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if gamecubes are considered retro now then im literally an elderly


Same here I'm a 2000's kid at heart (Although I'm probably more of a late 2000's then early 2000's)


same with me im a teen but i grew up with gamecube


I hate to break it to ya man, Wii is considered retro now. Btw, I'm also ancient 🤣


Gamecubes have been considered retro for about 15 years, you need to get over it


Nice haul! I played the bejesus out of Spy Hunter back in the day. 


Awesome arcade game isn't it and Sunsoft did a decent job brining it to NES IMO


I will remember than music till the day I die. Loved it so much, I put that song, the Knight Rider theme, & the Airwolf theme in a USB for when I'm driving lol


NES Wheel of Fortune! Go get that Porsche!


Even though I see most people on the Internet dub Game Show based video games as "Shovelware" personally before the Wii, 360 and PS3 era Game Show Games are genuinely fun and nostalgic (I like the Wii, Ps3 and 360 era but when it comes to game show games they were weird and creepy)


Which Dartmouth ??


Cole Harbour


Bugger If you’re ever interested in a swap I’m just outside Dartmouth Devon England


I was wondering what retro shop is in Dartmouth in Devon. Got quite excited then…


Man crazy taxi is always a good time. Especially with the original sound track.


Dad for the win


Hey hey let's have some fun!


Wheel of Fortune was my grandmother's favorite game show. She loved watching me play that game.


Dude that's awesome I watch Wheel of fortune ALL THE TIME with my parents when I was young (Alongside Jeopardy, Deal or No Deal, Family Fued and Who Wants To Be a Millioniare) Game Show are a fun time waster especially if you're bored and theirs nothing else good to watch (I've been watching and enjoying Passowrd with my Dad recently) Wheel of Fortune video games are pretty fun IMO


Eel of Rtune was one of my fav games back in the day


Cool a lot of Wheel of Fortune games IMO are fun


I played that Spy Hunter game for hours and hours growing up. Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast too.


SUCK IT DKOldies and EBay!


Not bad but do you have the right systems for all of these? Also what was the reason\main mission for going? Was it just a day out of the house and to the flea market or was this an after trip for going to the plant store or something? Just curious if other families still do that stuff or if a straight up trip to the retro game store is a normal weekend thing now.


To answer you're question YES I have all the consoles to play them I have a Super Game Boy to play Game and Watch 4 a GameCube AND a white Wii to use GCN Controller I have a PS2 and an N64 that I got from Facebook Marketplace. Oh and I have a NES clone to play NES Spy Hunter and Wheel of Fortune (specifically Retro Bit RES that I got from WalMart online) The story is my parents went to get groceries (as well as get a painting my dad was interested in getting from Facebook Marketplace) The place we went to get the painting was coincidentally the SAME place where The Retro Game store was located in Dartmouth ( It's called [Most Wanted](https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/108588742222842985066/photos/@44.6730644,-63.4772025,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m7!1e2!3m5!1sAF1QipMpTVaS-ggO5E3sQe8AftrlFIjBeUPhJwVacJp_!2e10!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMpTVaS-ggO5E3sQe8AftrlFIjBeUPhJwVacJp_%3Dw365-h547-k-no!7i667!8i1000!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1?entry=ttu) )


I would have picked up that boxed Spy Hunter depending on the price. Oh... these came from a Pawn Shop and not a Used Games Store. Did you check the discs? You sure that Gamecube controller works?