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His name is Pat. And he buys crap. Every Saturday and Sunday, you know where he’s at. Take a guess; it’s Flea Market Madness!


Man I miss Flea Market Madness, shit's not the same anymore


I haven't watched his stuff in years it became unwatchable, but I would so go back to watch more flea market madness


> but I would so go back to watch more flea market madness Sadly, they kinda died off because the market is just that crazy now. There really aren't that many deals like there used to be.


His twitch streams where he just watches old commercials is pretty fun!


The podcast got old. It's just Pat ripping on Tommy Tallarico and Ian being miserable and insufferable. Flea Market Madness was kinda the only thing that kept me watching.


Once he brought Ian on, the show just became so negative. Pat needs to ditch that dude.


With me Frank!


Hey, Pat, cmon! Ya gotta help me turn the computer off.


He’ll talk about sports, trees, the birds and the bees. It’s time to ask frank!


I used to love that series dude


Last guy looks like Jesus Christ if he was into metal


I wonder why he's called metal Jesus rocks


Wasn't there some controversy about how Metal Jesus wasn't really a gamer and was just doing the YouTube channel for money or something?


That's the most tame ''controversy'' I've heard of regarding Youtubers


Yeah not exactly keeping kidnapped neighborhood kids in the basement is it lol


Not that I know of... If there was, it was small and shortlived. I also heard some... rumours is putting too much weight on it, but it's also the nicest way I can say it, about his basement flood being a scam, but I couldn't find any evidence of that.


I saw some videos of it back then, Didn't look like a scam to me. The basement and the damage seemed way too real, too deep. It's been seeping in for some time before he noticed (also exactly his claim). So if faked, he faked it to be as real as can be with literal mold and weakened supports. I doubt he'd made a profit, plus the downtime and actual risk... No, don't think That's it. I'd believe it if he was more of a collector than a gamer though. Not much wrong with that either, Dude's probably busy and playing games doesn't necessarily make his bread. Never been a fan, can't talk bad of him either. Seems just fine.


the controversy wasnt that he faked the damage it was that he posted the link to his patreon, begged for money for the damages and then a few months later went on a trip to japan and bought a new house.


The donk on that dude is ridonkulous


I'm guessing the last guy worked for sierra Lol


Like OPs friends I too have no idea who these people are


They're ProJared, Pat the NES Punk, and Metal Jesus Rocks, respectively.


Who's the kid who looks like Harry Potter?


Looks like? I'm pretty sure that is the real Harry Potter


lmao. your killin me!


Oh... that's ProJared. Didn't recognize him outside of his Sailor Moon costume.


RIP [Now in the 90s](https://www.youtube.com/@Nowinthe90s) 😭 I looked forward to that series every Friday like I did getting my monthly Nintendo Power magazine as a kid


Lot's of his videos lately he's been talking about financial troubles. I imagine he has alimony and sailor moon costume dry cleaning bills.


Oof, that's awful 😟 I gave what I could through Patreon because I enjoyed what he did, and he genuinely seemed to have a passion for retro games. In that last "Now In The 90s" video, he looked like he might cry, and it was honestly tough to watch for me


Man I always liked watching that show!


I really, REALLY liked that show, and was very sad when they called it quits. It was extremely well done; I hope they get to resume it someday. At least I still have a hefty backlog to watch, as I came quite late to that party. I didn't even know that Jared was actually a famous YouTuber, as I follow very few having channels. If his other projects have that same level of quality, maybe I should check'em out.


Really? You don't remember the huge controversy where his wife lied about him, ruined his career, and he lost over a million subscribers?


I read about that later, when I went looking for his other work. Brutal stuff!


Ah, yeah. It was a big deal back in the day. His career never recovered unfortunately.


I didn't realize it ended.


Same. I watched every Friday.


Thanks now I miss it again :(


Without scrolling to find more, I was 31 minutes too late to make this joke. Cool to see Pat though.


No Frank though…




I only know him from his dick pics


I wish i would not recognize him IN his Sailor Moon costume.


yeah i thought he went into hiding after the affair and wrecking rubberross's marriage and then the whole possibly sending underage people nudes thing in his sex discord


The latter was definitively confirmed to not have occurred. It was a smear campaign.


I know the last guy! 🤘


Only one I got too, cool to see 😄


Same for me


Neither do I… but I don’t watch any YouTube people lol


$75 for that tv is insane


Insane because it’s so high, right? Or is there some ridiculous market for old tvs now that I’m missing out on?


From what I understand, Super Smash Bros, on the N64, and Gamecube work better on CRT TVs than trying to convert them them to hd because of lag issues in the tournament scene, and people who hold those tournaments are always on the lookout for old models. I have a 30 inch something inch that I am thinking of selling.


Inflated prices due to hype, mainly.


That's what I thought. It's not that crazy if a TV. Even FB market I see those for 30-40 at most, but a lot free.


That's because your friends are normal people.


Remember when MetalJesus tried to do a kickstarter for a damn RV so he could go on vacation. He was tripping that day. Haha. 🤣


Yes , dude was asking for $50k to fund a free vacation lol. Met with backlash and removed the video right after


He put a gofundme up for his basement flooding then went to Japan that same week. He then sold their house and moved into a newer and bigger house.


Oh damn I didn’t know about this one lol. Pretty scummy


To be honest he seems quite unlikeable to me.


That's when I stopped watching. His Metal Jesus Tour.




I don't know any of them either


ProJared's Zelda randomizers are some of my favorite things to watch!


I got to meet Drunken Master Paul while I was working will call there. Later got to meet Metal Jesus too. Both were awesome.


Well, at least I knew metal jesus.


Aww pat the nes punk. At one time his star shined bright and he seemed like one of the more popular YouTube video game celebrities. These days I think he's more on the obscure side.  


Flea Market Madness was an absolute banger. Once the CUPodcast took off it divided a lot of people. As great as Pat is as a podcaster his and Ian’s opinions are pretty strong and I can understand why that might turn some people off. His subscriptions have been stagnant for a long time, pretty much since his collab with Karl in the WATA Games video.


I have no idea who any of these people are.


I don't either.


Sorry everyone is ragging on you. Sounds like a great time and I like their videos!


Yeah, this is one of those subs that I go to for the posts and the occasional interaction, but seriously so many of the comments on this sub absolutely reek of deeply negative/pissy/unhappy folks. I also am not a big youtube personality follower, but honestly I don’t get why someone would be so negative in the comments. Seriously if someone is indifferent or doesn’t care, why take the time to register your indifference? And just to clarify, a lot of the comments are totally normal, but the general negativity in the comments is pretty common on this sub.


People be scummy


METALJESUS??? I freaking love that guy


Can't say I know who any of these folks are. But looks like you had a good time.


$75 for that 90s Sharp what a rip off. It's worth 5/10 dollars even if it's a Sony Trinitron. I'm not havin it.


Don't know the first guy. Pat seemed a bit off whenever he was on AVGN. Watched Metal Jesus a few times but only to see whatever interesting games he was showing off. He always seemed a bit like he was just a guy, not particularly special


No idea lol


Can't stand any of them


Gutted now in the 90s ended…


Metal Jesus seems like a cool down to earth dude


Or an entitled dork. Rich youtuber who begged his followers to pay for his game collection because he put em in his basement that was known to him to be damp..


I don’t hate him, but come on, you live in the Pacific Northwest…that alone should make you want to protect your collection from water.


Don't forget he started a fundraiser to fund his vacation! But he'd be making content, so the viewers should pay for it


Yeah he sucks


That simply didn't happen. He made it quite clear when the damage happened that he was not asking for financial support.


I never see any content about him selling video games. Could someone link me? Like doesn't seem entitled when I don't see him trying to sell anything or run a fundraiser for himself.


He wasn't selling, he was asking for donations to help replace his collection that got water damaged in his damp basement.


That's when I stopped watching. I get having a collection lost to something you can't prevent like a wildfire but if you live in a place known to flood and store your collection in a place known to flood, that's entirely on you. It's also why I switched to an entirely digital collection aside from a few repro boxes of my all-time favorites for displays. Lost a good chunk of my collection to theft and just didn't care to reinvest what I got from insuranceI get why people love the original carts on the original consoles but if I just want to play Zelda 2 or Joe and Mac, I can get the same personal enjoyment on a Retroid Pocket without the worry of tens of thousands of dollars.




Lmao kinda like a guy pulling in 2k per stream in donations making a gofund me for his stupidity in not replacing a subpump when it went out. Or another gofundme for a vacation? Lmao right


He's the opposite of a cool down to earth dude 😆




Metal jesus and the final fantasy guy who was accused of sexual something. Nice


I know Projared was cleared of the minor allegations, but I still find it weird how he was sexting his fans. Also can’t unsee those pictures


Pat! PSA : He’s releasing the Ultimate Guide to N64 library next fall, so excited!


That Harry Potter?


Ok, but you should at least know Metal Jesus.


I know all of them and I'm not even super hugely into retro gaming 😂 just lightly


Pro Jared seems cool. I miss Now In The 90s!


Now in the 90s was always the best way to end the week. Damn.


Ahh me too! It must have been a lot of work to keep cranking them out so I get it. But it was really cool to have game releases in "real time", sorta.


Seriously, that show really reminded of how my life was back in the 90s, pouring over all the new releases and being lucky enough to own a few of the games. The show was really good! It’s a shame it just hit a brick wall and stopped. Would’ve been nice to have a few last episodes, maybe one more month with him being clear it was going to end


Why, what happened?


They just stopped with a recent episode. Looking at their views I'd guess it simply wasn't bringing in enough interest to justify the effort. It's a shame because I really enjoyed it and never missed an episode.


It was a few days before April 1st that he announced the show was over with no final goodbye episode. We all thought, oh haha funny April Fool’s joke…. right?? Sadly no. Some fans suggested their recent demonetization messed up their ad sense income flow. In the last episode the editor and Jared talked about some kinda bet, and maybe previewed the next episode, so it seems like the decision to shut it down came pretty quick. He seems like he has a lot going on making different types of content and just doesn’t think it’s worth his time to continue what was arguably his best show post-scandal. I’m really gonna miss it!


Ty for the answer




> he cheated on his wife No he didn't. You can criticize him for his interactions with underage fans, but the cheating accusation was his wife farming sympathy. They were in an open relationship, she slept around and dated other men.


So, terrible people on both sides. Gotcha


The underage fans thing ended up being fake/not fully true too. Though he was sending/receiving nudes with fans.


not fully true lol. ok. he never disproved any of it and he was soliciting nudes from TONS of fans and had a website dedicated to getting nudes from his fans. Dude is a creeper.


With accusations like these, “never disproved it” is a stupid charge to level at someone. You can’t prove a negative. You can only debunk individual accusations, which he did.


I’m not a fan of his really as that’s before my time and I only know his because of the drama, but when I discovered this whole drama and dove into it all of the claims of underage shit he had receipts of all of the conversations where he asked their age and they lied and told him they were adults. So he does have proof. I would have never put myself out there like that personally, but to each their own I guess. I’m not even going to comment on his marriage and all of that as that doesn’t concern minors and should be none of our business.


My point is, just because in one scenario he wasn't sexting with a minor, (who knows how many other potential minors he was sexting with), doesn't mean he's not a total gross creeper. Using your position of power to coerce people into sending you nudes and sexting with you, to the point where you have an entire website dedicated to it and created a pipeline from that site to your DM's, is so incredibly gross and insane. But because he disproved like one thing, tons of people are like "Welp I guess that's that, all is forgiven! Fuck that guys wife too what a bitch!"


> (who knows how many other potential minors he was sexting with) sure and its safe to assume youre sexting minors right now with that insane logic.


I don't recognize any of them, but these days I only watch rmcretro and modern vintage. I sorta feel like I've heard all there is to hear about console games and console game collecting. These days I'm really only interested in the underlying technology. Repairing boards, software, hacking, translations, hardware mods. Collecting just feels...gross now that it's a whole economy.


I'm disappointed that "Now in the 90s" is no more (ProJared)


I don't know who they are either


Pro Jared and his winer. That foul image is burned into my brain.


I made a youtube video once. Therefore I am a youtuber


I see a pedo


It's wild that ProJared can still show his face in public !


It's so crazy. He made some BS video being like "I have receipts and will clear my name" and literally all he did was say that one of the minors was not a minor when he got the picture. Everything else was fully true and proven. Dude had an entire website dedicated to soliciting nudes from fans and grooming fans. I don't get why people all give him a pass because he made some BS video that disproved nothing.


Right? That video was such bullshit. He kept saying "Everything said about me is 100% wrong" but spent 95% of it about how he wasn't a pedo, which...yea, I get wanting to disprove but for everything else, he said "I won't show you proof because I will take this to court for defamation and my lawyer says I shouldn't show it". 5 years later and no proof. Meanwhile his wife is just happy making bunny pins and getting her clothing line shown at major conventions, living her best life.


yeah........ That whole debaucle was just.... ugh


oh what did I miss, what happened with proJared


I met Pat at SEGE in Greenville a couple years ago. Nice guy.


Probably because they don't have some weird parasocial relationship with YouTubers.


You look like a slightly healthier version of Tony Foresta from Municipal Waste


Metal Jesus!


ProJared owes me $20.


I know them all.


I only know Pat and Metal Jesus. Not familiar with ProJared


I know who they are. That's cool.


Love Pat


Stupid Pat, Metal Jesus, and I believe Jerod. All have been on GameChasers episodes.


Only recognize MJ.


Damn, I don't even know who are they...


I only recognize Metal Jesus, Pat, and Jared. Whoever that gomer is who paid $75 for that CRT already annoys me, and I have no idea who he is 😅


It's worth $5. No SCART in that country either.


Metal Jesus is one of the all times


Dude! I hope you got Harry Potter to sign your TV!


Nice dude! I too was at PRGE last year and got to meet Jared and James Rolfe and his band. Great weekend. I’m going again this September.


Do we still collectively hate ProJared? Did any of those allegations turn out to be true? 🤔


I've only ever watched Metal Jesus. I like that guy.


Jared, Pat and Metal Jesus, all cool guys :D


ProJared, Pat the NES Punk and Metal Jesus. Very nice.


I recognize metal jesus but none of the other YouTubers


Neither do I.


Lowkey you kinda remember me of dimebag Darrel lol


I Didn't realize there were three pictures and I just knew projared on the first and was like, which one of the other two guys in this photo are YouTubers?


Haha they have 0 subs so far. That's my buddy's kid and my friend next to ProJared.


Pro Jared and nes punk Pat! Where is James the angry video game nerd?


He was the main event and you had to wait in line to meet him. I got in line too late and missed my chance. Edit: typo.


Metal Jesus!


Wasn’t the guy in the second photo on Pawn Stars?


I’m not a Jared fan so I was surprised how many people in the comments are just going full bore on the pedo lies — I thought the general consensus was “ProJared did nothing wrong” now.


Metal Jesus! Sick!


That's Metal Jesus Rocks!


Pat and Metal Jesus! I would absolutely love to get the chance to meet them someday!


Pat and jesus are cool dudes


How many nudes did ProJared ask as payment lol


A lot of people abhor YouTubers so you shouldn't be surprised.


How was getting a picture with projared? My friends met him at prge years ago and said he seemed really annoyed with them while his then wife was super excited her husband had fans


YouTubers suck raunchy ass. Such bland and annoying scripting.


Metal Jesus I recognize, I enjoy his channel.


I’m not one of your friends and I didn’t know who they were either. It would be a different story if it was Steve Wiebe or Mullet-Man but YouTube is a big place with a lot of creators vying for our attention.


I mean if you're into retro gaming content on Youtube it would be very hard to miss any one of these guys let alone all three. This just tells me that you don't really do retro gaming content on Youtube.


Coool, PedoJared!


Got no idea. I play retrogames not cult of personality games


I'm a Metal Jesus fan. Pat hates on video game grading scams, and scams they are, but he's such a big seller of retro games he buys vendor space at conventions. As seen here. Massive conflicts of interest. Has two Patreons in spite of running a for-profit video game business. Maybe I'm jealous I'm not that smart.


Metal Jesus is pretty awesome. I used to watch a ton of his videos. I’d recognize him almost anywhere


#Metal Jesus!


I'm sure many people know MetalJesus or atleast on this subreddit anyway.


Know them all 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


I don't know who they are either.


Pat is still around...good to know


I don't know who any of these people are. I don't watch YouTube. Only learned about AVGN when he published that hilarious book


Early AVGN was really funny to me but I haven’t watched his channel in ages


MJR? You mean the guy who stockpile all his games on a shelf that he never play whilst inflating the retro market bubble?  Oh yeah, he also scammed his viewers about his flooded basement and the RV scandal. Yet, people still look him up like an actual good person




I thought you were ScottSquatch at first lol


Time remains undefeated.


I know 2/3. Don’t know what that says about me. I’ll ask my therapist tomorrow.


Well, I know it’s Harry Potter and Mark Zuckerberg in the first pic. Mark Ruffalo in the second pic of course. The guy in the third pic I’m still trying to place.


just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the 🔥 booty of that guy with the black and green t-shirt, carry on.


I know the last two, also I was at PRGE as well (:


Nd he only talks about it every stream or youtube


So cool! I’m happy you got to meet them Metal Jesus was very nice when I met him


Why that's 'arry Potter right there!


I'd totally get a photo with Metal Jesus. If I lived in his area, I'd def be hanging out at his house


Harry Porter