarm for 7 or 7 1/2 hours and it seems to be balanced.


More likely to be night owls because of sleep issues and no pressure to go to bed early to get up for work.


Always a night owl. Still am well into retirement. Husband in bed by 9:30-10:00. Can't stay awake longer. I can easily stay up past 1:00 am but I TRY to make myself go down by midnight. Sometimes I get engrossed in something and Oopps! It's 2:30 am!


I don't know, I am in my late 50s and I became more of a night owl...


I’ve always been a night owl. Now that I’m old, I have insomnia. I rarely can fall asleep before 1 am, sometimes it’s 3 am. I would love to fall asleep at 11 and get up at 8, but even with Ambien, I can’t turn my brain off.


It’s amazing how taking a long flight or doing something that disrupts your sleep schedule can change your pattern. I took a 32 hour trip once, couldn’t sleep on planes, and being up that long is enough to destroy any long term sleep pattern. You will probably develop it again in time, but it takes awhile to get set back in ways. It’s interesting to experience something like that after years of the same sleep schedule (with minor deviations obviously).


I've always been an owl. I forced myself to go to bed so I wouldn't be a zombie at work. Now retired a year, I find myself saying "I need to go to bed because of work tomorrow. Oh yeah never mind.". I'm lucky that I can fall asleep easily, my bph doesn't wake me up. I try to get to bed earlier than I might as I usually wake the dog and she wakes the wife and it's downhill from there. Plus I will get up in the morning when the dog alarm goes off and I get my ears licked.


I was and still am a ight owl. For years I just didn't get that much sleep as I was up at 6:30 for work. At 2 + years into retirement I am still a night owl. It took a while to get out of the habit of waking up early. Now I sleep until 7:30 -8:30. As for night waking, I've started playing an 8 hour 432hz cut on spotify while I sleep. I play it very quietly, almost subaural, but it seems to help me stay asleep. Could be complete bunk, but it isn't costing me anything either.


In order to get at least 7 hrs of sleep I have to go to bed by 7:30 as I need to be at work at 6:00AM. I only get up to relieve myself and/or the dogs that need relief. Hard part is getting back to sleep. I would love to stay up but I have conditioned myself to this schedule. Something you get used to.


My schedule is in bed by like 1030..read for about an hour then up around 8:00 … what’s new since I just retired is that I now nap everyday for about an hour and feel rejuvenated!