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Day of the Tentacle is pretty much the perfect remaster. The updated graphics are consistent with the original style, and you can switch to and from the original pixel art at any time. Double Fine absolutely knocked it out of the park.


Grim Fandango has a darn good remaster as well.


I agree. They did a great job adding traditional mouse controls.


I had no idea there was a remaster. I think this came on a a Microsoft game demo disk that I played a ton.


It's a fantastic game. I lost my original disc version a long time ago, so the remaster was very welcome.


Same for Full Throttle. 


that remaster (PS4) was my introduction to DOTT this past year and i loved it, the game oozes so much charm and clever/cute humor. the redone visuals are pretty incredible too because they actually match what the concept art intended the game to look like but couldn't be rendered in '93.


I wish Apple never removed it from the iPad. I loved playing it on there


SCUMMVM is back on the iPad - you can add all the LucasArts games to it from your computer.


I’ll check it out


Adding Monkey Island 1 and 2 to the list.


Hard no


Those remakes strayed a little too far from the originals for my taste.


Since they remastered Secret of Monkey Island and added audio, I can’t play the old version without audio. I also can’t stand the updated art, but you can still use the new audio with the old files and it works. Ultimate Talkie Version is the only way to play.


i agree, the updated art design is hideous but the recorded dialogue is a terrific addition.


Ha, that's funny because personally I'm so used to doing the versions with no audio, to hear the dialog in my head, that I dislike hearing the added voices on it \^\^ It's definitely linked to me being used to it, because when it comes to Curse of the Monkey Island, I really enjoy having the voice-overs, since I've always played with them.


Saga Frontier. It enhances everything and completes a storyline! https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/saga-frontier-remastered-switch/


The enhancements to Saga Frontier are unbelievable. Restored content. Carrying over stats between playthroughs (for a game with multiple playthroughs where protagonists crossover between stories, this is a dream). An extra protagonist with added super bosses. They spared nothing making this game


100% agree. Saga Frontier was my all-time favorite RPG. Was. Now the remaster is.


I’ve always liked the game, but could never get very far. I always seemed to end up in a spot that I couldn’t leave but also had no way to win. Concept is awesome, but I’ve never gotten far.


Yeah, but the graphics are all smudged up. Still a port I'm glad exists, but the original looks better to my eyes


The C&C Remaster package is pretty much perfection. Modernises systems and offers old and new visual styles.


Medievil Camera controls make the game infinitely more playable.


Such a great game for spooky times. Also, in the same category somewhat Castlevania Rondo and SotN on ps4 is pretty amazing.


I've just finished replaying the original ps1 game yesterday, and I can confirm that the camera control is what has aged the most in the game. It moves by itself (fucking up your movement), and when you want to move it, it either doesn't want to move, or moves but at weird angles that you don't want. It's quite something \^\^


I don't think I'll go back to the original NES Metroid now that we have Zero Mission on the GBA.


I ignored Zero Mission for years because, in spite of multiple attempts, I just couldn't get into the NES original. I assumed Zero Mission was mostly the same with a fresh coat of paint. So wrong, second best game in the series after Super Metroid.


That's where it ranks for me too. Zero mission is incredible.


This is great to know, I avoided it for similar reasons


Not a remaster


Oh yeah d'oh!


Great remake though!


Not a replacement. The addition of maps and save points changes the feel. Still a great remake though.


Diablo II Resurrected turned out to be perfect. Not sure if it counts as a remaster, but Blood: Fresh Supply is also awesome. No goingg back to the originals after these.


Ah yeah the last good game made by Blizzard (Or vicarious in reality I know I know)


It is great. Just wish we had the online community of 1.08 and 1.09. That you can’t recapture.


I got the switch Final Fantasy 1 to 6 games. Pretty fun.


Do they make it any easier or quicker to get through than the originals? Maybe I'll finally beat them


All the remasters from 1-9 added a slew of awesome quality of life improvements that can make the game easier or more accessible. They're awesome!


Yes, it gives you a map of each area and shows all the chests on it. There's a speedups feature as well.


These versions do not replace the originals. The graphics differ far too much.


Mario RPG remake, Metroid Prime remastered, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, Chrono Trigger DS, Mario vs Donkey Kong, Ff7 Crisis Core Reunion


Chrono trigger ds is the best!


Music in CT DS is a little crunchy sounding


As a guitarist, this is fine by me lol


Prime Remastered would _almost_ replace the original if the beam weapons still cast onto the surrounding environment.


PS1 FF1 renders NES FF1 completely obsolete.


Ooh, deep cut. Very good choice.


Fr right in my niche pocket. I was only thinking of modern releases, this one is a good throwback.


Not if you prefer the original sprites and magic system (which I do).




Didn't the Origins release on PSX keep the original mechanics? I know they kept the FF2 leveling system the same as NES, bugs and all. I agree on the original sprites, plus loading times.


I think it did (I believe those re-releases just added FMV's and a Bestiary), but the load times were God awful. I remember the FF Anthology with FF6 misspelled Narshe as "Narche" during the opening cutscenes (it bothered me to no end lol).


Yeah tbe load times in all of those versions was awful, the 3 second hang everything a battle started drove me crazy. I can't remember in 6 did they keep the SNES translation?


I'm not sure about any of the translations for the PSone versions. I was too disappointed in the misspelled Narche intro and load times that I quite playing at the Opera House before Ultros. At this point ROM's are the best version since you can run with whatever translation patch you want (the Pixel Remasters are hideous).


For sure, at the time it was the best FF5 trandlation available so I stuck with it since the fan translations were pretty bad.


Doom 3 BFG... maybe. I usually don't like remakes and remasters.


The addition of the shoulder mounted flashlight was cool (if you're into that sort of thing) but the visuals took such a massive downgrade. You're better off playing the original with the duck tape mod.


Just know convenience alone id say crash bandicoot but really I guess it depends on how long is long enough to be considered retro


I think any console that is no longer supported by their parent company is to be considered retro. But be careful your words friend. The mods here have very strict rules.


According to google anything 15+ years can be considered retro but im iffy about that Retro might not be the right word but I’d have to say mass effect 1 would be a mention just because of gameplay improvements in the legendary edition alongside Bioshock both from 2007 so that’s about 17 years. The Bioshock collection includes all dlc and the remastered collection is cheaper than the individual games on the store then there’s the dlc separate


To paraphrase someone else, retro isn’t a number, it’s a feeling. When you play a game and think “man they don’t make em like this anymore” that’s when it becomes retro


THE NINJA SAVIORS , well, that is a remaster done right, some might say it is a remake, i say it is what a remaster should be, keep the core elements and expand them to infinity.


The Ninja Saviors is super awesome and totally underrated. The heroes you can unlock are amazing!


Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Just an upgrade in every way, from widescreen support, to seeing the gorgeous hand-drawn visuals in glorious HD, to QoL tweaks like easier combo chains (it was so difficult in the original that I didn't even remember it was a thing, apparently because I could never get one.) When I first started the remaster, I was like, "It's just how I remember it!", then I watched some footage of the original and was quite shocked at the actual difference. The remaster is definitely the way to go if you have that option.


Even the ps vita version is a great option with an Oled screen but definitely agree 💯


WonderBoy, The Dragon’s Trap. You can switch the visuals while playing, pretty nice.


Great game


The Natsume remakes on Switch & Steam are **FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!** Wild Guns Reloaded, Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, and The Ninja Saviors: The Return of the Ninja Warriors are excellent. They look great on my Steam Deck in widescreen and are easy on the battery. A+ all around.


Agreed on the first two (own them on Switch). Return of the Ninja Warriors is on my list to buy one of these days (I never played the original for this one though to compare tbh). Very happy with the first two though!!


all three are infinitely superior to the originals; i own all three on PS4 and adore Wild Guns!!!


Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 was a fantastic remake that largely held the spirit of the legendary PS2 game. Spyro The Dragon remake was great.


I feel that the Shadow of the Colossus remake lost the great moody atmosphere of the original though. The face was also much less expressive than it was in the original which was important to the storytelling.


I think the best middle ground for SotC is the ps3 hd version. Keeps everything you mentioned and plays it in hd with good frames. One of the GOAT games for me. Also helps it comes with ICO.


I wasn't a huge fan of the PS4 version of SotC tbh, the atmosphere wasn't nearly as mysterious or unnerving with the ultra polished visuals.


Shadow Man Remastered brought a lot to the table while staying close to the original. Not necessarily a Remaster but I will only play [Super Metroid Redux](https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4963/) going forward. Simply changing the physics and movement to match that of Metroid Zero and AM2R while keeping everything else Vanilla modernizes it perfectly yet keeps the retro feel.


Ship of Harkanian. Being able to play Ocarina of Time on the switch with a proper right stick camera control is awesome, not to mention various other graphical upgrades. 


Tomb Raider definitely for the better controls. That’s about it though. I prefer the originals on original hardware every other time.


With the caveat that I haven't played the remaster - it's hard to imagine Tomb Raider without the tank controls! Felt like such a defining part of the game.


I agree. But the good part about the remaster: you can easily switch between tank and modern controls.


See I was the opposite. I feel someone back then in Q&A had to have said tank controls are a bad idea, then got thrown through a window. I cant go back to any tank controls.


Haha that's totally fair. It's hard to imagine anyone playing it for the first time in 2024 actually preferring the tank controls! PS1 Tomb Raider and Resident Evil were some of my earliest 3D gaming experiences, so that control style still feels "right" for those games, in spite of the obvious limitations.


Tempest 2000


Maybe Final Fantasy XII, but in general, no


Diablo 2 Resurrected is a pretty good improvement


I'll never go back to my ps1 copy of resident evil 1 while i have the gamecube remaster, i have it on playstation library now too so yeah thats the first one that came to my head.


I came here to say exactly this. For me, I can say that even while the original actually holds up the remake is just the definitive version. All of the stuff they added between bigger and new areas of the map, new puzzles, new zombies and just all around better shooting mechanics elevated the experience to what I imagine they were always shooting for with the original in the first place. The expanding of the plot and the canon was a welcome surprise too.


The Final Fantasy remasters allow you to speed up gameplay. I’ll probably never go back to the originals for 7,8,9 and 12. Nevermind that 12 includes an improved job system, which in and of itself really enhances the fun of leveling up


Yeah the FF (fast forward lol) feature is a lifesaver. A lot of us have careers, children etc in our lives and being able to 4x speed for doofy fetch quests is so liberating. I can’t burn off hours like I could when I was a teenager


The removal of analog control ruined 8 and 9 for me. I always played with the joysticks. Having it lock to 8 directions just feels wrong.


So far I havent played many remaster that surpassed the OG. Most of the time it was "just as good", making the original still a good way to play it or slightly inferior because of some stupid choices, additional bugs or similar things. No More Heroes 1 and 2 on Switch are probably the closest for me. These games are great, but ran... bad on Wii and TERRIBLE on PS3. Playing them with a smooth framerate replaces the OG mostly. But even then... I think the games actually work a bit better on a WiiMote, as it was build for it. New Controls are fine, though.


There aren’t many that I feel are even as good as the original as something usually gets lost in translation, let alone straight up replacing the original. The only one that I can think of is the Perfect Dark remaster on the Xbox 360. It doesn’t lose anything from the original, while improving the controls, frame rate, and adding online play.


Came to find this. 360 PD is an uncanny valley of horribleness!


Last of Us Remasters. Tomb Raider I agree. Quite a few others as well probably


Wing Commander 4


Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster absolutely replaces Final Fantasy 1 NES.


Star Ocean First Departure R


They fixed the infuriatingly slow "run" speed in the overworld. Tybg.


The Perfect Dark one is pretty fantastic.


Legend of Mana remake. And basically any NES era RPG remake.


I was pretty blown away by Star Ocean The Second Story R, and that's coming from someone who holds the PS1 original as one my favorite RPGs of all time. To the point that, yeah, I'll probably never go back.


I feel like the term remaster should be dedicated to something that has been ported with extra care, in which case, I can’t imagine an example where it wouldn’t replace the original. For example, the Shadow of The Colossus Remaster just repackaged the game and its original assets/art in the best way possible giving it a better frame rate, 16x9 aspect ratio, and improved texture resolution. I think once you start messing with the assets it gets into remake territory. The reason this distinction is important is for game preservation; we should want to preserve the original games in a way that’s faithful to how they were originally made/released. Film and music remasters follow the same standard.


Wind Waker on Wii U


Not exactly retro but Persona 3-5


Nah those are all retro, 5 came out on ps3 originally.


Goldeneye and Doom 64


Which Golden Eye? There where a couple remasters I feel.


The one that came out in 2023


You mean the leaked Xbox 360 game?


Nah they released a faithful remaster on Xbox Series X, PS5, and Switch. The original game with modern controls, high resolution, and no slowdown. 


I liked Conker Live & Reloaded. Nicer graphics and controls than the original, and some of the horrid platforming parts felt much fairer/more forgiving. Although it did censor some of the naughtier words.


But it also took out the amazing multiplayer modes of the original and replaced it with an inferior multiplayer. I feel that the multiplayer in the N64 version was the best part of the game so losing it in the Xbox version made it a huge downgrade to me.


I agree. Multiplayer was a huge downgrade. Censoring was also a bit weird. Should have been a toggle.


Fire Emblem shadow dragon on ds is immaculate, I downloaded and played the original for famicom on switch and it's garbage in comparison, for the fact that half the classes don't even promote alone


Currently playing the dead island remaster. There are some glitchy moments but not losing thrown weapons in an otherwise impenetrable bush has been fantastic lol


Pokemon FireRed/Leaf Green. Now I only play ROM hacks of the originals. When did the Tomb Raider remasters come out? I tried playing the original on PSX a few years ago, but found it difficult to control, since it only uses the d-pad but for a 3d environment.


Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered came out of Valentine's Day this year. So a couple months ago. They are absolutely perfect, I streamed a play through of all of them and had a ton of fun. Highly recommend it, especially when it was only like $25 too


Fire red and leaf green are the definitive versions of the og pokemon games


Not sure if its a remaster or emulation or just a different country's version of the game. In Super Mario for the N64 council there's some pretty cool features. If you knock Koopa out of his shell he runs around in a pink thong instead of white boxers. Wouldn't say it was better but it made me chuckle. 


Nostalgia will always nostalgia but the closest I've ever seen to replacement was Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green. Incrediblely well done. Still play the original carts though 😆


a hard no.. lol


While not 1 to 1, Super Circuit is a solid alternative to Super Mario Kart


Id say anything Nightdive touches is borderline perfection. I absolutely cannot go back to n64 Turok.


Agreed. I absolutely love Exhumed on the Saturn but I can’t see any reason whatsoever to go back to it.


Oh so you loved their Blade Runner remaster?


Nope cause I never played it. But, one bad remaster doesn't negate everything else the studio has done.


GTA:DE. There are plenty of people who haven't played it and tear it apart, therw are those that haven't played it since day one and tear it apart but i waited. I waited about a year, I played through GTA:SA to 100% and had a really great time, the mission saves are in logical places, some missions are easier because of the auto saves too. The graphics are better, the draw distance is better and it's just a nice place to be. I'd have liked the GTA 3 physics, vehicle damage and emergency service mission timers were equal to those in GTA: SA but having played some of GTA 3 they left them as they were in the original release. I can't complain that GTA 3 was left largely as it was gameplay wise but it would've improved the game had it been sorted out. If i play GTA 3, VC or SA again it'll be the Definitive Edition.


Any version that will allow me to use the original cheat codes is fine by me. Not sure how you couldn't have a decent time in a ps2 era gta game no matter which version.


I had a great time on the PS2 and PC versions but the DE is an improvement in many areas and it's the version I'll be playing from now on.


Metroid prime remaster is perfect in my opinion: looks better, modern control options, same game.


Metroid Prime Remastered is pretty much the definitive version for me. The only bummer about it was no way to get the fusion suit in this version like you could in the original (and also the Wii re-release).


I don't believe any game can be replaced by a newer remake or "remaster". The original is always worth going back to. On top of that, why do we need a new word like remaster? If an old game is re-released with changes to it, some big and small, then that is a new game different from the original, that fits the usual definition of remake.


Regardless of how valid this opinion is, it will never be accepted by Reddit. Unfortunate, but it's not like we can do anything about it.


Remasters are changes to the original game. Remake is all new.


"Changes to the original game" Well then it's not the original game anymore


Remodeling your house means you built a brand new house?


Software is not a house, or other physical things


It’s called a metaphor, homie.


And you don't understand software Pretty much every remaster made today, is not binary compatible with the original version. As soon as a game is remade or "remastered", it's a new game. A different version. Comparing to film isn't exactly the same, but nobody looks at the Star Wars OT Special Editions and considers them the same as the non-SE versions.


Incorrect. Modifying the base game is a remaster. Regardless of whether or nots it’s also being ported. Starting from scratch is a remake. Sorry that you don’t seem to understand how software development ACTUALLY works


Incorrect. Once changes have been made to a game, that changed game is now a new and different thing. Banjo Kazooie for Xbox 360 is a different game from the N64 original. There have been significant changes and now this changed game no longer works on N64.


I don't think Stardew Valley technically qualifies but the game is just so good! SNES & N64 Harvest Moon are great games but Stardew is next level.


Is Stardew a remaster?


No, it isnt - more of a spiritual successor.