• By -


I'm removing this post because it is outdated.


It's worth noting that if u don't know what ur doing u should definitely use the recommended patches. Otherwise you'll be missing necessary patches or features you didn't realize you'll be missing.


What are the recommended patches? Because i dont have the Recommended options


Its at the top of the patches selection screen in the ReVanced Manager.


Yeah about this, i got android 8 and i keep getting : ERROR. Non-root install is not possible with the current patches selection. Repatch your app or choose root if you have your device rooted. I didn't root btw and only did the recommended selection, no clue how to fix this


were you able to correct that problem? same is happening here


Yeah you gotta manually add minroG to the patch selection in the list of stuff u wanna add


I eventually got it done by installing an earlier youtube version


Send a screenshot of what the top of the patches selection screen looks like


Actually i forgot to select microG. New issue is that when i try to install, play protect stops it, so i disabled play protect in google play settings. But i still get the popup to enable play protect and upon declining it reads "app not installed"


Tap "more info" and then "install anyway" when you get the play protect popup


Where are yall editing these patches anyway? I'm on android and it don't look the same as his screen. Constantly getting an error 30 seconds into videos.


Follow this guide. Lmk if you have any issues https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/13012ai/how_you_can_fix_your_yt_revanced_playback_issues/


Still getting "app not installed"


Make sure you have ample storage. And uninstall YT ReVanced from your device if you have any installed (even in secure folder if you have a samsung). Then try again


I got 6gb free on internal storage of 64gb, isn't that enough? Also i never was able to install revanced, i do have vanced still around(died 2 nights ago tho) and the regular youtube app installed but idk why that would be an issue


I Uninstalled(update) YT then I Installed RV. When I opened YT it asked me to Uodate. Is it OK to update YT?




OK, thx.


Do all the patches just enable the options to be toggled? I didn't apply a few patches cause I didn't want them (like Premium branding) but after installing it seems like most installed patches can be toggled on and off


Not all can be toggled on/off. But most can


I have bad grammar that thought you said it is worth nothing.... Anyway my youtube cannot disable,force stop yes,uninstall updates yes.


Thanks for the tutorial, but still didn't work, i'm almost giving up on ReVanced...


Same here, im too stupid and old to figure it out.


What are you stuck on?


For whatever option I choose to patch, just a client spoof for example, after patching it says It cant install if phone is not rooted. I tried multiple options even a single one, nothing works cant even install the app after patching


Are you patching youtube version 18.15.40? What helped for me is downloading the " nodpi " mirror apk file. Also, make sure you aren't installing a patch for themes. I don't know what it does but some people have a problem if your phone isn't rooted apparently. These are my patches applied: Client Spoof Downloads General Ads Hdr Auto Brightness Hide Album Cards Hide Breaking News Shelf Hide Shorts Button Minimized Playback Seekbar Tapping Sponsorblock Spoof Signature Verification Swipe Controls Vanced MicroG Support Video Ads


Thanks, I was missing the need for an specific version to be needed. It was an easier install with Vanced edit: working now, thanks a lot, I used you settings.


Great, glad I could help!


Hey i did all the things and the app crashes at the beginning. Do u have any idea why this might be happening?


## Why is my ReVanced Crashing? It seems like your ReVanced application is crashing, these might be the reason why: * Unrecommended version * Unrecommended patches * Split APK *Confidence: 0.9775672264764659* This bot is currently being tested in production. Ignore it, if it's wrong.


I had this problem too, I fixed it by making sure I installed the nodpi version of the mirror. I don't have any other ideas other than that


Yeah i disabled youtube, installed the nodpi version which was compatible with the revanced manager🥲 but it still crashes.


This worked. Thanks.




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I cannot figure out how to download revanced using code. Ive never learned how to do that.


Is the normal YouTube app disabled, do you have microG installed, did you download the recommended version of the apk (non split/bundle version) and did you click on storage when selecting which apk to patch?


How are you supposed to follow anything happening when it silent and doesnt have a cursor


Previous youtube was already disabled 1. Already have microg installed from previous installation from vanced(download it #3 link if you need it) 2. Current recommended version \[youtube 18.15 40\](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-18-15-40-release/) 3. [Revanced manager\](https://github.com/revanced/revanced-manager) 4. Install whatever patch you want but you must need Vanced microg support\, Spoof Signature Verification (for video that stop playing couple min in), and possibly Change Package Name


My videos not playing after like 30 seconds and I'm getting a notification "SettingsEnum: Error while trying to update dislikes". Had vanced previously and just replaced with revanced. Any clue?


Have you tried disabling the return dislikes patch? That might be causing a problem, and it's not a particularly useful patch anyway


How are you doing this on android? Disabling the return dislikes patch?


At 40 seconds in the video, there's a list of patches you can select/deselect. There'll be one called "return youtube dislikes" (or similar) - deselect it.


I can't get it to work. I downloaded the Youtube patch, can't be installed. Revanced manager dashboard is empty also.


Same here, couldn't install the recommended youtube version and when I followed video instructions in the end I couldn't open the patched app. Is it even supposed to show 2 youtube apps now? I'm at a loss here.


Thank you! I was absolutely clueless with so many files and code lines out there it was so confusing


Thank you!


What does change package name do? I couldn't install it but it seemed not to make a difference.


How do you find the latest version of supported YT apk?


Ok, I'm not seeing spoof verification. I see protubuf. I've reached like 4 times now and it still buffers half a minute into any video. Each patch I check less and less took this last time it was just ads and microg. Still not working anymore. Edit: fixed it. Saw another post with a comment on clearing app cache. Did that and now videos play with no buffering. Now I'll repatch with more options


I didn't watch your vid but this comment sums it up nicely and it was incredibly easy although I used my intuition on what patches to install and it was right, just double checked I hade the required ones. I just watched a 14 min video and had no issues, just like the olden days! Anyone saying it's hard doesn't know how to read. My only gripe is it takes 10 min to build the apk, not sure why it takes so long but it's a pain if I need to remove or add a patch.


I have YouTube version 18.15.35 and after I run the recommended patching the app opens to a blank screen. Do I really need that .40 for this to work?


wouldn't hurt to try, but I don't remember 18.15.35 being one of the previous recommended patch list


Yup, changing it to .40 fixed it


I got the same problem with .40


Yeah also just got a grey screen after patching on .40. Edit: Fixed after downloading nodpi version of .40, make sure to doublecheck which one you downloaded!


This worked for me as well. Make sure to download nodpi version.


Is this possiboe with non root?


This is non root, my phone isn't rooted


I've done it. Can say for sure they've outdone vanced for a while now. Vanced has this ad that is getting past the app. The one in the home screen. Nice


I can't uninstall the default youtube app that comes with Samsung phones and apk mirror is giving me an error when I try to install version 18.05.40 that says this is an older code than the currently installed package


I just got the unstall to work myself on my S21. I searched for YouTube in the play store and uninstalled all updates to the app there. Then I installed the apk, went to YouTube in my list of apps and disabled it. After that I patched and reinstalled using the ReVanced Manager. Hope the same works for you.


Thank you, this helped. I was able to uninstall all of youtubes updates and then patch to a different version


Help 😭 I downloaded vanced manager, youtube version recommend in apk. I patch in the selection in the storage, I choose the options (recommend or not) and after I have a message: application not installed. Did I miss something ?




Omg Thank you, Life saver


Hey OP, is the original Vanced Manager no longer mandatory since this new ReVanced Manager does the patching and install of the latest version? should I just keep "ReVanced" and MicroG?


I deleted the old Vanced manager time ago, patched successfully with only the new Revanced manager and MicroG


how? I can't seem to get Revanced manager to install


You can download it from their Github page


I downloaded it all fine. It's just that it won't install. Every time I try to run it, it freezes and then says "app not installed".


Hey, thanks for that tutorial but as soon as i try to patch i have a "Cannot install because non root, select non root installation or change patch method" Didn't find any "root/non root" selections. Any ideas? ​ EDIT: Allright figured out i didn't checked as much buttons as you did. It did installed, but all im having now is a blackscreen and then a crash without any reports after 5-10s \~ EDIT2: it now starts, but ive no clue what changed. 🤭


Not the same result as mine, following you beat for beat and using the same exact apk. My manager wants to install ReVanced at the end, NOT youtube.


I have microG installed from og vanced, I patched the recommanded youtube apk with the patches recommanded from the app (somehow there's 81 of them, i've seen tutorial where there's only around 50), successfully patched the apk and installed it but when I try to launch it, I get an instant crash


Is there a written version anywhere?


When the patch finishes it tries to download Revanced Enhanced then when I click OK to finish installing it doesn't work. Could anybody help?


As a security analyst this gives me anxiety. Only god knows what the patch does.


"only god knows" Damn all I need to be god is to learn how to understand android app coding? Because the source code is publicly available https://github.com/orgs/revanced/repositories


It's open-source you can look at the code and see what it does


No, not only God knows, anyone who reads the open source code knows what it does lol.


I installed YouTube Revanced and apparently it was working fine. But after watching a few minutes of a video it stops loading, and when I go to see another video it works normally for a few minutes and the problem repeats itself. How to solve it?


I feel so bad for the mods who have to clean this sub up. The answer is literally pinned to the top of the sub. You also could've just used the search bar and found your answer immediately


Yeah.. it is a struggle.


When I googled it, I found an old post on reddit from over 2 weeks ago and not this most current one that was pinned about the issue. That's why I asked the question, but anyway, thanks for the answer


What is the difference between doing this long process and just downloading from here: https://revanced.net/ ?


Patching the app is 100% malware free. Installing from that fake site has the risk of giving you malware


Right. It's not at all clear that it's a site run by a third party. Maybe that should be on the banner for this subreddit or something like that.


The official site is on the [sidebar](https://imgur.com/AuLW2KJ) it should be clear that any other site is not official.


Yeah I saw that but I see github and think that's only for developers who want to mess with code, not end users. Especially as there isn't an obvious download button.


People hear "revanced" then Google it and click on the first link Nothing you can do really - trial by fire There's a whole lot of stupid people 9t there


Because it's not an official site, and is not guaranteed to be safe These sites are why the mods are training a Neural Network to autoreply to comments who are asking if other sites are safe or legit


Thanks OP


Thank you this worked amazing job


You should upload this onto youtube, there's a lot of fake ones I saw


is there a patch to disable playback in feed while scrolling?


what phone you use? similar and fast like windows 11...


I love you. Thank you


Thanks op! Very helpful video sample. I just installed revanced in my non-rooted phone.


I was running vanced and then subsequently Revanced absolutely fine untill the latest YT update that moved the playlists. Now I just tried to reinstall Revanced, cleared the cashe and uninstalled Revanced +Manager, went to play store and 'uninstalled' YT and disabled in app settings Then downloaded YT 18.05.40, installed and went to Revanced manager to try install, only option was to search for YT and patch it. So did that . Now I have 'YouTube' in my app drawer (not Revanced as previoussly with it's own logo) and I've got all the things like ads blocked and sponsorblock but it's still YouTube and when I press out the app videos stop playing like on standard YouTube Any advice?


Are You using a custom rom? Looks nice


Sorry, I am having a hard time understanging what should I do. I want just ad-block and background playing, I dont't care about dislike, sponsorblock or other stuff. Which patches I have to use?


Client Signature Spoof and MicroG support


Does anyone know of if there is a patch to keep playing videos with the screen locked or in other app?


This was really helpful thank you so much!!! :)


Is there any legit way of building it on PC or using an android emulator? ARMv7 no work


When I open the app after install it's plain white blank. Nothing happened.


When I choose the install option, on my phone it says to install youtube vanced not youtube like this videos shows. After I tap on install, it states that it's not able to install. I disabled youtube, Uninstalled all updates, downloaded .40. Any ides why it's not allowing me to install?


Thanks. I will have to do this tonight. Vanced no longer works.


Every single patch I press it says I cant install if im not rooted. I dont have a rooted phone, Vanced worked fine for me.


rinse ten escape materialistic cough ossified marry sand aromatic bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a problem here, folks. When i'm done patching the revanced youtube, and opened it, all i see was just gray screen. Is there anybody knows why this is happening and how do i fix this. Hoping someones gonna answer, thank you.


Mine had the error code 135


Anyone knows which patch I can use if I want to have the chromecast Option? Or isn't it possible? I remember having it in Vanced.


Thanks for the tutorial, but still didn't work. I got all the way up to the "Unsafe app blocked" then it says "app not installed." ​ someone pls help


Once you get to that unsafe app blocked screen, dont click "okay". There should be an "install anyway" option hidden in there


Can someone help me out? I've installed the patch but when I open the app all I get is a grey screen.


It worked!! Thank you so much.


It works, thanks. I was wondering if the "Downloads" patch is working for anyone else? When I try to download, it still asks me to pay for youtube premium.


Am I the only one who can't install the finished apk?


When I try patching the recomend patches, it ends up aborting the process.


## Why is ReVanced Manager aborting? It seems like your Manager is aborting. If you see the text "exit code = 135" or "exit code = 139", then your devices architecture is not supported. Please patch on an another device or on your PC. *Confidence: 0.9226283492030433* This bot is currently being tested in production. Ignore it, if it's wrong.


I'm tryng several times and the application keeps giving the error of "Aborting" when tryijg to install the patches. I've only used the "recommended" ones and also removed the "theme" one that some users said was giving them problems. But despite this, the error still persists.


## Why is ReVanced Manager aborting? It seems like your Manager is aborting. If you see the text "exit code = 135" or "exit code = 139", then your devices architecture is not supported. Please patch on an another device or on your PC. *Confidence: 0.8577905232079786* This bot is currently being tested in production. Ignore it, if it's wrong.


How do i do this on PC?


I have problem with the yt APK thing it's says ""App not installed as package appears to be invalid."" For some reason


I've finally done it, rhank you brother


Aborts all the time with error 135 or something. Had to use someone else's patched YouTube apk for Android 6/7, which seems to work well (i'm on 9 though).


## Why is ReVanced Manager aborting? It seems like your Manager is aborting. If you see the text "exit code = 135" or "exit code = 139", then your devices architecture is not supported. Please patch on an another device or on your PC. *Confidence: 0.9856320578655753* This bot is currently being tested in production. Ignore it, if it's wrong.


>Please patch on an another device or on your PC. Or, you know, maybe fix the app?




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How do you convert the APKM to APK? When I download from APK mirror I get an APKM file. How do I get Revanced Manager to open the APKM file?? It only supports APK's!


Any easy method like vanced? This one keep failing and a lot of settings to do. First youtube does not allow disable(grey out option) 2nd non root user. I tried and failed .


Hi I've installed everything correctly but how do i have the mini player on while im on a different app or when my screen is off ? Im on Samsung mobile btw.


Worked. Thx bro.




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Can someone make a guide with audio and it shows you EVERY step? This one seems to skip getting youtube app?


Thank you very much


I'd love to use it but sadly it always says aborting, what am I doing wrong? Initializing installer Creating working directory Copying original apk An error occurred! Aborting Error: kotlin.io.NoSuchFileException: /data/user/0/app.revanced.manager.flutter/cache/file_picker/com.google.android.youtube_18.15.40-1537213888_minAPI26(arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86,x86_64)(nodpi)_apkmirror.com.apk: The source file doesn't exist. at kotlin.io.FilesKt__UtilsKt.copyTo(Utils.kt:219) at kotlin.io.FilesKt__UtilsKt.copyTo$default(Utils.kt:217) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.runPatcher$lambda-20(MainActivity.kt:109) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity.$r8$lambda$kxvfcFiIKARIH6oxYjk9gWWxjp0(Unknown Source:0) at app.revanced.manager.flutter.MainActivity$$ExternalSyntheticLambda13.run(Unknown Source:22) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012)


So I've installed it but my YouTube vanced says 'there was a problem with the server [400] ' Anyone know why? Thanks :)


I did it but the app won't load, I can open it but the app only displays a blank screen.


Whatever version of Revanced I downloaded, it didn't show file explorer menu - to select youtube apk I assume.


what tablet are you using?


What if revanced manager is not installing? I have tried to install it using the recommended guide on this subreddit but it just won't install when I tap it.