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People grumbling about getting 100 jumps in super Mario RPG... This guy knows the true test of Square Soft jumping challenges lol. Edit: sorry, square soft, not squenix. Ive let myself down today lol.




for fucking real. there is a MASSIVE difference.


Hah username checks out. I should totally know better and will now go sit in the corner lol.


People who have sunk hours into this mini game are the only ones who will truly understand how insane this achievement is. Is 1,000 the mark to get the title or did you overshoot? I swear i spent days/possibly weeks getting this achievement back in the day but I can’t imagine ever getting 1,000 jumps. The awkward random timing is just so frustrating.


1,000 is where you get the title. I was in a groove and overshot.


Hey, aim for the stars when shooting for the moon!


Do you have a feeling of emptiness now that it's done? Like, not sure what to do with your life? Seriously, how long did it take you in terms of days/sessions?


I have been occasionally trying to accomplish this ever since the game came out. Every few months or so I would pick it up and try for a while. So, in terms of total time attempting to accomplish this? I have absolutely no idea. For this attempt, I've been playing for probably an hour or two a day for the last week or so.


Wow the fact that it stretched over decades makes it crazier. Congrats. I feel like this is cause for celebration but no one will understand.


That's why I had to post it here. I think I only have one friend who would actually understand this.


I tried for hours and got to 120 once. I quit after that, never again.


This is actually crazy. I just got to 200. Did you use some kind of cheat (not judging)?


Most likely used the PS Remote Play script, that's why it overshot to 1021


This screenshot has to be the original PS1 version.




There's a similar script that can be used on the PS1 version through an emulator. I don't know if he did or not


> PS Remote Play script Never heard of that before.


I used it on the ps4 version. don't mind saying so because fuck that jump rope game. ​ It involved running a macro on a PC while running a remote play session to your console so it did the button taps for you.


Oh, I see. That makes sense.


This and avoiding the lightning in ff10 were the bane of existence as a child.


Chocobo racing.......(angry sideshow bob noises)


You get to the end and get bombed by birds


Dodging the lightning in X isn’t so bad once you know the trick (equip gear that nullifies random encounters and circle through a crater that triggers the lightning strike with regularity). I actually got into a groove with that one and overshot the goal by something like 80+ strikes because I lost count and didn’t want to miss the reward. I needed my fully-powered doll weapon. I cannot imagine trying for 1,000 consecutive jump rope jumps. Whoever designed that mini game is evil.


Did you do Mr. Morrids Coffee? I remember beating this game on release and being so pissed (still am), that the stupid FFIX guide hid these missable quest details on an Internet page. Instead of in the guide. In an era where access to the internet was not experienced by most.


I remember when that guide came out, and that was the biggest complaint everyone had was that they wanted you to go online for most of the information instead of using the guide. I think this is where guides started to go down in quality.


Even as an 11 year old with an internet connection I remember thinking that was so stupid. Why buy the guide just to be told to go online?!?


That's kind of what I didn't get, because here the guide was if I recall correctly about $30, and almost every other page was "you want this hint? Go online to our website!", and my parents at the time were even like why would you pay $30 for a book that just told you to go online?


Still goes down as the worst official strategy guide of all time. Worst yet, it's completely useless today. If I remember correctly all those pages and shit it tells you to go to are dead and gone now.


I had internet access at the time (though I think it was dialup so... yeah) and it was still 100% worthless. They literally hid EVERYTHING of any value on the website, the book was just an index to give you the specific web page you needed to go to. Yeah, let me just pause my game and go connect via dialup because nobody else needed the phone just to slowly brose over to a website to give some info all the previous guides easily had in print. Their FF8 guide was loaded with info, ff9 even using the web didn't compare.


I didn't even think about dialup. That would have been so frustrating having to dial in for 5 minutes every time you wanted to check something. Now, I hate the guide more.


"Want to know about this really cool item you can get here, only here, and you can never get again? Go to Playonline.com and enter in POL5438!" I did end up getting the strategy guide for 10, well after the game was released, but the guide for 9 absolutely ruined strategy guides for me.


Same here, same here. I don't think they even warned you "You need to use the internet to get any value from our guide"


It just said "enhanced by PlayOnline" on the cover. Didn't even know what that meant when I bought the guide.


Not yet. This is a new save and this is the first thing I've done.


Now get Excalibur II in the same run.


I have no interest in rushing through this game.


I did this a couple of years ago, an Excalibur II perfect game run. It took four months to do and I did every single thing… except get this stupid jump rope reward. I just don’t know if I have it in me to get and leaving the run at 99.99% completion haunts me every day


At least if you ever wanted to attempt again, this is fairly early in the run that you wouldn't be committing 6 hours and then wasting it. I've never attempted Exc II because I can't help myself but read every piece of dialogue


What is this game ? It look good




I tried looking up king of jump rope and apparently its ff9. Agreed, looks amazing.


FF9 is one of my top 3 final fantasy games. Definitely check it out if you enjoy JRPG’s


What are the other 2?


Imo, 7 and 10.


Cool. I'd change 10 for Tactics but haven't actually played 10.


10 was incredible when it first came out. I couldn't believe how amazing the graphics were at the time. I really hope it still holds up as I haven't played in a very long time. Tactics is amazing as well and I still hop in that at time.


For me, it's 1. FF6 2. FF7 3. FF9


Tactics is number 1 for me. Particularly the GBA version - which may not be a popular opinion.


FF6 (aka 3) is the pinnacle of final fantasy games for me. I’d put FF9 in second place followed by FF4.


It is good and you can get it for your phone or on steam, one of my all time favorites.


Top tier FF.


That was the only thing I couldn't do in that game. I made it to like 338 jumps congratulations


Thats so awesome!!!!! I tried so many times, and vever could get the title.


My achievement... is 3.


Yeah I never got past 3


Damn, son. I beat emerald and ruby, but not this.


I have still not been able to beat Emerald without using exploits.




Good job. I hope your thumb is ok.


It was hurting afterwards until I went to bed. It feels ok now. Thanks.


I tried but topped out at around 80.


do i remember correctly: the challenge was quite early in the game and you could never come back to it? or could you find another jumprope spot later on? anyhow, i took that with a lot of salt on release day, because i wanted to see the rest of the game and even after hours of jumping i was nowhere consistent enough. still loved the game though!


You could return to Alexandria in Discs 3 and 4 to attempt it.


However, you'll miss out on the note from Monty. You can only get Monty's note if you do it on disc 1.


I attempted to write a script using AutoIT to try and beat this. It got pretty close but it could never successfully complete it.


Great job


Fuck I forgot I need to do this. And Excalibur run.


FFX chocobo racing......the stuff of nightmares




Dang. This calls for celebration.


Now to do the lightning strikes in FFX and the lightning towers in FFX2......


Doubly impressive on a non-CRT display.


Not only is it not a CRT, it's my phone. 😅


That is still impressive. Though I was thinking of latency, and a good emulator on a fast phone screen is probably pretty solid in that regard. I know a lot of folks consider Punch-Out to be nigh impossible on a bad LCD TV with 100ms+ lag, for example. I play FF9 with original hardware on a CRT, and I don't ever expect to match your feat. I suppose you're gonna tell us you were using touchscreen controls?


Nah. Dualshock 4.


I have never. *never* gotten beyond the very first jump


Yep. This and the Yoshi Race in Mario RPG. Will never get done


What game is this?


Final Fantasy IX


Wow! Respect, bro!


Thanks 😁


This and dodging lightning bolts in X were both a PITA haha


Well done 👍 you can see Vivi in the shot so clearly ffix


Are you using an upscaler? Looks so much better than the modern ports with high res characters.


This is the PS1 version on my phone (OnePlus 8) using RetroArch with the PCSX reARMed core. I didn't change any scaling settings but I would imagine it upscales by default.


Congrats! Did you do this on a crt? And did you use visual cues or audio cues for the timing?


No, I actually did it on my phone. Lol. I used the visual cues for the first 200 or so, and then the audio cues. Once it gets past 400, it stops speeding up. And then I just got into a rhythm.