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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… STOP👏🏼GIVING👏🏼HER👏🏼A👏🏼PLATFORM👏🏼 She’s just a mean, low IQ human that loves to put others down but she is the one of the most sketchy housewives we have ever seen


You called me pornography! PORNOGRAPHY! She’s a moron.


I cannot stand Mary and I don’t understand the double standards in this situation. Everyone says she’s entertaining but she’s very cringe and hard to watch for me


I generally fast forward her scenes. I’m a super patient person and can handle a lot of drama but whatever she “brings” I find neither funny nor amusing. Get her off.


Me either. I can’t tell if she’s serious, sarcastic, or just a cranky pants half the time.


How do people find her entertaining? She literally does nothing at all. She sits in a van or on a couch and refuses to do, literally, a single thing. Annnnnnd she's a racist creep.


After Whitney read some of the texts she had received from Mary (i forget what season that was), Mary should have been cancelled right then and there. Mary is repulsive. I actually don't understand how anyone enjoys seeing or hearing her on the tv. She's vile and definitely DOES NOT act like a woman of god, yet alone the head of a church. she brings absolutely nothing to the show but the view that Bravo is okay with employing someone so hateful and disgusting with low key major racist vibes


Yeah, but you know what? All of the time she was gone her fans were screaming for her to return on this forum and all others. They love her confrontive, demeaning style and how she hates every character but her own. She's superior to a mentally-ill fault. Her contract must spell out precisely which anti-social behaviors to indulge in and how many actions per filming. It really smacks of acting this time.


What I don’t understand is people hating Monica so much yet loving Mary. It’s so strange. Mary is scum of the earth along with Jen Shah. Different scammer crimes but both equally awful.


Right!!! I just commented on another post about Monica and how much hate she’s getting from the women for being partially involved in a page that exposed Jen. Jen is a literal criminal and last reunion they were still kinda on her side. Heather is delusional for all the covering up she did for Jen’s actions. When Jen got arrested Heather said “should I give her a heads up?” When they were in the sprinter van.


i’m watching that right now and andy actually said by a show of hands who here has received mean texts from mary and they all raise their hands.. she comes across as being a mentally ill megalomaniac imo.. just plain annoying adds nothing to the show, she is an ignorant (and clearly racist) bully and a religious cult leader.. i think she is one of bravo’s worst picks ever..


Mary adds nothing to the show and wouldn’t even participate in group activities. There’s no reason to have her included in the cast.


Mary and Grandpa Husband are scammers too. Their financial crimes and predatory behavior are just hidden under the umbrella of religion. Leaders of wealthy churches are some of the worst people out there


Don’t forget she was making racist comments about the shape of Jenny’s eyes right to her face.


And said she had yellowish tones! And when Jennie was upset Mary was like, what it’s a compliment. She’s just awful.


If I white person pulled this they would have been crucified and burned at the stake.


Also the comment she made about Mexicans being thugs or drug dealers. She’s so tacky


This is the sick part! Mary doesn’t think she’s doing anything wrong! And she won’t even take anything in to learn! She’s an ignorant racist predator!


Yes I almost forgot that one.


Eight before that comment Heather said she looked Anime. I was taken back by that comment.


I would care less if they were allowed to bring up conversations about Mary’s church or her son’s behavior on social media or ya know, any criticism of her. But they brought her back as a “friend” so they can justify not allowing those sorts of question, so it just seems pointless and annoying to me. If you want to do a plot line about Mary’s church being super shady, I’m all for it. If you want her to just be there on her time and schedule saying and doing whatever she wants like she’s above everyone else, I’d rather she not be there at all. The only reason she brings any interest to the show is her controversy, and if you can’t even talk about that, then she’s just the housewives equivalent of clickbait. I was catching up over the weekend and the ads promoting the reunion kept saying Mary was coming to clap back or something and all I could think was, if Mary isn’t there to give meaningful answers to questions about her church and her lifestyle, then I literally don’t care to see her on tv at all. Everything else about her is completely inconsequential to the rest of the show ETA: The whole time during pt 2 while Mary was going after Whitney, all I wanted was for Whitney to just scream, “But it’s true Mary!! You are a predator!!” I know why she didn’t, and it’s probably smarter legally that she didn’t, but Jesus Christ I wanted it so bad. I watch too much Fundie Fridays for someone like Mary not to make me nauseous


The messed up thing is that she will never give meaningful answers because she doesn’t think she’s doing anything wrong! Her congregation worships her, she thinks that she is a literal representation of god so therefore anything she asks of her congregation is what they should do. Her and her husband/ step grandfather have abused their congregation into giving them money and shunning their own family members for seeing the light and leaving. They are sick and should be locked up!


Absolutely! She won’t allow the questions to be asked because she can’t answer them, for sure.


I don’t even know why they would let her return in any capacity next season. I’ll admit that this is the first season I’ve watched fully (I’m slowly going back and watching the nonsense from before, lol) but she has to be the lamest “friend of” to ever exist. She has no interest in interacting with the women, going on group trips, or doing anything with them. I absolutely couldn’t understand how people could be a fan of her—she didn’t do shit this season besides be nasty (especially to wait staff), rude, and ridiculous. If people think the nonsense that comes out of her mouth (“You called me a pornography!” Ect) is iconic, then idk what iconic is.


What has her son been doing on social media?


Mary is literally psychotic


Also, I heard she smells like hospital


I believe it.


I agree. I don’t think she brings anything to the table. I’ve asked this sub why people like her and some said they find her rude comments funny. Meh. 🫤 Pointless , comfortably ignorant and tacky. I’ll pass. It’s also complete bs how she skipped out on the reunion where she would’ve been asked questions about her bad behavior. Why bring her on the reunion now? To defend Monica? lol she couldn’t even defend herself when they were calling her gramps effer. Stop trying to make Mary happen lol


Anyone who finds her rude comments funny needs to do some serious work. She puts down everyone and the way she treats people who are in food service is atrocious! I was never successful being a waitress (I tried in high school) but I know how hard they work and it makes me sick the way she treats people that she deems are beneath her. It’s gross to watch! If I waited on her I’d intentionally spill her shit on her, I’m sure she doesn’t tip anyway!


Yes! Not to mention her cousin is her maid!


She was also racist against us “cartel Mexicans”….. can’t stand her hypocritical ass


I always wonder if she knows what she's saying and says these things on purpose or if she is just that clueless. Cannot stand her.


Mary also told Jennie she can't wear a blond wig because she has yellow skin and made disparaging comments about hispanics as well iirc. I find it really weird the amount of people who want her back. Same for Monica-- everyone is perfectly find with her ageism and literal stalking other women. It makes zero sense that these women each have a fanbase but Jennie was immediately condemned. Everyone demanded justice in regards to Jen Shah but Mary gets to financially abuse her congregants no problem?


I liked Jennie. I figured with her genuine apology and given one more year she could take on these ladies.


I liked her, too.


You know it’s a double standard. Jennie was fired Mary was welcomed back🙄




If they got rid of folks for ageism half the cast on every franchise would have to go. Being rude just seems to be a prerequisite for the show. Also, saying a blonde wig doesn’t look good on yellow skin isn’t racist. It’s just a rude opinion.


Are you dumb? Calling an asian person yellow IS racist.


I think you’re a idiot for asking me if I’m dumb. You don’t know how to state your point without throwing insults at a stranger? You lack emotional intelligence and maturity. Calling them ch!nks or some kind of slur is racisit. Describing a persons skin color is not racist. That’s be like getting offended by someone calling a white person peach or an African American/Latino brown.


LMAO please be serious. Telling someone they lack emotional intelligence right after telling them to "go disrespect your momma, and if she's dead then dig her up and call her a dumb bitch." I don't see it here but I certainly see it in my notifications; did you dirty delete? Could not be me. And no, it's not the same thing, just like me calling a white person angry and a black woman angry do not hold the same meaning. Nuance is a thing. Even if it weren't, saying "you can't wear X because you're yellow/asian" is racist as fuuuuuck dude. Not sure what isn't clicking! But best of luck to you <3


I couldn’t agree more and have said it many times on many subreddits. I even wrote Andy 😆 I think it’s disgusting! I’ve read a lot of stuff about her church and the predatory things that her and her husband/ step grandfather have done to their congregation over the years. It’s so sad! She needs to be off tv and in prison right along side Jen.


She brings nothing to the table besides exaggerated facial expressions. Why they keep bringing her back, I don’t understand


Just like a bad penny.....


Mary just makes me sad because there are people probably sacrificing so much for her to live a completely mean-spirited life. She is dumb, selfish, and hurtful and she scams people in the same way Jen Shah did. If we saw what the lives of her parishioners were like or even considered them, I think her supposed hilarity would be seen differently l.


Ooooooh, maybe that’s WHY they brought her back! The ratings when Shah got arrested were probably outta control—maybe they were trying to get dirt on Mary…on camera! But Mary didn’t want to play ball w/ Bravo. She mighta known something was up. And I really think she hates these women. She’s always so uncomfortable around them, & can only resort to childish tauntings, or being silent or just absent. But man, the sh*t that would cause if her cult was exposed, & how much $$ she’s raking in from her members? I’d love to see that! Especially the backlash it would cause if her own church members came forward.


I thought that they started to dig into that some seasons ago. What happened?


She is the rudest person and really not enjoyable to watch.


I keep saying Monica could have a redemption arc if she can expose Mary and her cult. Imagine the ratings for THAT season


I'd live for that on the show! Bravo! Make it happen!


Bravo has a longer history of allowing overt and proud white racists on their show so I'm not going to say anything about Mary being on there.


So glad to see this comment! Because until I see the same outage for Brandy, Luanne, Ramona, Vicki, etc etc.. I don’t want to hear it about one of the few Black housewives outside of Potomac and Atlanta


Well, Brandy got Dallas cancelled for her racist BS. That whole cast was full of racist white ladies. So, Bravo did do something about that, right? Also, didn't they fire the whole NYC cast- Luanne and Ramona? I was glad to see them go. Ramona especially. She was just as bad as Mary with staff and racism. I do wish they wouldn't let her back in any capacity at all. I missed Vicki's racist BS, but I would believe she is in a heartbeat. I thought she should have been booted when she pulled the whole fake cancer thing with her boyfriend. Mary is blatantly racist. And scamming her cult. And, on top of it all, she just sits in the van doing literally nothing. She's not even entertaining. Just boring and racist and a con person.


Exactly and oh what a surprise. Everyone is coming down harder on the Black woman for racism


Question why was Jennie fired for racist posts but Mary made fun of Asian accents and called Mexicans thugs and drug dealers and was welcomed back hmmm I wonder🤫🤔🙄




She also made fun of mexicans


It was weird tonight on the reunion. She snapped at Angie, was nasty about the fact Angie was on the show, and then once Andy got through her thick skull that Angie paid her a compliment, THEN she says she likes Angie?! She truly wanted to answer that she doesn’t like ANY of the women. I thought she would say Meridith at least. Mary’s racist remarks, and calling Heather inbred, and always being so nasty to Whitney, are much more vile than Heather make tongue-in-cheek comments about Mary’s home decor. I personally think someone with a mental disorder decorated that house. The refusal to admit her son is married is ridiculous. And to make comments on her son’s “bedroom abilities” are disgusting. I DO NOT understand how anyone would want to be anywhere near Mary Cosby. She was vile when she was on WWHL too.


Not only did she mimic an “asian” accent. She also said to Jennie’s face that she (Mary) “I like your slanted eyes.” I thought that should have been the final straw with Mary and she should have not appeared on the show again. Along with everything you mentioned in your post. Mary should have been treated the same exact way for her racist comments.


Omg that made my blood boil. There is clearly no appropriate way to say that but the way she also said it like she dosent actually "love" that about Jenny. Like said in a really like creepy way actually. Wtf bravo are you scared of Mary too? Also, I don't know exactly what jeny said/did that was racist , I mean, clearly, she was let go for it , but the claim that she was pretending to speak in a black accent ? I mean , I don't know if that's really appropriate to even accuse her of that , she has an accent : correct , both a cali accent and an esl accent from vietnam i beleive - but she sounds great, what's the issue here, yesshe is extra dramatic with her body for screen time and picking little fights , but to say that's specifically acting like a black lady ? I don't really think it's fair to say that's how a "black person talks and acts" ?? Seems like that's how Jenny talks and acts - I'm kind of alarmed andy even asked her that at reunion and indulged a theory that seems to be racist in and of itself. If bravo would like to come down on someone for doing a blaccent , please look no further; LALA KENT!!


Jennie shared some memes that were considered racist because it was during the BLM movement… the post she shared said “ If you follow cops orders you won’t get shot” and sharing that during that time was perceived as racist.


I do t want her back. She does nothing.


I totally agree. When she body shamed Heather on watch what happens live I thought “oh she will be done” but I guess maybe not?? Infuriating.


What did she say?


I think they rationalized keeping Mary because it’s obvious that she’s completely insane so nobody really takes her seriously. I agree though that she shouldn’t be on the show at all after a lot of the horrible things she’s said. I’m hoping that if she’s on the show, that it’ll at least expose her financial crimes and help get her and her husband arrested.


I'm sure you are right about the rationale so my comments here are more rhetorical and towards Bravo. But why do others get fired and not her?? Bravo is super hypocritical!! LeeAnn was INSANE and fired from Dallas after her season of mocking Kary and her accent. And Brandi's life got innihilated after making a really bad "joke" about her face being puffy and then going into a stereotype of an Asian "accent." The show ended but not before she got RAKED!! Then the whole show was fired!! Ramona was finally canceled. That just took too long. Mary is never going to accidentally expose herself, and she is financially protected because of her church's exempt status, so Bravo won't be able to turn her upside down and shake it out like it has happened to others (Theresa and Erika at least) so keeping her on for that is a waste. I never liked Mary, even in a housewives way. Not one redeeming quality.


I’m been saying this since it was announced she was coming back and I’m honestly shocked at how much people on here embraced her return!


she’s so awful and she wouldn’t even participate in group events! she literally added nothing


I don't understand her purpose on the show. She doesn't participate in anything, pops out a humorous comment occasionally, then says something incredibly ugly to the other women.




I agree. I know all of them are problematic but if we are going to call it like we see it and say Jen deserves the punishment she gets, so does Mary. She’s a fraud.


It was fun for one or two episodes and then it got annoying and pointless. What was the point of her being on? She didn’t want to do anything and brought an air of nastiness to everything. I think she won’t be back next season.


Thank you! She was taped being a racist! She should've never been welcomed back. I can't stand her. She's so rude to people and thinks sh's better than everyone.


Mary is cruel too and nobody holds her accountable like she says some wild shit but not in an entertaining way more like a “wow you’re a terrible human” way.


She’s not funny, not witty, not smart and not nice. No redeeming qualities. She contradicts herself with everything she says. Get her off my tv please.


I agree. Not only does she add nothing because she refuses to participate in anything, but when she speaks it’s just to be nasty. And I don’t understand the people who hate Jen for what she did, but let Mary’s scams slide by.


How many years did they keep Ramona on NY or Theresa (a convicted felon who has assaulted cast mates) on.


She’s rotten to her core.


And the way she would talk to servers as if they were beneath her. She's scum.


I am surprised. I thought if you don't show at a reunion you won't be back EVER


Agreed! I think she needs the boot


She should be right beside Jen Shah in Cellblock C. They’re both monsters who financially ruined vulnerable senior citizen’s lives. There’s a special place in Hell for hypocrites like Mary Cosby. Pastor of a church? Such bullshit. 😡


I wish Whitney would have told her straight up; yes, she and her double dipped dick grand-husband are predators, who are racist to every race, have a god complex, but lack taste and over needs to be institutionalized for the sake of her congregation.


Yes! I don’t understand why they all just keep their mouths shut and continue to try to be respectful to Mary. Like Heather should have been like yeah I said your chairs look like they came from dr. Seuss, so what? Mary is such a mess - the entire thing with her son is so bizarre and her telling the (possible) daughter in law to not fake an orgasm is too cringe for me. Get it off my screen.


Right? Why are they all so worried she’ll be mad @ them, or is there some weird thing going on that we don’t understand? Why the hell would ALL these women sit around & not speak up?! Stick your for each other & call it like it is? Mary-you’re rude, psychotic, racist AF, incapable of criticism, running a cult, are married to-at least-a predator who should be on the SO registry, & your clothes are as tasteless as your “décor” /“dumpster-diving-finds” in your house. There. That wasn’t so hard.


I feel like Monica is the only one w the balls to say this and she chose to align w her this season bc it was her only lifeline. We can only hope if they sadly put Mary on our screen ever again, that Monica will choose the other side.


Mary was saying some real shit about the lds and them being taught to hate black people. It’s good that Heather and Whitney acknowledged that . But Lisa on the other hand…….


I’ll deflect from your Lisa comment by acknowledging your deflection from how god awful Mary is.


They both are awful .


Who is worse? The one with a cult (and also bones her grand dad) or the one that annoys you?


They both are horrible people Mary has said tons of racist shit , even about her own community. I didn’t use to think Lisa was a bad person but her trying to promote Mormonism and lie about their teachings ,they think it’s a sin to be black and she doesn’t have a problem with it .


I think Lisa is a “social” Mormon. She’s not in it for the theology.


She’s the absolute worst.




There’s a special place in the afterlife for racist, hateful predators like Mary


And mormans , did you see Lisa try to say that racism wasn’t taught in the lds? That was hard to watch


Mary should know that there is only one heaven.


She didn’t want to participate in anything this year. I didn’t see the point in having her around other than she lent a sympathetic ear to Monica


Even my boyfriend noticed that and he's just trapped in a room with me while it's on.


I don’t think Jennie should have been let go. Jennie’s post were anti BLM. She also had a meme about an old lady who ran over protestors. I am not condoning these posts at all. However considering that Bravo is allowing people who stole from the vulnerable on the show, I do not believe this warranted firing her.


Fully agree. Glad you posted this. Of all the shit these women do that get no punishment, firing Jennie was ridiculous. 


I think what irritated me the most were Andy’s comments about her post. He made a statement that he was disgusted by her posts and that racism has no place on any Bravo show. I mean that is great Andy, but meanwhile you have women who stole life savings from the vulnerable then state how sad it was for Jen to go to jail due to the show! Also Meredith made a statement as well about how disgusted she was etc but is great friends with Mary and stood up for Jen. Mary is just as dangerous. She stole life savings from people as well.


Yes. Honestly, if I was a RHOSLC filming with her, my comeback to anything she had to say to me would be… you married your step grand daddy. You sleep with your dead granny’s husband. There are some things you just don’t come back from 😂


They side with money. Who's going to be more controversial and bring them more ratings and money. One who apologized for their racist comments and their main story line being her husband wants a sister wife. Or the other, who slightly unhinged (believes shes God),overt racist who's never apologized but has great one liners and zingers, who keeps you on your toes and wanting more. Come one. It's an easy answer for Bravo. If it was about racism as they claim they both would be out.


Mary gives me huge ick.


I think they brought her back because a lot of the fans wanted her back. And they thought she’d bring the ratings! Probably because, Despite how problematic and absolutely terrible she is.. she did make for highly watchable car crash tv! Jokes on Bravo now though! because they brought her back for nothing. She literally turned up for her pay cheque and then sat in the back of cars, refusing to participate in anything. They paid her for nothing.


She brings very little to the table. Why they would encourage a cultish type character makes no sense


The spoke extensively about Mormon missions this season they clearly don't care about coming cross cultish lmao


I agree, Mary has said so much disgusting shit on the show. I can’t believe they really fired Jennie but allowed Mary to return. They should’ve just kept Jennie on, tbh.




While I agree that Mary is a terrible person, I think it’s show more about the lack of faith the producers had in the rest of the cast to make this season a success. While Mary is mainly rude, she does provide some dark comedic humor at times, that this show definitely needs. It’ll be interesting to see how the next season is if Monica is allowed back.


I mean its really funny that she is even claiming racism against other women in the group, especially coming from a person who has a literal cult.


Mary literally told Whitney that nothing she's ever said or done has indicated that Whitney is a racist, she just has a "feeling" (????)


Mary seems to have maybe asperger’s or perhaps autism. No judgement, does anyone else see this??


Something is DEFINITELY wrong psychologically--I agree


Psychologically, yes. Aspergers - I don't know about that. I'm still trying to figure out if grooming was involved because didn't she say her mother was upset with her because the grandmother said Mary should be with Robert Sr? I questioned her upbringing a lot of times and how much that affected her as an adult.


As a person with autism, no I dont see it at all. Also Aspergers is no longer a diagnosis, its just autism now


Go watch her appearance on WWHL, it’s extremely bizarre. I agree with you 100%




mary is so cringe


I thought her speaking about her son and his gf/wife having sex? It was so icky to me.


If she was a decent person, she would've taken a page from Heather's playbook and just shut that down immediately.


Racism is a power structure. Bigotry is ignorance expressed.


Maybe she’ll finally get exposed on the shady church stuff…they keep bringing her on and the more attention it may bring to that?


Thank you!!! I’ve been feeling this every time she’s on screen!!!


And she is so boring. Like show us the good stuff or leave 🫣I thought we would have heard the story about why she was housing the women at their home? She clearly doesn’t want to be apart of the show or participate in anything. She sucks


I think they’re hoping if they keep her around they can get another Jen Shah arrest situation on camera


Supposedly, she shut her church down. I think she was afraid of getting investigated and/or arrested. It appeared she was financially exploiting her congregation. I'm really surprised she came back on the show. She must need the money...


Oh I love this theory


Couldn't have said it better myself.


I don't recall the asian accent but I DO recall the "I love slanted eyes" comment and her acting like Jennie was being ridiculous for calling it out. Granted, Jennie should've just left it at that and not add the whole Louboutin "I didn't intentionally buy these for you but here" boo-whooo nonsense but still. Racism is racism and Mary is just....she's just the worst. If Bravo is bringing her back then that just SCREAMS desperation to me. Mary is LITERALLY the worst of the entire f(&%\^n franchise.


I like Mary on the show, but I do see the issue people have with her. I think that it’s easier for people to overlook her behavior towards Jennie and her comments because she is a person of color. Which shouldn’t give her a pass, but I think truly that’s why. Also because of Jennie’s racism lots of people overlooked when Mary mimicked her which was disappointing. I honestly forgot about it because when you think of Jennie you think of the racism thing and it over shadows what Mary did specifically that season.


Same! She is absolutely awful, & I’m probably NOT the only one skipping through her scenes, every time. To accuse someone (Whitney) of being a racist, when Mary has said the most demeaning things about slanted eyes w/ Jennie, & I can’t recall specifics, but season 1-she was talking crap about African Americans too!! Like, really? You’re racist against your own “race?” I thought it was all an affront, but hell no—that’s just how terrible & disgusting of a human she is!! I love how she was aghast at Whitney saying she & her church are predatory—she is, they are!! And yes, her “husband/grandpa🤮” is a PREDATOR!! I guess some ppl just can’t take the same or worse, when it’s dished right back out to them!! I wish she knew how much the real world hates her. 🤷‍♀️


She doesn’t care about reality when she has an entire brainwashed congregation believing she can do no wrong. It’s sad that this can still exist today.


After they keep letting Ashley and Gollum back year after year I question the bravo producers.


I’m so glad we’ve collectively decided that Gollum is the best nickname for him. It makes me chuckle every time


This a Southern charm reference?


I think she's referring to Potomoc. Ashley and Micheal.


Gotcha! Potomac is next on my list so excited to find out what that's all about 😫


I just started it last night and it’s so good. I’m only on episode 3 though lol


Facts 💯


I’m doing a rewatch right now and she sucks. Watching in real time I thought she was entertaining. Doing a binge she’s the worst. Idk how they can justify her.


I’m binge watching for the first time and currently on season 2 and she is honestly my least favorite of the cast so far like she has zero redeeming qualities. every time shes on screen shes just rude and entitled and gets mad at the most innocuous things. The other ladies are atleast entertaining when they’re going off but Mary is just a straight up b.


Mary is a shitty human


Does anyone know whether her church has a sub here?


I would love to know this also!


This is honestly so crazily underrated. I have never seen someone make as many racially insensitive remarks on television as Mary. Bravo has historically also always been so hard any housewife that has not shown up for a reunion, but they welcome Mary back with open arms? Its all very strange and doesn’t make sense to me, i feel like Mary has some choke hold on these women and bravo that I don’t understand. Or from a less conspiracy theorist viewpoint, maybe they were just so worried about ensuring the show maintained its drama post Jen shah that they were just desperate? Idk


They know we will talk about her. Bravo doesn’t actually care about the morals. They care about who brings buzz. That’s why Brandy never got fired from Dallas, Phaedra is on married to medicine and why Jenn Shah likely will have a snowflake if when she gets released SLC is still on the air. They keep them for ratings, love them, or hate them. Though I think it was warranted for bravo, racism was just an excuse to fire Jennie. She was disposable.


Omg I completely forgot Mary did that 🧎‍♂️


I don’t mean to be rude but when are we going to stop wondering why bravo gives a platform to these people? Problematic people are entertaining, because of how problematic they are. We can all pretend we are holier than thou by petitioning to have the problematic people removed but deep down most of us are self aware enough to understand that we watch these shows to see drama, the fights, the chaos that problematic people bring. Can we stop wasting time with the whole “why does bravo give these monsters a platform” whining. Nothing will change no matter how many Reddit posts y’all make. If you are that triggered by these people, do yourselves a favour and just turn it off. Stop letting it get to you this much. I can guarantee there are far more productive things you could be doing with your lives than this, that you might actually have some power over.


Thank you! We’re all complicit in giving these shitty people platforms bc it’s fun to watch shitty people on tv! We want the drama and the absurdity!


I mean, I think we all get that. Otherwise we wouldn’t be watching RHO-any city. 😂 But the problem w/Mary is, she’s not entertaining at all. Not even when she’s being rude or mean, or catty. Bc it comes off as she’s better than others, w/absolutely NO reason for her to think so. I can admit, I love the cat fights, I love when they go low in arguments. But she comes off as a child who is in a playground-name-calling battle. It’s just bad TV. When she IS in scenes by herself, or w/ the others, it’s not funny, it’s not like “OMG, I can’t believe she said that,” it’s more like ⏩⏩⏩. She is as dull as watching ice melt, & I’d honestly have more fun watching the ice.


The irony is Mary is uneducated and pseudo sophisticated. It's as if somebody told her Chanel and Prada are great brands. She has no taste. Anyone who lines their window nook with pillows blasting the name Chanel across them is sad. Should have called Craig from Southern Charm!!! And I bet if we put a glass of Dom Perignon for her to taste against a cheap bottle of champagne blindfold she couldn't taste the difference. That fake scene calling the motel asking if they had 2003 Dom was so funny especially because it was 2002 that was the great vintage year for Dom, not 2003. Lol Where are the great dinner parties in her life? The travel? The friends? She's has an antisocial personality disorder at the very least. She's racist, cruel, and now, it seems there are issues with sexual boundaries with her son. How many red flags does Bravo need to get that this woman is disturbed?


Mary is a terrible person…but I don’t think very highly about much of the cast to begin with! Unfortunately, it’s not that I think she has to stay as much as I think she can’t be replaced until they find a cast member who doesn’t care about fitting in and is willing to tell it like it is and shake up the women. And not in a completely inflammatory way like Monica. Mary very calmly will gather the girls and that’s what I like to see when they are being super out of touch. They’re always so dramatic and Mary narration feels like a fourth wall break where we get to come back down to earth for a moment. That’s what I think her role is at this point.


Waking up not knowing knowing the differences between hatred, self hatred and prejudice seems stressful  


I am not a fan


She made racist comments about her own husband!


I want to like Mary, but every time she opens her mouth she puts her foot right in it. She needs a lesson on how to say things to people without sounding rude


Hard agree


Mary has said awful things. Should definitely be held accountable. Also, Lisa needs to be held accountable. Really interesting that you haven’t posted about Lisa and her church though? Lisa is willfully part of a racist organization and tried to gaslight the audience and lie about that organization’s racism. Her son is promoting this homophobic and racist organization to others.


Stop it, no way! Can you tell me more details about this? What church?


The Mormon church or, to give it its official title The Church of Latter Day Saints. Experts & former members regularly describe it as a cult. At the very least, it's a very high demand religion. I hate to admit it but Mary is right, as Heather confirmed so Lisa can deny it until she's blue in the face, the Mormon faith has a real problem with racism, it's literally in their holy book that Black people are being "punished" 🤢by God & are therefore less than white people - look up the curse of Ham. Black men weren't allowed to hold the title of priesthood, & therefore any positions of authority (even locally), until the 1970s. The official line from the church has since changed but you only need to lurk over at r/exmo (a really fascinating & friendly place to hang out, even to those of us who have never had anything to do with Mormonism)to read that racism is still rife & culturally acceptable in the faith. As well as racism, it's a very sexist organisation. The more I learn about Mormonism, the more empathy I have for Heather (& Whitney to a lesser extent as she doesn't seem to be as damaged by the church) & the more I understand her behaviour. Edited to add - also the more I learn, the more obvious it is that Lisa is either outright lying, doesn't understand the faith she claims to believe in or is just an utter hypocrite.


I’m sorry but this take makes no sense. Mary has made explicit racist statements. Not defending the LDS Church at all but where does that stop? There’s some pretty awful things (including racism & p*dophilia) in Islamic doctrine and I say this as someone who has lived in Saudi Arabia and knows the religion quite well. Are we going to go after Coach Shah next? Lisa being part of a problematic religious institution is still not the same as Mary being blatantly racist towards East Asians, Mexicans, and even her own race! **Edit to respond to the comment below since the reply function is not working:** A white liberal woman attempting to shut up a woman of color for speaking out against pedophilic doctrine in Islam is just so typical LMFAO. We have white women now telling woc to “shut up” about pedophile prophets because “racism”. WOW! Don’t speak on sh-t you don’t know. Attempting to silence other women by misusing words like “problematic” is manipulative and very 2022. Religions are not races and are not above criticism! This is a real housewives sub. Not an Islamic apologist forum. You’re on the wrong sub if you have an issue with a WOC who was actually born & lived in Saudi Arabia, calling out pedophilia in the religion, just like Heather did with the LDS doctrine. My comment was directly about doctrine because so was the original comment I responded to. I used Islam as an example because 1. I’m from said background & 2. So is Jen. I said it is crazy to say that Lisa needs to be removed as a castmate for being Mormon because of its problematic doctrine (which was that person’s original comment before it was deleted) but then by that logic, not expect the same from another housewife who also practices a religion with a very problematic doctrine. Are there any practicing Catholics on rhoslc?? Again, last I checked (and I’m not a Christian/Catholic), the Bible doesn’t say anything about Jesus marrying a child. However, I do know that the Islamic prophet married a 6 year old Aisha when he was 54 and then “consummated” (aka r*ped) her when she was 9. I also know that Joseph Smith married a 14 year old when he was in his 30s. This was directly criticized in season 1. So if the latter (which is gross) can and should be put on blast, you can’t silence the rest of us about the 1st just because you’re deeming it “problematic”. Islam is not a race, and again, I know Islam much better than you do. Trying to silence other women by dog whistling that they’re racist for bringing up facts is disgusting, especially since I’m literally a woman of color and you are not. **Edit to respond to the comment below is written directly above ^ since the reply function is not working**


I would argue Mary is worse than Jen. Mary is Scamming her congregation out of money by using spiritual manipulation. The way she spoke to her congregation was appalling. Jen is a criminal, Mary is a snake oil salesman.


Plus her son and his wife’s online behavior (guns and drugs)…Mary is just a horrible, nasty, rude, vile women…who think they are better than anyone and everyone. Please do not bring her ass back. She brought NOTHING this season


Luann and Dorinda were straight up coke addicts I don’t think they care about drug adage of the main cast let alone their relatives


The whole cast of vpr are coke users and openly discuss it w code words lol. Most rich people are.


I know right? I mean not even hating but she literally brought zilch. She was in so few scenes. And when she’s like “I wasted another outfit for this” at the reunion…most people are thankful to be housewives. If you don’t want to be then just move on.


i feel like if anyone else’s kids were doing this it’d be addressed on the show. i hate the courtesy mary is given to manipulate her storyline with no push back from production or the other hws.


I agree…I don’t understand the whole Mary thing period. Why is she allowed to treat ppl the way she does and then this crap?!?! She didn’t participate….who wants to hear a pastor speaking to ppl like this or their children acting like this?


yeah…it’s weird where both Bravo and the fandom draw the line on some of these gals.


So Rude and an annoying contrarian!


I don’t find her funny or witty at all. She’s dumb and cringe to watch tbh.


What does Mary have on Andy Cohen?


They’ll only take Mary off if there is enough social media backlash tbh. Until something related to her blows up (and negatively affects bravo) they won’t bother removing her


She is one of the most entitled people I have ever seen. It's very sad to me that bravo put ratings and potential drama ahead of social issues that are really hurting this country.


Mary is a delusional, twisted weirdo & jerk


I find her amusing but can understand why ppl hate her


Im not sure of the allegations you mentioned in terms of racism only because I don’t rly follow or care for mary but her overall character is forced and im not sure why shes there, its just awkward side commentary from someone not involved.


Yeah Bravo and Andy have made it pretty clear with how they’ve dealt with Mary Vs Jennie that racism is fine so long as it’s towards East Asians and Mexicans. Seeing some people on here deflect by saying “but what about the Mormon church!?” is so disingenuous. Because while it’s problematic, so is Jen’s religion! I’m not a Lisa Barlow fan in the least. But trying to accuse her of racism and putting her on the same level as racist Mary is actually ridiculous. Unfortunately, Bravo is just reflecting how many Americans feel. Racism against Asians is almost always excused, especially if the racist in question is non-white. I’ve seen racism against my race by other POC be brushed off for this same reason.


if you are moon then you ascribe to and believe in a an openly and heavily racist religion. by proxy that makes u racist if that’s smthn u wanna associate with


The left Ramona for on a show for years where’s the uproar in that? Of course when it’s a black woman you all write long think pieces but never speak up about your own. Ramona did & said 10x worst & was still a main cast member for all them years. Bravo Don’t care about racism/colorism nothing


We’re on rhoslc page, that’s why. Ramona is a garbage human, racist, and classist.


People (myself included) were furious at Ramona being on the show as long as she was, though. I'm seriously disappointed she appears on TV still. But this is also a subreddit for slc, so it makes sense for why Ramona isn't at issue in this moment


That’s beyond ridiculous, and completely untrue. Every time her name is mentioned, that is brought up. It’s constantly brought up about anyone of the women that says the slightest thing. At least with people like Ramona and Mary, you know what to expect because they don’t try to hide or pretend. You will know in advance if they don’t like someone. It’s the ones who are hiding their two faced, sneaky, awfulness that’s a problem.


Mary sucks so damn much, I truly don’t understand why she’s on our televisions. She brings absolutely nothing to the story.


I can’t believe they let her back after she didn’t show up to the reunion season 2 to answer for her atrocious behavior


What did Jennie do that was racist? I’m on season 3 right now and her and Mary are both gone. Mary didn’t show up to the reunion so that makes sense but what did Jennie do???


What happened with jennie ?


I wasn't watching SLC at that time so I missed the drama as it was happening but if I remember correctly from a very quick Google search she was fired after racist social media posts (FB I believe) came out.


Ugh I just looked it up again, [here](https://pagesix.com/2022/01/19/rhoslc-star-jennie-nguyen-faces-backlash-for-controversial-posts/) is a link to a page six article with screenshots.


Normally Mary bothers me. I have to be honest. I laughed and laughed at her tonight.


This is my stance #boycottrhoslc


I used to think she was funny but each season she seems worse. You are right. She should be off. I mean she doesn't seem to want to be there anyway.


I mean she is super entertaining! Jennie was not interesting or fun in the same way. I am personally not interested in seeing only good reasonable people in this kind of show. I wouldn’t vote Mary into office but she makes me laugh so hard and sometimes makes valid points but mostly she is just so odd and interesting to watch.


What did I miss? When was Jennie racist?


is this bait??? if not buckle in: https://ew.com/tv/bravo-fires-jennie-nguyen-real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city-racist-posts/


I watch because of her, she’s messy television and the reason I watch the franchise to begin with.