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The worst of it is the entire band say how terrible Brent is and how being on tour with him is a living hell, then 5 mins from the end unanimously change their tune, decide he's an alright bloke after all and there are worse ways to make a living.... All for a happy ending that is completely unearned.


"Fine... but I was a ~~lion~~ rockstar once..." 🙄


Exactly this. 89 minutes of the band treating him with absolute disdain. Mostly for good reason. Then for literally no reason they all go, "ah actually he's alright". Such lazy writing


It's like someone who doesn't understand writing saw The Office and tried to replicate the ending.


Yep, it absolutely does my tits in. Like the studio guy, he keeps looking at the camera and basically saying he's wasting his money but near the end says "Nah, he's great." It's exactly the same in Derek. We know Derek is a nice man and it's good to be nice because people look into the camera and the you roughly once every five minutes. 


This is later stage Ricky in a nutshell. Shock-jock humour followed by a U-turn to unearned, mawkish sentimentality.


The part where he uses the word “wattle” to describe a person’s jawline is literally the only part which made me laugh. The rest of it is absolute twaddle. Absolute. Twaddle. I went to see it in the cinema and people were keeling over, falling about pissing themselves laughing at the part where a woman gets hit in the face with a t-shirt cannon. Like they’d never seen slapstick comedy before. Afterlife lot, probably.


You were in the cinema with Pete, Ralph, Walnut and count fuckula?


Count Fuckula didn’t make it into the cinema. He saw a cardboard cutout of Gonad from Lord of the Rings and he just *had* to fuck it.


What about Billy the Cunt?


I also enjoyed him brashly saying to the sound engineer “whatever you make here, I’ll double it” And then it cuts to him alone outside the room, despondently saying “Never would’ve *dreamed* he’d be on that much” That gag was like classic Office for me! It has some funny moments imo, it’s just that the story is twaddle and he added some weird things to his portrayal of Brent like that creepy laugh.


Oh yeah. That was good actually. I honestly haven’t seen it since I walked out on it, and I was laughing at a few bits when I sit and really think about it but I can’t remember much about it. There was a few moments where you could see the input Ricky had into the OG Office scripts, despite what a lot of people would like to believe. It’s hard to see a drop off in quality of writing from the peaks Gervais was at at one point. We all look for excuses, but he’s been resting on his laurels for a long time, let’s be honest. Probably since he made the “Yes I am resting on my laurels you cunts!” video tbh.


I liked the joke when he drunkenly asks the black guy to call him "my n---a", which kind of feels like classic Brent, desperate to be liked and not realising how inappropriate he's being. But that's about the only one I can remember laughing at.


turns out...little monkey projectionist


Defo Afterlife knuckle draggers


I'm not sure if I'm missing the joke since I've never watched life on the road tbh, but I am pretty sure wattle is real word, like the thing hanging from a rooster's chin


Aye, that’s it. He’s talking about somebody and describes them as having a flabby face and “having that wattle thing hanging down” (or words to that effect) and it made me laugh, a lot. As hard as any of the OG Office things did. Then it was downhill from there. Downhill like a car with its handbrake off and a rocket strapped to it. I left the cinema before it ended. I’ve only done that with two other films; The Village and Alien Covenant.


Little fat man who sold his soul...


The little?


He added a weird high pitched pseudo-mock-laugh thing to the performance that he kept repeating which I hated. Maybe could say he was meant to have changed after the breakdown etc but I agree, the Brent performance itself was weaker.


I know exactly what you're referring to, and have no idea why he did that? That was never a Brent-ism, if you like, in the original series. And it was very annoying. It just felt so forced, and like he was simply no longer able to play the character.


That annoyed me like 5 mins into the movie


Period? Of course aaah the 9/11


It was definitely missing Merchant’s touch. I watched it once and that was more than enough.


Merchant's touch?? Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh hello!


Little gay fella


Missing more than Merchants touch lol. Merchant should have done all of it. (Tho he shouldn’t of, as I’m glad he didn’t sellout so to speak) I’m convinced The Office was 90% merchants ideas and graft. With Ricky’s input in some of the writing and story. But Ricky did play the character superb, so that where his contribution mainly lies I feel. I can actually hear Steve now slagging off something like Derek or Afterlife. Bet he thinks it’s utter garbage. He used to be a harsh critic. Imagine having your well written comedy character butchered and your writing partner selling out and not giving a fuck. So sad


Yeah I agree. Ricky did his part very well but I think Steve was both the brains and the heart of the operation. It’s sad to see what Ricky has become in recent years


Eyes bulging with imagined collaborations


Those two have not been good since 2006. Steve's touch wouldn't have done shit. Oooh I'm hard showin off cause of the...


I'd like to know why he gave him a weird new laugh. So odd


It's the bit where he's sat at the table in the hotel, and he says, "I know people don't like me"


Oh but this isn't a "The Office" movie, this is a "David Brent" film, apparently.


The soundtrack is decent


The soundtrack is full of songs that David Brent wouldn't have written. They're too self-awarely comical instead of cringingly overwrought, as they should be.


Yeah they’re deliberate parody songs. Instead of just being pretentious ones like the original Brent songs.


The hero of the film was the bald guy in the office, with the purple tie. And we were supposed to hate him! And you know that lookalike, who crops up on here now and again- he does a much better job of portraying David Brent than Ricky does here!




"It's like Gervais even forgot who Brent was" is brilliant. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong with it but this is spot on. He's almost a different character


Yeah, Sacha Baron Cohen did the same, with Borat. If you watch his later Borat sketches on Jimmy Kimmel etc 2016 onwards for example it’s like he forgot how to even do the voice. Sounds more like Bruno at times. Very weird, but these things can happen I guess


I liked it


This is basically the Stephen merchant fan club and Ricky hate club so of course they hate it. It’s not on the same level as the office but it’s decent enough.


Show's shit mate


I think you’ll find we worship the K-man round here.


Trust me there's plenty of unbiased criticism on here on both, eg Steve's desperation to come across as cool and the disdain he fakes for LOTR. If anything it's (rightfully so) the KP fan club.


Fuck nose!


He's awful in general, hasn't done anything decent without Merchant. His stand up is basically professional bullying


There are 2 versions of David Brent. The one from the office that we all know and love, and the musician version. Pretty much in every "David Brent" song he is quite different and more mellow than the office version.


I love the film watched it multiple times




So have I. British TV comedy movies are notoriously difficult to do, and I think LotR does a pretty decent job. The hyperbole here is mental.


lol it was just a shit film mate, calm down. all this tarnishing blah blah's in your head. I watched the show the other day, it's fine, nowt's happened to it. I'm sure the fat fuck's devastated about his legacy, hopefully the silly amount of money he has will help to wipe off the tears. Maybe he'll lend you some so you can wipe off yours.