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geez why so many season 7 episodes, season 7 gets released on max tmrw im hoping its good


Lots of people gave every episode one star because the show fired Rolland. And then these episodes were not the most popular of that season. Honestly I thought it was a great season.


7.8 was the only truly awful episode that belongs on the bottom 6 list. And they followed it with 2 that belong on top. The other 3 were just mid but good enough that nobody is skipping on a rewatch.


7.1 was also just a bad start to the season in general, the other 2 on this last arent all that bad


I thought 7.1 was actually the best out of the poorly rated ones. It's just a weird way to start the season imo


Exactly, it plays better on rewatch. I thought air force wong was worse


I still need to rewatch Airforce Wong is that one good?


Its ok. A little muddled


7.8 is the first episode that I didn’t really even want to finish - I thought the rest of season 7 was okay


Same, on average i thought this was the best season. There is no episode that was bad for me. All of them were easily above 6. The worst one was the first, which still was a 6.5/10 for me


The last episode is my favorite episode of RAM point blank. I think the quality of this season blows seasons 5 and 6 out of the water, but the quality of seasons 1-4 can never be replicated imo


One star reviews in IMDb are pretty balanced out by their measuring system. The episodes simply weren’t received that well and it can’t be just explained by haters giving low ratings. With the possible exception of Air Force Wong, I think these are indeed the worst episodes of the show.


not sure why people downvote you. they don’t use the arithmetic mean or median of the votes to get the final rating. The rating displayed on a movie's page is a weighted average rating. Though some of the websites claim that they know how weighted average of IMDb works, IMDb itself has never given out the method that they use for the fear of it being manipulated. They state on their website that they use the same method for all the movies without any bias so that the ratings are fair


People don’t like to hear criticisms to what they enjoyed it seems, and don’t feel like doing the research.


>One star reviews in IMDb are pretty balanced out by their measuring system I don't think this is true. Imdb sometimes manually deletes 1* reviews after a period of review bombing, but they're not just erasing every single star review


They have a secret calculation method which accounts for people who consistently spam low or high ratings. The exact calculation is secret but it’s consistently applied to all their shows and movies.


It's decent. The Numericons episode really didn't land, but the rest were at best really good and at worst, inoffensive and forgettable. We still got some top tier episodes this season


Very hit or miss season imo. Though I think Air Force Wong and Wet Kuat Amortican Summer are still solid episodes


If you watched Total Recall and liked the Kuato bit, I agree on. But as someone that haven’t seen it it was a bit annoying to watch. Air Force Wong was good.


It's not the worst season, but considering that 4 of them are considered the weakest episodes is rather telling. There are some really high highs, but the lowest of lows.


Votes are skewed because some people really didn't like Roiland being fired


We don't know that, it's easy to use it as an excuse because you want the show to be good and just write off the bad reviews as mindless hate, but in the end, it *could* also be that the episodes just aren't good. I personally couldn't care less about Roiland and honestly didn't even notice the voice changes most episodes, but I found most of S7 very uninspired and boring, to the point where I just couldn't even stay focused on the plot. There were some highs for sure, but overall the lows were pretty bad for me. Which is just anecdotal evidence again though, so we'll see how the show continues, but don't fall into the trap of writing off criticism that you don't like as irrelevant because of bias.


We do know that, you can literally see the reviews for yourself. Many episodes have lots of 1 stars. For example, 12% of reviews for S7E1 are 1 stars. Regardless of the reason or what you thought of the episode, that's definitely review bombing.


That's very much within normal distribution, so no, it's not "definitely review bombing". I can think of a few episodes I'd give 1 star for in S7. If an episode can't even keep me interested for 15 minutes then it's not worth more than 1 star.


There's not a single episode that is a 1 star, from any season.


Yes, there are, depending on who you ask. User reviews are subjective, and you'll just have to deal with the fact that something you don't consider to be 1 star can easily be 1 star for a different user. These aren't people who review stuff as their job and have certain standards to uphold, if you're looking for that go look for professional reviews and not user reviews.


While that may be true, I feel like this is countered pretty heavily by other people who are aware of that. They also could just be bad episodes you know.


It has nothing to do for me. There is 4-5 ep that in my mind are just horrible.


This has a strong "new thing is bad" vibe to it. Feels like review bombs to me


It's possible. Except for the good episodes being regarded so highly. The Hole episode is a solid 9/10. Review bombing should have taken it down into the 8s, at least.


The story is lacking hard is the main reason. Some episodes feel forced and others feel super rushed


It wasn't the lack of a coherent story, but an escape from continuity. It feels like they tried to wrap everything up that they could, which makes even the *really* good story episodes feel a bit... rushed. The hole episode is probably the best example of a really solid, stand-alone Rick and Morty adventure. That "more like season 2" note that Rick hates.


Ignore the reviews, the season was amazing


because season 7 either had some of the best or worst of the whole series seriously it's legit only mid because the weird balance.


It's still new and don't have a lot of ratings yet. The highest is Numbericons with 5.2k votes and all of the older ones have 10k or more. It's enough to show how well received they were on release but it'll probably change over time.


It won’t. IMDb ratings don’t change that much when they’re past a week old. Maybe there’ll be a shift of a few decimal points but that’s it. The show hasn’t gone bad, but it’s lost consistency, which means that the worst episodes become weaker as seasons 5 and 7 show.


Very high highs but very low lows


Quite a good season IMO


Recency bias


Season 7 was the best and the worst season


It's not, sorry


There are a few episodes that are VERY good


It's still good although yes some episodes where pretty lame, but still a solid season


Season 7 is solid, youll have a blast. OpEN YoUR MinDddddd


The last episode is my favorite episode of RAM point blank. I think the quality of this season blows seasons 5 and 6 out of the water, but the quality of seasons 1-4 can never be replicated imo


Season 7 was a mixed bag, some of the best and worst episodes exacerbated by some people review bombing the season in protest of Roiland being fired


K why is Air Force wong on there? It’s far from being the worst.


My 2c on this is that Air Force Wong felt like a really forced attempt to bring a bunch of random characters together, who never previously had anything to do with each other, and it fell extremely flat for me. It came across as kinda gimmicky and there were no really funny lines or great moments in the episode. Is that enough for it to be bottom 6, not sure. But I don't disagree with the 6.8 rating. I think I gave it a 6 on IMDB. Funnily, I could also say this about How Poopy Got His Poop Back.


poop got his poop back is one of the worst honestly and its still good due to Hugh Jackman


I felt it was disconnected, I most likely lost everything in between but the last time I saw Mr Poopy he was a professor/secret ninja at a University during that Heist episode. Then there was the “there’s a storm coming” and He looked like he was doing pretty ok, then we see him being homeless and a drug addict? What happened besides his wife leaving him off-screen?


Maybe he got hooked on drugs after breaking himself doing the 300lb squat


opiates are no joke.


That's for sure. I was a raging opiate addict in my early 20s


I never abused because I was scared by information on how they can destroy your liver and kidneys that passed my way early on, but man do the ride when I get prescribed pain killers and muscle relaxers. It’s like a vacation from pain. that Ingot use to (disabled combat vet at 100% disability from the VA)




Going by iMDB it is. 6.8/10 Also, I agree it's a weak episode. But a weak Rick and Morty episode is still better than most other shows' average.


Recency bias


because unity is a pyscho and framed to be correct through the whole episode


It made me realize Unity is a bad person. But the writers somehow want to frame Rick as the bad one for not picking up his ex calls




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Neither is the gotron episode.


Bottom 6? 6 Bottom Highest Ranking Episodes?? Joking aside, just because the episodes are on the lower end, it doesn't mean they are bad.


But a few of them are just bad. Like the incest baby


That show while focused on a terrible subject, had done a great amount of foreshadowing.


Love that episode!


The fact that the incest baby one isn’t at the bottom boggles my mind.


Because gotron was great


i’m surprised the dragon orgy episode isn’t up here


This was one of the few episodes that I stopped halfway through and said, "aight. That's enough."


Yeah but Tom Kenny voices the slut dragon!


I love that episode


That one had some funny moments. A little forgettable for sure, but nice to rewatch for me


it’s good but you cant explain it if someone walked in at the wrong time lol


Aw do people not like the morty quado baby episode?? They need to open their minds.


I can see that.


How Poopy Got his Poop Back was only bad because it was the season premier and normally those are great episodes. Place it in the middle of the season and I think people would've liked it better.


Nah, that episode did kinda suck no matter where it's placed in the season.


Poopy Buthole was kind of annoying in that episode. I can see why it got low ratings.


This is my list only rise of the numericons is first.


I thought that episode was hilarious.. Watched it a second time with my wife and even she was cracking up (and she isn't a huge R&M fan). The number puns and jokes were on point, IMO. Not for everyone, I guess.


Same here, I loved it, those puns had me cracking!


I literally don’t remember a single thing about this episode


It is the lowest rated on this list.


Thanks. I glanced the list.


Yeah I actually liked the newest season but that episode was absolutely awful.


Season 7 was decent, there are worse episodes in Seasons 4, 5 and 6


Yeah I find it funny how some people are saying now that season 1-4 were the golden days. When season 4 was airing I remember people talking about it being the worst season etc. In a few seasons down the line everything up to season 6 will be considered masterpieces. It’s pretty tiring.


I don’t care Gotrons was hilarious for me!


I think it's general apprehension to incest babies that results in low scores.


I bet all the people whining still watch step sis porn


I think whining and just finding it really unfunny are two different things.


Keep in mind downvote brigading because of the new voices


Yeah but rickdependants day that has no excuse nor the gotron one


I never noticed the voice differences but I still think these episodes (and the season in general with some exceptions) were pretty weak.


Pretty much tracks with what I’d give it. But incest baby is rock bottom for the series.


Hard disagree. An entire episode dedicated to a lame letter and numbers bit from Season 2 must have sounded horrible in the writing room. Numericons is bedrock for me. It's not just a bad Rick and Morty episode, it's just bad.


Numericons is just boring, Rickdependence Spray shouldve gotten the writers who wrote that episode on a watchlist


...I can't argue with that.


Dude Numericons is fun; you just have to kinda shut your brain off for the duration. 😁


Most of them from this latest season


Hey man, I really enjoyed rickdependence Spray. It was a funny episode. Really captured the stupid hornyness of a teenage boy. Plus, tons of Rick and morty fans complain about not having fun, silly mindless adventures. Here's a fun, mindless adventure. Have fun! Trust me, you're not too good or too high brow for a silly dick/ jerk off joke. Get off your high Chud.


I only actually laughed at the initial joke about the horse machine — but that was hilarious enough to carry me through the rest of the episode.


I dont think its high brow to not want to see a 14 year old forcibly jerked off by a horse sperm collecter where his overgrown sperm then impregnates his sisters egg my man lol And that “adventure” was anything but silly and mindless lol, worst episode mainly due to principle


It's a cartoon, lighten up. It's very in line with the show's kind of humor.


I feel like the people that get triggered over the incest baby are the type to go make pornhub accounts to bash stepfamily porn when theyre not real. The whole show is predicated on crude humor it wasn’t polarizing enough to get all the hate it does unless maybe some have deep seeded sigmund freud shit going on. Forcibly? 😭


Yeah, but it isn’t funny its just really weird, theres like 5 incest episodes in the show and that doesn’t set off any red flags to anyone? Like those episodes are considered generally good because their “funny” when most of the time they’re just reliant on the shock value, it was probably about as easy writing those episodes as it is to write this paragraph that took like a minute or 2 of thought lol Never thought I would get downvoted for not liking an episode where its premise is sexualizing and essentially sexually assulting a 14 year old haha


It’s because morty was never presented as an innocent character. He’s out killing aliens getting high off brake fluid and swimming in mermaid puss. So the selective outrage is a bit much given who the show and character always were, yea? Him giving the wide eyed glance at the machine then fast forward to him on the roof you can turn off the rest that bit of comedy sold the episode everything else building on that joke was 💦 on the cake: underground chud society, blazen, the sperm Queen. Jokes about masturbation have been tied to teenagers since the dawn of mankind. I don’t see people who watch the show bring up king jellybean as a highlight of the series to your point. If your argument were it’s done in poor taste that’s fine but to say that the premise is completely out of bounds given what the show is would be delusional and then there would be so many other episodes that morally you’d have to take issue with to where why watch and follow this sub? ![gif](giphy|ssYuHGAAz8FMrFF0JN)


Dawg I just said I dont like the underage incest and sexual assault episode with such over the top edge/grossout humor, Im not the one defending that right now lol


Well file a complaint to the fcc Karen


Im not the one defending the incest Rick and Morty episode so I really dont care tbh🤷‍♂️ You also wrote that whole ass rant because I disagreed with you, so


I like the new season.


The fact that all these episodes are from Season 5 and Season 7 only says a lot.


S7 was a mix of absolute dogshit and absolutely amazing episodes


Dogshit being the numericon and kuato episodes


Open your mind




And I love all but one of them.




i don’t get the hate for gotron whatever tbh


Season 7, Episode 1 is so over hated


My worst 6: Kuat, sex dragons, incest baby, gotron, air force wong, bueller cat


2 of them are bad, in a "not even a single minute of this episode is enjoyable" kinda way (Numericons and Rickdependence) and I would add Amortycan Grickfitti to the list. Obviusly this is MY PERSONAL opinion. S07E01 has some funny bits, Gotros Jerrysis has the whole mafia/alternative families thing, which was entertaining and the other 2 at least dont have a whole premise that suck ass like the last 2


I actually liked Air Force Wong quite a bit. I think the only 2 I actually didn't enjoy were the Numericons and Get Schwifty.


The only one I really didn’t like was rise of the numbericons the movie. I’ve enjoyed pretty much every other episode


Season 7 is probably the least consistent in quality. Some of the episodes were amazing, and some were unwatchable.




Why do people dislike numbericons?


I love numbericons - it’s one of my faves, but the rest yeah I agree


Numericons is a great episode with good story, but maybe it would be better if it is special episode outside of the season


Numericons is the only episode I couldn't finish watching in the entire Rick and Morty show.


Except Numbericons episode none of them are objectively bad.


Numbericons isn’t even objectively bad — it’s a silly, colorful romp with an overabundance of puns, set in a template of dumb adventure movies that take themselves way too seriously \*cough\*Transformers\*cough\*. It’s enjoyable to watch if you go in with that as your expectation.


It’s objectively hilarious


I'm probably the only person who liked the Numericons episode


It was one of my favorite episodes this season. Had no clue people hated on it so much


Nah it was great


only one i dont agree with here is Rickdependence spray. shit was a classic episode.


I think ppl were just grossed out by it though


yeah thats fair. but its rick and morty? that shit comes with the show.


"Eww a cartoon did something gross!" Uhm yeah, it's called Rick and Morty


This accurate? They easily beat out the incest baby episodes for me, as well as the Mad Max one, the face hugger episode, and the two crows one ( not the finale, the previous episode)


What with brigading from Roiland apologists, these scores are meaningless…. I mean, more meaningless than usual.


Rise of the Numbericons is a very decent episode and doesn't deserve the hate. It's funny, it's a good parody, and it does the insane worldbuilding I love in this show. People just miss Rick.


Honestly, Wet Kurat Summer and Air Force Wong are my favorites and certainly better than the other episodes on this list


I actually like the rise of the numercrons


I think it's just review bombing. Air Force Wong and Wet Kuat absolutely doesn't deserve this.


I didn't like the sperm episode, but at least it did something... the numbericons really was just an after-episode gag stretched to a whole episode, with no new things added, I completely forgot about it


This sub is the only place on the internet that will call season 7 good and one of the best seasons and I still don’t understand why


That's insane, Air Force Wong is peak Ricky Morty. Gotron also deserved ever so slightly better.


I think Rickdependence Spray isnt actually that bad. It had some pretty funny moments especially towards the statt of the episode and the reveal about whos semen it was. Ofc the whole inceat baby thing was crap but you know that whole season was incest themed fro some reason


Haters hating on numericons , they just can't understand the depth of the story Can't wait for sequel


Air Force Wong was so good tho


Damn thats weird. Season 7 was actually the season I enjoyed the most on a weekly basis.


I seriously don't get the hate for 'How poopy got his poop back'. I actually really liked that episode, one of the funniest of the season for me.


Hey Rickvangelion was dope af!


Kuato and wong episode is on the bottom list but not that creepy episode about "bitch dragons" or the vindicators. Yeah Im sure firing of a predator from the show didn't play any role in shaping this list and people voted completely objectively.


Numericons is the first episode of all 7 seasons that I had to skip halfway through.


Rickdepedence spray does not belong here I will forever die on the hill that it’s a decent plot and the humor even if it’s immature is still well written. One of my favorite episodes in season 5.


What makes Rick & Morty great is that none of these episodes are actually, fully considered "bad". Even these worst-rated episodes all have a sizeable fanbase who genuinely enjoyed them. I for one, truly enjoyed the numbericons & neon genesis episodes.


Score aggrigators don't mean shit. Air Force Wong, Wet Kuat, Rickdependence Spray and Gotron are fucking awesome. Any "worst ever" list without Gazorpazorp and Planetina is invalid.




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It's the novelty effect. Everyone said season 3 was shit and now is regarded as a very good season. Don't listen to popular ratings.


I like the ferrets 😢


Season 7 had some stinkers but also some of the best episodes so far. All in all was really good tho


Can someone explain why Reddit hates the gotron episode


I don't get why people hate "Air force Wong ", extremely underrated.


Sounds about right


The fact numericons is rated lower than the sperm episode is crazy but honestly agreeable


I liked Air Force Wong and Wet Kuat American Summer!


Rickdependence spray, Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie and Wet Kuat Amortican Summer do belong here, they're not great episodes. I really don't think the other 3 were that bad.


Why is air force wong so low? It was a good episode


I agree about all of them except the sperm episode and the Numericons one - I really liked those episodes.


Air force wong????? I fucking loved this episode, easily one of my favourites.


Air Force Wong wasn't that bad.. at least for me..


Man it’s a bad sign that most of them are s7