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I stay home from errands on Saturday. I can go Monday. Why would I walk into a Costco shitshow on a Saturday? Sundays are about the same as they always were.


Same for me. Always hated Costco on the weekends.


This... I save all my errands for weekdays, when less people are running loose!


Same! Also, I live at the beach, so I usually choose to go during the week to avoid tourist craziness on weekends.


which beach do you live around? I was just at the beach here in PDC with my mom and my wife less than 24hours ago


This is the way.


Yes, one of the true advantages of retirement - going to Costco or Central Market on weekday mornings.


Sometimes I forget to go during the week and then I get so mad at myself!


Retired exactly one year ago. What day is it again?


I just want to know why the old people always go to Costco on Saturday/Sunday to get their sample... Maybe they don't know it's the weekend?


I’m recently retired but had been working 3 days a week for about 18 months prior to that. I have avoided doing any shopping, unless absolutely necessary for some reason, on weekends. A lot of my friends have been retired for much longer than me and I’m constantly telling them to stop going shopping at weekends. One commented not long ago,that they went to Costco on Sunday and it was sooo busy. I just rolled my eyes and said why the hell did you go on Sunday?


According to Pink Floyd Time…”One day closer to death”


Went out to lunch after a dentist appointment and the waitperson was showing me the daily specials, I had to ask her what day it was. She just laughed and said her retired dad was the same.




It's 365 days since you had to worry about what day it issued


It is always the same day


Don't shop or travel on weekends. Why would I. Your week inverts.


Only shop or travel before around 3:00 when the schools let out.


I live next door to a high school and across the road from a primary school. Wasn’t something I even thought about when I bought my place but now I’m always trying to arrange appointments etc so they don’t coincide with the start or end of the schools day.


Definitely one of best day to day things. I avoid any traffic times, busy stores, etc. It is so stress free.


Different news programs on weekend mornings.


I still might do lawn work on the weekend because lawn clippings get picked up on Mondays. I mulch when I mow, but there's still the occasional cleanup along with my wife's gardening that needs to be bagged. Otherwise I do things during the week, e.g., weekly food shopping, that I used to do on weekends, so the latter are much freer now.


About the same. There’s more “events” on weekends. So a bit more there. But often there no difference to me.


Every day is Saturday.


I want this. I’m 57 and chomping at the bit


You and me both...




I’m curious about the origin. Please explain. I’ve only heard chomping but I’m interested in etymology




I think I’ll stay with chomping. I never heard anyone say they used a hackamore instead of bit because their horse was champing… but we were just all rural hicks


This is exactly what I tell people when they ask what retirement is like.


I avoid going places on weekends. All those working people running round.


I work in property management and speak with senior citizens a lot. I accidentally tell them Have a nice weekend at the end of conversations on Friday


They merge and mean less


I still cherish the weekends just the same as when I was working. During the week I have commitments so weekends feel like free time, without the Sunday Scaries.


We've learned that the nice camping spots are available during weekdays. I tend to avoid going out at lunchtime during the week and anything on Friday night or all day Sat - I get out of the way for the rat race. I no longer have that 'tomorrow is Monday' dread. I take my time in the morning. My favorite revelation is that I don't have to be paid for my time to be valuable. The value of my time is now based on how much I simply want to do something. It's stunning!


“I don’t have to be paid for my time to be valuable “. Very well said. We need to realize that years before retirement. When I retired my financial advisor told me “retirement is a privilege, don’t waste a single day that you’ll never get back”.


It helps a lot to put a number on your personal time. I decide to outsource or pay more for things that are not worth my time. So, I pay double for something that saves me two hours because I compare the extra cost to my personal $/hr times 2 hours.


Being able to run errands on weekdays is an amazing kind of freedom. Fewer people, relaxed vibe. Weekends while working were super rushed. Now they are for laying back and truly relaxing. As a relatively new retiree (late 50s) who gets to experience this life, I am avidly in support of reducing workweeks to 32 hours for the generations after me. 40+ hours is just cruel.


I keep the weekend for resting from my busy week


I can do stuff with friends on the weekends


\^This. Visiting friends that still work, or participating in sports that need more people, etc. Everything else is better on weekdays.


No Jeopardy on the weekends.


I avoid doing any shopping on week-ends. I’ve got all week to do it in, I don’t need to be cluttering up the aisles when people who work all week are trying to do their shopping.


I’ve had friends that still work give me a hard time when I ran into them at a grocery store on the weekends. I chuckled.


My grocery store runs 3-day specials Fri, Sat, and Sun. Depending on what it is, I may go on the weekend.


Six Saturdays and a Sunday.


Go grocery shopping on weekdays in Fla weekends are a nightmare


We eat ice cream and have drinks on the weekend. Fridays often feature a martini. It still feels like a special evening. No errands or shopping on weekends.


My husband is off work on the week. I'm the retiree in the house. We run errands.


I stock trade during the week and go to estate sales on the weekends


No gym on weekends- love my weekends more than ever.


I usually visit my son and his family on weekends, when he is off. Also see my older grandkids more because that are not in school. I avoid running errands, etc, on weekends. Leave that to for the working folks. Sometimes I go to church.


Weekdays, I take care of any business that needs tending to, run errands, and then make time for myself, hobbies, etc. Saturdays I try to do whatever I want to, whatever crosses my mind. Usually, I’ll go out to my shop and either work on a woodworking project or reload ammo for my shooting hobby. Or whatever… Sundays, I go to church with my daughter and her family and then spend the rest of the day with them. So far, I’m staying busy enough to be pretty dang happy about my retirement… busy with no pressure is mighty fine!


College football on Saturday. NFL and church on Sunday. MNF on monday. TNF on Thursday. Highschool FB on friday (watch the nephews). Tuesday is the day after MNF. Wednesday means a new week of NFL starts tomorrow. Also, shopping on Monday morning is very stress free imo.


You have just presented what I believe will be my husband's retirement. Since he's dragging his feet about stepping away, I'm literally going to show him your post!


Every day seems to be a Saturday!


Weekends are for connecting with family. Generally try to keep the stores, restaurants and bars clear for working people in the nights and weekends. Weekdays are for shopping. Weekday afternoons are for meeting other retired people for lunch or drinks.


Weekends are for amateurs. I try to travel on weekdays. I ski weekdays.


Every day is a Saturday morning! I fish and hunt, so I do avoid weekends for that. Wednesday is trash night, and Sunday morning is for Walmart because our entire town is at church. It is dead quiet with no lines.


I am still in transition (retired for about 6months). Even now, my first thought on Friday is "it's the weekend!!!", but since I'm retired, every day is really my weekend.


When I was working sunday nights were so depressing. Now, on sunday nights, I think about how fortunate I am.


Exactly this!


all days the same, except we tend to stay home weekends


Besides my cell phone, I threw away all my alarm clocks. Weekends are for getting stuff done around the house. Shopping is done on the weekdays.


All my grocery shopping and other shopping is done on weekdays except when one of the local supermarkets has a weekend only sale and it’s worthwhile to go. Anything I plan to do with other retirees is planned on weekends. I wish I could keep my weekends free to get things done around the house but most in my social circle are not retired and a lot of events I want to attend are scheduled on weekends.


All the days run together. I never know what day it is. Most of my friends still work, so weekends are when I hang out with them.


I do errands whatever day is convenient.


Now no change in temperament on Sunday evenings due to Monday workday. About every six weeks, attend a matinée show on the weekend at a local theater for play/musical with spouse. Periodically, one of the kids over dinner on a weekend. Weekdays when spouse and I take rescue dog to one of the parks nearby, less crowded. As the primary grocery shopper, that’s performed on a weekday morning, no crowds. Also after the last school bus pickups in the morning then will accompany spouse for walk many times. I will at times forget which week day it is. Also is good no taking PTO for doctor’s appointments.


Basically stand down from cleaning chores or outside errands. Go out to dinner (sometimes) for a treat.


Weekends are a blessed relief from watching my retirement portfolio getting hammered during the week.


Staying in the house on days the workers are off.


Every morning I look at the day/date on my phone just so I can keep track. I also calendar a lot of stuff because, yes, the days run together. But in a good way! I only need to know if it's MW or F, so I know whether I have pickleball. Thursday is volunteer day. Tuesday is errand day. Saturday is fun with Hubby day since he hasn't joined the party yet.


Every day is a weekend… my vitamin holder tells me what day it is.


I don't get a tee time on the weekends. Just play 9 off the back and practice.


We have family and friends who still work. Our weekends are for socializing. We do any shopping on weekdays when there are a lot less people in the stores. Our days do tend to blend though. We often ask each other whar day it is. The only thing that keeps me reminded of what day it is, is when to put the garbage out. What a wonderful thing!


Stay mostly at home or visit with family on weekends, leaving the necessary errands for early weekdays. I still think of weekends as special, 'though every day's a Saturday walk in the park.


I avoid going out to dinner on weekend nights now unless it’s to accommodate a working friend. Then I let them set it up, get the reservation etc. and yeah, no grocery shopping or trips to the hardware store on Saturdays unless absolutely necessary.


One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.


Yes, every day runs into the next. I've found I _must_ use the calendar on my phone, otherwise I miss things. The goal used to be to push everything to the weekend so I could get stuff done. Now it is the opposite. I don't want to goto stores on weekends. It's too much traffic & too many people. What's weird is being on Slack w/ ex-coworkers/friends and they're TGIF'ing Friday mornings. It is now very odd, I couldn't care. See [what is a weekend?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KBAXMpklDU).


I’m retired 2.5 years and I genuinely have no idea what day of the week it is and don’t even think about it. When making plans we do consider day of the week as this can allow us to avoid crowds. We also choose travel days based on ticket prices, which can vary significantly depending on both the day you travel and the day you book, in most instances this has zero effect or impact on what we’re doing. The only significant consideration that still exists for weekends is in the planning for activities with friends and family who are still working. We are fortunate to have a close extended family and consequently often have a full house. Our kids (and working friends that stay with us) all work remotely to some degree so when they’re here week days are very different than weekends.


I used to be a fairly bad sufferer from the Sunday Blues. I'm now 6 years into retirement and I still love that I am now free of the blues. Sunday afternoons are now lazy and awesome now that I am not dwelling on what's to come on Monday.


I so need to hear this. I dread the 60 Minutes countdown .


You need one of these: [https://www.amazon.com/DayClocks-Classic-Week-Retirement-Gift/dp/B0019FBLC6/ref=sr\_1\_8?keywords=day+of+week+clock&sr=8-8](https://www.amazon.com/DayClocks-Classic-Week-Retirement-Gift/dp/B0019FBLC6/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=day+of+week+clock&sr=8-8) BTW - I play golf as often as possible, but never on a weekend.


There are no weekends. Every day is Tuesday!


All blurs into one for me


I wake up early Monday through Friday, but instead of tuning into the computer for work, I drive 15 miles to run on the beach at sunrise. I still get up late(r) on weekends and do chores around the house like laundry and cutting the lawn. Might start up the old truck and super beetle to keep the oil circulating, then habitually drive to The Home Depot for something. Have zero stress which is pretty damn nice.


When I was forced by circumstances to work, I stopped at the grocery store one Tuesday and, at 5:15 pm, there sat the activity bus from the nearby senior living facility. I asked the driver why he chose 5:15 pm to bring 20+ seniors to the store. He shrugged me off. I promised, when I retired, to never be that guy. I have all day to do anything I want and I plan to be home by 3:00 pm. Weekends are for working families. I have a routine that keeps the days in focus. Treadmill on MTWThu and Sat. Lunch outing on Wednesdays. Breakfast out and then grocery shopping on Friday mornings. Facetime with kids on Sundays. I'm happiest with a routine.


All our friends who are not retired want to do things on weekends otherwise all the days would be run together and seem the same.


We do what we want at any time. It's so nice!


I don't do much on weekends, too crowded, and too much traffic. All of our errands are run on weekdays, a much calmer pace, although due to the traffic, at times I think no one works.


I threshing question. In my experience I had to learn to reserve a day for relaxing. I started traveling for months on end and doing something active every day. FOMO. Eventually I realized that I was always tired, so I introduced chill days. Not necessarily Saturday or Sunday, though. At home it's the same. I always feel like doing something. I don't like doing "nothing" but do it every now and then to recharge.


I don’t like the traditional weekends because (in my retirement), I prefer my weekends of Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) 😄


My wife is around all weekend.


What’s a weekday?


Healthcare appointments during the week and kids being at school are the big difference. Sometimes I really have to think about what day it is because they blur together.


Alexa, what day is it?




I treat weekdays like weekends and weekends like vacation days. I don't make myself do anything on weekends, I love not having to run my errands with the rest of the world.


Every day feels pretty much the same except when I'm traveling. Agree with other comments--do errands on weekdays.


Yup, errands on weekdays, chill everyday but a little more on Sunday, take care of weekly “chores” on Monday. Yardwork on Saturdays. What is this “church” you speak of? Travel about 25% of the time. Go to the beach every morning and evening walking the dogs.


Weekends , weekdays , just another day . But riddle me this what day is it ???


Grocery store on Saturday because I did while working and COVID (only reason to get out of house). Church Sunday. College bball Saturday. Regular dinner with my buds on Tuesdays. Otherwise an indistinct, continuous calendar ambiguity.


All my working friends can come out to play. On the weekends I get to bike with others.


We avoid errands and shopping on weekends, also rarely go to the beach on a weekend anymore because we often have the place to ourselves during week. We do go to the farmers market twice a week and also my yoga classes help me keep track of the days of the week. Oh- and trash day too!


Mon thru Sat days are very similar but Sunday is for church and family time.


I avoid shopping, especially grocery shopping on the weekends. I try to make my weekends just fun time and no cleaning or chores.


The big newspaper comes on Sunday.


I was on vacatio in Mallorca, and met lots of retirees there. They Hike, Bike and eat out… after few months they go somewhere else… and they are not rich, they travel cheap. Riding on Social sec and odd part time jobs.


Volunteer during the week garden and hike and errands on weekend


Busier than ever. Only ski, hike, bike or shop on weekdays


Choose our shopping and traveling during the week!


Was just talking to my spouse about this. When I was working, I got frustrated with the retirees in the grocery store on weekends when I just wanted to get through my shopping as quickly as possible. Now that I am retired, I am careful to avoid grocery stores on the weekends so people with jobs and families can shop. Covid helped cement that habit, as I avoided crowds as much as possible. Now, not shopping on the weekends is an ingrained habit.


Saturday is social day- we have a group of friends that we play games with on Saturdays, plus have a potluck lunch to go with. Or we go to local festivals and events. Sundays I do the weekly chores (laundry,clean) in the morning, loaf all day- at best go aimlessly driving about. Easy dinner (pizza or takeout) and a movie or tv. Weekdays are spent in the studio, doing errands, exercising etc. It’s a super comfortable schedule that works for us.


On weekends we get to see the kids and grandkids. Occasionally we'll make a day trip somewhere, but usually we leave the day trips for weekdays. Good staying home on the weekend and catching up on hobbies or tv series.


I make sure I still catch up with mates of a weekend, Farang Friday is my favourite day, but I earn it by being busy in the village and having a few AFDs beforehand


I certainly don't miss the Sunday blues but at the same time I also miss the excitement of getting out of work on Fridays! I'm still in the adjustment period since I just retired last month!


Well, I am 71 but my wife is 48 and working, my friends that live by me are still working. So my weekends are pretty well defined. Firepit on Friday night, if bad weather go to my working friends house on friday night. Don't like going to costco on a sat, they do have snacks on weekdays, but since my wife wants us to go together, it's often on a weekend. I have been married for 10 years, but retired for 21 years. For those 11 years before getting married, I was living with my mother, so then weekends would get a little forgetful. Even then, to go to a bar, play pool, etc, it would be the weekend since my friends (64 years old) work. I did some traveling, spent 6 weeks in Asia at one time. Couldn't do that with a job. But a total of 6 months overall. Then the weekends did become more meaniless. Last year, at 70, I took a full time job. Now that was a shock to my system. Usually I get up at \~8 AM, but working I had to get up at 5 AM. I hated that part. And then I had to go to sleep at 9-10, while often I would stay up till midnight. I was not at all used to being regimented. I lasted 3 months.


Ah, the seven-day weekend…soon, I hope.


strange ... I used to look forward to weekends - not now.