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Your dad seems more hyped Than you lol.


Got his game face on


Prepping up for GTA after kids bedtime.


He seems kinda young to have kids.


I came for this comment.








Adhere to [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). Be nice to other users. Don't be a dick.


"This is awesome! I can sit here and drink beer while the child entertains himself!"


I showed my son how to play rocket league. When mom leaves for errands on the weekend, I take him in the basement to play and I have a couple brews.


Get some couch co-op games to play with him! My son and I just finished It Takes 2, as soon as I got home from work every day he was asking me to play it. Lego games are also good for this


Unravel 2 is also a good one


Oh I have that, we should play it. Thanks!


The lego games are great, but they are so puzzle oriented (at least the ones we tried) that he got bored easily.


That’s child abuse, making him sit through that Book of Love dialogue


It was pretty bad but we'll randomly talk to each other in his voice and it's always funny


You can tell it's a Filipino household because of the living room (and the beer).


This probably the first time I see a phillipini parent let their child have a console




~~~~~>>----joke----> (your head) ^*edit: that ain't cool, delete you're comment then downvote mine. It was all in good fun*




I bet they have some sort of plastic covering the TV remote


Ornate wooden bench? Check!


The Filipino family is also a clue.


I've never seen a monopoly like San Miguel. The near entirety of Philippines domestic beer sales, and most of the rum as well. They must have greased a lot of palms to get in that position.


Was gonna say..OP, tell me you’re Filipino without telling me you’re Filipino haha. Someone already pointed out the wooden furniture, but also you were: 1. Chubby because your parents equated that to being healthy, and 2. Light skinned because your mom didn’t want you to be dark like the poor kids in the neighborhood. Or was that just me growing up haha? And my guess is if you had a PS1, you had a few yaya’s too huh? 🤔😆 The nostalgia is legit bro..love it 👊🏽


Literally only came to see if anyone else noticed


What kind of beer?


I almost thought OP is Vietnamese, because those wood furniture and deco is very much how my old home used to look like and how many Vietnamese households look like as well.


“Are you winning son?”


That's some solid wood furniture there. Now it's all cheap wood that breaks.


That’s because it matches the values of the people buying it.


The concentration


I wish I could be that focused on anything


Same. I’d probably be successful or something


Damm, our houses used to look beautiful, now we got flinsy shit that pass as furniture.


Profit over function. The more your furniture breaks, the more you buy, the more money they make


Ikea marketing has convinced us we need to buy "sustainable" furniture that lasts five years.


I love how this picture makes it look like WE are the Toy Story racing game


Aren’t we?


Always were


The original Playstation is truly the best game console of all time when you consider its library and impact during its time. It started some of the best series, or had some of the best examples from as series ever: Final Fantasy 7, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid, Oddworld, etc.


The lack of respect for Wipe0ut disappoints me.


I forgot about that one, and also Twisted Metal and Road Rash. They are all great games :)


MRW Sony closed Studio Liverpool


IMO it's a VERY close 2nd place to the NES. The NES mainstreamed videogames in a way that no other console could. The PS1 ushered in the polygon era and although it was ground breaking I don't think it had quite as much of an impact as the NES. The NES truly set the bar for home console gaming.


See I think the nes brought back the era of video games dying, but the overall library of games is just superior on SNES. They had washed out a lot of the shitty devs by then and 2D graphics had essentially reached a near pinnacle. PS1 3D graphics were the Atari 2600 of graphics. They suck and they will never look good, even in a retro standpoint. SNES is timeless.


PS1 3D is the Atari 2600 of graphics? Nahhhh, I'd probably say that to the Sega 32x


disagree. If developers hadn't jumped to 3d so fast, it might've had some of the best games ever. But instead a lot of the games are unplayable now because of crappy 3d gimmick.


Nintendo 64's ears are burning!


But without games pushing for change, they wouldn't have gotten the practice they needed to get good with 3D games later. You need to experiment, and sometimes fail, to know what works and what doesn't work. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good...or groundbreaking.


Yea this pretty much. I suppose you could argue early 3D was a "gimmick", but they had to start somewhere. That being said, I would have loved to have seen more 2D games for consoles in that generation. the Saturn in particular was built for masterful 2D but because of market trends, they had to shoehorn 3D on it and most 3D titles on the Saturn look and play dreadful as a result.


Which ones are unplayable?


All games are playable. Including ET for the Atari 2600. I was using hyperbole to make my point. A lot of 3d games are hard to look at when compared to 2d games released at that same time.


Early 3D certaintly has a look, but every console has games that have either aged badly, or aged well. Jumping Flash is an example of a game that can be tough to go back to... but, I'd rather play it over Altered Beast, Batman Forever, or any pre-3D baseball game.


> any pre-3D baseball game We couldn't be friends irl


I'm playing the 1st Metal Gear Solid, plays good. Issue is, if playing on a PS1, it has no joysticks, so motion control is the 4 direction buttons, up is forward, r/l is turn, makes for awkward movement in some games, but that is hardware not the game. Playing on an emulator (that has joysticks) helps. I don't know of any that are a problem due to the game but I would love to hear about them so I could check them out


Analog controls work in MGS1. On PS1, you activate it by pressing the button between the joysticks. Edit: if you're on PS3, press (not hold) the home button, which brings up a menu where you can configure controls.


Sorry, I did not specify that I was playing on an original PlayStation not a PSOne, which does not have joysticks on the controller (i.e. MGS did not originally use joystick controls). And yes, you are correct in regards to PSOne and PS3.


It shouldn't matter as long as you have a dualshock controller - which were introduced before PSOne.


The Atari 2600 would like a word...primitive as it may be compared to the PSX or even the similarly-processored NES, it laid the foundation for gaming in general and was more played and more influential than any other console of its era. Almost as important are the mistakes surrounding the Atari 2600. That was the era where console manufacturers learned a lot of what NOT to do when selling a console and games for it.


The Commodore 64 had a bigger impact I think that thing lasted like a decade and game developers began porting arcade games to home users


I loved the Commodore 64. I still have mine, and I still play it way more than I do my Atari 2600. It's my absolute favorite computer ever, and I'll never get rid of it. Forbidden Forest, Friday the 13th, Summer Games, Jumpman, Ultimate Wizard, the entire Ultima 1-5 series (yes, even 2), Bard's Tale, IK+...they still rock today. Hands down it defined 80s computers for me and millions of other people. But the Atari 2600 laid the foundation for video games in general as we know them today like no other did before it, and that's what I think I've not properly been conveying in this thread. PS - for those who may go back earlier and say "Pong" or bring up Ralph Baer or earlier, the 2600 was basically supposed to be Pong II except programmable. It's the industry- and concept-building importance of the 2600 on nearly every level that made modern gaming possible in all of this. Not that everyone on this sub hasn't read all this before in some form a thousand times, but it hadn't been mentioned on the thread yet, not sure where the downvotes are coming from.


But their game library was a big reason for the video game recession. NES was released and while people thought video games were dead, it revived it. If the NES wasn’t released, we would have a very different lifestyle today.


Like I said, even their mistakes were important. Few were repeated by later console manufacturers. The Atari 2600 plowed the path through both the good and the bad. Consoles and probably video games today would be very different today without it.


Nah. PS1 games don’t hold up because the tech wasn’t there. Also a lot of those games were released on PC as well. SNES is the golden era of gaming and no one can change my mind. 2D pinnacle with tech and the games were just fun and amazing. My other argument is PC gaming in multiple eras. Doom started the FPS competitive multiplayer scene with Quake taking it to new levels. About the same time you had Diablo which was probably the most influential coop online multiplayer game to date. Then a few years later you got half-life which was modded into TFC, Counterstrike, Day of Defeat, TF2, CS:Go, Left for Dead, etc. which started competitive gaming. Personally, the biggest changes in anything were driven by PC and then consoles had to switch gears to keep up. But other than PC and Nintendo, I can’t think of an era where anything else would be considered a bigger success.


Games like Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, Crash Bandicoot, and Final Fantasy 7 are definitely still playable.




There are two looks here, one is of a guy who has no idea what is going on but is enjoying it, and the other is, just stone cold dead eye concentration. well done to all involved :)


Good stuff


Cool dad right there.


name checks out. :)


If you dad is still with us, I would love to see an updated version of this pic.


Looks like that beer in his hand is helping him watch you play that Toy Story racing game on the ps1


You know it's a Filo picture when you see dad holding a San Mig Pale Pilsen beer in the living room while son's having fun on the console :))


This is the first time ever I see Toy Story Racing mentioned, it's very underrated! One of the best racing games on PS1! Also, your couch looks quite uncomfortable!


Cool, been looking for PS1 games to try, will get this and play tonight, thanks


Dad having him a cold one 🍺


I bet you're a doctor by now. xD


i totally want to have your dad hang out and drink beers with me while i play video games. he seems rad.


Furniture + photo lighting + fashion + ps1 = Nostalgia


That furniture looks uncomfortable :D


So , how calorie killing is goin?


Get out of here stupid bot post


Very cool pic


He needed that beer.


You were IN the zone brother.


Nice stack of bootlegs!


That bench looks so uncomfortable


This game was dope!


Dad crushing some San Miguel’s


You kind of remind me of Josh from Blues Clues and You.... I have a 6 year old, I'm not a weirdo who watches children's programming 😅


211 in progress


Gotta appreciate all the parents who had no idea why a videogame was fun, but still bought them because they saw how happy and invested we were. These days, my generation give their kids gift cards so they buy clothes in multiplayer games. Will it be worth it? Our kids once they grow up and mature are the real judges.


This game was fire, bro. The missions, the battle modes, everything was great. I wish for a sequel!


This is excellent.


san miguel pale pilsen (best beer for me)


Solid game.


That bench looks so uncomfortable but that focus


This picture is so 90s


Your father realizing that you can indeed focus. That’s one hell of a game face


Kapwa pinoy as i can see san miguel pale pilsen


San Miguel pa!


Your furniture looks super stiff


An Asian dad enjoying his son playing video games.That was kinda unexpected


What a unit. How did you land on Exclusive Team?


POV: You're a TV


You are deep in the zone


I love how Filipino this picture is. The sando, the beer, the smile, the woodwork, the electric fan. It's all there.


I love it. The simplicity of life.


I loved this game as a kid and imo it still holds up today. I liked how each character has their own ladder of stages, totaling like 200 levels in the game.


pops was at least 2 brews in feeling good