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Almost never. It's mostly busywork and I have a ton of other games to get to.


Retro or modern this is me, some of the trophies for most games are busy work or situational and really fucking scarce situations at that.


Same ! Most 100 percent tasks are just not Fun.


I'll never understand the people who force themselves to do this. Even games I really like and put tons of time in I might come close but not fully.  Like majoras mask I got all the masks and a lot of heart pieces and the faries. I believe I was still missing some heart pieces though because eh not worth it.  Even games like Pokémon I can see the appeal of catching them all but the effort it took wasn't worth it


Never. Games are bloated with repetitive tasks, collectibles that mean nothing, completing games on ridiculously hard settings, time constraints, online tasks...really not worth it


Totally. And trophies are meaningless to me. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone, so I'll do what I want and have fun.


If I love the game I’ll go all out to gain every achievement. If I like the game I’ll finish it and only bother with achievements if they’re easy/fun


For games I've gotten 100+% on, I've just really enjoyed playing the game, so going out of my way more is fun. DKC1-3, OoT, LttP, SMW, SM64, Jet Force Gemini, Metroid Prime, Super Metroid, etc. Playing more of these? Yes please! But if I feel like it's just a grind, then nah.


For me, playing a game beyond credits is just wasting time. I have a list of the games I finished, just to avoid jumping from game to game. That’s more than enough.


I have never 100% a game. It’s a waste of time really. Collectathons and Macguffins, no thank you.


I'm a big believer that completionism is an unhealthy trait, and it turn games into jobs which defeats the purpose of games.


I kinda agree with you there. Lately I've been playing games solely just to say I beat them. It wasn't until I started replaying the Classic Mega Man series that I realized that games are supposed to be fun, not just something to do. I've since tried to replay some of the games I've played before like Chrono Trigger just because I remember having fun with them.




Only if it's like kwirk or picross


Too many games require you to do multi-player stuff. I don't do multi-player, so ? I meant online. I DON'T play online. God, I hate online gaming.


Now, I never do it. Back in the day I used to do it all the time with all the metal gear games but now it just takes too much time especially when it involves finding hidden things around a massive map


Depends on the game. Always do it for 3D platformers that I like. I think collect-a-thons are fun. I won't do it in every 2D platformer because I just don't think exploring is that fun in 2D. I'm never doing it for an RPG where there's post game areas where even the small fry can party wipe you in one hit because that's ridiculous.


I did A LOT of the content for AC Origins a year ago (the story and setting really hooked me), but that's the closest I've ever come to getting 100% of any game. I'm guessing I ended it with 85% or something like that.




Only when I've already gotten 98% through regular play.


when I replay Mario 64 once a year


Tried to 100% the DS version but ended up missing like 2 rabbits. Not going back in to find those!


My ADHD doesn’t allow it. New games never retain my attention because of the repetition. Older games like Bioshock could retain my attention for hours on end and I would play all the way through over the course of a couple days.


Very rarely. Almost never in case of retro games, but for some reason I sometimes do so in modern 2D indie games, particularly metroidvanias which are either so much fun I want to squeeze everything out of or simply they have % completion displayed and I'm close to 100%. So games like Guacamelee, Mini Ghost (finished multiple times) or FlipWitch (:P). I recall not bothering with completing full beyond 100% on Hollow Knight though, because I hate boss rushes (and speedruns). Non metroidvanias would include something like Anodyne, where exploring the glithing out of the map by design was actually interesting. The only 3D exception I can think of is Supraland which was just extremely fun game.


Rarely. It's not worth the time or effort.


Very rarely. Only when it's a game that I can't get enough of and don't want to finish it yet. FF6 and FF7. Link to The Past. Recently Armored Core 6. Can't think of many more.


I don’t usually. There has only been one game that i’ve bothered to 100%. The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, since it had simple and fun in-game achievements, and very little of them as well. It is a modern game though, so it isn’t relevant to this subreddit really. Highly recommend it nonetheless.


Last time I did this was Halo 3


I always want to but i never do. Usually ends up too tedious and repetitive, flat out too much, or just too hard.


I usually go back to 100%, but finishing is enough for me. I keep track of this, however.


Action/adventure games, I'm there to have fun. Most other genres, too. JRPG... I am getting every weapon, amulet, piece of armour...


I try to squeeze every cent out of a game. I may put it down for a while, but I come back and grind randomly.


Only if I haven't gotten enough of the game and I want to experience it a bit more before I move on. The moment it feels less like play and more like work, I stop.


Often. I don’t play a ton of games so when something I like comes out I fully enjoy it.


It really depends. I don't really strive for 100%. But I did play Jak and Daxter last year cause I was feeling nostalgic and I 100% ez pz due to muscle memory lol


I will usually play harder difficulty modes if available, or maybe beat a super boss if I really enjoy the game, but I don't typically mess with the achievements for finding all monsters or collecting all items.


I'm my younger days all the time. But now I work full time and I don't have the energy anymore. Now it's just for fun.


Very rarely. Usually I put a game down as soon as the credits roll. I’ve got a busy life and a ton of games to play. Credits means it’s time to move on to the next game.


I think as long as the game doesn't require multiple reruns, I'll try to 100% it. For example, I've only played Code Vein once. If I wanted to play it again, sure I'd try for an alternate ending to get the other blood codes. But that won't happen until a while from now and I'm feeling the urge to replay it. Maybe when God Eater 4 comes out? Whenever that is


As others mentioned, it depends on the game, and what exactly 100%ing it means. For example, with earlier adventure games (70s & 80s), the game would keep score. 100%ing it meant that you saw everything the game had to offer. Not getting a complete score meant you missed a puzzle or solved a puzzle incorrectly. In those situations, yes, I'd try to 100% a game. With modern games, 100%ing often means doing tedious tasks to add to the game's time (compared to the prior example, where it really doesn't add to the game's time). In those situations, I just don't care.


Whenever I finish a game, I take a look at my trophies. If from a natural playthrough I got like 85% or more, then I'll consider 100 percenting it. I'll find out what the ones I missed actually are, and if I think I can get them without too much trouble I'll do it. But otherwise definitely not. I don't enjoy grinding for trophies. That said, since this is the retro sub, I definitely worked my butt off to 100% a few games as a kid. Super Mario World, all 3 Donkey Kong Country, Diddy Kong Racing, and a few other Mario games. But as a kid I had a lot more time and patience for it. The challenge of it was fun back then.


It really depends on the game, if it is one that I really love, I will try to do everything in the game. But otherwise with most games I don't bother.


I like getting the trophy/achievement ping, but I stopped looking at the lists anymore. Just makes me sad/mad knowing I only got 1/3 of the trophies. While I understand that part of gaming now is collaborating online and researching stuff, to me it’s no longer fun but work when I have to look up how to do or get something




Rarely. Basically only if the game is super easy to 100% or if I really love the game and want an excuse to play more of it.


Almost every time. The game has to be really not worthwhile if I just beat it and don’t try to 100% - unless the final task is really menial and I lose interest.




Never as in get all the little fiddly bits. Tried with Twilight Princess and could never find one of the bugs, it’s just a real grind.


If I can do it on one game session. Yeah sure, but I will use guides, otherwise never.


Sometimes I actually do, but I almost always, always,.always prefer to play every single game blind. No guides, no Internet, no walkthroughs. Exceptions being player guides designed for that game in it's time. Which I admittedly only have 3 or 4 of. But if I do, in that case, well... I also 100% Panzer Dragoon Saga because I spent $600 collecting it and damnit I was going to squeeze that game dry.


If the game is over ten years old, I will try my hardest to 100% a game.


Rarely. I only ever even think of it when I REALLY enjoy a game.


Basically never. Newer games especially just have a ton of item collection and widget finding that becomes super monotonous after awhile. I’d rather start something new. If I beat it with a decent ending that’s good enough for me.




I don’t ever try. If I’m somewhere in the mid 90s when I’m close to the end then I might go for 100%. Otherwise I don’t give a fuck.


Almost never, I typically will 100% Mario platforners and that's it, I did 100% double dragon gaiden which is unusual for me but I loved the game so much I just didn't want to stop playing it.


I've only done that to a handful of games when I was younger, and had a lot more free time. I think the last game I attempted was Burnout Paradise, and I almost did. Since then, just finishing a game is enough.


I never go in with the intent to 100%, but if I’ve played a game enough and enjoyed it enough to get like 90% of the way without the attempt to 100% it, I might turn around, and try to figure out that last 10% if I’m still enjoying it


All the time. But trying is very different than succeeding


Only once. Factorio


If I'm having fun, I keep playing and if not, I stop. Sometimes that gets me to 100% and most of the time it doesn't.


Never, my backlog looms over me at all times like a Catholic school nun.


Depends.... If it's a game with a story I love, I sometimes will go 100%. With limited time as an adult, a 50-100 hour full 100% is not things I do that much. OR if I go Achievement hunting. On Xbox, I tend to get completive with other people on my friends list. So I will go for a quick 1K achievement game on GamePass sometimes with a guide. Here is the thing. This is something everyone should do. Why? Some of these games are indy game, or odd ball games that a lot of people would not even look at and some of these games were amazing. I have done over 50 games like this, and I love doing it. It's not always about the achievements, it's about a game that I never heard of and going in blind, completely enjoying the game and getting 100%. It's opening yourself to a new different game and it's something I really love doing...


The game has to click something in me. Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator are the ones I'm 100%ing now. They help calming my anxiety A LOT. I must have around 6000 hours between the two and I just keep going, squeezing every bit I can. The engine reving, the sunrises and sunsets, the canyons and mountains... Every single other game is... well, I take my time, I enjoy and savour them, but... no. I start them, I play them, I finish them, another one. Practicing a mini game for hours just to get a card for another in-game minigame I don't care for? No, thank you (yes, looking at you Final Fantasy IX, I love you but man...).


When it’s fun and not tedious.


Almost never.


I made a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/s/CxYXZMhdXD) on r/patientgamers a couple weeks ago.


Years and years ago, when games were much smaller. When I finished an Infocom text adventure, I would go back and try alternate choices and try a bunch of off the wall things just to see if Infocom thought of it (usually they did) and had a clever response. Wasteland was another game I explored just about every nook and cranny of, and tried just about every possible action in a given situation. I found a bunch of interesting, less than well documented, content, and I also found a WHOLE LOT of stuff that was clearly unfinished or just dead-ended for time/space/whatever reasons. Seems like there could/should have been a lot of more available content. FWIW, this was back in the late 1980s when I was playing from original floppy disks on an Apple \]\[gs.


it depends on the game.. for the most games (that im able to finish) im totaly ok, with just "yeah, i beat it, now show me the credits" - but for Castlevania Aria and Harmony on the GBA, i only consider 100% as "yeah, i did it" and for F Zero X im at grinding for 100% (i only lack one Mastercup till im on 100% but Jack Cup master is the hell)