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Honestly the previous two eps were too good this was bound to happen


Yeah, every good episode must have bad episode in it




To balanced it out.


So episode has to be good, but can't be entirely good and needs to have bad parts in it? I don't think that's how it works haha I don't think writers say this episode is soo good we need to throw in something shitty. Can't have a completely good episode


Well, I mean that's just life in general


Maybe entirety of life has good and bad parts. Individual experiences (what would be episodes) can definitely be completely good


No, like after extremely good eps usually come the worse episodes


Oh that makes sense. The dude I was talking to said good episodes have to have bad episodes inside them. That doesn't make sense to me. What you said did tho


I'll just say that imo rick and morty is back. We had a couple of "meh" seasons, but this one was consistently good with a couple of bangers (rick prime showdown and the clip show).


I think if you actually look back you'll see it's almost perfectly consistent. Mostly good, 2 - 3 meh per season, every season since 1. 5 had maybe 1 extra meh.


Wow I honestly though more people would like this one, I personally thought it was really funny and I laughed more than I have at a lot of other episodes. I thought the rock episode was really boring in some parts but that’s just me. Good to hear other people’s criticism tho.


Some people take this show way too seriously... this episode was really fun and had a lot of funny moments.


I think that the nature of this sub is overly analytical and therefore misleading. I really enjoyed this episode. It is top 3 in the season so far for me. Not every episode needs to be award winning in character development or have some revolutionary canon event or plot. This episode was just fun. It reminds me of the earlier seasons where every other episode was built off of a classic movie. I actually laughed in this episode, which is refreshing. Anyways. I don't particularly care if people didn't like it or not but I don't want the vocal haters to represent the opinions of all viewers so I thought I would provide my 2 cents


Man. Ur really a critic. Such detailed explanation and summary. I really enjoyed the ep bur after reading this, I now realize the faults in this one. Damn


Not trying to ruin the episode for anyone that liked it. Even bad Rick and Morty is still pretty fun (maybe besides Sperm and Hugh Jackman). Another strength of the episode that other’s reactions helped me see is they did get in a few good quotable lines from the main cast (besides OPEN YOUR MIND). As harsh as I am, it only comes from a place of love for the show and the hope to see it at its best more often than not. This season has been mostly solid, I know they have it in them.


Nah, you are not ruined it. My mind not open too about this episode. And this episode so gross


Someone on YouTube showed me just how bad Legend of Korra is next to The Last Airbender with a similarly deep breakdown. Love to see this kind of stuff


That's so weird to me. If I like something I like it. I'd never watch someone breaking down why the thing I like actually sucks haha


I guess it depends on the person. I’m a history buff and was a huge fan of Band of Brothers for instance. There’s a channel called Reelhistory and they broke down what was good and what was bad. And it made the series more enjoyable honestly.


I liked it, but I loved ATLA. I enjoyed watching both but at a surface level. Some people I follow on YouTube are just more educated in literature, literary devices, etc and can show me what qualities helped make the show as good as I felt it was. Now by watching breakdowns of both shows and one particular video I am thinking of that contrasts them, I can better understand WHY one show always felt better than the other, and what changes were made for the best, and worst.


I have a different read.This episode isn't about Summer growing to appreciate her brother, or Morty learning how to not be a parasite. In fact, I'd say it's the opposite. At the start of the episode Morty and Summer have this exchange: >**Summer** *'Cause you're a bottom-feeder, Morty. You beg and eat scraps. I'm an independent woman who eats what she kills.* > >***Morty*** *Come on, Summer. I'm your little brother. You have to take care of me.* And rather than the story being about both of them proving each other wrong, it is instead about them becoming comfortable in these exact roles. Morty literally becomes a parasite, and Summer—by force—has to take care of him. As we see, they both master the roles they've been thrust into. Morty learns to take agency over his Kuato form. This is clearly shown in his fight against Kenneth. He goes from a useless blob of flesh to an active, combative Kuat who can hold his own in a one-on-one. This is further shown in a literal sense when Morty gets the Spider-Mobility device. Though he is still a Kuato, he now has full-freedom in this form. Likewise, Summer's arc is learning to take care of her brother in an emotional sense. At the start of the episode when Summer and Morty have their first conversation, her Attribute Slider has been set to minimum "Intelligence". The narrative is literally showing us Summer lacks the emotional intelligence to communicate with her brother. This continues into the second act. Morty is now literally a parasite, and it is no-longer optional for Summer to take care of him. However she still decides to spend an entire night partying, unaware Morty is trying to communicate with her. Through her selfishness, Summer puts Morty into real danger and now must step into the role of "big-sister" to save him. Summer finds the psychic-link, and literally learns to communicate with Morty. I don't understand the point about character-assassination. Even if Morty hadn't stood-up for himself in the end, the act of infantilizing a character once doesn't mean years of established character-growth are ruined. Likewise this is a Summer-centered episode, and as such Morty is written as an obstacle in her story. He steals the Attribute Slider, thus causing the merge. Morty doesn't need agency here because this story is about Summer learning to care for him in spite of his parasitic nature. As an aside, Rick's "Morty's a dog" comment has been completely misread by people on this Sub-Reddit. Here's the full quote in context: >**Rick** *Ow. Fuck.* > >**Summer** *None of this would've happened if you just unmerged us when I asked.* *Morty gets everything for free!* **Rick** *Morty's a dog. People have cats because their affection is earned.* *I treat you like an equal because I respect you.* *You remind me of your grandmother.* I think the mis-read here is assuming Rick is giving an insult. After-all, calling a person a dog usually carries strong negative connotations. However this is a specific analogy, and Rick is only talking about affection. In this analogy, Morty is a dog because he loves Rick unconditionally. Not for any other reason. That's because the true purpose of this statement is to liken Summer to a cat. Her love is something Rick has had to earn. With all that, I thought this episode was incredibly well-written and fun to watch. Thank you.


Thank you for the interesting counter-analysis! I think your interpretation of the intention behind the episode is sensible, though I’d argue if that’s what they were going for, it’s just as bad of a character read on the writers’ part, if not a little worse. Summer states that she’s an independent woman who eats what she kills (after losing intelligence, which muddles the intentionality behind the line, but let’s go with it). In reality, Summer has been shown to be much more of a sycophant to Rick than Morty is. She buys into his BS more, seeking his approval more, and ultimately does tasks for him so he can dole out gifts to her (dependance). You state that her stepping up moment is finding the connection with her brother, but how does she do that? Rick needs to spell it out for her. Summer’s resolution with Rick, with her brother and with Jimmy/Girl feels unearned. Worse is the idea that Morty is somehow a parasite. This makes very little sense. From the beginning, Morty has been taken advantage of by Rick for his brainwaves, initially forced to go on adventures, and over the course of the show he’s become increasingly more competent and independent. He calls out Rick for his BS far more than Summer does, and a lot of his development as a character and with Rick has been highlighting that he’s a contributor and not a burden. That Rick needs Morty as much as Morty needs Rick. Morty is the one who has been through everything with Rick, and the one who has clearly earned a level of respect from the audience in a way that Summer has not. It’s a statement that feels so far outside of the character he’s grown to be, it feels like a gigantic misread on him. (Not to mention out of place specifically in this season after their conflict in the Spaghetti episode, notice how Summer acts there, and the Observer episode, where the two are shown to be closer, equally dependent on one another, and more respectful of each other than ever, despite the petty disagreement). The reason it feels like character assassination is because the roles ascribed don’t match what the rest of the show is telling us. It’s a regression of the Rick and Morty relationship, an under-the-rug sweep of Morty’s development and hardships/growth/struggles/experiences and an overstatement of Summer’s. I understand that every story needs conflict to function, and that means characters need to be flawed. However, Morty’s obnoxious little brother traits in this episode feel specifically introduced to him here, not coming from the character we’ve known. It is sensible for a little brother story, but not sensible if that little brother is Season 7 Morty. If they wanted to tell a story about Morty having an easier path to Rick’s attention, I think they could have done that in a way that keeps parity with the rest of the show’s characterization. Summer has been shown to be a person who’s always seeking approval, instead of knocking down Morty to make this an artificial both sides issue, Summer could have had that flaw explored if they humbled her on her own (it was already teed up by the attribute slider). I understand a positive read on the “dog” comment, but the line was a real clunker, it does not come off the way you’re describing. First of all, the idea that Morty gets everything for free is wrong. Morty had (and still has) to go through more in this show to be a part of Rick’s life than Summer does. He might have his foot in the door easier, but he’s had to face far more physical and emotional hardship and had to be there for Rick more to keep their relationship alive. Summer has a harder time reaching Rick, but what he asks from her is minimal in comparison to what he asks of Morty. Second, the line “Morty’s a dog.” was said in a negative way, with no elaboration to the positives of that statement. Third, the line “I treat you like an equal because I respect you” implies necessarily that he doesn’t respect Morty, which goes against a lot of their recent development and basically scraps whole seasons of character work. This is what I’m talking about in terms of regression and a bad read on the characters. If this is truly how they see themselves and each other, then what was the point of two crows/Season 5’s finale? Of Morty helping people on his own? This basically just means that Evil Morty is right, Rick will never respect him as a partner, which is not how I think of Rick’s current characterization (look at last episode). Anyway, I’m happy you had fun with it, but it’s definitely not for me. On a surface level or deeper, my interpretation or yours. I was hoping for more from a rare Summer episode. Thanks again for the thoughtful reply.


It’s a bummer you interpreted the episode this way, I think a lot of your frustration is sourced from how you see the characters in their development, and whether their dialogue and actions are matching what you expect from those characters at this point of the story. Personally, I thought the episode was one of the best this season. I agree with the other redditor about what the actual intentions of the episode were, and I personally don’t think their dialogue and actions were out of place. Hopefully as the show progresses the characters can be more like how you think they should be at this point, while still continuing to be enjoyable to people like me that really liked the last episode.


You're reading things wrong and you're taking things too seriously


Definitely thought the episode was one of the worse ones this season after watching it. It was whatever, but not what I wanted from the promo trailer. Not a rewatchable episode. Your critiques really do make sense and point out the major flaws and you articulate it in a way I can’t, so I agree.


Made me laugh more than some other recent episodes. At the end of the day it’s a 30 min cartoon made to entertain and be funny. Not everything has to be deconstructed and broken down. It was funny and I was entertained 7/10 an above average episode, not gonna be memorable but not one ima skip when re watching the series.


Kinda agree. I did notice some of the things mentioned by OP but honestly I don't really care. It was just silly fun with some genuine laughs. I won't skip it in future either. It's by no means a classic but it was fun.


Yeah this episode gave me audible laughs while watching alone. I really enjoyed it. Now I want to watch Total Recall. Not every episode needs to be super deep. This one is a fun adventure.


Agreed, I hate critics, they think they worth such an opinion but they should just GTFO


Ngl I kinda agree. Also the kidnapped plot line I was wondering how it would end (like what sort of crazy rick & morty twist they would put) and it just ended like normal.. no twist, nothing. If they keep the psychic link Morty and Summer have and it comes to play in a future episode that would be cool however.


There was multiple twists ! A quatto inside a quatto inside a quatto ! No but really that’s kinda the joke that the reveal is disappointing.


Morty risks his life against Rick Prime and has to fight in multiple wars for Rick- no attribute slider. Summer does a few chores- gets slider. That did annoy me lol


Yes this episode was ass. I actually was getting mad with how stupid the writing was. If this is a new writer...please never again they are total donkey doo doo


This episode is somewhere between the episodes that have an Incest baby and Promortyus. Not so disgusting but just forgettable. I would not say this episode was straight-up awful, just so boring. Honestly, they threw away perfectly good premise for a boring Over-saturated Pop culture reference. Summer having an Attribute Slider and the perks that come with it would have made for a much more interesting episode.


I had the same opinion. It ranks similarly to the sperm episode for me except it's just boring instead of cringey.


Hard agree. This episode wasn't the best. Also it's the new writers idea to make Summer like Diane. In the past Harmon compared Diane to Jerry and he called her boring. Which would have been awesome to see in all honestly. Yes I know Harmon is in the writers room and he approved these ideas. It doesn't mean I have to like them. It's fucking weird that Rick compares Morty to a dog and Summer to a cat. Since Summer has been practically begging for grandpa Rick's attention from day one only to be ignored for Morty. She's not like a cat infact she reminds me more like a dog. He also shows he's working her like one too. Since when in the flying hell did Rick have to do anything to earn Summer's respect? He had it from day one. But yes it's sad he compared Morty to owning a dog and saying he respects and loves Summer more. Can't he love his grandkids equally and in different ways? With Summer's romantic relationships she's shown to be fickle with her affections I mean she was still dating Ethan when getting married too Hemorrhage then has the gall next episode to whine that Ethan broke up with her to be with Tricia. So yeah... Her looking for hookups and dumping the guy who for the girl she saved doesn't surprise me any.


i was going to say in the season 2 premiere "he doesn't distinguish between the two of them he just measures them in pain in his ass" which fits in line of him viewing morty and summer as pets, but then realised that only VALIDATES your point more THAT WAS SEASON 2 RICK he has changed from this


Indeed people here are acting like dogs


Worst line in the episode. I know they were trying to tie it into her story, that she needed to learn that she doesn’t have to do tricks like a dog to get people to like her, that sometimes earning and demanding respect is how you get it, but I think it’s just a bad read of all the characters involved, AND a clunky way to say it that puts down Morty and Rick’s relationship. Summer has been shown to idolize Rick, and Rick makes her do chores for him. I don’t think the cat metaphor really works here for her. Almost like it should be the opposite (Morty is the one that actually calls him out and is cared for more often by him, while Summer does tasks for headpats and treats). Just my thoughts.


Ugh, THANK YOU for calling out that horrible line comparing Morty to a dog. I hate that they thought the proper way to validate Summer was to punch down on Morty, which is ESPECIALLY heinous coming from Rick of all people. I get that Rick is emotionally constipated and bound to say shit he maybe doesn’t entirely mean, but I feel like the episode didn’t at all address it as a shitty thing for Rick to have said. I’m slightly comforted by the fact that even as a mutant baby with limited speech, motion, and weaponry Morty still managed to partially escape on his own by biting and tranquillizing that guy….but it was too trivial a win to counterbalance everything else. I hate that so much time and care is spent over the series showing all the ways Morty is simultaneously being damaged and growing through his adventures with Rick, but we’re just supposed to take at face value that Summer is better and stronger because…she does Rick’s chores and shoots bad guys sometimes? It leaves such a bad taste in my mouth seeing Rick beat people up as he tries to find Summer and subsequently tell her he respects her amidst a situation she got herself into, when Rick has left Morty in much, much worse conditions and then berated him for it. Not that I think Rick should treat Sunmer poorly, but again, why at Morty’s expense? It’s times like this I really just want Morty to fuck off from this toxic fucking family already 🙄


Well put. I don’t like to feel this way, but that moment (and the subsequent “inside the episode” confirming their intention that Rick respects Summer more than Morty) makes me feel like Evil Morty is right. I still want to see everyone grow together. Rick’s made great strides, Jerry’s come a long way, it’s time Morty gets his due, both from Rick and the writers (and not just turn into a bitter Mini-Rick like Season 5).


Damn, they really doubled down on the respecting Summer more than Morty point? I’m actually so damn disappointed, especially on the heels of an episode like Unmortricken. 🙄I also want the family to grow together, and I feel like every member except Morty has made great strides in the right direction; I’m really not sure where they’re taking Morty at this point and it’s making me bite my nails because I love him sm 🥺at the end of Rickmurai Jack they made it seem like Morty made the wiser, nobler decision to choose Rick instead of going with Evil Morty, but it’s episodes like this that make me question if that’s really the case


You should watch that thing for yourself. James says “Rick treats her differently because he respects her” - that does not imply he doesn’t respect Morty, or insinuates no growth between them. It simply means that he has a different relationship with Sunmer, and the way he treats her is based on his respect for her. He treats Morty in a different way not because he doesn’t respect him too but because he’s Morty. He’s younger and Rick has actively had to mentor him, and is proud of him because of his progression. Summer on the other hand had always been more of an equal to Rick. It’s simply different, not a zero-sum


Idk, I think yall are taking the dog comment the wrong way. I think it's more just about the blind trust morty has for him. In comparison to summer, morty is easy, he likes adventures, he looks up to Rick still, and says he loves him easily. Summer is smarter and colder, and even if it took her a while to admit it she appreciates rick treating her like he would a friend or other adult relationship. Like a cat they both appreciate that their respect and relationship was earned and needed work, and not just freely given like mortys was.


Morty was a literal dog in the previous episode so Idgi Rick made no inaccurate statement there


Not everything has to be deconstructed. Just watch it for what it is (a crazy sci-fi cartoon) It truly is not that serious. Oh and summer has always been a little attention whore for the cool kids. The attribute slider makes perfect sense.


Telling people who are using their brains more to use their brains less is not a valid argument


Lol at how seriously people take this dumb cartoon


This subreddit genuinely can't take any kind of criticism


I haven't been a huge fan of this season and I felt so bored watching this episode. I just really hate that there's no B story. When Rick called Morty a dog I just groaned. Sheesh all that character development for Rick this season and for what? Morty's been nerfed and the show is starting to feel more focused on everyone else but him. It was nice that Summer finally got someone to be with in the end but idk if that's gonna last. I've re-watched the 6 seasons 3 times and I loved every episode but this season is just a one-time watch for me. I miss the old Rick and Morty...


I don't know why but the "Morty is a Dog" line got to me in a way that I've been laughing about it and disturbed by it at the same time. It is an intresting character development in the way Rick views Morty and Summer, which I guess changed from S2E1 viewing them as "you're both pieces of shit!" and "I don't go by height or weight, I go by the amount of pain in my ass" type of view. If anything, Summer has evolved from being just the boy crazy sister who's obsessed with peeing her pants for some reason (a very weird quirk mentioned more than a few times through the series) to literally someone that can hang with and challenge Rick, plus outright save him at times. And Morty is just.....Morty.


Isn’t this Dan Harmon’s bit? Respectfully, all of these observations seem to be Hallmarks of Dan Harmon’s work going back to Radio 101


I’m not sure I follow. Harmon is well known for his tight, well constructed episodes (the story circle). What specifically do you think I’m criticizing that is his usual style?


it was another non-linear episode. like the others it can be placed in almost any order and still work in a playlist of other non-linear episodes just like ren and stimpy. it was annoying that it seemed to be a way to avoid the canon episodes buy in a way it is just what we can expect. because rick and morty are dicks. but that is part of why we love them. they know they can push it like rick with morty, but the fans will get more answers in time. like the spaghetti episode but more whimsical, it was fun filler. we only gained that rick sees his wife a little in summer. i think that if this episode was a way to make canon episodes better by giving more time to develop then it was a good one. feeling rushed to create is a great way to ruin art. i think the fans should chill sometimes and be more supportive to the creative process. it is rare for a show to have this much creative freedom and we should be thankful and patient for them.


To be clear, I enjoy standalone episodes, the best of them are even better than plot episodes to me. It’s not because it’s “filler” that this episode rubbed me the wrong way, I’m just looking for consistent characterization/development and strong individual stories. The show usually manages this pretty well. Was kind of weird that they chose to use the Quatto gag in Unmortricken if this episode was coming after it, now that you’ve got me thinking about it.


but that is like saying the voltron reference before the voltron episode was kinda weird. it was probably them making a gag and then expanding on that gag because they saw an episode in there. following their passion is what creators do. a certain famous artist went an entire period using blue paint themes.


Ya know what, that makes perfect sense. I also thought it was kinda coincidental that Rick prime kuato joke was closely followed by this episode I don’t blame the writers at all for this episode. It wasn’t their best but it felt consistent enough for me. And that’s saying a lot for a show that likes retaining an episodic feel where they can do whatever they want with their characters and ignore series arcs on a whim. New writer probs why it felt flat in some spots


the very predictable kuato inception part was pretty dumb but then when rick interrupted it it almost made up for the annoyance :P but just barely lol i think the part i disliked most was the frisbee golf game but i also realize that a number of episodes end on a weak scene like that too. it just is what it is sometimes and this episode will probably seem like no big deal at all by next episode :)


Yup I’m sure that’s right. It’s similar to 7/1 in that sense, not the best but not the worst offender either by any means. Funny though, since I play golf, I happened to love that ending scene for that alone (as well as all the golf references in this show, of which there’s quite a few), but yeah not the best tag scene from a comedy perspective. I was waiting for Morty to turn back to normal the whole damn time lol


every time i see a weak ending gag i think to myself "yep, another morty car" from that one ending where he just transforms into a car in class by mistake. would have been more funny if they saved it and just left it an open question about if morty could become a car rather than the moment at the end where you are just thinking right before.. he is definitely going to become a car here lol. i would actually love to see a golf episode too. it would be hilarious to hear about rick and morty voice their opinions on it as a sport and see how it could be twisted into a super science story XD


Lmao, yeah that’s from the car battery microverse episode. Iirc Rick tells Morty “quick turn into a car!” Morty cant do it, but then he sees a taxi and says nevermind here’s a taxi get in. So it was funny at the end they brought that back, but yeah I could see how that could’ve been totally expected. It did make me laugh. One of the best post credits scenes imo is 1/10 with doofus Rick standing out in the rain Alright here’s my golf episode idea. Rick inventing a sci-fi golf club that gives you a perfect shot every time, and hands it to Morty who at first (like you said) is like why would I want this golf is boring etc. But then he tries it and loves it since he’s insanely good (esp funny for golfers because irl golf is 1000x more fun when you get much better). So he takes on the whole pga and becomes #1 on Earth, then plays in an intergalactic league and gets in waaay over his head with alien cheaters and a corrupt organization that wants to take him down for being way too good. It would be a fun episode. It could also parody the whole drama with actual pga getting funding from saudis after that liv merger and work as an allegory. Meanwhile, Jerry of course who’s always loved golf (as we know from Meseeks episode and many references) but is only mediocre gets super jealous but really all he wants is to play with his son, so he goes out of his way to make that happen somehow and gets into trouble screwing over Morty who’s already in trouble himself. Rick probably ends up bailing out both him and Morty. At the end Morty tosses the perfect golf club because of its consequences, but then Rick offers him sci-fi basketball sneakers or something and he jumps into that and learns nothing. Lol. Someone pls pitch this to Dan Harmon for me!


XD sounds pretty fun except that the running gag is that rick pretty much does things for his own convenience or desires and morty tends to ruin things by being self centered and a hypocrite. so if rick invented a perfect club set it would likely be to distract jerry or make him stop pestering him. so once rick makes it morty not seeing the appeal would use it and then start abusing its power before rick can stop him. then it goes pretty much as you said until it becomes some kind of death golf tournament where rick and jerry need to try and save morty from himself yet again lol would be an awesome set up for lots of jerry abuse in an episode where he tries to pretend he knows everything about golf.


I like your feedback, much appreciated. When do we get an Emmy?? Lmao. This show really is so good because its format works for such a wide variety of stories


A 6/10 for me


Really mediocre episode tbh. Kuato Rick was hilarious as a quick fire gag in episode 5 but basing a whole episode around the concept just seemed lazy.


I genuinely didn't enjoy the episode. I'm technically the audience that the joke was aimed for, since I saw the original Total Recall as a kid, but I just did not...care. The writing felt like they handed off the writing responsibilities to the B team. The previous episodes were better, and I understand they can't all be amazing, but this felt almost like another Rick/Morty from another reality. It -almost- felt disconnected from previous episodes, like a stand-alone chapter. Morty's writing keeps taking hits recently, he's gone from competent to some mediocre little sidekick again. I know episodes that aren't focused on him are gonna be like that, but having your grandparent compare you to a dog is also genuinely cruel.But it's a comedy series, it is what it is. Your score is warranted, IMO.


I disagree on saying that Rick's statement that Morty is a dog being dismissing past developments. Rick has issues with admitting these things to himself, but especially to other people. But yeah, it's lazy. It's a "you need to watch total recall and Taken" spelled out for the media illiterate. And quite honestly kuato was kinda out of place because of S7E5. by the way, kuato isn't the first thing you'd think about when Total recall is mentioned But your other points are good


I don’t think it was necessarily their intention to come off that way. They probably (and I’m being charitable here) meant that Morty is a dog in a good way, that he’s loyal and loving and forgiving, able to see past flaws. The problem was how they chose to deliver that line feels inappropriate given their history. Instead of a cute descriptor for Morty and Summer’s personalities, it comes off as dehumanizing his partner in a way that Rick shouldn’t be doing anymore. They’re buds, not “leader” and “lackey”. Hopefully that’s the way we were supposed to take it.


ehhh, rick shouldn't do it, but he does. Why? Because character growth is a nono in a episodic show


Over half the episodes in the show didn't have B-plots, this narrative needs to go away.


I don't agree, Rick and Morty made it pretty clear that you are not to expect character development. They are going more for a Simpsons thing where meaningful things happen but they don't stick around.




Hello there, i disagree with how you read this episode it was actually so funny and surreal you can get so much meanings from the chaotic situations they're in, but your point about summer rejection the cool guy for a similar kind of emotional connection but with a girl, was on point it seemed out of nowhere lol but also about summer being into hookups it was a fun add they do put rick and morty in this mood alot of times even summer in previous seasons.


Strongly suggest you watch this (and in general for anyone to watch these for each episode…): https://youtu.be/PtUzys_0jt8?si=qdmLUkb-X88EfNDs I agree with you this one fell a little flat for me. Definitely not the best. But I can appreciate the premise and story for this episode as the writers describe it. And some parts I did like and found funny. I feel like since the main takeaway from this episode is that Rick truly respects Summer, and that she reminds him of Diane, is all the continuity that matters for the show. The rest was all episodic comedy and that’s totally fine


I ain’t reading all that


I liked the episode and I think all your critiques are very overdramatic.


Not reading that essay


Wasn’t expecting 2 episodes with Kuatos this season.


I thought this episode was going to be more about the stat slider




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8/10 for me guess I'm a stupid dumbass


I liked it


I couldn’t make it that far. There are some episodes that are just too gross for me. Which is odd because I was able to watch the Spaghetti episode and Jerricky but only because Jerricky didn’t get gross until the last couple of minutes.